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Past SW Q&A

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A place for commonly reoccurring SW questions!


Which GC do you live in mortal terror of being discontinued?

Most of my favourites are LEs anyway, but I would like to get a bottle of Dana O'Shee, just in case. I should probably get a bottle of Kitsune-Tsuki too.


What three hard to find scents would you love to try?

Buck Moon, Leo (2007), Katrina Von Tassel


Is there a lunacy shirt you would like to have?

*flail* WOLF MOON! I would likely need a large. I might fit a medium though, their size chart confuses me.


Do you like sample sized things?

Yes! I rarely make it through regular sized products.


Gift cards?

A-OK! I have some suggestions in my amazon wish list, but you can't go wrong with Chapters or Shoppers Drug Mart.


Gently used items?




I do not have a reader, so I'll have to pass for now.


Are you interested in audiobooks?



What movie you keep meaning to buy, but never get around to?

There are several (check my amazon wish list), but the one I've put off the longest is probably Beauty and the Beast. I'm picky, I want a DVD with the original theatrical release, NOT the one with the new added song in it. *eyeroll*


Songs you keep meaning to buy?

I just bought a bunch of CDs, but I'm always open to new music selections!


Do you like Tea/Coffee/Hocho/other drinks? If so what do you like?

I lurv tea! I prefer non-caffenaited drinks so I mostly go herbal (honeybush is a favourite), but I do enjoy white, green and black teas too. Loose or bagged doesn't really matter. I have the stuff to prepare loose leaf. I'm always looking for a nice decaf chai tea. I also like hot chocolate and cider as long as they're not full of sugar (which the cheep ones tend to be). I love coffee but it's bad for me, so I try not to drink too much.


How about snacks/candy/chocolate?

Go ahead and surprise me! I love all kinds of treats. The only thing I have to watch out for is MSG (monosodium glutamate) which tends to be in processed snacks and meat products. I adore chocolate. The darker the better. With stuff in it or plain. Doesn't matter, I will eat it, though life's too short to eat cheap chocolate.



Oh god yes!



As much as I like to drink, I don't think you should send this in the mail.


Favourite restaurant or places to eat out?

I love sushi and Japanese food in general. I also like Thai, Chinese, and pizza.


Recipes/herbs and spices/cooking things?

I don't really like cooking, and right now I use my parent's kitchen so I don't need spices or gadgets. I'm open to recipes if they are idiot proof.


I'm from Canada/Australia/Timbuktu, is there anything from these exotic locals you would want?

I'm open to trying any kind of foreign snack foods you think I might like. (I'm Canadian and good for maple syrup thanks.)


Knitted goods and Amigurumi?

I crochet, so I don't have much need for knitted things, except for socks! I won't turn down knitted socks! I make amigurumi, so patterns would be awesome! I have enough yarn right now to knit myself a second house, though having more is tempting...



No thanks. I barely have enough room for my handful of stuffies.



We hates them.


Nail Polish?

I started painting my toe nails last summer! I'm not big on sparkles or Franken polish. I usually stick to flat colours or sheers.


Lip Gloss/Balm/Stick?

I normally wear a clear balm, but I'm open to trying other things. I prefer sticks to tins because I hate digging it out of a tin. Tints and flavours are fun to try.


Shower Gel?



Piercings and related jewelry?

I do NOT have my ears pierced like most ladies, and I don't plan on ever having my lobes done, so no earrings. I have my ear cartilage pierced though and I do like cuffs!


Do you like to dress up?

Yes. Who would have ever guessed there's a girl under there? Turns out I do like dressing up, even if my dressing up is sort of off the wall. I love boots and skirts and jackets and hats. Maybe that's why I love fall so much?


Would you like to receive a Handbag/purse?

*shuffles towards bag like zombie* Bag. BAAAAAAAAAAG!


Do you enjoy outdoor activities and exercise?

I sure do although I have not done much lately. I love camping, hiking and swimming.



Oh yes. This season has seen me grow a variety of vegetables in containers. Who knew Kale was so hardy? I also have a fascination for "black" varieties of flowers. The season is kind of over, but seeds are ok as long as they are still good until next year.


Significant animals/symbols?

There are many! I have five significant totem type animals: dragon (which can manifest as dragonflies), salamander, deer (doe), wolf and falcon. I like trees in general but cherry blossom trees and yews have been significant symbols for me, particularly the ogham for yew. I also enjoy learning about obscure mythological creatures.


Candles, incense and other smelly goodies?

I like candles and incense. In fact I'd love to make my own incense. I make my own loose smudge, but if I could get a binder that works, I'd be happy to try and make my own sticks or cones. I don't really use tarts or oils or other melty stuff, even though I have a burner.


Do you like rocks/crystals/gems?

Oh wait, I forgot, I'm also a rock nerd. No really, I studied geology in school a long time ago! I like rocks, minerals and fossils! I prefer naturally occurring minerals and crystals, but polished (lapidary) stones are ok too. I collect different varieties of pink minerals (I have plenty of rose quartz).


Would you like herbs or "witchy" things?

Interesting question, I'm not sure about mailing organic stuff like herbs, so I'll pass. I'm good. I tend to make my own things or find them or grow them. I would like to get a good cauldron/charcoal burner though.


Tarot? What's your favourite card?

I have two decks already that don't get much use. Depends on the deck but I generally like the Sun.


Astrology chart?

I've already had this service done in a past SW round by Greenwoodtree thanks! I do generally enjoy astrological things though.


Are you a gamer?

Where are the Cheetos? heh heh *snort* heh heh. Yes. I'm especially into table top gaming these days. Board games are ok. I'll play them once in a while with friends but I'm not really into them. I've played some collectable card games like Magic, but never quite got into them. I used to be heavily into LARP (live action role play) but I've been out of the LARP circuit for a while due to distance and injury. I'm not playing any LARPs right now, and the future looks uncertain.


I generally hate video games (I'm terrible at them). The only exception is the pokémon franchise. I have a 3DS and I'd like to collect ALL the pokémon games. My amazon wish list has a list of everything I'm looking for.


I'm currently playing a Mage (Awakening) game and a Pathfinder game. One of my gamings groups is also experimenting with rpg games by doing one shots, so if there's a system out there you think is cool I'd be up for trying it! I'd especially like new Gothic Horror type game systems. I'd love to find a "Werewolf the Apocalypse" book in good condition.


What's your Fandom baby?

I am a nerd. I love comics/graphic novels, LARPing, reading, cheesy werewolf movies, fantasy, and ancient Egypt. I'm still a bit of an anime nerd as well. I love to dress up in costumes and do crazy make-up with prosthetics and everything (zombie walks or live action role play). I craft a lot of my own things from blankets to period armour. I love art and art history. If you have any questions about any of my hobbies, please ask!


I am NOT into Star Wars, Dr. Who, Buffy or any major league sports.


Disney fan?

Funny how my answer to this has changed with Frozen. I'm strangely obsessed with this movie. I know it's not even that good, but I had to see it about three times in theatres before I could properly process the emotions it made me have. I'm very much like Elsa and my relationship with my sister has some eerie parallels to Anna and Elsa's. Frozen has become a comfort thing for me. I watch it when I'm sad or need to calm down, and I listen to the music a lot. I also spend a lot of time on tumblr, basking in the fan art etc... but you didn't hear that from me!


Otherwise, I grew up during the Disney Renaissance, so I love a lot of the movies from that period (The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast), without feeling that it's weird or special to like them.


I'm sort of trying to come to terms with the whole princess thing. I never felt very girlie growing up. In fact I rejected most things feminine, like princesses and the colour pink, so I'm kind of "rediscovering" them now, which is exciting but makes me feel like a big dork.


Hogwarts House?

I've been told by friends and strangers alike that it is Gryffindor. No question about it.


Jane Austin?

It burns us! Take it away!


Is there a particular mythos/time period you like?

I'm an Egyptophile. I love ancient Egypt, their mythos and history. I also like Victorian era asthetics.


This program may contain nudity, sexuality and coarse language:

None of this offends me, in fact I encourage it. :twisted:


Stripper name?

According to former co-workers it would be Ginger.


Is there anything that scares you or that you don't want to see?

I'm ok with spooky/dark stuff, but I'm terrified of ferrets, millipedes and other things that are bendy and crawly.


Would you like your witch to reveal their identity?

Yes please. Don't feel obligated if you don't want to, it's just to satisfy my curiosity.


What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding?


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