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BPAL Madness!
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Day One

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Finally enabled my best friend last night and we spent a good few hours (with breaks for our sniffers, natch) going through all my imps and bottles. It was a great time, but I realized something. I am really, really disorganized. Sure, I astounded her when she had me sniff something and I cried, "Oooh, I love Red Lantern!" without having to look at the label, but that's pretty basic, really. You smell Red Lantern once, you recognize it again.


She's really good at descriptions. She'd sniff something and then tell me a story about how it reminded her of sitting in her studio apartment two years ago writing her first story, so I've encouraged her to come to the boards and read the reviews and then leave her own, so I hope that sticks.


Anyway, I realized that my list of what I've tried and what I haven't and what I liked and what I didn't, etc. is very sloppy. It's one .doc file with highlights and different colored fonts that I can't remember what they mean anymore. So, yes. Organization. Maybe this blog will help.


Today I'm wearing Pumpkin Patch #1, the one with cider mulling spices. It makes me ache for fall.

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