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SW 2011 answers - beginning of question till 10/3

Halloween Switch Witch 2011 - 'Ketchup' Below Questionnaire answers   I also have a second notes post from last years SW with more answers, if you're interested. Switch Witch Questionnaire ==================== Basic Info Birthday: 4/25/81 Pets: Tremont, the fabulous Italian Greyhound! Children: NONE Religious orientation: Atheist Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving Occupation/Major in school: I work at a electrical/plumbing/HVAC repair place, doing Admin work Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): with my husband and Tremont Livejournal/Blog/Website: misti_k on Livejournal Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Italian Greyhound Club of America Rescue in Texas, Austin Humane Society, Planned Parenthood, ACLU,   BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: The Rose, Bon Vivant, Ultraviolet, Red Rider, Wanda Favorite notes: leather, violet, sugar, fruit, baked goods, red currant, booze, rose, plumeria, jasmine Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Haus of Gloi Honeysuckle Lemon Curd, Solstice Scents TENEBROUS MIST (which I still need a bottle of, OMG) Least favorite notes: milk, green tea, Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: just about everything If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Cheesecake, red currant, blackberry....little red currant cheesecakes growing in a blackberry patch.   Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: Henna dyed, below shoulder length, sensitive scalp, oily roots Skin Type: Combination, sensitive Allergies (specifically B&B related): none Other things to avoid: none Tub, shower or both? Both! Favorite bath & beauty products: Morganias Cryptoria lipstick, Fyrinnae eye shadows, Lush bath bombs, Solstice Scents or Haus of Gloi soap or whipped soaps Clothing Style/Fave garments: I'm a fan of dresses, big time. I wear a lot of ballet flats, and low heels, vintage jewelry and feathers in my hair. Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: teal, vibrant greens, red, turquoise, black, purple, plum Type(s) of jewelry worn: lots of vintage stuff, lots of jewelry made with vintage stuff, labradorite pendants, earrings, necklaces, rings...not so much bracelets Ring/wrist/collar size: 8.5 - ring, 7- wrist, necklace - 16 with an extender Jewelry - gold or silver? silver, copper, brass Do you have any allergies to metal? nickle Favorite gemstones: Labradorite, garnet, moonstone, chalcedony (all colors) Sock/Shoe Size: 11   Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: mid century retro, atomic Favorite decorating colors: red, turquoise, brown Things you collect: mushrooms, gnomes, little deer, Favorite music: Tori Amos, NIN, Ani Difranco, Queen, AWOLNation, Arcade Fire, Lady Gaga, Goldfrapp, Classic Rock, 80s New Wave, Least favorite music: country, death metal, the smiths or any of their ilk Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) no Other food restrictions: only sugar free candy, desserts or baked goods Favorite flavors: raspberry, chocolate, caramel, cheesecake, lemon Favorite foods/drinks: cheesecake, pumpkin bread, steak, snow crab legs, unsweet iced tea, hot herbal/black tea, hummus, greek food, bagel and lox, Favorite authors/genres: fantasy, sci-fi Least favorite authors/genres: danielle steel, mystery, crime Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: None come to mind How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Just fine Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Sephora, MAC (cosmetics), Old Navy, Nordstrom, Dress Barn, New York and Co, Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Haus of Gloi, Solstice Scents, Etsy, Amazon, Magazines you subscribe to: None right now Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: BUST, Real Simple, Step by Step Wire Jewelry Magazine Favorite movies: Labyrinth, Moulin Rouge, Pride and Prejudice (2005) Favorite TV show(s): Battlestar Galactica, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Bones, Dr Who Hobbies/crafts done: wire wrapping, jewelry making, crochet, art collage/journalling   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): In my signature Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): all others in my signature   Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 3? But I know where everything is, at all times.   - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) I'd love to go to Venice.   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? Probably older.   - What animal do you feel like the most? I've always loved Orcas...   - Your favorite feature about yourself: My eyes   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? in a neighborhood   - If you were a tree, what would you be and why? A Plumeria Tree! They are such twisty, lovely trees...not too big, not too small. The perfect size to climb and they produce the most lovely, fragrant blossoms.   -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. A lipstick case with mirror. Aluminum straws. A tea cozy to fit my Le Crueset tea pot.   - Has a stranger ever told you that you did something really well? What was it? Karaoke.   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? YES!   - I like to slather my food in …: Mustard, of all kinds. Hot sauce, of all kinds.   - State fairs or carnivals? Carnivals!   ---------   Switch Witch Catch-up 2011   October 3rd   Does anyone else like collector Barbies? -No thank you   What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get? -A small container to hold tea, hot chocolate, crystal light packets and such at work. The land-o-lakes half in half tiny containers that doesn't have to be refridgerated, also for my desk. Another Blender Ball drink mixer for my protein shakes. The Wet 'n Wild 'Earth' Eyeshadow palette.   Tarot -Interesting but not something I do.   Tell me about something you like, and why you like it. -I like Russian Nesting Dolls (Matryoshka). They are brightly colored, whimsical, quirky, and remind me of the long, proud history that Russia has. I love Russia's history; the massive Soviet monuments still spread throughout the country, on lonely hills and forgotten villages, give me chills to look at. I adore the Soviet Realism style...and speaking of art and arcitecture, nothing gets my blood going like Retro-Futurism/Atomic/Googie Art/buildings. That's sort of a leap in topics, but then again, that's me.   If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy? -Katamari King....but I'm much more of a Morgana's Cryptoria, Pure Luxe Cosmetics, Darling Girl Cosmetics kinda gal. I'd be happy to give my witchee a list of lemmings, if she liked.   Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn? -No thank you   October 2nd   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee??? -ohhhhh me! I need desk toys!   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want? -i'm good, thanks   What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? -ehhhh, none of the halloween stuff is donig it for me. But I *love* so much of their other stuff...it'd take me all day to list it all!   Luck charms? -Don't really have any.   Does anyone want anything from... here...? -Yes! But I shouldn't   For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? Ehhh, sometimes. I like some of their fall scents, in the small jars. Their scents are just...overwhelming for the most part.   Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere? -Yeah, quite lovely.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now? -I think I have one or two on my Amazon list.   Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet? -Everything from this one band that I CANNOT REMEMBER THE NAME OF BUT ONCE I FIGURE IT OUT I'LL POST IT.   Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted? -Not really.   Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)? -Ha, no, not me.   Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there? -Golden Wonder, Rocketeer, Abominaball, Lil Lush Pud, Cinders, And from the regular line, any of the bath melts, Jackie Oates Colour Supplement, all the bath bombs, Strawberry Feels Forever massage bar, massage bar tin.   if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts? -No thank you   October 1st   Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread? -Arcana oils, me thinks.   Reveal? -Well I'd like to know, of course. So I can say thank you properly.   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? -No thank you.   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try? -If they were in a bottle or pump, then yes.   September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? -Guh, I wish. It always goes so fast.   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? -Not me, thanks.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? - A Tardis cell phone charm, a gift certificate to Morgana's Cryptoria, an 3 or 4 drawer acrylic box that would fit BPAL bottles or makeup.   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? -Not really my style.   September 29th   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? -I've got a ton of purses favorited on Etsy. I like bright, patterned cloth or bright leather. I like over the shoulder mostly. But not too big, I don't want a suitcase.   julep maven monthly boxes: -Sure, I'd give it a try.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? -Indian, Mexican, Chinese, BBQ, anything uniquely Austin. Yes to both.   Like commercial socks? -yes? I mean, I like Sock Dreams if that's what you mean.   What kind of bear is best? -Not sure what this is asking...I don't really like bears? Panda's are pretty bitchin' though.   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? -Sure   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? -I do enjoy them, but in extreme moderation.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? -While I adore her style, there is not nearly enough Rose/Tenth Doctor to choose from. So sadly, I must decline.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? -No thank you.   Do you drink wine? -Normally.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! -I absolutely want to know who my witch is, so that I can thank them well and proper. But I am apprehensive about doing a good enough job for my witchee, so she isn't disappointed in me.   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? -Ehhh, sorta. I just love the idea of a condom case and keep meaning to get myself one for the purse.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? -No thanks.   September 28th   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? -No thanks.   It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? -To Kill a Mockingbird,   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? -The Cherry Bourbon sounds lovely.   September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? -That for all my knowledge of children and babies and birth, I'm Childfree. Also, that I got my degree to teach theatre, but never did, once I realized I didn't like parents.   So who else watched Babylon 5? -Not me   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? -Not a clue. Something burlesque-y....like Ruby Von Currant or something.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable?   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? -Ummm, not the Muppets. Love the muppets. But most marionette type dolls freak me right out.   what level of contact were you hoping for? -medium to high? I think my witch is doing a great job.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? -yes! Inner Space in Round Rock, TX And the Longhorn Caves in Burnet, TX.   September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? -Not that I can think of.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? -I really want a pagoda-style parasol. Also, I just bought a 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver (because David will always be my Doctor). Now I need a Tardis. And a Doctor.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? -Maple Syrup? Anything uniquly Canadian?   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? -I just made one: Dark Chocolate, Cardamom, Cinnamon. And then I made: Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Sea Salt.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: -Buy an organizational system for all my nailpolish and then organize them. -Make my own laundry soap and then do the damn laundry -Stop mopeing over over the last Tennant Doctor Who episode. Rose and The Doctor FOEVAH!   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? -yes, absolutely.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? -No, not really. I normally play a few games on my iphone, maybe read a bit on my kindle, or we watch an episode of the Doctor.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? -Not familiar with them   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? -I am a fan, but not a super-fan   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches -I adore Sleeping Beauty.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? -I'm fine with it.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? -Sure! I just got a new job and my desk is awfully generic and plain right now.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? -A pair of glittery ballet flats, a pair of too-big jeans with a cheap belt holding them up, and a black shirt from Nordstrom.   Kerchiefs? -Hmmm, for my doggies maybe.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? -Go back and watch Tennant's Doctor Who episodes again. And paint my nails. And eat pumpkin bread.   September 23rd   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? -All the mobiles are super cool and the Dada earrings rock my socks; I adore DADA!!   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? -Ehhh, not interested.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? -Pineapple and ham. Regular crust. Or just about anything with sundried tomatoes, fresh herbs, green olives and mushrooms.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! -Christina Hendricks; as Joan Holloway or not. David Bowie, in any of his incarnations. Zooey Deschanel, because I adore the twee-hipster look.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? -Always wanted to try English custard. I don't quite understand what it is.   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? -I collage myself, so no thank you.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? -I'm not pulling anything when I google that name. So I'm not sure what it is.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! -I love colors that turn depending on how you look at them (duochrome) Love: Mint Green Tiffany Blue Deep Red Klein Blue   I'm not a big fan of pastels or pink in most of it's shades. White and black are okay, as last resorts. I'm a big fan of color; rainbows of color!   What's your favorite word? -Ha! Starts with an F and ends with a K. I'm sure you can figure it out.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? -Hmmm, i guess I could use a pair at work. Any of my favorite colors, soft and light, from my mid hand to elbow. But I'm a much bigger fan of half-gloves.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? -I do, but I don't go through enough to really need anything particularly.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? -Sweet, by far. Then salty and sour probably tie. Bitter is still enjoyable.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) -I used to, but not anymore.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?) -Getting out the Halloween decor and starting the consumption of all the pumpkin things. That's about it.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? -I like flavored coffees; primarily coffee, or spices or coffee meant to taste like a dessert. All the coffee blends at Starbucks are fairly bitter to me.   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? -I like that little bugger! Especially the crocheted versions. Or the little animated version. And I do love Lovecraft.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? -Get a damn pedicure. Trim my dogs nails. Perhaps I'm not understanding the root of this question correctly.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: -1. Muse, Resistance 2. Florence and the machine, heavy in your arms 3. Goldfrapp, Let it take you 4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Fancy 5. The Darkness, Get your hands off of my woman 6. Ani Difranco, Both Hands 7. Mila Jovovich, Gentleman who fell 8. Genesis, Invisible Touch 9. Kanye West, Stronger 10. Regina Spektor, On the Radio (gotta include 11) 11. Nine Inch Nails, The Great Below   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting -I'm not planning on an order anytime soon.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! -I'm quite the fan of geodes. And while rock with fossils and such is lovely, I grew up in an area where you could find them very easily, just off the ground. So they've lost a bit of luster for me. But shiny, sparkly is always good.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? -Since I live in TExas, light and drappy is always good. In fact, something I could wear to the movies would be aces, to keep warm. Colors...deep red, tiffany blue, kelly green, anything bright and varigated. I'd prefer it not be full wool, as it'll be scratch.   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? -I'm good, thanks.   How do you feel about terrariums? -LOVE THEM. TO BITS AND BITS.   What's your favorite horror movie? -I don't think I have a favorite. Maybe Zombieland? Sean of the Dead? I like gore with a good dose of funny.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. -Aveda cleanser and moisturizer for sensitive skin, Eucerin Redness Relief Daily Perfecting Lotion SPF 15, Vitamin C serum, Morgana's Cryptoria and MAC lip balms and lipstick, Haunt and BPAL (and etsy folks) soaps, Aveda hand lotion, Morrocan Argan oil for my hair, Oscar Blande aerosol dry shampoo, Klorane Aersol dry shampoo, FX Wild Harvest Shampoo Hydra Curl, ditto for conditioner, Bumble and Bumble Creme de Coca Masque, Montagne Jeunesse masks all of them, Biore strips, Seche Vita nail polish top coat, Nailtek nail treatment, those nail polish remover pens from Sephora/Sally Hansen....I think that's it!   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? -I do love Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly...and Prid enad Prejudice and Zombies was a fun read. But that's about the extent of my love.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? -An art teacher once told me 'Destroy your precious'. Meaning, that journal that's too pretty to write in, write in it. That piece of fabric you're saving for something special, use it. That yarn you just can't bring yourself to use, unravel it and use it. That special china, that new dress, that necklace for only special occasions, use it, wear it, live it. Destroy your precious. When she told me that, I had a full on existential crisis, right there in the middle of class. I was fighting back tears. It was such a profound moment for me.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? -I'm quite a fan of Steampunk, which fits in nicely to the Victorian era, so to speak.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? -No.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? -Ooooo, the Bonfire Days smack is just about perfect. I just think I'd remove the vanilla and add Suede.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? -Anne Brigman's photography. Hands down. I've never been more inspired by photography than with hers. My greatest wish is that one day she gets the recognition she has long deserved.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? -Oooo, that sounds awesome! I love crafts in all forms.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? -Oh man, this is hard. Phenomena by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Don't Stop believin' by Journey. Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. Right where it belongs by Nine Inch Nails. Maps by the yeah yeah yeahs. That's all I can think of right now.   What would be your superpower? -Time and space travel. So basically, I'd like to be Dr Who.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? -Sure! I'm wear a mens L in Woot shirts, if that helps.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! -Most of these are just full of sugar. So instead of making my witch learn to make something low-carb, it might just be best for me to say No.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? -I do like them, but I hardly ever wear bracelets.   September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. -I love them, and have just about every one they make. So no, I'm good.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? -I do like them, but not enough to have around. Maybe a small set for my desk at work?   What would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground...Also, say they had free shipping. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. -Bottles of Wanda, Bon Vivant and Squirting Cucumber.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? -Rose from Dr Who. And of course, The Doctor (Tennant) himself. Rose and the Doctor FOEVAH! I love Lizzy from Pride and Prejudice (2005) and Mr Darcy, natch. Starbuck/Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica...the ultimate badass.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? -I stick primarily to jewelry and graphic journaling and collage. No real process, just when the mood strikes.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? -Dancing in the Boneyard, Edict of Worms, Ghost Pumpkin, Hobbedy’s Lantern, Ruby Crow, Sleepy Hollow. I've never tried any Arcana before, so I'd def. be interested in doing so.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? -Oh wow...sure, maybe at the end of the round? As long as you aren't offended by a messy house, two dogs and two foster kittens.   September 19th   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? -I make frankens! So I'd love to get a franken from my witch! I'm down with whatever. I'd love to let my witches creativity roam free!   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? -yes please! Twist up tube, pumpkin, cheesecake, red currant, dessert flavors, blackberry, perhaps avoid absinthe or other such star anise/juniper tasting things. Brands...hmmmm. I'm a fan of most of the big Etsy lip e-tailers. I do like a good pumpkin lip balm, and went through a phase where I ordred a ton. Then I found Haunt's Pumpkin Cake lip lust. Heaven.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) -Yes to all the things!   For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) -That'd be lovely.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) -I feel very very good about it! those copic markers are crackalicious!   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? -Like them! Can elaborate if necessary.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? -Wet 'n Wild's black waterproof liquid eyeliner, Milani's colored liquid eyeliner, any new seasonal Sally Hansen/Revlon/Maybelline polishes that caught my eye.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? -Abso-freakin'-loutely.   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? -This is hard, cause it depends on the photograph. I love architecture, graveyard and street sign photography, especially of New Orleans, Austin and Venice and I mostly prefer those in color.   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works -Yes. Yes, I would very freakin' much!   Amigurumi, yes or no? -Cute, and my dogs would love them (were a squeaky toy inserted)   I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! -I love just about everything Dali ever did. Ditto that for O'Keefe. But perhaps my favorite series of paintings are the Course of Empire paintings by Thomas Cole. They are magnificient in every way.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? -Perhaps a painted image of one of my photographs of New Orleans? I've got one in mind, should my witch inquire.   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles -Pumpkin, Woodsmoke/Autumn type scents, tabacco/jasmine.   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea -passionfruit blends, jasmine, anything fruity and light.   September 18th   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? -I do, I sorta love Woot and Threadless. Hmmm, well...I suppose I could favorite some shirts on Threadless to give my witch an idea, if she'd like. I'm about a men's M, I think. Babydoll cut shirts do not fit my boobs....ever.   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? -My multiple Amazon wishlists and Etsy favorites is a *perfect* mining field for this question. Also, stainless steel straws, those retro aluminum tumblers, fun bento supplies, and just about anything from perpetualkid.com and shopplasticland.com.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... -Yes, please and thank you and YES.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? -No   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. -Sure, that'd be super! Not sure what...but it sounds nice!   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). -I have a Pro, and that's it. The first Pro with Intel, I believe. I've got a case for it, and that's it. I'm not big on Mac-branded things, but I do like USB-powered do-hickies, esp. for my work computer (PC)   SOCK PREFERENCES? -Knee highs or Thigh highs, the crazier the better. Sock Dreams is aces!   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? - I can't open that link, sorry.   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? -Sorta, but I dislike most of the designs they come in.   September 17th   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? -I'll think about this and get back to you.   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? -Absolutely! To both questions!   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? -I'm seeing Erasure later this week!! So excited!   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? -Ehhh. I grew up watch Next Gen, but I'm not really 'into' it anymore.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? -Hmmm, this is a rather vague question. I do like photographs and art prints and have quite a few favorited on my Etsy.   September 16th   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? -I'm learning to cook....slowly. I've got just about all the basics and some not so basics. I'm not so big on cookbooks, but I do love fun cooking stuff from Sur La Table and the like. I'm slowly trying to replace all my utensils with silicone, and I do need a flipping spatula. And wooden spoons are always great.   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup? -I am a fan.   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm) -Sure, those are super cute! As long as they're tongue-in-check 'spiritual' and not actually religious in any way. Like a patron saint of Betty Page or something.   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? -Sure, but not fanatically. Episodes 4-6, ONLY.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- -Thicker and softer, I think. I'm all about beef jerkey.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. -yes, please.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) -Yes! I'm just now on season 4 and I must say, TEAM ROSE ALL THE WAY GTFO MARTHA AND DONNA.   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? -Sure.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? -I watched all of Buffy, but again, not fanatical about it. Could never get into Angel really. And don't even get me started on the horribleness that is Firefly. Blech.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? -Ehhh, unless they're sugar-free, I'll have to pass.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? -Hmmm, I've got a case for my iphone, a case for my laptop and my ipod is a 4th Gen.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? -I like creepy, but not gorey or bloody. More like, twisted glittery trees and cutouts of ravens and haunted houses and apocothery jars with creepy labels instead of zombies and blood. Think the Martha Stewart Halloween magazine.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? -Yes! I also have another piercing that I'd be happy to tell my individual which about personally, should she like to purchase jewelry for me.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? -Unless sugar free, I'll pass.   September 15th   interested in anything from Lush?   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? -That would be lovely, yes!   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? -Sure, especially if it's relevant to mah in-ter-ests.   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? -Unforunately no. I don't see how that could be made sugar free.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. -Absolutely! Restaurants, bakeries, spa, pedicure, one of those big bouncy ball rolly down the hill things, segway tours, duck tours, bar/restaurant tours, credit at local boutiques...or you can email me and ask. The only things I wouldn't like are bootcamp, workout, gym membership, yoga type things. Except if it's for Galaxy Dance or Nia Space. I like them   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? -Not especially, no.   Who here adores meringue? -Ehhhh, not really.   September 14th   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? -To be happy, to spread happiness, to live fully.   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? -Sure! Scotch. Champagne. Currant or Raspberry Liquor. Anything odd.   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) -If they're sugar free, I'm good. I live in texas, so fudge will probably melt. Brownies would be fine.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? -I don't really like the taste.   Anything from the update ya'll are liking? BPTP UPDATE -The bath powders sound super intriguing.   Does anyone like kimchi? -ADORE IT.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? -Absolutely!   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? -BPTP Candied Pumpkin, Honey Pumpkin Stout and Samhain soap, all the bath powders, a pair of knee-highs, a pair of yoga pants, and I travel back in time and get a Taurus Zocket. -BPAL Bottles of: Apple Cider, October 11, Sprinklecake, The Ta-Ta, The Changeling, Muse of the Night, The Two Tailed Sogg, The Wiley Grasser, Wanda, Belle Venu, The Rose, imps of the Last Unicorn Scents (never tried),   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? -Indian Summer, Smiling Jack, Guy Fawkes soap   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes -nahhh, not really   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? -I do! I like sketch books or art books with thick pages; I do graphic journaling, so the thicker the pages, the better!   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? -Falling out of an envelope? Angry. Used creatively or in a unique fashion? Glee! I like glittery jewelry or nail polish or home decor or makeup.   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? -I do not understand this questions.   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? -Ehhh, cute but cluttery. Not really interested. Unless it's that Labyrinth Worm at Think Geek.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did? -Those are lovely! I don't even know what bottles I have anymore, so I'd need to update that list.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) -A day at the spa; a sit in the steam room, a facial, a scrub, a pedicure, a massage. Room Service. Champagne and fried chicken. Really good cheese. A really well mixed drink. Luxurious socks.   What do you really NOT want? -overly cutesy halloween decor, candles unless it's in a scent I've mentioned liking, knick-knacks unless it's like something on my Etsy, Amazon wishlist or something I've mentioned collecting, anything spiritual or religious, candy or foods with sugar, anything anime, jewelry with nickle, toys or stuffed animals,   September 13th   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? -sure! the more vintage-y the better.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? -To the nines! A vintagy 50s dress, low glittery heels, hair in a low, side ponytail, full make-up, fun jewelry.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) -Jigsaw puzzles, yes. All else, no.   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? -Sure! In my favorite colors, or in the style of something I collect, or maybe with my initial?   September 12th   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? -Absolutely! Kindle.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? -No kids.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) -Yes! #1, 3 and 11.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? -Chevron patterns, atomic patterns from the 60s, art deco, art nouveau.   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? -I like loose tea the best. Floral, jasmine, passionfruit, fruity....also really good breakfast teas.   September 11th   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) -I adore thrift/vintage/second hand. The only thing that squicks me is stuffed animals or other plushy things, like pillows. I do LOVE vintage sheets. LOVE. Also vintage pyrex, souviner plates from the 50s and 60s and old science lab ware (beakers, test tubes, etc)   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? -Any of the teambpal, of course. But also, I've used the following sellers in past years and they've been most agreeable and followed my instructions to the letter. http://www.etsy.com/shop/blackmountaincandle http://www.etsy.com/shop/diystudio http://www.etsy.com/shop/SpotlightOnYou http://www.etsy.com/shop/hoolala I've also found that just about all etsy sellers will send directly to whomever you want *and* include a note that says whatever you want. I frequently buy my family gifts and have the etsy seller ship it direct. I've never had a seller tell me they can't do that *or* not include the note.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? -Squee! Esp. if it was a vintage or reproduction vintage design.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? -sugar free chocolate, candy corn, those little pumpkin thingys,   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. -soap. Anything pumpkin, 'fall', 'winter', lemon, red currant. haus of gloi, Solstice Scents, Savor.   -How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? Sugar free and with nuts, peanut butter, caramel   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? -Yes! In my older SW questions, I go *extensively* into beads I use and like. I also like old brass stamped charms, vintage german glass, cabachons,   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! -Unfortunately, I don't eat them anymore. And I don't think they make sugar free sea salted caramels.   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? -Oh wow, yes! I like natural fibers, silk and cotton and softer wool blends. Acrylic is good if it's not scratchy. Teal green, mint green, red, tiffany blue, turquoise.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? -Yes...I like them better if they have holes for beading.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? -Oh jeez, yes. I have a wish list under my email.   Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share? -http://pinterest.com/misti/   September 10th   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? -Elijah Wood, Trent Reznor   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? -No   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? -Sure! I just ask that the treats not be made in China.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? -Snow, Glass, Apples. Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? -Anne Brigman, any of her work. 11x17? But if you found a poster, I'd take that too.   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? -I love lipstick, lip stains, eye liner, eye shadow. I'm quite pale and a henna-dyed red head. Fresh Umbrian Clay FAcial Treatment, Revlon's Gothic Lip Stain, Wet 'n Wild's 'Earth' eyeshadow palette, Wet 'n Wild's waterproof eyeliner.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? -Yes to both, and yes.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) I prefer CD - Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine, Muse (any but Black Holes), All three Agent Ribbons (will only be available mp3), anything from Austra (will also only be mp3)   Are you going away for any part of this round? -Nope   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? -Yes!   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? -That'd be so sweet!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? -Swimming, drinking , picnicking, casual biking. Favorite form of exercise....going to concerts.   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? -I do have a ravelry, but only look at patterns that are free.   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? -yes, very much! Especially if they tie in with my collections (gnomes, mushrooms, deer, cutesy japanese stuff)   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? -Not so much anymore. I did like Avenue Q and I bet Book of Mormon would be up my alley, though I haven't heard it.   September 9th   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? -Not for a while. I do have a Scentsy burner though, so tarts are lovely.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? -Yes, a casual fan. Not really into houses and such.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? -Sephora, MAC (cosmetics), Etsy sellers I've favorited or items in my favorites, Morgana's Cryptoria, Ebay, Amazon, Target, Alamo Drafthouse (a local Austin movie/dinner chain), Sock Dreams   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? -Persephone and Hades, hands down. My husband has always called me his Persephone.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! -I don't, no.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! -That question is so all encompassing....could I just have a Tardis and my own Doctor to take me around, so I can see everything?   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? -Spend some time online playing with Pinterest or browsing Etsy. Make myself tea (hot or iced, depending on season/mood). Watch a favorite movie or show. Go out for dinner/drinks with the husband or friends. Karaoke.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? -I've always wanted to read the Sandman series.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? -I sing. No. I've always wanted to play the piano or guitar.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? -I tried to grow tomatoes this year. Due to our extreme heat they failed. I'm trying again next year. Starter garden, no thank you.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? -I go for kitchy and fun, vintage type decorations. I really like the purple/green/orange combo. And anything with glitter. Nothing overly cheesy or cutesy though.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? -The pomegranate. The Austin, TX skyline.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: -Not so much   September 8th   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? -I think I answered that above.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? -I'm *very* into nail polish. I make custom colors and have close to 100 bottles. If you'd like to buy me something, that's aces, but it might be good to ask me first....I might have it!   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? -I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... -The exact smell of a hot night in Austin; pavement, star jasmine, hot cedar trees, wet grass, a bit of sweat maybe just a bit of booze. I wouldn't care about color, type, throw at all if I could just have that smell.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? -Sure. I like fingerless gloves above all else.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? -Sure. Caned goods of your garden are great. I'm partial to pickled things or veggies. If you make granola or something like it, my husband would love that.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? -The Rose. Wanda.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? -It's my first and last name, no spaces, all lower case.   Social Media? -Twitter - misti_k, Flickr - misti_kay, Pinterest - misti, Facebook - I'm on the BPAL GUSPER page,   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? -Sure. Etsy is a big one for me, and it's in my signature. Ditto for Amazon. If you'd like something more specific witch, I would be glad to oblige.   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? -Mac. I was a PC for all of my life, until about two years ago. I think they both have their strengths and weaknesses, but for my needs, a Mac is perfect.   What is your favorite animal? -Orcas. Or Peacocks. Or Italian Greyhounds.   What are you going to be for Halloween? -I'm not sure yet.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) -Oh my! Maybe a plumeria blossom? Or a portrait of my doggie? A mushroom? A gnome? A little deer? Any of those would be super.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? -I like them, as long as it's something I collect or it matches my decor aesthetic.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? -Having whatever dessert you want on your birthday, champagne and a kiss at New Years, presents on Christmas morning and everyone taking a turn opening, so you can see and appreciate the gifts, a turkey on thanksgiving,   Do you like going to the movies? -Oh gawds yes. Especially at Alamo Drafthouse.   What are your favorite restaurants? -This is hard, cause most of them are local to Austin. Uchi, Korea House, Sugar Mama's, Bess Bistro, Outback Steakhouse, Red Lobster   Do you play any video games? -Not really   Do you like any anime? -No   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? -We have a kindle in need of a case.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? -Over the gawddamn moon! I LOVE jewelry. A LOT.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? -My diet is so weird right now, I'd be hesitant to say yes to this.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? -Yes, oh gawds yes! I'm overflowing my current chest. A tea box or other such similar thing would be great. An imp solution would great too; right now they're just all in a big glass box, all mixed and messy.   Muppets: yea or nay? -yay! I'm quite excited for the muppet movie AND the OPI nail polish collection tie-in!   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? -Not really.   Favorite Mythological Creature?: -I'm gonna be totes stereotypical and go with Unicorn and Faerie.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers -I'm a big fan of fascinators and such.   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right n




SW 2010

Halloween Switch Witch 2010   All my answers are in incredibly random order. Just so you know.   Baked Goods/favorites: -Sure! I'm partially to breads (zuccinni, pumpkin, lemon, banana, etc) and brownie-type things.   Presents for others: -My doggie has a fairly sensitive stomach, but he does love bully sticks and can eat them with no problems. My husband is not a 'stuff' kind of a guy. But any food or baked items I get, he'll be sure to partake of.   Testers vs. full-size?: -Either is muchly appreciated   Social networking?: -I'm on Twitter - misti_k and Facebook.   T-Shirt/PJ size: -T-shirt I answered in my questionnaire. PJs would probably be an XXL.   What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? -Sliced cheddar with Hawaiian bread. Those miniature peanut butter cups from Trader Joes. Ruffles potato chips and french onion dip. Chips and Salsa/queso. Veggies and hummus.   Ebooks -Luv my Kindle!!!   Nail Polish: -Love it. I custom mix/franken nail polish but I also love just about everything OPI, Orly, Nubar and China Glaze put out. In fact, if you want to buy me nail polish, you might want to ask me if I have it first!   Soft/plushy things: -I'm a fan of squishy pillows. But not stuffed animals or the like.   Are you into Austen's books? -I very much enjoyed Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. That said, Pride and Prejudice, with Keira Knightly is one of my favorite movies. It is *so* *well* *done*.   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? -I do not. I've never really understood how people learn to read cards. So sure!   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? -Probably True Blood. It's not incredibly well written and some of the lead actors are so. lacking. But I just enjoy it so much!   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? -I don't do any of the above. So no thank you.     What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? -DVDs are excellent.   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? -Widescreen   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? -Either. Both. Whatevs.   Do you like scented tarts? -Not especially. I do like oils though.   Lip balms? -YES. Especially tinted ones; red or darker pinks.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? -I'm getting my VCH redone in January or February and I took out my navel piercing long ago. I'm not big on stickers.     What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) -I enjoy a lot of different art. Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Atomic, Futurism, Dadaism, Surealism are all nice, but I'm not huge into them. Conceptual and Performance Art, pop-art, anything Avant-garde or interactive or relational I *adore*. Also, everything Louise Bourgeois and Anne Brigman have ever done.   How picky are you about Etsy wishlists/favorites being the *exact* item you receive? Would something similar be okay? -Something similar is absolutely okay! Yes!   Is there a ‘squick’ or phobic item you’d prefer not to receive? Certain animals, foods, décor, etc. -Spiders, Clowns, anything gory.   Halloween Plans -Not sure yet.   Girly Index -I wear a dress or skirt at least once a week, I do at least mascara and lipstick on a nearly daily basis, I keep my nails looking presentable 95% of the time, I love to wear (and buy) jewelry, I enjoy shopping and going to the spa. But I don't 'do' my hair or shave my legs with predictable regularity. My laugh is much too loud (for some people) and I tell crude jokes often. I frequently chose rap when out for karaoke and my favorite drink is Scotch. Sooooo, I'm not sure where that puts me.   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones? -Spooky. Not cheesy or gory or silly or cute. Spooky.   Do you wear make up? -Yes. Lipsticks for me are a 'thing'. I've got a wishlist going at Makeup Alley. It's more of a 'In my Dreams' list, but it might prove useful to you. http://www.makeupalley.com/p_mistiwebster   And, as a secondary question, I adore icons for LJ/dreamwidth/forums/etc use, but suck at making them myself. Anyone else in the same boat, who would like custom icons as a gift? -Sure! I have an LJ and would love a few icons.   Disney: -I really love all the old 'Happy Harmonies' cartoons that don't feature any of the major characters. Bottles, made in 1936, is my favorite cartoon of all time. For realz.   Groupons: -Sure! I live in Austin and I subscribe to all my local ones; localitier, Groupon, Adealio, Living Social. The restaurant and spa ones stand out the most for me.   How do you feel about mortars and pestles: -Neutral leaning towards 'that's cool'.   Favorite horror movie: -I don't know that I have one. I have movies that freaked me the hell out, but I don't think there is a horror movie out there that I'd enjoy enough to own.   Favorite scary book or story: -Me and Stephen King are BFFs 4 EVAH! Probably my favorite of his books, aren't his books, but his multiple collections of short stories.   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? -Cuddle with a blanket and my doggie on the couch, hot tea or hot chocolate, a book, internet time, a movie, knitting   Would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? -Gosh, that would be excellent!   COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? -I don't, no. I would really like to read the The Sandman series.   Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? -About to get TL;DR up in here... Before and during my husbands second deployment to Iraq, we were going through a very rough time. We are high school sweethearts that did a year long separation our senior year of HS and then went to the same college. We'd been together for almost 10 years at that point, but I didn't know how long we would continue to be married when he came home. I was so sick; depressed beyond belief. But I managed to crawl out enough to find a therapist, get back on meds, find a job coach, start making friends. For my birthday, he sent me a Tiffany's bracelet with the initials L.O.V. on the back. It stood for Labor Omnia Vincit, Latin that roughly translates to "Hard work conquers all". I wear that bracelet every day and flip it over often to see and rub the initials. We are still together and stronger than ever.   Warm Drinks: -Pumpkin spice lattes!!, jasmine tea, hot chocolate, chai lattes, honest to goodness apple cider, gluhwein!!   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? -Things are getting a bit tight in bottle-storage department. That said, I recently made this. flickr stream   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? -Someone graceful. Gosh, I've always wanted to be graceful.   If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? -I don't think I'd like to go back....I think I'd rather go forwards! But the 1920s would be, I imagine, pretty amazing.   Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? -Pumpkin anything, chocolate, candy corn! But sugar free, of course...     Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? -Absolutely!   What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? -IT, namely.   Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. -Etsy, Facebook, xojane.com, Luxirare.com, flickr, livejournal, All Lacquered Up, Temptalia, Scrangie,   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? -Yes! Probably Ms. Piggie or Kermit. It's more of a nostalgia-like than a real passion.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? -A unicorn! Hooray!   Comfort Rereads?: -Belinda by Anne Rampling, Neptune Rising, Real Simple or Bust magazine     If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) -Art History...specfically before 1700     What's YOUR favorite word? -Fuck, probably.   Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? -YAY! I've love the idea of this alternate history; the 'what if' nature of it. What if we had steam-powered computers? Airplanes? Hair dryers? That's just fascinating to me. But in the practical application, I'm ga-ga for the jewelry. Watchy bits, cogs and wheels, brass or silver, with gems or without, love it all!     If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? -Straight up wool is too scratchy for me. It needs to be sooooooft. As for colors, I love bright, multi-colored, rainbow things. But I'm partial to mint green, tiffany blue, blood red. I also love unlikely combos. Blue and orange, Purple and mint green. Also, 'seasonal' colors. Like an 'autumn' mix. Basically, any color combos this lady makes I love - http://www.etsy.com/shop/SpunRightRound especially her 'Buffy', Summer Breeze, Carousel, Hipster, Pumpkin and Cowgirl. I mean, not that exact yarn/fiber, but the color combos themselves are amazing.   Gift Certificate: physical or email? -Either is much appreciated   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? (I make my own candles too, but sometimes have money to spend on others) -I don't really burn yankee candles. My husbands is pretty sensitive to smells and something about yankee candles just sets his sinuses off.     What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart, B&N, a favorite restaurant or clothing shop? -Starbucks, for sure. Target is great, as well. Or Sephora, MAC (cosmetics), or for one of the Etsy shops I have favorited.   Cake or Frosting?: -Both please?     Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay?: -I very much enjoy True Blood, the original 'Southern Vampire' series it sprang from and I read all the Anne Rice vamp books. I've also read Twilight; and will readily acknowledge that it is sparkly crack. It's not good for you, you probably don't really enjoy it, but it's crack...so you keep going back. So yeah, I've admitted my secret shame.   How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? -I kill them all and I love them all. Pressed flowers hooray! Botanical prints hooray!! Succulents are A++ in my book. Also, moss (terrariums) and bonzai and plumeria.     If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? -I have a Wii! I've wanted the EA Active for the Wii for a while now as a compliment to my Wii Fit. Also, anything my husband and I can drunkenly play together. Racing games, sports, whatever. I very much enjoy board games though. I think I've got several favorited on amazon...   Are there any international treats that you love and have a hard time finding? -Real German Chocolate. Gosh, it's hard to find that.   If you are a crafter, would you like to receive supplies from your witch (beads, fabric, yarn/roving etc?) -Absolutely! I've got some more detail I'm going to add. I'm a big necklace and earring makin' gal. For the longest time, I made stuff like this, this, this, this and this.   I still enjoy making necklaces with larger beads and a single focal bead, but I'm branching out now to work with chain more and more, and work with vintage found objects...similar to this, this, this, this, this, and this. Sort of 'mixed media' necklaces, with all sorts of bits and bobs hanging from them, chain of all sorts.   I also am starting to do wire wrapping. So wire, wrapping tools, tutorials; all appreciated!   Soundtracks you'd like? -None, thank you   If you could see one concert right now, who would it be? -Arcade Fire or Tori Amos or Trent Reznor...   Any countries you're interested in? -Not especially.   Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? -Absolutely!!! Any and all!   If you witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? -Of course!   Are you a foodie? -Yesssssss.   Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? -Mmmm, I'm fond of the Saints and the Cowboys but not fanatical at all. Oh, and though I'm not an alum, I root for UT *always*.   For holidays, do you decorate? Would you like decorative stuff, weenie or otherwise? If so, do you lean towards the elegant, the crafty/folksy, or the more, erm, campy? -Yes I do! For the Christmas season, I do retro kitchy stuff. The more 50s/60s it is, the better. -For Halloween, I normally do purple, black and orange (with some green) glittery type stuff. I have this great ceramic realistic jack o lantern that I adore. I put a candle inside and stare for hours.   Do you like journals/notebooks/sketchbooks? -Oh my, yes! Lots in my Etsy wishlist for reference on type, kind.   Who is your favorite soap etailer? -Probably Solstice Scents, Haus of Gloi or Savor.   If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? -Absolutely!!   Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? -If you can make it, MAKE IT! Save your monies!   Would you like something you have to make yourself? For example, a kit to knit your own soft toy, or a card making kit, or baking kit, etc. And is there anything in particular you'd like to learn? -Not especially. Unless it's for crochet.   How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? -Absolutely. I love everything. Especially if it has some of my favorite themes - peacocks, bright colors, abstract designs, cupcakes, ice cream, my initials, sushi...     Would you like homemade preserves? -All your canned goods are belong to me!   What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? -Eyeshadow, colored mascaras, lipstick. Bright, vivid stuff. I've also been trying to find an alternative to my beloved Prescriptives foundation and I've heard good things about L'Oreal True Match. I think I'd be a N1 or W1, not sure though. I'm NC15 in MAC.   What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? -Yes and there's lots of stuff on my Etsy wishlist for ideas as to my style and likes/dislikes. Also, I collect those vintage souvenir plates from the 50s and 60s.   With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? -I like the slow build up to large bang, but I am open to whatever my witch chooses to do!   Do you crave many Ecards and contact or are you okay with little contact from your Witch? -CONTACT I CRAVES IT.     \"Top 25 Most Played\" list on iPod Maps - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Time to Pretend - MGMT The Day the Whole World Went Away - NIN Sunspots - NIN Humble Me - Norah Jones Best of You - Foo Fighters The District Sleeps - The Postal Service Take to the Sky - Tori amos Starlight - Muse Phenomena - The Yeah yeah Yeahs Red Letter Year - Ani Difranco A&E - Goldfrapp Get Right - Jennifer Lopez Head on Straight - Tonic Bad Romance - Lady Gaga Flying Dutchman - Tori Amos Hometown Glory - Adele Garden of Simple - Ani Difranco Headfirst - Goldfrapp All for You - The Secret Handshake     Who would be on your top 5 (IE famous people you’d date/have relations with ) 1. Trent Reznor 2. Ewan McGregor 3. Elijah Wood 4. Robert Pattinson - seriously. Just...seriously. Wow. 5. James McAvoy   Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? -I do. I have the large excel document in google docs - https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmOz-UrHQC7hdHB4VUphNzFyRnFuT2ZGZXVzRWpLRkE&hl=en&authkey=CIm8u5EK     Do you like maple sugar candy? -No, thank you.   What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? -MINE. *GRABBY HANDS*   If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? -No, thank you.   Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? -Sea salt in a grinder, peppercorns in a grinder, garlic powder.   Microsoft or Apple? -I've just recently gotten my first MacBook and I am in LUV.       Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? -Yes!   Do you hate any food things with a passion?? -licorice, green bell peppers, over cooked squash   Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? -Hmmmm. I'm such a sucker for printed material, esp. magazines. E-books I'm fine with, but not magazines. Those I need to hold.   Chocolate or other types of candy? -Chocolate. Dark or milk. But my favorite of brand of Chocolate would have to be See's Candies. I adore See's. Key Lime truffle, Apple Pie, Raspberry cream, anything caramel, Dark Nougat, Lemon truffle, jeez my mouth is watering!! That said, Ghirardelli and Godiva are lovely, as well.   For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? -loose leaf or high quality bags   If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? - I need another pair of fingerless gloves so badly. Something small knit, not overly fuzzy, bright colors are super. And my doggie could always use another coat! I can take his measurements, if you'd like.   Also, how do people feel about shawls? -Sure! I could use something to keep in the car for those few cold Texas mornings on the way to work!   Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? -I don't think so...I don't know that I've thought about it before.   Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? -Small vintage plates (saucers, salad plates, etc) are ALWAYS ALWAYS WELCOME. I could get lost forever in Sur la Table or Williams-Sonoma. Serving ware is my downfall. Just about all the serving ware at CB2, or anything modern looking, sends me into heart palpitations. Also, I'm trying to find unique measuring cups and spoons.   Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? -Studio. Explicit.   If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? -Italian Greyhounds!!   Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? -Plumeria, by far, is my favorite flower.   Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? WhateverthehecktheycalltheanonymousregionalwisdomthingiePROVERB! that word. -"Nothing but the Rain" -"Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake" -"Freak Out and Throw Stuff" -"Keep Calm and eat some Bacon" -Basically, funny variations of 'Keep Calm and Carry On" -The entirety of Bob Marley's song 'Three Little Birds' -"labor omnia vincit"   What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) -Jack!     Is there anything you would like that can be delivered over the internet? Things like fanfic recs, cat macros, mp3s you are looking for, how-to or amusing videos, things like that? -Sure! Mp3s are great, I love amusing videos. Some good photoshop tutorials would be excellent, or links to free photoshop action sets (like the ones Pioneer Woman has; I love them!). Lolcats and me are way tight.   What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) -Oh wow. A full meal at Uchi, a local Austin sushi fusion restaurant. With drinks provided by Peche, a local bar. For dessert, a Southern Belle (red velvet) cupcake from Sugar Mama's and a bacon donut from Gourdoughs.   NaNoWriMo? -No, but WriSoMiFu is right up my alley!   How do you feek about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? -I'm not a big fan of 'stuff' for the sake of stuff. But if it's something you think I'd like, sure!     Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? -Lots of recommendations at my Amazon wishlist for this.     Do you read mangas/watch animes? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive managas or anything related to them? -No, thank you.     Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? -Absolutely!     If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? -Yes, of course!     OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns? -I like knee highs, calf length or thigh highs. And I love most everything at Sock Dreams that's listed in their 'plus sized' category (if you have a question about size, please go with the largest or contact me if you'd feel more comfortable. No worries. ; especially all the crazy-colored tights! I love stripes, rainbows, peacocks, sushi, whales, cupcakes, ice cream...and I have a garter belt.     How do people feel about word magnets? -I have lolcat word magnets that I love. And that keeps my fridge pretty covered!     If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? -I can't really think of anything...     How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. -LOVE IT!       If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? -Can I say medium? And a long one.   Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? -Anything is great.     How do you feel about recipes? -I don't cook much except for the crock pot.     What kind of a cook/baker are you? Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine, Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? -I do love to bake but I try to refrain as much as possible. Delivery is right up my alley. If Food Network had a show on cocktails or finding cool eating spots in large cities, I'd for sure be on their short list.     If I send you something home made would you like the reciepe for it? -Sure!     How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? -That would be fine.   Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd’s that you’ve been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? -I'd love to get the new Battlestar Galactica on DVD. And I think I have some music on my amazon... No, I don't mind used dvds or cds at all.         Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) -Not especially, no.     Which web comics do you enjoy? -T-Rex, Hyperbole and a Half,   Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? -I always appreciate hair claws or headbands with teeth.     Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? -Nope, not at all.     In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? -1/2 gloves. I think that means fingerless gloves, yes?     How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? -I feel lovely about them.     What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) -I love tropical locations and high desert (Marfa, TX). When the sun comes out and there is a cool breeze and big puffy clouds in the sky, I am at my happiest.     What do you wish you could make/craft if you had the know-how and supplies? Specifically, which particular items? -Gosh, I'd love to do precious metal clay pendants and rings. But that requires a kiln or at least a blow torch and metal mesh and ring molds.     Anyone need address/phone type books? -No, thank you.   Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? -I do. I love Anne Rice, Laurel K Hamilton, George RR Martin. I can't think of any gifts related to it that I'd like...     Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try? -Yes. Savor, Solstice Scents, Haus of Gloi, BPTP, Haunt. Tons of stuff on my Etsy wishlist...   I wondered if my witch or any witch would enjoy things like nice pens to draw with or anything similar? -Yes! Copic markers or Pigma Micron Pens.     For those who are yarnies, would you like other-than-yarn witchery? Hooks, needles? Preference of material? Do you use/would you like handmade stitch markers, etc.? -I do need a set of stitch markers, yes! I'm pretty set on needles and I much prefer cotton or natural materials over synthetic.     Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular? -I do, yes. Art books are always fun, and old medical or nature texts.     Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form? -Sure! Both. Light, nothing too strong or overly-purfumey.     Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? -glass jars...     How many bottles of BPAL do you have? -25, perhaps?     Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? -Belly Dancing! and Meditation. I'm having a hard time finding music to meditate by.         What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever. If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share. -I've been searching for years for a poster or affordable print of Anne Brigman's. It's just impossible to find. I got to see one of her photographs at the Library of Congress and they told me I could pay to have a print made, but I've just never followed through with it.       What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? -I adore apple butter, pumpkin butter, all butter and YES.       Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? -Yes. YES. ABSOLUTELY!       Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? http://misti-k.deviantart.com/favourites/     What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? -I wear a size 11, I don't mind gentle used shoes. I love Fluevogs and really any brightly colored or unique shoe. I try to stick with 2 inch heels, anything more than that gets a bit iffy.   A few of my favorite brands are Poetic License, Re-Mix and just about all Aris Allen dance shoes! Esp. those red velvet oxfords!!         What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? Lady Gaga's You and I     If you could get any one thing hand-painted from your witch, what would it be and what would be on it? -A box for all my tea!     Would you (assumin' you're a yarnie) be interested in a naturally-dyed yarn that's designed to very gradually fade with washing? -No, thank you     Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind? -Yes. I love labradorite, rainbow aura quartz, lithium quartz, dragon jasper...     What's your favorite Halloween Music? -I don't think I have any...but I do love all those old monster songs from the 60s? Monster Mash, Purple People Eater, etc. ..       Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be? -The Hyperbole and a Half gal...I love that comic so much!! Or a peacock. Or an orca.     Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? -Sure! I'd love a locally made food-stuff. I typically only get a shot glass from places *I've* been to but other things would be lovely.       Last Unicorn? -I've...never read it *hides*. I know, I know!! But I bet the scents will be lovely.     Who is your fav Disney Villian/villianess? How about hero/herione? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though) -Oh, Maleficent by far. I don't know why, I've just always loved her. Maybe it's her awesome hat. Favorite heroine...I love Aurora. But Mulan is up there, for sure. As is Ariel. Love Ariel!     If you could make a scent that represents where you live (or have lived), what would be the ingredients? -Austin - the cool aquatic of the Colorado River and Barton Springs, night blooming jasmine and perhaps just a touch of cedar, hot asphalt, a swig of cheap Lone Star beer and the after-burn of a fresh joint on a hot August night...     Are you in need of Roller bottles or anything of the like? -Imps, pipettes or roller bottles would be much appreciated.     Is there one scent that is your goto for comfort on a bad stressful day? Like the perfume equivilent of a security blankie? -Probably Red Rider...or my precious little imp of The Rose.   Is there something just super random you like/enjoy/want/are ogling that has not been and will not be covered by any other questions, because it's just that WEIRD? -Yes! I just added a few odd cameos to my Etsy




General Wish List

Lets see now....   Etsy and Amazon favorite's link is in my signature; quite a fertile breeding ground, that is. Flickr is also in my signature, for a sense of 'who I am'.   About me: I enjoy scotch, seeing new places, taking pictures of beer bottle caps with my new DSLR, karaoke, watching BSG with my husband and cuddling with my dog. I also make my own greek yogurt. And, I'm a fiercely liberal, pro-choice, Childfree, atheist, feminist democrat. So yeah. That's probably important.   In fact, why don't I just link to my LJ profile. That'll make things easier. - http://misti-k.livejournal.com/profile   About my scent preferences: I love foodie scents, and grass/dirt/woods/natural scents, and unusual 'environment' scents (Storytime at Dark Delicacies, Miskatonic U, etc). Mint, violet, leather, red currant, fruit, true roses, lemon/lemongrass, wood, pastry, cake, chocolate (white, dark and milk), alcohol (port wine, champagne, red wine) - all do gorgeous things on my skin. 'Dark' scents like incense, dark ambers, spices, patchouli - bad things on my skin My favorite BPAL's, for reference: Ultraviolet The Red Rider Bon Vivant The Jersey Devil Wanda Drink Me The Red Queen All in the Golden Afternoon Manhattan Amsterdamn Squirting Cucumber Lawn Gnome Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly Mother Shub's Toothsum Banketstaff Beaver Moon Monarch     Thing's I'd like to try:   Beauty/Bath Moonlisa -Body Butter -Soaps   Villainess -Smooches   Savor -Soaps   Food/Drink -Yay for chocolate. Seriously, YAY FOR CHOCOLATE. -I'm drinking more hot tea these days; I'd love to branch out from what I find at my local grocery. I love Jasmine, Red Currant, 'springy' blends. I do not like chocolate/caramel or naturally sweet teas.   Hobbies/Collections/Books -I'm into graphic journaling so ephemera/bits and bobs/ribbons and trim/neat papers or pens, are all appreciated. -I do nail polish frankens as well, so any half-used bottles lying around are aces with me! -Also, if you have any old Sally Hansen Prism collection or Revlon Street Wear polish...I'd be happy to take them off your hands. -I adore erotica. Those big yearly compilations are awesome. -I've just gotten into wire wrapped jewelry and playing with resin. So fun bits and beads to encase in resin or wrap wire around = hooray!   Home/Decor -I've wanted an electric oil difuser, like this one from Slatkin for a long damn time. I just never get around to it. -I collect cutey little mushrooms, deer and 'woodland' decor, as evidenced in my Etsy. -Also, retro, vintage, mod, atomic design is my thing.   Jewelry/Clothing -I'm a sucker for just about any jewelry with my initial (M) on it. I've been lusting after a small, delicate signet ring for a bit now... -Sock Dreams, I love you. I love socks. Really. -I'm about 18/20, all around. XXL for dresses, skirts. XXL for tops, t-shirts, blouses. 18/20 for pants. Size 11 foot. Ring size - 8.5, necklace length - 16'' with an extender, I hardly ever wear bracelets.




SW Answers - Questions from 10/4 onward

Halloween Switch Witch 2011   There are two more blog posts with more info, one from last year and all the questions from this year up until 10/3. My post was starting to delete information. So I'm starting fresh!   October 5th   Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?) -I'm a fan of yarn, embrodiery thread, racy/trendy saying embrodiery patterns....that's all I got right now.   Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo? -I do! A Nikon D90. I love just about everything from Photojojo. I have a seatbelt strap and the Diana F+ lens for my camera. I love all the iphone lenses, the polaroid film, and the Nikon coffee mug.   Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography? -That would be excellent. I have a Diana F+ with the light attachment and light ring attachment. Medium format film is expensive, yo.   Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what? -I sing...that's about it. I love karaoke.



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