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Winter Swap Questionnaire

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What, if any, winter holiday do you celebrate? Do you celebrate religiously or secularly?: I celebrate the Winter Solstice as a pagan.


What are some holiday/winter traditions you love?: Lighting candles, drinking cider, carols, mistletoe kissing

What's the winter weather like where you live?: ICY ICY HELL


What is your favorite thing about winter/the holidays?: The cold weather and the warmth of winter clothes, fires, and camaraderie


What's your least favorite thing about winter/the holidays?: All the Jesus messages around


Holiday music- yes or no?: YES and the older the better


What kind of things do you like to eat?: Dark chocolate, avocadoes, fruit snacks


What do you like to drink?: apple cider, iced tea, hot tea, coffee...


What do you NOT like to eat or drink?: Actually, is it okay for me to ask not to be sent food? I am in eating disorder recovery and having sweets around can be a huge trigger for me.


Alcohol, yes or no?: Not unless it's gluten free


Any allergies we should know about?: Casein, latex, dairy, gluten, cucumber


Are you vegan or vegetarian?: Pescetarian


Scents/notes you love?: Chamomile, rose, tobacco flower, champaca, carnation, lavender




Do you use a bathtub or a shower?: both


Clothing size?: I don't wear t-shirts and things like that; my waist is about a 25-inch size, usually "smalls" fit me.


What kind of jewelry do you like?: I love brooches and pins, WWII Sweetheart jewelery, lockets, pearls, charms for my charm bracelet (which is yellow gold).


Jewelry sizes?: My ears are stretched so please don't send me earrings. My ring size is a 4. My wrists are quite small, but I haven't measured them recently.


Sock/shoe size?: I wear around a size 8 to 8.5 US


What are your hobbies and interests?: WWII -- especially the homefront, the 1940s in general, vintage fashions and style, swing music, jazz, home-made cleaners and the like, candles, polaroid photos, writing, learning to sew, playing piano, old movies, yummy tea


Describe your personal style/aesthetic (kitschy, cutesy, classy, rustic, etc.): vintage 1940s is my favourite style and how I tend to try to dress -- seamed stockings, pussybow blouses, WWII-era a-line skirts, cardigans...


Do you have any wish lists?:

my amazon wishlist is here -- http://amzn.com/w/110LFVA1V71J6


Is there anything you specifically DO NOT want?: please don't send me FOOD. I know it says something yummy, but really, I don't want food. Tea or cocoa or something else like that is okay, though!


Is there anything else your partner should know?: I don't like knick knacks or empty journals.



Adding questions on from the thread...:


Do you have any children or pets?:

2 cats, 2 dogs


Dark, milk, or white chocolate?

I can only have chocolate that is gluten & dairy free...


Are there any past or present Yules you are currently interested in?

I always wish I bought a bottle of "Yule" but I never do. That's about it really.


Would you be interested in soap? If so, do you have a preference?

I love soap. I like Villainess, Paintbox Soapworks, and Arcana soaps.


Do you watch tv? If yes what kinds of shows/programs do you like?

Right now I watch Glee, New Girl, The Secret Circle, and Big Bang Theory. And uh, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic OBVIOUSLY.


Astrological sign (purely for convenience)?



Favorite genre(s) of music?

swing, folk, bluegrass, sweeping instrumental film soundtracks... but I also like punk, jazz, old country like Patsy Cline, piano, and Asian pop (all kinds, really).


Do you wear or like makeup? If yes, colors/brands/favorite items?

I have some trouble with allergies when it comes to makeup. I kind of stick to what I've got. I love Besame lipsticks though, and many of the nude/neutral shades of MAC eyeshadow.


Do you like any other scenties/brands?

I like Guerlain & Chanel perfumes generally, and LUSH bath bombs. In commercial perfumes I tend to stay towards ones that were popular in, like, the 1940s.




1. If you were to receive socks, what kind would you like? Do you have a preference about style, length, color, etc?

I'm picky about socks... there are some ones at Sock Dreams I want that have terry-lined feet. I have a pair in grey that I like and I'd like more colours of them, but, I can't remember what they cost so I'd not expect such a thing from someone.


2. What are you really interested in reading? Would you like a hardcover, softcover or electronic copy?

I have a Nook. I think my Amazon wishlist has books on it I'm interested in, but I'm particularly hankering after the newly-released Sailor V and Sailor Moon manga volumes.


3. Are you planning on going anywhere during the round?

Yes. I am going to Iowa tomorrow to see my parents.


4. Would you be interested in recipes? If so, do you have a preference?

I can only use meat-free gluten-free dairy-free recipes, but feel free to lay 'em on me.


5. Do you have a favorite cuddly character or plush?

I don't care for stuffed animals.


6. Are you interested in anything from the BPAL Anniversary update?

The Phoenix at Dawn sounds nice.


7. Would you be interested in any artsy or baking related supplies?

Shaped cookie cutters would be fun for me.



Bunny, how do you feel about holiday zombies?



Is there anything you are just craving to have from Etsy?

My etsy favourites are here: http://www.etsy.com/people/katherynne/favorites?page=1


How would you feel about receiving dried fruit? Any preference?

I like dried fruit quite a lot, actually. All kinds.


Is there any holiday movies you are looking for? Format?

I think they're all on my Amazon wishlist.


If you were to receive a giftcard from anywhere, what giftcard would you like the most?

LUSH or Amazon!!


Say I were to make you or find artisan or custom chocolate. Is there any ingredient that I should avoid?

oh fox, please don't end send me food.

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