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BPAL Madness!
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just a list of my current stash of bpal :)

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My list of things yet to try

Just removing this from my wishlist because it's too damn long to manage.   All Saints All Souls Allison Gross Anactoria And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt Andreiphontes Angeronalia Anne Beany Antique Lace Aphrogenes Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil Australian Copperhead Autumn Lace Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Aziraphale Bah Bakeneko Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Beaver Moon (any year) Beltane (any year) Bezoar Bilquis Bite Me Black Heart Blue Pumpkin Floss Boomslang Brotoloigos Buggre Alle This Bible Candy Butcher Carceri d'Invenzione Changing The Shadows Chant D'Automne Chrysanthemum Moon Cicuta Clarimonde Clio Clod and the Pebble, the Comforting Plush Companion Common Jezebel Coral Snake Count Dracula Couple Consulting an Enpon Crowley Crypt Queen Cup of Death Cupid Complaining to Venus Curator Cytherea Day of the Skulls Death and Life Completed Detestable Putrescence Devil's Night (any year) Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal Diwali Doc Constantine Dolce Stil Nuovo Door Dorian Dragon Moon (any year) Ecclesiastical Excesses Echo Ecstasy of St. Theresa Egg Moon El Amor y la Muerte El Dia De Los Reyes (any year) Emma Enkhespalos Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu Enraged Groundhog Musk Enyalios Epistrophia Et Lux Fuit Eustephanos F5 Fairy Market Faiza, the Black Mamba Fearful Pleasure Female Nude, Three-Quarter Length, Beside Her Left an Apple Tree Festival Mask First of the Three Spirits Floating Market Flower Moon 2009 Gaoler's Daughter Geek Gemini Ghoulish Giant Squid Giant Vulva Ginger Skulls Gingerbread Poppet (any year) Girl, the Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge Glukuprikos Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun Green Apple of Venus Gypsy Haloes Hand of Glory Harigata II Harlequin & Columbine Harp Of Cnoc L'chosgair Haunted Palace Hearth (any year) Heavenly Love & Earthly Love Hekaerge Hellhound on My Trail Her Voice Herr Drosselmeyer (any year) Hetairae Hexennacht 2008 Hideous Heart Hilma Hope House Of Mirrors Hunger Moon Hunter Hymn I Fell In Love With a Floating Brain I Married a Vampire from Planet X Il No Hayata Kills the Nue at the Imperial Palace Illuminati Cotillion Illustrated Woman Inez Infernal Lover Interfector Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey Joyful Moon Judith and Holofernes Julia Stone Kaidan Kathmandu Katrina Van Tassel Khajuraho (any year) Khalkokorustes Khrysee Kindly Moon Klara Labores Solis Lady Amalthea Lady Lilith Lady on the Grey Lambs-Wool (any year) Lamia Last Rose of Summer Lawn Gnome Le Revenant Left His Nurse While In a Crowd Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat Leo Lilith Victoria Lilith vs. the Giant Crab Lilith's Tea Party Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills Liz Longing Loosening of the Obi Lot and His Daughters Lotus Moon 2010 Lucretia Lucy Westenra Lune Noire Magi, the Magic, Do As You Will Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus Mama-Ji Man With Phallus Head Manilus Hurled from the Rock Marquis de Carabas Masque Mead Moon Melainis Midnight Bell Midnight Kiss Midnight on the Midway Milk Moon (any year) Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider Minotaur Misericordia Miss Lupescu Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Molly Grue Monarch Monna Vanna Monster Bait: biggerCritters Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy Monsterbait Closet Monsterbait Tokyo Stomp Moon of the Terrible Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf Mr. Jacquel Mr. Nancy Mysterious Warning Nanny Ashtoreth Nocturnal Reverie Nothing But Death Now Winter Nights Enlarge Ostara Paduan Killer Swarm Paper Kite Pa-Pow Parlement of Foules (any year) Parliament of Monsters Penitent Magdalen Penumbra Peony Moon Pepper Perfumed Garden (any year) Perversion Philologus Phoenix in Autumn Pickled Imp Pink Moon Pink Phoenix Piper at the Gates of Dawn Pit & The Pendulum Pomegranate II Presence of Love Priala, the Human Phoenix Prince Lír Pyramus Queen of Clubs Queen of Diamonds Queen Of Spades Quicksilver Phoenix Quietude Quincey Morris Raven Moon Red Moon (any year) Red Rose Resurrection of the Flesh Ring, the Rose Moon Sachs Sailor's Den Saint Foutin de Varailles Sara Pezzini Schmendrick Schwarzer Mond (any year) Sea of Tranquility Season of Ghosts Shadowless Like Silence Silver Apple of the Moon Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet Skytyping with Chemtrails Smoky Moon Snake Charmer Snow Moon Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree Spooky (any year) Sportive Sun Springtime Playfulness St. John's Eve Staged Moon Landing Standing Female Nude Story Time at Dark Delicacies Sue's Great Old Puppet Show Sunbird Svadhinaopatika Swan Maiden Symmakhia Tenochtitlan There's a Certain Slant of Light Three Brides Tiki King Tiresias, the Androgyne To Helen Tombeur Tombstone Tomoe Gozen Torture Queen Tristran Tupapau Ü Mütter Museum Uncertain Horror Under the Harvest Moon Unicorn, the Unveiled Upa Upa Velvet Tiki Velvet Unicorn Velvets, the Victorian Garden VILF Violens Virginia War (Good Omens) Wezwanie/Hold When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go Whirling Wind Moon White Moon Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn Winter of Our Discontent (any year) Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse Witchblade Wolf Moon (any year) Wulric, the Wolfman Ysabel Yurei Zombie Apocalypse





I currently have these in my possession! I may be willing to swap (or sell) things I've listed here that are NOT in my sales post, so if you see something you're ISO send me a PM and we'll talk! This includes the possibility of decanting from bottles!   Current as of Nov 2013 GC Imps aelopile aglaea x2 aizen-myoo akuma al-azif alecto amsterdam anne bonny antikythera mechanism apple of sodom arachne athens x2 ave maria gratia plena baghdad baron samedi bastet beer from the marsh woman's brewery belle vinu bengal bensiabel bewitched bien loin d'ici black hellebore black phoenix blood bohun upas bow and crown of conquest brisingamen brown jenkin casanova x2 cathedral x2 chaotic chuparosa coiled serpent cthulhu czernobog danse macabre debauchery dee deep in earth defututa delight delirium delousing powder x2 delphi desire dian's bud dragon's bone eclipse x2 embalming fluid embalming fluid euphrosyne euterpe fascinum fenris wolf florence forbidden fruit galvanic goggles gnome golden priapus grand guignol grave-pig greed great sword of war hanging gardens harlot hell's belle x2 hellfire hermia incantation incubus isle of demons kali karmê king of hearts x2 kubla khan lady of shalott le serpent qui danse les bijoux libertine lilac wood lion lolita loralei x2 lotus tree love in idleness love me loviatar lucy's kiss lust x2 lyonesse machu picchu mahana malice manhatten mantis masquerade miller's daughter mock turtle's lesson moon rose namaste new orleans nine mysteries nostrum remedium nuit o odin old demons of the first class x2 ophelia opium poppy persephone phoenix steamworks plunder poisoned apple queen of sheba rage rakshasa raven ravenous x2 reed roadhouse rose cross roses, pearls, diamonds santa muerte santo domingo saturnalia scales of deprivation scales of deprivation schrodinger's cat sea foams milk seraglio x2 shub-niggurath shoggoth sin sloth smokestack spellbound sri lanka x2 sudha segara tavern of hell titania to a woman two, five, seven vasilissa velvet vice villain vixen white rider whoso list to hunt wings of azrael wolf's heart wrath y'ha-nthlei yggdrasil zephyr x2 zieba tree zombi x2 zorya   not updated GC 5mls Little Wooden Doll Mouse's Long and Sad Tale No. 93 Engine No. 93 Engine Scales of Deprivation Sin Whoso List to Hunt   Current as of Feb 2012 LE/unimpable Decants agrat-bat-mahlat askalaphos autumn cider avenger banshee beat black apple of saturn blood moon 2008 bones trombone bony moon boo 2011 burning vulva but men loved darkness rather than light but men loved darkness rather than light butterflies and plovers cake smash calavera catrina candles moon chanukkiyah 2011 copper phoenix cracked bell death embraces a young maiden det. patrick gleason donna con ventaglio egg nog 2011 elegy IX the automnal encroaching madness exorcist expressive head fledgling raptor moon flowering chrysanthemum fruitcake gelt 2011 ghosts in love gold phoenix golden apple of the sun gollettes GOP gorobble grindhouse gwenyth harlequin holiday moon honey mone hygeia in brightness and in joy incubus leaving two sleeping women jacob's ladder 2011 kitty kypris la mort lead phoenix lord teishin with a demon behind a screen love's philosophy lulu 7 malignant dreams of chtulhu in love mandrake charm mastermind metal tiger midway milk chocolate, cassia, and bacon mlle. lilith fortune teller monster bait: underpants most magnificent christmas tree mr. vandemar night hag visiting the lapland witches nightmare ninon ninon ninth cage nymphae avernales pallas athene pink snowballs 2011 pirate moon pumpkin latte 2011 pumpkin princess regina erebi rose red 2007 scorpio 07 shadowy and the sublime sleeping nymph and satyrs sonnet d'automne spanked revisited spicebush swallowtail sugar cookie 2011 tattered lace thouros thousands of lights two loves victoriana:goth white chocolate strawberry whoop wiley grasser witching time of night wonderful light yellow snowballs young pine saplings zoom   not updated LE 5mls Black Death Candy Phoenix 2008 Carnaval Diabolique Copper Phoenix Dark Delicacies Ded Moroz 2009 Ecstacy: Infatuation Goblin Rider IO Kunstkammer Lovers with Rutting Cats Madwoman Midnight Mass 2006 Mircalla, Countess Karnstein Mlle lilth, Fortune Hunter Mourning Shroud Nepthys v2 Odd Portents On Darkness Pomegranate III Pothon Meter PRC 12 Pussy Red Lace Red Lantern 2007 Red Lantern 2011 Schlafende Baigneuse Scorpio Shadowy and the Sublime Sleepy Moon Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel Sugar Skull Thouros Western Diamondback   not updated BPTP ATMO Basil Hallward's Studio ATMO Le Cafe du Rat-Mort   SOAP Shub-Niggurath SOAP Snake Oil SOAP Xmvlzencab


