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I'm alive . . .

I was going to post an entry about why I've been MIA, but really, I just don't feel like it. I'll just say that I'm ok now, but I wasn't for a while. I'm really sorry if I let anyone down or made anyone angry. I'm doing what I can to fix things, so pm me if I can do anything for you.   I hope everyone is managing to enjoy the holiday season. It's been snowing here, finally, so I'm starting to get in the holiday spirit.   So far everyone has been so incredibly nice and understanding. I wonder, what is it about BPAL and this forum that attract such wonderful people?




Need to test

WORK IN PROGRESS   Here are the blends I either need to test or re-test. Most of these I've had in hand and even tested on my skin, but swapped or frimped away before I could form a good opinion. I really need to take better notes. The ones that are actually on my active wishlist are starred.   Bewitching Brews Belle Epoque Bess Black Forest Blood Amber Brimstone Cathode Calico Jack Chimera The Coiled Serpent Delirium Epherma Event Horizon Fae Grand Guignol Grog Hamydryad (looking for non-wintergreen kind) I Died for Beauty Intrigue Kubla Khan La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente La Bella Dame Sans Merci Leanan Sidhe Lightning Lurid Mary Read Morgause Ode on Melancholy Omen Ozymandias Penny Dreadful Phantasm Poisoned Apple The Raven Schrodinger's Cat Seance Shattered Tempest Ulalume Ultraviolet Veil Wilde Yggdrasil Zephyr   Ars Moriendi Danse Macabre Darkness Epitaph Eternal The Ghost Haunted House of Night Les Fleurs du Mal Midnight Nocturne The Phantom Wooer The Reaper and the Flowers Sheol Shroud Thanatopsis Twilight Wings of Azrael   Dark Elements Burial Hurricane   Sin and Salvation Envy Greed Lust Sloth Death on a Pale Horse Anathema Black Dahlia Dorian Fallen Faustus Hymn Languor Les Infortunes de la Vertu Magdalene Nero Oblivion Penitence Roadhouse Rose Cross Seraphim Tzadikim Nistarim   Love Potions Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bathsheba Bien Loin D'ici Brisingamen Debauchery Depraved Desire Forbidden Fruit Golden Priapus Jezebel La Belle Au Bois Dormant La Petite Mort The Lady of Shalott Le Serpent Qui Danse Libertine Lilium Inter Spinas Loralei Maiden Muse Nefertiti O (This was one of the first BPAL scents I tried, and it failed horribly. I'm curious to re-test it.) Psyche Rapture Ravenous Saturnalia Satyr Sed Non Satiata Siren Succubus The Temptation Suspiro Vicomte de Valmont Wanda Wanton Whip   Diabolis A Countenance Forboding Evil Baobhan Sith Black Annis Blood Countess Bloodlust Bluebeard Catherine Dracul Goblin Hell's Belle Horreur Sympathique Incubus Kitsune-Tsuki Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marquise de Merteuil Masabakes Medea Nephilim Nocnitsa Nosferatu Pain Phantom Phantom Queen Phobos Rage Serpent's Kiss Szepasszony Troll Wicked   Neil Gaiman/The Carousel Spider*   Mad Tea Party The Caterpillar Cheshire Cat Croquet The Dodo The Dormouse Drink Me Jabberwocky The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Lion The Mock Turtle's Lessons Mouse's Long and Sad Tale The Pool of Tears Queen Alice The Queen of Hearts Tiger Lily Two, Five & Seven The Unicorn White Rabbit   Illyria Antony The Apothecary Caliban Cordelia Goneril Helena Hermia Juliet Katharina Lear Lysander Oberon Ophelia Othello Regan Robin Goodfellow Rosalind Titania Titus Andronicus Viola   Wanderlust Île de la Tortue Windward Passage   Ars Draconis Dragon's Reverie Ladon   Rappaccini's Garden Asphodel Belladonna Black Hellebore Black Lotus Black Rose Blood Lotus Blood Rose Cobra Lily Death Cap Dian's Bud Devil's Claw Hairy Toad Lily Hemlock Love-in-Idleness Love-Lies-Bleeding Moon Rose Opium Poppy Shadow Witch Orchid Slobbering Pine Squirting Cucumber Strangler Fig Sundew Voodoo Lily Wolfsbane Yew-Trees




Decanting the pumpkins

Ok, here are my early, slightly incoherent thoughts on the 2007 Pumpkin Patch scents. I didn't intentionally try any of these on, but I did get some spatter on Chief Running Wolf (that would be me) while I was decanting them.   Pumpkin I: Pumpkin with pear, white wine grapes, and jasmine-laced tea. Holy well-behaved jasmine, batman! This is a contender for my favorite of all of the Pumpkins this year. It's lightly fruited and sparkling, and just absolutely perfect on my skin. No butter, and actually no pumpkin to speak of after it dries. It reminds me of some kind of white grape soda - I think it's the Diet Rite brand. It isn't sticky sweet - just sweet enough and slightly fizzy. The jasmine stays strangely subdued. I think I will wear this frequently.   Pumpkin II: Pumpkin with tobacco, champa flower, carnation, and tonka. This is another winner for me. I've entered the twilight zone, because on me, this turns into a kissing cousin of Hellion. How that happens, I have no idea. I'm too tired to go check the notes for Hellion, but I can't imagine what they might have in common. On the extreme drydown, the tobacco gets stronger. Again, no butter, and basically no pumpkin to speak of after it dries. It also seems a little "fizzy" to me, in the same way that Hellion does. Contender for my favorite, although I think I and V edge it out just a little, if only because it's so similar to Hellion on me yet has no chance of replacing it.   Pumpkin III: Pumpkin with white chocolate, caramel, pomegranate, and cream. I predicted that this would be my favorite of the pumpkins, because, hello, yummy foody wonderfulness. But, it's not my favorite, and I'm not even 100% sure that it works on my skin. At first it was way too creamy, too tooth-achingly sweet, and too rich. I haven't been able to detect the pomegranate at all yet. Right after the first stage of the drydown, it showed signs of mellowing a bit, but I accidentally washed the scent off during decant circus intermission. (I scrub my hands after I finish decanting each scent so as not to corrupt the next one, but I usually don't wash my upper arms. I guess I got a little over zealous)This one requires further testing, but I think it's going to be a bit too foody for me.   Pumpkin IV: Pumpkin with cactus blossom, sage, and sweetgrass. Well, this was on the underside of the arm with Pumpkin III, and it hadn't even really gotten to the drydown when it was corrupted by soap. So, I can't really say if this will work for me or not, but it does have promise. This one seemed to have a fresh, summery edge.   Pumpkin V: Pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger. Ummm, yes please! So far this seems to be my 2nd favorite of the pumpkin blends, after Pumpkin I. But with further testing, it could prove to be the best. It's complex and spicy, and I'm really loving the deep citrus edge. It seems perfectly balanced, as I can detect all the listed notes yet nothing is taking over the blend. It reminds me a little of something I tried before . . . maybe Oct 2006 13? But this is better on me, and I'm very eager to give it an actual test run.




My bottles

I went through a purging stage and got rid of many of my bottles, but now I'm starting to hoard again. I have multiples of some of these. This list is from memory, so it's very likely that I've forgotten some things.   10ml: Bordello Hellion Voodoo (almost empty)   5ml: 13 (2005, white label) 13 (July 2007, pink label) A Bachelor's Dog A Bold Bluff Agnes Nutter All Souls 06 Arachnina the Spider Girl Arcana Aziraphale Black Tower Blood Bordello Chrysanthemum Moon Crowley Devil's Night Door 13 Djinn Enraged Groundhog Musk Fairy Market Faiza the Black Mamba Florence Frumious Bandersnatch (almost empty waaaaah) Halôa Harvest Moon 06 Hetairae Hunger Moon Inferno (almost empty waaaaah) Lampades Leo 07 Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Monster Bait: Underpants NYE in Dogville One to Tie, Two to Win The Organ Grinder Pinched With Four Aces Priala the Human Phoenix Punkie Night Queen of the Nile Samhain 05 Saw Scaled Viper (almost empty waaaah) Shadwell Sitting Up With a Sick Friend Sugar Skull 05 Temple Viper Three Witches Tristran Tweedledee Velvet Victoria War The Wildmen of Jezirat al Tennyn The Witch Queen Wulric the Wolfman Yvaine




bats in my belfry

I haven't been sleeping well, so I took a hot bath around 10:30 last night with the hopes that it would help knock me out. My soothing bath was interrupted by an angry and persistant bat. My apologies to anyone who may have seen a scantily-clad woman releasing an agitated bat from a towel sometime around 11:00 last night.*   Playing naked hide and seek with an ill-tempered bat frazzled my nerves. The cold medicine I had taken earlier backfired, so I was nervous and exhausted but wide awake. I tried to sleep anyway. Dogs barked. My mouse would not get off of his squeaky wheel, except to noisily chew on his toys. Dogs howled in 3-part harmony. Bat-like noises were heard. My son alternated between crying beside my bed because he didn't want to sleep in his bedroom alone, and crying in my bed because he wanted to sleep in his bedroom alone. I ended up putting the mouse habitat in my closet for the night. Even though my closet is huge and as nice as my bedroom, I still felt guilty. I had nightmares about mice when I did manage to sleep. Huge vengeful mice with squeaky bat wings. Sad mice with tears running down their little mouse faces.   So today I am functioning on three non-consecutive hours of sleep. That might not be so bad, except that I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep on any night in the past two weeks. I am beyond sleep deprived at this point. I really wouldn't be surprised if I do start hallucinating bats.   Today of all days, I was railroaded into having lunch with my Mom and four year old son. I love them both dearly and normally welcome the chance to spend time with either of them, but today was just not the day. They insisted on eating at Burger King, of all places. My son, who is usually an angel, was on his worst behavior. So was my Mom. They both took pleasure in pushing my buttons, which were admittedly easier to push today than they usually are. Hooray, temper tantrums and crappy food for everyone! I've never been so glad to get back to the office. I'm the only one working today, which is good, but I can't leave before at least 6:30, which is bad.   *Note to those of you with an interest in bat welfare: I tried to be very kind to the bat. I gently picked him up with a towel after he roosted on a windowshade. He tried to bite me, but I think that's because he was upset, not because I was hurting him in any way. He appeared to fly away unharmed when I released him. Bats get into our house all of the time, so any advice on getting them out safely would be welcome.




belly up

One of my fish died this morning. Yeah, he was just a fish, and just a little neon tetra at that, but I'm still sad. I wonder if his tank mates miss him.   It's been over 3 years since Tito, my big albino Oscar, died, and I still miss him. He was the most petlike fish I've ever seen. As irrational as it may sound, I think he knew me as a friend. He got all excited and wagged his tail when I came near the tank. My husband always fed Tito, but he only wagged for me.   Random BPAL info: I'm wearing Neo-Tokyo today, for the first time in a long time. It smells weird on me today. Not bad weird, just different than I remember. Aunt Flo is visiting, so it could just be hormonal.   This has got to be a candidate for the most boring and uninspired blog entry ever.




What is this livejournal creature you speak of?

I don't like jumping on an already moving bandwagon, so I've never had a myspace or a livejournal or an actual blog. Until now. I just popped my livejournal cherry. Granted, there are no entries and it's all plain and ugly at the moment, but the damage is done. And here I am starting a blog. You people could convince me to do anything.   Does anybody remember open diary? That should tell you how long it's been since I "blogged". I think the site still exists, but I'm afraid to check. It just wouldn't be the same and it would make me sad.   Since I'm a total lj noob, any advice and/or suggestions on getting started would be welcome. Otherwise I'll just fumble along and generally make an ass out of myself until I figure it out.


