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Alpha bitches

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Every now and then, Ella Bean the Basset Queen will tend to Mugzy's front and rear ends (pie-hole and corn-hole duties) and then decide it's time to mount him. It's usually a half-hearted little humping and she either gets bored and slides off or he sits up. When she somehow gets turned around or is too lazy to head to his rear end, she humps his head. He sits up rather quickly, as you would well imagine. The most entertaining humping incident occurred once when Mugzy had rolled over on his back and I was rubbing his belly. I walked off only to have the Bassetress promptly pounce on top of him, much to his alarm. Her belly was right over his rear legs and when he let out a shocked little "Gnnnarfff," he kicked his legs up in the air. This feet were exactly under her belly and he elevated her off the ground for a little bit. It reminded me of a circus acrobatic trick. The looks on their faces were priceless. He rolled on his side and she rolled to the floor (it wasn't like he had her up that far) and she proceeded to chew him out. He stood up and walked off.


This is primarily a dominance issue with Ella, who is utterly convinced she is alpha bitch over poor Mugzy. However, I know women who act this way -- seriously. My annoying coworker tends to be this way; she is normally loud and mouthy, an insane suck-up to authority figures, but will then abruptly do something really sexual in nature to certain men. Sometimes after she's gone on one of her power walk breaks and she's wearing a longer tent-like dress, she will go into a male coworker's office and, while leaving her dress demurely between her legs, will pull the sides up to mid-thigh. This woman DOES NOT have a nice figure. Whenever this happens, I go to a picture of a beaver that I have earmarked on Google, copy it and paste it into an email to him. :twisted: The subject of the email is usually "LEAVE IT TO THE BEAV." He sits there as she regales him and hears the little "ding" in his inbox, and he knows that the beaver has landed.


Another good friend of mine is also a favorite of hers; he comes down to do business with the guy who gets the thigh show. Her mode with this man is to walk in, yell "Hi MAN!" at him, then stick her tits in his face, back arched, butt hiked in the air. She's also been known to kick off her shoe and ask hin to look at her foot. Seriously. This is not a pretty sight, and I sometimes fear he's going to pass out or vomit. He tries to tell her to back off by saying things like: "You do not have to get in my face and tell me that story at such a level of intensity," or (sarcastically) "Thank you for showing me your foot," but it does no good. He usually calls me up later and says: "Why must she fucking do that to me every fucking time I walk in the door???"


But I always think she looks like an uncute version of the Bassetress when she does this. Did anything like this ever happen on "Seinfeld?" My coworker needs help, and a lot of it, but our boss refuses to deal with her because he's simply not interested in a fight. An alpha male he is not. We sometime joke about him being the "anti-silverback" (silverbacks are often the alpha gorilla male) or "Mr. Loopner" (from Saturday Night Live -- Mr. Loopner was born without a spine).


And what to me is alpha bitch-dom? I tend to look at the canine world and the true alpha bitch females that I've known. They usually don't have to display it in any manner other than a look or a turn of the head. If someone is too dunderheaded to get it, they simply display their teeth. Complete morons or very willful pack members get a growl or a nip. I am frequently convinced that dogs are apparently able to function at a higher level of subtlety than some humans.

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I'll have to think a bit about an appropriate action for your harrassed co-workers that won't involve possible back-firing (she sounds like someone who won't react with any self-awareness when confronted with similar behavior from the men).


In the meantime, I have Monty Python's "Sit on My Face (and Tell Me That You Love Me)" stuck in my head. :twisted:

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Good god, if this is the same coworker who slobbers food all over the place, then she is becoming more repulsive with every post of yours. She sounds more and more like she belongs on Married with Children or Jerry Springer instead of Seinfeld. Bleccch! Next you're probably going to tell us she used her toothbrush after it fell in the toilet. :twisted:

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Good god, if this is the same coworker who slobbers food all over the place, then she is becoming more repulsive with every post of yours. She sounds more and more like she belongs on Married with Children or Jerry Springer instead of Seinfeld. Bleccch! Next you're probably going to tell us she used her toothbrush after it fell in the toilet. :lol:


No, but... there's a guy I work quite a bit who's an attorney. He's very very very smart, can have an wicked funny sense of humor and he could be really cute if a woman could get hold of him and tidy him up a bit. He looks more than a bit like a somewhat disheved, slightly older Christian Bale. So where am I going with this? He must have some sort of anxiety disorder, because his hands shake all the time and when he really gets wound up, he'll stand in my office and yank at the back of his underwear. I tell him to have a seat. Then he picks at his nose. I am not joking. I have several witnesses.


Anyway, this guy once was eating popcorn and talking to me in the hallway. We have marble hallways and they get cleaned maybe once a week. He dropped a piece of popcorn on the floor and he PICKED IT UP AND ATE IT. :twisted:


Do I know the grossest people in the world, or what?

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