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After reading the desciption I was really excited to try this one. I love both of these scents.   In the imp it was very sweet fruit smelling, not much of the rose. Wet on the skin it was a very tart fruit scent, still not much of the rose coming out. As it begins to dry down the rose is beginning to show, but it's not overpowering, nor too sweet. Starts to balance out. A very nice fruity rose. Even if your not a big fan of rose scents, try this one out. It's very pretty.   ETA: hmmm....after a few hours it's starting to smell....not sure. It's hard to put my finger on it. No longer roses or fruit. Almost a little....stale? Old? Not sure.   A while later hubby said it smelled liike mothballs. ewwwww... I think I will still give it one more chance down the road, but unfortunately, I'm not holding out much hope. I thought for sure this would be "me".




Isles of Demons

I think I really like this. It starts out a bit cologney at first, but as it dries it's a beautiful blend of warm musk and tropical flowers and greens. Not the soft tropical scent like in Pele, but something much richer and darker and deeper, like a jungle as opposed to island breeze. I think this would work well for both a man or woman. I'm going to try this a couple more times, but I think it might end up on my bottle list.   ETA: I think layering it w/Pele would work really nicely.




Embalming Fluid

YES! As soon as I smelled it, that's exactly what I thought of. I used to wear the green tea perfume all the time and loved it.   As it dries it becomes less sharp, but doesn't morph all that much. Not really getting any of the musk, mostly green tea with a hint of aloe and lemon. Will be great during the summer!




Le Fee Verte

hmmmm.....smells like a nice upscale perfume. Something like my mother used to wear, only a bit sweeter. I was a bit disappointed because in the bottle I got lots of lime-y??? goodness, but absolutely none on my skin. The vanilla musk comes out very nicely as it dries, along with the honey and something herbal. Also, a little powdery, but something there is keeping it from turning to complete powder on me. I'm glad I got to try it and most likely I'll keep the imp that was generously gifted to me, but I haven't yet decided on a bottle. I'll have to try it a couple more times. I'm also very interested to see how it will work in a locket.




Red Lantern

At first it was way too foody, almost making me queasy. Luckily, that didn't last long. As it began to dry, the spices and and to a lesser extent the tobacco came out. Something sweet also, but not foody. Perhaps the black coconut? I'm happy I was able to pick up a bottle of this.





This was actually the first bpal scent I wanted to try and I am soooo glad I finally did.   In the bottle it smells just like fresh cut grass. OMG, it is so yummy. I loved that smell growing up in Fla, the mix of cut grass and something wet. As it begins to dry a sweetness comes out and something floral. Also, a wonderful salty aquatic. I don't really get the wine, which is actually fine with me. It's very tropical and seductive. I absolutely LOVE it. Will definately get a bottle.





Oh, wow, this stuff is potent! Caught be by surprise how strong it is.   Bayou is a very interesting aquatic. It's not a fresh clean aquatic nor is it a deep dark one. This one is definately murkier like a swamp. It reminds me summertime in Fla, canoeing under a canpoy of trees, hot and humid, somewhat dank, with a touch of swamp flowers and moss and wet vegetation. I think I really like this, though it does make me feel a bit homesick. Doubt I would buy a bottle, but I'm glad I got the imp.   ETA: Sadly, it ended up smelling like old, stale, really rank cheap drugstore perfume. Off to swap pile!




Tavern of Hell

Hubby just tried this since I was assuming it would be a very masculine scent. Happliy, I was wrong. I starts out very woodsy w/a hint of florals underneath. As it dries, the gardenia and orange blossom comes out. Luckily, not much of the ylang ylang since it tend to give me a headache. Underneath it all lurks a faint whiskey and a bit of tobacco.   I really love this and can't wait to see how it smells on me.




Dragon's Tears

Wet it started off a sweet floral and then very quickly went super soapy and stayed that way. Definately old lady bathroom/soap basket.   Off to the swap pile.




Miskatonic University

In the bottle and wet it smelled like very strong, very sweet irish coffee. As it dried something...sharp and acrid came out. Maybe the wood? I also caught a hint of the old books, but not good. There was also the smell of vanilla extract. Again, not good. I had to go wash it off after a little while because it was giving me a headache and made me a bit sick. Definately in the swap pile.




Rose Cross

Hmmm, not sure about this one. It started it VERY rose, then took on an incensey rose smelml, then got a bit powdery. Strangely enough though, I can't stop sniffing my wrist. it seems there is something right there on the edge that I can't quite get to. Will keep the imp, but will have to wear it a couple more times to make up my mind about a bottle.   ETA: After wearing it for a while, I really like this. It really is a nice blend of incense and rose. It reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on, but it makes me feel a bit wistful. Quite possibly bottle worthy.




Sea of Glass

I abolutely LOVE this one. It is just simply beautiful. Crisp and refreshing floral that does not turn out powdery or soapy. I keep sniffing it because it reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on, but comforting and exciting at the same time. Makes me think of sitting in a blooming garden catching the scent of the ocean air.   I will definately be buying a bigger bottle!





Wet: A nice warm vanilla with a hint of lemon and musk. mmmm.....   As it dries the musks come out more. Yum!The lemon is still there, but just a hint and the vanilla is dark and warm, not overly sweet at all. I always hated vanilla scents because they were usually too sweet and made me ill. The lab changed that! I have finally discovered my love for vanilla. This is definately sexy and is going on my bottle list!     ETA: uh-oh. I'm getting a headache. I don't know if it's the perfume or not, but I think I'll wait on getting a bottle until I try it again to see.




Kumari Kandam, The Phantom Islands

At first it is such a sharp ozoney aquatic that I had to hold my wrists down to keep from getting a headache. As it dries though, the sharpness fades quite a bit (though it's still there a bit more on my left wrist) and starts to sweeten and a hint of saltiness comes out. It reminds me of something I can't quite place, but it's comforting. I think it would also smell wonderful on dh.




Death on a Pale Horse

Wet: Very masculine cologne. Luckily it doesn't last too long.   Drying: Once again, smells different on each of my wrists. My right wrist amps the musk, my left amps the patchouli. The florals are beginning to come out, as is the sandalwood. Not getting any of the yuzu or lime. I think the lavender may be lurking underneath it all, but it's more of an impression.   It's a really lovely scent, though I think it might be better suited for hubby. Can't wait to try it out on him!





In the imp I smelled something sharp and...cherry? Wet, very strong icky almonds. I almost washed it off right then, but forced myself to wait and see. As it's drying down, the sandalwood and coconut comes out and the almond calms down. Makes me think of sitting at an outdoor rest. on the beach in the evening. Something I would wear when I want a summer scent, but with a sexy twist. I like it, though I will have to try it another couple times before deciding on a bottle.   ETA: Tried it again and it's ok. I doubt I will get a bottle.




Dragon's Milk

In the bottle: A nice warm vanilla   Wet: Vanilla with something sharp...I swear it almost smells like bug spray?   As it's drying, it still has the chemical sharpness. I have no idea what went wrong, but I am not liking this. I will give it a while longer, hoping it will morph into something I like, but if it doesn't, it's off to swaps. Or perhaps it might work better in a locket?   ETA: Ok, now the sharpness has faded and it smells like a rich vanilla incense. Lovely. Will try again.


