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BPAL Madness!
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Meanders in my world

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Why ohh Why

Did my bottle of Blockbuster run out just went I need the smell of cinnamon.. This week has been crap at work.. deal with other people's drama.. their ex's showing up and have to tiptoe around the boss who is freaking out over people not doing their jobs so she puts it into my lap.   I need.. cool weather, the fall to arrive and some eye candy and some new scent to replace my bottle of blockbuster.   Other news Sara P smells like honey and cherries on me with a tiny hint of leather.. need to find the perfect layering scent to go with it.. Smut is a no.. Dia de los Muertos .. no.. but might try Sugar skull.




A must get list..

Tals   AMOR CALIPH'S BELOVED QUEEN OF THE NILE   Bpal   VILF Smut ( need more) Blockbuster( need more) O DORIAN ( need more)




What a week already...

Started off with Kay jumping me the minute she got to work to see if I had seen James hair.. He cut it all off on Samhain/ halloween so the surfer hair is gone and is replace with a military buzz.. sigh.   Had to run and get coffees for myself, Michelle and Kay was all where dragging after the holiday.. then we where all quite hyper ( nothing like the Redhead trio on mocha but all working like mad but not talking to scare the TL )   Tues we get the "email of doom" the Yule/ xmas party that we all look forward to to get dressed up and look pretty is not going to happen. They did not say anything but "the powers that be" announced we are doing a "lunch" at work the day before the holidays. Sigh...   Today is dragging... no coffee in sight. Oh and it is the Aunt's b day today.. and have no idea what to get her..




Count down to Samhain and the joys of Smut love

This week is going to be madness   Too much to do too little time and not enough chocolate in the world to help me.. lol   Kay swears she can tell when the chocolate hits.. and I tend to snag a bag of sweets and pass them out to my co workers... can not horde the goodness... and we need a pick me up at the end of the day. The last hour drags... or we work and get giddy on sweets you pick.   Oh and David is driving me nuts, libra who thinks he knows all. He is soo smug... Kay swear he gets off on being "right" Enough about work     Smut.. oh how I love theee, Michelle giggled when I told her what I was wearing ( she first thought I said "slut" and her eyes got really big.. Smirk)     After three years of hating me you have turned into spicy yummy vanilla on my skin... love how Bpal oils age.. Either it changed or I have since now Rose scents smell odd on me. But spent most of yesterday sniffing my wrist... it is spice like clove and then sweet of vanilla with a hint of something I can not put my finger on.




Head to desk

I survived the big "meeting" I now understand my Great grandmother's saying " Too many chiefs not enough indians" ... was madness had everyone coming over to say "Hello" or to see what I was doing.. Michelle and I kept smiling and working, and working and working... dealing with people on the phone, people with question, and felt like I got nothing done.. but was working my butt off.   Had the heads of department hovering oh and our AP guy had his buddies walk in and out ( one pointed out that our area is full of red heads.. to which Michelle looked at me and Kay smirked... we are the redhead trio )   The Apache Tears helped but need one to work on focus... or better a clear head.   But still feel pissy and tired, like drained.




Déjà vu and Castle

I hate hate days you feel like you re live them.. from dropping my tea.. well spilling my tea to a fight with the Leo.. which I can never win or feel like she listens to me. My saving grace is itune and Emilie Autumn ( it is an Emilie day one of hope and pique) and finding a person selling Sugar Moon.. (yum).   On a different Note Castle last night.. I spent the night coming out with scents for Nathan and Stana Aka Castle and Beckett.. Castle would have notes of leather, Tweed( can you do tweed scents? ) and champagne with a dash of ink and coffee.. Beckett would have notes of a rich dark red wine, coffee, silk and spices.... and a hint of bubble bath.. lol   I will always be a Browncoat but Castle helps Nathan gets to really shine in his role. I am not sure what to hope from V but will watch it to support Morena Baccarin.. ( Speaking of Morena, an Inara Serra scent would be worth Beth's time to make.. hmmm... )




Fall day and too many things to do

The day called for me to enjoy and play, since it is my day off I had to enjoy it... but laundry, cooking, bills and life tends to cuts short all hopes or doing a day of driving and playing with my camera...   Add to that I am homesick.. I know I only have till May to be here but I hate it.. I miss the Mountains, wood and ocean. The midwest is so flat and well flat... home is in full fall swing, leaves are changing, nights icy.. friends all have Samhain plans while i am looking a night alone.   Taste of Samhain   At least I have unpacked my big box of BPAL.. and I now have have plenty of Sugar skull and Ginger Bread poppet.. Devil's night, Snow moon to play with.



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