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BPAL Madness!

Nia's Blog

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to track my successes and my BPAL rewards

Entries in this blog


Still beginning

Mission 2: Fusing units 1 to 5, which deal all with very general concepts on language learning & acquisition, and communication theory.   Reward: Five Neil Gaiman imps from a decant circle: Crowley, War, Fairy Market, Tristan, Yvaine.   I want to do one unit a day.   Monday, unit 1: Completed! I have a lovely unit on the history and current tendencies of foreign language teaching. I have earned my Crowley. Tuesday, unit 2: On the relationship between the first and the second language. I have earned War! Friday: I've had a marathon and finished units 3 (left half-finished yesterday), 4 and 5. However, I have not concentrated as much as I should so I'm just adding the Fairy Market imp.   Monday: Unit 6. Tristan is mine! Tuesday: Unit 7: Yvaine is on the lot! Mission accomplished!




The beginning

This is the plan: I need to prepare for a Government exam that is the entry to a teaching position in the State high schools. There are 70 theory units and 15 practical ones. 70-ish is the approximate size of my BPAL wishlist, so I will give myself an imp for every unit I finish, with a few tweaks.   First mission: getting two different sets of units from other people to fuse them and create my own "textbook". Reward: Antique Lace. I'm going to work up a wishlist /shopping list in alphabetical order, although for particularly big hurdles I will promise myself 1/5 or a 1/4 of a TAL bottle.   Sunday the 1st: DONE!


