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Fall '13 Switch Witch Questions

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My pintrest: http://www.pinterest...eteller/boards/


My amazon, etsy, etc wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/3F0132MYIB7XS

Are there any GC scents that you love, but for whatever reason, you keep putting off buying bottles of?

Snake Oil and Calico Jack are the only ones I can think of atm.

Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.)

Either is fine,though ground is a bit easier. Any flavor is good, except for pumpkin spice. Chocolate, cinnamon, caramel, etc are all good.

Is there anything you would like from the Blooddrop Halloween update?

Apple Cider Doughnut (perfume/bath oil)*, Haitian vetiver, Graveyard Dirt, Tabac, Unhallowed Ground.


Haus of Gloi yule update?

Eggnoggin whipped soap or pumpkin butter, Gingerbread lip balm


Nail Polish?

I'm good, thank you!



I have enough to last several lifetimes. lol


-Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.

I don't think I have, but sure!


-Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?

I'm not big into video games, but something creepy might be ok (for PS3).


-Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.

Snake Oil, Rose Red, Ashlultum.


-Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?

Nope. Maybe the Queen is Dead hand cream but that's about it.


-Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow?



-Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?

Yay! Body Art Forms, Target, Etsy, Amazon.


--Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

Yes, but it's expensive (a bag on etsy).


--Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

Not sure, will have to think about this one. I'll update my blog with an answer.


-Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?



Mom's etsy shop?

The stuff is really cute, just not my style.


Miskatonic update?Und Wir Dachten Der Toten sounds nice.

If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge or any other such "ordered online" sweet?

Never tried it, but sure.


Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK?

Not sure. I'm ok with it but dh is wierded out by it. So probably not.

Cards Against Humanity?

I'm not sure when I'd play it but it looks like fun.

Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store?

Nope, we have 2 within 15-20 minutes from us.


Would you rather have something fun or practical?

I lean towards fun, but really either.

Is there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start?

Nope, though I will never say no to a fun/unique project bag.


Hair Sticks?

I'm bald so...no. 00000288.gif

Table Games?

Not really, but maybe something not too complicated that my 6 and 11 year can play with us.



I don't cook, but maybe some popcorn seasoning?



Coffee Fiend sugar scrub, Tell the Bees anything, Incantare perfume, glossing oil, or sugar scrub.

If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) I knit so probably not.

Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Books about haunted cemeteries you say?

Sure, especially a Doctor Who pen or tarot cards.


Lipbalms, glosses, etc?

No thank you. I have enough to last several people several lifetimes.


Jams, jellies, applebutter, etc?

I don't really like them, but someone in the house will eat them.

Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything?



Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...?

Any of the mate teas and I really need another one of their iced tea pitcher things.

Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things?

Not a fan of pumpkin, sorry!

WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Yeah that can help me plot a box of goodness...or Doom ;)

We don't do a lot other than the usual trick or treating and birthday cake/presents (it's my youngest daughter's birthday). We do like to decorate (in fact, much of it stays up year round lol). Lots of skeletons/skulls, ravens, etc. in all styles. I really love DDLM and we usually try to do a little something for it.

Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?I love candy corn (Brachs) and pumpkins! Also, pixie stix, fun size 3 Musketeers, Candy Apple Mars, and Snickers. I really dislike the chocolate flavored candy corn.

Decoration wise, anything that can be hung up (we have run out of shelf, mantle, etc space). Nothing for costumes please.


Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers?

I'm a knitter so I am overrun with knitted arm warmers, but wouldn't mind a non-knitted pair. I usually don't like scarves but after many years dh found me one I love so that's pretty much all I wear. A hat would be good (I shave my head so please something soft and stretchy) and maybe socks (knee high or above).

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