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So Exhausted.

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I took my first practice half-exam today (18 questions in 2 hours). I was tired, had a headache, was forgetting shit right and left. And through all that, I still got 50% of the questions right. That pass mark on this test is usually about 60%, and about 30-40% of people who take each sitting pass.


I have two weeks to go, and a lot of formulas to memorize, but it's in my grasp. The questions I got wrong, most of them I knew what needed to be done, but couldn't remember the formulas or the details. That's easy enough to brush up on in the next two weeks.


I have a dance performance on Friday, that will involve about 4-5 hours sitting around back stage. I will be sitting around with my flash cards, and I think it will be a huge shot in the arm for me, since 4 hours of memorization will do me a lot of good.




I got my bottle of Baku earlier this week. I've been wearing it to bed every night to try to slow down my racing mind. When I track down my scotch tape, I'm going to move it to a roller ball, to keep by the bed.


Still Breathing.

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antimony, I :P your ginormous egg brain! This is not an insult, this is the highest intellectual regard I can give to anyone. I admire your drive, your discipline, and again, egg brain!


Have a wonderful time at your performance too! I miss that sense of giddy, slighty queasy, adrenaline WHOOSHing few moments whilst waiting for my cue in the wings. Also the waiting backstage, heavily scented with carnations and Aqua Net (hm... maybe I should find my imp of Stardust), the sounds of Uno and gossip and rustling tulle. Ahh... nostalgia!

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Me and my ginormous egg brain have settled into a peaceful coexistence. I mean, I don't think of it that way, I am much more likely to explain my success as coming from my single-minded stubbornness. But now that I am really out in the real world, I am realizing that my egg brain might be a little bigger than I give it credit for (I should thank my mom and dad for their good genes, and whatever the hell they did with me when I was a baby)


It's funny, though... I went to college with a bunch of crazy-smart people. Then I worked for one of the big 4 consutling firms, and they only hire crazy smart people, and in both of those environments, I felt like I was very intelectually average. I'm starting to suspect that I had a bit of a skewed perspective.


Not that my coworkers are dumb! Maybe they're just more well-rounded, and not so intelectually compulsive... I don't know...

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I must echo darkity's sentiments about your braininess and your determination and your will to learn. :P


In my college years, my best friends were a chem e/premed major, a microbiology/premed major and an actuarial science major. Why they all put up with a whacky liberal arts chick like me, I don't know, but I'm glad they did. We had lots of fun, and the greatest discussions on the planet.


Do you ever find it easier to study and memorize after you've danced? I'm just curious. Sometimes I find that if I do something that's taking my brain in an entirely different direction, it somehow opens up a little space, and what I've struggled with previously just falls into place. But that's my crazy whackjob brain, so I'd be curious to hear of your experiences.


But certainly doing something that's pleasurable and exotic while wearing a gorgeous outfit is always good for you... so have fun! (And in keeping with my lingerie fixation, you know it doesn't always have to be a bellydancing performance... :D )


Edited because the liberal arts chick is too ditzy to use spell check and then notices her spelling boo-boos.

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Break a leg - I know how nerve-wrecking these big exams are (having just taken the engineering one two weeks ago).


Which actuarial exam are you taking? I vaguely remember, back when I didn't know what I wanted to do and was considering doing something with teh math instead of engineering, that there are several exams...

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Break a leg - I know how nerve-wrecking these big exams are (having just taken the engineering one two weeks ago).


Which actuarial exam are you taking? I vaguely remember, back when I didn't know what I wanted to do and was considering doing something with teh math instead of engineering, that there are several exams...


You just took the one that officially makes you a PE, right? I remember a lot of my ChemE classmates planning for that. Congratulations on getting through it!


On the prperty and Casualty track (That I'm doing) there are 9 exams, and I'm taking the 4th. Even though there's a ton of them, and they're all crazy-hard, I love my career, so I keep reminding myself that it will totally be worth it when I'm done.

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