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SW makeup list!

I said earlier in the SW list that I'd make a list of the About Face eyeshadows I liked from the Shespace, so here it is.   Here they are, in order as you look down her complete list on the site:   - Killer Bees (i'm covered in bees!) - Bright Outlook - Aphrodite Screams - Fire and Brimstone - Looked and Leaped - Acid Reign - Far too fabulous - Euphoric Madness - Pinch of Magic - Twisted Psychic - Firecracker - Powder Burn - Kitty Cat - Root of Evil - Art of Noise - Mesh and Lace - Tear Jerk - Reap and Sew - Moral Enemy   so, yeah. There it is! Loads of fun colors.




A TAL decant circle?

I've been thinking lately that I really want to try a number of the TALs, and I know a number of people on the SwitchWitch boards do too. So this is just a note to myself to consider running one.   TALs I'd offer decants of:   Caliph's Beloved Charisma Block Buster/Road Opener Aunt Caroline's Money Draw Brass Balls Nine Muses   So they'd be 5.50 per imp maximum, to go with the lab's price cap thingie (although maybe just $5 sounds better). It looks like I could only order 4 bottles... hmm. This is hard to start out with. But there'd be 5 slots for each TAL bottle. Which is exactly the price of the bottle. That sounds nice, 'cause I don't want to screw anyone, but at the same time, I'd have to buy all the decanting supplies and shiz....   Maybe I'll just put this on the backburner for now.




A surprising development

So. I started out with BPAL the same way I think of all perfumes: foods. Fruits. Nummy. It's the way I've always been with perfumes- I hate florals, I hate musky stuff. I'd rather smell like a meal then smell like perfume. So when I began collecting, I started with the same things. I picked up anything that I thought had a dominant fruit note, and avoided anything else like the plague.   Here's the weird thing though: I've been finding (through frimps. Hooray frimps!) that there is stuff that is NOT a foody scent predominantly that I love. Like La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente. Myrtle? Rose? WTF, I HATE rose! And yet I love this scent. It's fabulous. Or Blood Countess. Yeah, it's got plum and berries, but there's opium! and rose! and lilac! Crap, I thought I hated florals?   Also, there's foody scents that I've discovered I don't like. Wow. Like 13. I've got a bottle of it, but it's so bitter and yuk - like a bar of chocolate that sat out on the counter for a month and is now all dessicated and gross. Every single ingredient in there sounded delicious, and I just can't wear it. What a shame. And then there's Ventriloquist's Dummy - there's supposed to be apricot in there, but I can't even stand the smell in the bottle enough to try it out on me.   But then, there's the obvious: I LOVE Titania. Love. and I love Yemaya, and Fruit Moon....   It's just neat to see the other notes in there that I could have sworn I hated.



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