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Boat Binge

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Unfortunately, the Snarks did not keep a food journal during their five days on the boat. Perhaps it is better that way, as Snarky will not be tempted to calculate the calories consumed (and therefore realize that she will need to climb the equivalent of three Mount Hoods in order to bring her Calories In/Calories Out equation back to equilibrium).


She can recall a few memorable standouts: foie gras souffle (served with fig preserves and a slice of candied citrus rind); deliciously spicy gazpacho that had more than a passing resemblance to a very good, chilled Bloody Mary; so many dishes that should have been served en flambe but weren't, but were still good nevertheless; schooling DarkityBro on the concept of a Baked Alaska (he was deeply shocked that he had not heard of such a thing in all his twenty seven years - this is surely the sign of a die-hard foodie); ordering the Chateaubriand and then annoying The Mister for the rest of the evening by slathering on a heavy, horribly fake French accent; and vienerschnitzel (Which, yes, was made out of veal. Snarky had a long conversation with DarkityBro about foie gras (a recently very hot topic in Chicago, where he lives) and veal. DB has come from a much more radical animal rights POV than the emotional topics of baby animals and force-fed ducks and geese, but organizations like PETA's overzealousness has caused him over the years to consider all sides of the many issues in this debate.)


Oh.. kay. Snarky didn't mean to veer off like that. She'll just wrap up this tangent by saying spending some time with her brother and recently reading Heat by Bill Buford has really caused Snarky to think about just where her food comes from... and how she goes about consuming it.


Having said all that, on to the food pics!



The Orchestrated Big Food Event was the Midnight Buffet. It is such a big deal that they open it up half an hour early just so people can shuffle past and take pictures. Snarky did not stay up to partake (she had, afterall, just stuffed herself on a four course dinner only a few hours before) but DarkityMa reportedly threw down, later swearing that she would never eat that much ever again.



Snarky apologizes for the poor quality of the Midnight Buffet pictures. She could have used a flash, but didn't want to blind the people on the other side of the table...



... such courtesy was not extended to the ship's staff, however, during the Galley Tour. Oh no, Snarky didn't mind at all shoving a camera practically up this poor guy's nose as he tried to carve up a similar melon for the next Midnight Buffet.



DarkityBro, Snarky, and The Mister went to a little wine tasting seminar during the first Day at Sea. This was definitely more for fun (no spit buckets!) but was also educational. DarkityBro gave the Snarks all of his little pieces of cheese that were to accompany the selections. Bonus! (The Snarks still resolutely drink wine out of a box, but can now at least understand what the labels mean on those pretty pretty bottles... sort of.)



The Mister's last dessert. Some sort of (non-animal cruelty) souffle. The woman hiding in the background was the eldest of the group of three women that were seated at the DarkityFam's table for all of our dinners. It was a daughter treating her mother and grandmother to a cruise (the first night was the grandmother's birthday -- we all got cake!) Grandmother is from Peru and speaks little to no English (and reminds Snarky of her own maternal grandmother), mother speaks Peruvian, Spanish, and English (with a heavy accent), and the daughter speaks unaccented English and translated for her mother and grandmother when needed. They were excellent company.



Snarky's last dessert. Why do chefs insist on stacking food? This looked like a crime scene when Snarky was done with it.



After the cruise, the DarkityFam stopped off at a Buddhist/vegetarian restaurant and had plates and plates (and plates) of analogous foods (Peking "Duck", "seafood" stew, roasted "pork", etc.). And since all those eleventeen dishes didn't fill up their newly stretched stomachs (Snarky wonders if her own liver will be ripe for harvesting soon) they also went to the best boba tea place in Houston. At least, according to that one chick they asked. It was pretty good!


Snarky has more to post, but when the Snarks got back to Portland, they discovered another monster zucchini in the garden, so she need to go make about three loaves of chocolate zucchini bread right now.

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Oh, chocolate zucchini bread? Could I be nosy and beg you to post the recipe?


(I need to make quick breads again. Now that it's gotten chilly, I want either pumpkin spice, or the banana / zucchini cobble up that Mom dubbed "Banana Nerd Bread".)

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Snarky used the chocolate zucchini bread recipe from Salon dot com (once upon a time they had a recipe section that involved interesting anecdotes tied into favorite foods):


2 medium-large zucchini

2 eggs

1/2 C butter

2/3 C sugar

1 tsp vanilla

2/3 C flour

2/3 C unsweetened cocoa

1/4 tsp salt

2/3 tsp baking soda

1/3 tsp nutmeg

1/3 tsp cinnamon

2/3 C chocolate chips


Steam medium-large zucchini until mushy. Puree in blender (i.e. do not strain using Foley food mill.) Cool to at least room temperature (cooling can be speeded up by placing puree in freezer for about 20 minutes, covered.) Set aside.


Separate eggs: Beat whites until fluffy, yolks until lemoney. Set aside.


Cream together butter with sugar. Beat in egg yolks and vanilla until very smooth. Set mixture aside.

Sift together flour, unsweetened cocoa, salt, baking soda, nutmeg, and cinnamon.


Mix dry ingredients into butter mixture. Fold in cool zucchini puree. Stir in chocolate chips. Fold in egg whites.


Bake in greased, floured loaf pan at 250 degrees for one hour, until bread stands away slightly from edges of pan.


Incidentally, 1.33 ZillaZukes makes about 3x the recipe. Urp.

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