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BPAL Madness!
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hello again

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wow, my last entry was quite a while ago.


Well, the thing is, nothing much has happened. I go to class, I come back, I study like a fiend, then I either have my bf sneak up to my apartment to spend the weekend with me or I sneak down to him to spend the weekend there.

All this sneaking around is necessary because even though I am 23 my parents would still have a heart attack/brain aneurysm if they even suspect I spend the night with the guy I've been seeing for nearly two years ;)

It sucks, and I feel juvenile for doing it but their idea of us hanging out involves them too, as chaperones I guess.

Oh yeah, and the last time I was home my mother tried to convince me that the boy is cheating on me. Her reasons varied, but the gist of it is that we don't seem to hang out a lot anymore (to her her knowledge heh heh), he's spending more time away from me (he's in f-in med school and he needs to be at the hospital and is on call a lot), and that he's in med school and I'm not so he's gonna cheat on me with a cute nurse ("trust me, I've seen it happen"). I admit I let all of this get to me (I was stressed out that weekend) and I left home to come back to campus early. Ugh, all I wanted to rest at home where the people who live above me aren't partying 24/7 so I can go to sleep.


I asked the people in the leasing office if they could at least ask the people who live above me to put carpet in (the lease states that we are all to place carpet down in "high traffic" areas) but they said they can't do anything (!) and told me to go deal with them myself. Ugh, then why have it in the lease at all of no one's gonna enforce it?! I'm getting very frustrated. Sure my place is close to campus, but i'm thinking I would've been better off renting in a more residential area.

And now I'm supposed to be working on a super-hard take-home mid term but I'm procrastinating....back to work I guess....

At least I get to wake to to an update! (maybe)

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