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Serving up Sexy with a Slice o' Surreal

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Snarky would like to submit for the record that she is wearing a skirt to work today.


This is a rare occasion and had to be noted:


-knee high black Ecco boots (semi-sexy, mostly sensible)

-pink and white striped knee high socks

-gray flannel pin-striped long skirt (purchased from a punk store in downtown Asheville) that causes Snarky to walk like Morticia Addams

-black stretch button down Banana Republic shirt

-light pink railroad/ribbon yarn (inkdarkmoon: think Knitting Fever's Dazzle or somesuch) neck... thingy. It's a really skinny scarf that looks more like a deconstructed cravat

-fuschia shrinky dink skulls earrings from Sweet Action Lab

-red lip stain under sparkly lip gloss

-Bearded Lady




Tonight she and The Mister are going on a double date with their real estate agent and his wife. He's a pretty interesting guy, though the wife is a bit of a cipher still. They are going to see Inland Empire again because Mr. RealEstateAgent is a huge, huge David Lynch fan... which is very disconcerting for the Snarks. Lynch is a hard artist to pin down, but whatever anyone might think of when picturing a Lynch afficionado, Mr. REA is the exact opposite (or possibly dead on. It's really hard to tell.).

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Let's hear it for deconstructed cravats!


Snarky is entertaining her inner raconteur (and should've worn Herr Drosselmeyer for the added pipe tobacco effect!): "grab a glass of brandy and gather 'round the fireplace for a rousing tale"! :hugs:

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I am currently very bummed as my friend Carrie bought my DH and I tickets to see Inland in Chicago on Sat. with David Lynch there. But since DH will not be home from Florida yet, said tickets have been scalped. In my experience, most Lynch fans are: a) Hipsters or :hugs: Very buttoned down types (some used to be hipsters, but somehow grew out of it...I'm that kind).

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Mr. RealEstateAgent is a perky, baby-faced, energetic, almost puppyish type fellow. Very centrist looking (neither hipster nor buttoned down). Tends to get along with everyone (which is good for his line of work).


He and his family currently live in one of those cookie cutter McMansion type neighborhoods, but are on the long-range plan of having a house somewhere further out in the sticks with some land.


To prepare for Inland he watched Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway to and from his recent vacation to Aruba.


Snarky is very jealous of your almost-opportunity of the Chicago screening. She would've probably grabbed some random person off the sidewalk in lieu of her hubby if needed to get in (which would totally add to the whole vibe of the evening). She hopes you and soon-to-be-home-hubby get a chance to see it soon, even if it is sans Lynch.

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Gah -I know those Morticia Adams skirts of which you speak! They are the ones that make you swishswish-shuffleshuffle when you walk :hugs:

I love the little accessories you included too...

(you know, we need to start posting pictures of these ensembles; will call them "inspiration")

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Dude! Morticia is one of my role models. My heart just swelled when I saw her photo. A nice Morticia walk in a skirt that only helps accentuate the booty? It sounds to me like you are starting to work it!

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I love the little accessories you included too...

(you know, we need to start posting pictures of these ensembles; will call them "inspiration")


Snarky loves the posts inkdarkmoon makes of various covetous accessories. (She is currently researching Mr. Bento.) The Sweet Action Lab earrings are to die for!


Dude! Morticia is one of my role models. My heart just swelled when I saw her photo. A nice Morticia walk in a skirt that only helps accentuate the booty? It sounds to me like you are starting to work it!


The Mister calls it The Yellow Girl Sway . :hugs:

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I have this one long black skirt that's a little tight and kind of stretchy, and it goes to my ankles. One time I was wearing it walking along the sidewalk, and I had to take a step up on a curb, and I swear my leg sproinged back down like it was snapped by a rubberband. Not too sexy. I learned to hike it a little before trying to step up.


It's funny how you sometimes have to learn how to move in your own clothes.

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It's funny how you sometimes have to learn how to move in your own clothes.


Work that sproing! Snarky always has to do a "refresher walk" whenever she gets back into anything with a heel. Her current job tends to keep her in the same romper-stomper boots and it's hard to "walk like a lady" again after all that comping around.


And how was the David Lynch movie?


... like a direct line into someone else's subconscious. On second viewing, the movie seemed somehow more cohesive but also... more complex. There are layers of framework and narrative and perspective and logic, and those layers have layers... and those layers have distracting tassels and fringe!


The Snarks will probably not venture forth and see it a third time at the movies, but they will perhaps rent it one day. Mr. REA was in absolute hog heaven and will probably want to discuss all the deep, dark symbolism (there was a lumberjack!) next time they get together.

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