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Leanan Sidhe

Wet it's a very sharp scent, almost too sharp with a little softness lurking. Dry the soft florals come out more. On me it's a rather traditional perfume scent. Not bad, but not exactly me. Strangely though, I keep sniffing my wrists. Oddly, on my right wrist it is still sharper smelling than on my left, though I apply it to my left. I might keep the imp, but it's unlikely I would buy the bottle.





Wet: Wow, COCOA with a hint of incense. Not sure about this one. Drying: the leather is coming out with a hint of the flowers. Not much of the patchouli. This is starting to remind me of a smoking room: deep, rich, slightly sweet but very good pipe tobacco and leather.   Not sure if I would wear this, I'll try it again, but I'm defaintely going to have hubby try this one!




Mock Turtles Lessons

In the bottle: Yummy yummy appletinis, which happens to be my favorite drink right now.   Wet: sweet (not tart) apples and aquatic flowers. As it dries the apple scent fades and it is mainly the beautiful aquatic flowers with a very very faint hint of mint perhaps. The lime doesn't really come out, which is actually ok even though I was hoping for it. This ended up perfect the way it is. It reminds me of something of when I was younger. Something I can't quite remember. It evokes a mix of excitement, longing, and a bit of sadness and regret. I absolutely LOVE this and I am so glad I took a chance to get a bottle. It's not something I normally would've tried but decided to take a chance. I am soooo glad it did.





Hubby tried this one since some reviewers said it was more masculine. At first it was rather sweet. I could've sworn I caught a bit of honeysuckle. As it dried down it took on a smokey incense smell. Really very nice. I think I'll be trying this one myself soon




Black Lily

I have found that most florals do not love me. For example, I had expected to love roses and hate lillies but I've found it's just the opposite.   This is just a beautiful scent. I would say that it strikes me more of an elegant scent, but thankfully, not an old lady one. At first it seems to be a fresher lily, but as it dries it becomes a creamier, more complex lily scent.   I really like it. I'm going to try it a few more times, but it might end up on my bottle list.





In the bottle: Very sweet coconut   Wet: I catch a hint of floral and aquatic coming out. Very nice. Reminds me of the beach.   Drydown: oddly, it smells wonderful on my one wrist but on the other it smells a bit...plastic? I think I'll have to wash it off the one and try again.   Other than my one weird wrist, I really really like this. Assuming the odd scent doesn't reappear, I will be getting a bottle of this. What a perfect summer scent!   ETA: Tried it again and it made me a bit sick. It had this weird toasted plastic smell. I really wanted this to work, but sadly, no.




The Star

In the bottle and wet: LIMES. Wow. Almost a bit sharp. Just a hint of coconut in the background.   Drying: The limes begin to calm down and a wonderful coconut comes out. Not foody, but not too sweet. Very nice.   Dry down: The lime almost completely disappears and out comes this beautiful blend of coconut and warm vanilla.   This is a keeper and I can't wait to get a big bottle. This is definately a scent to wear when I need a pick me up. It is such a happy scent. Makes me feel very optimistic.





Once again, the rose ends up old lady powder. I really wanted to like this one. Off to the swap pile!





Oh, WOW! I love love love this one. In the imp it was rather sweet smelling, though not unpleasant. Wet the rose dominates, but not in a sickly sweet way. it's actually very nice. As it dried the leather definately comes out and the roses become secondary. Wouldn't be my every day scent, but definately one that I would wear when I want to feel sexy. It's not a light "I want to be seduced" scent, it a definate "I know what I want and will take it" scent.   Hubby loves it. LOL   Will most certainly be buying a bottle of this. In fact, I think hubby already plans to.





This is an interesting one. At first it's all woods, but as it dries the fig comes out and sweetens it. Not getting any of the cocoa.   I do like it, though I doubt I'll get a bottle. I am glad I got to try the imp.





I LOVE this one!   Started out a very sharp, strong (but nice) aquatic but as it dried down it began to morph into something a bit sweeter and fresher. A bit soapy but very lovely. I can see this being worn by either a male or female. I'm going to have to have hubby try it. This is a definate keeper and I might just have to get a bottle! Can't wait to see how it wears when the weather gets hot and sticky.





I got this mostly for hubby and omg, I am so glad I did! It smells so sexy on him! At first it was a smokey musk and then dried to a wonderful fresh and slightly sweet scent with just a hint of smoke in the background. I love it and will very likely be ordering a bottle. Of course, now I'm really wondering how it would smell on me? hmmm...     ETA: Tried it on me and it seems to have a bit more spice in it than on dh. I really like it.





When I sniffed this in the bottle, I was a little...worried. It was very sharp. On the skin though the sharpness begins to fade and it smells like a minty aquatic with a hint of...pine? As it dries it softens and I catch a hint of musk. I really like this one and I'm glad I got a bottle.   ETA: Wow, I think my chemistry is really off. After a couple hours I'm catching a very slight tobacco scent on my wrist. More like pipe tobacco as opposed to cigs. I like it.





This one sounded so good, but unfortunately my skin makes it smell like a bad, stale drugstore rose perfume.





Mmmmm...very nice.   Wet on me it's a warm vanilla, nice because it's not too sweet.   As it dries it there's a slight spice to it and I catch a hint of something I can't quite put my finger on.   All in all, I really like this one. Might have to put it on my bottle list.





To be honest, my hopes weren't very high for this one. I've been finding that many florals do not like me.   Thankfully, I was wrong! I love ths one! It's such a beautiful, soft, refreshing floral. I wish it was stronger though, but it's kinda nice to just catch the scent now and then. It's almost flirty. I'm also thinking that this might layer nicely with some othr scents that need to be softened.   I have to get a bottle.





Wow, this one took me by surprise. In the bottle, strong! Youch. On though it started mostly dominated by the tea, but as it dried it began to sweeten. I didn't really get much of the mint come through, though I did catch some of the lemongrass. Has a mild throw once it dries, although next time I might put a bit more on. This really is a beautiful scent and I am so happy I got a bottle of it. I think it will become of of my regular scents, esp. once the weather begins to warm up.   ETA: It smells even better after a couple hours. A perfect balance of flowers and tea, with a *very* slight powder scent. YUM!




The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn

At first I thought that this was going to end up being too masculine for me and that once again another oil was going to huby.   But then I was pleasantly surprised! The vanilla and amber came out and sweetened it. I wish it stayed spicier longer, but it could be that I'm trying it on the top of my arm instead of my wrists. Now I'm going to go wash off the scent I tried before and I'm going to reapply it on my wrists. Either way though, it's quite nice and I'm glad I picked up a bottle.   (yes, that was the most useless review ever LOL)




Jolly Roger

WOW! Hubby tried this and I can't stop sniffing him!   It is definately a clean, refreshing aquatic scent with a hint of the bay rum and a slight woodsy smell. Not getting to much of the leather right now.   This is easily one of my favorites and will certainly be buying a bottle. I can't wait to try it myself!     ETA: I tried it on myself and at first I thought: still yummy but better suited for hubby. After letting it dry down though I love it on myself as well! I'm actually getting a bit more of the bay rum than on hubby (it's a bit spicier and sweeter on me) and on hubby it was more woodsy. The leather is very faint on both of us. And I'm catching some of the salitness which I really like.   I think we'll each need a bottle!





Oh, I was positive that I was going to fall in love with Jack. Sadly, it wasn't so.   It started off sickly sweet pumpkin with something slightly sour. As it dried, it smelled like a bad too sweet pumpkin/autumn candle. It actually turned my stomach. I am so glad I didn't buy a bottle of this like I was tempted to.




Moon Rose

It the bottle it was very perfumey. Wet it was very promising, but as it dried, it did take on the rose perfume scent as oppsed to a true rose. Not bad, but not one I would buy a bottle of. I might try this one once more to decide whether or not I will be keeping the imp.




Jazz Funeral

Wet: Have no idea. LOL. Very strong. As it dries it gets that stale perfume smell I hate. After a few minutes i can pick up a very slight hint of the bay rum with magnolia and dirt.   I think that magnolia doesn't like me. I'm getting that weird stale, cheap perfume smell again. Oh well, off to swaps.   ETA: Hubby tried it and it smells awesome one him. He amps the bay rum and moss and it really smells wonderful. Keeping the imp for him.





Wet it's violets violets violets. Youch. As it dries it begins to sweeten without being too sweet. Also a hint of spice and incense. My nose must be off, because I swear I'm getting a very slight aquatic scent. I like it, but will have to try it a couple more times. I just hope it doesn't turn all powdery on me. I'm also looking forward to trying the second imp I have of this, as it's a slightly different color so I'm wondering if the scent will be as well.




Purple Phoenix

Yum! Yum! Yum!   I love this scent. It's not as grape on me as I expected after reading some of the reviews, which I am happy to say. On me it's a grape incense smell with a floral hint. I can't stop sniffing my wrists because there is something behind it all that I can't quite put my finger on. I am definately happy that I picked up a bottle of this.




Lick it Again

I never would've tried this if I hadn't gotten it as a surprise imp. I am soooo happy I did!   Wet, it was very pepperminty with a hint of creamy sugar (a bit cotton candy). As it dries, the mint rapidly takes a back seat to the sugar, which smells like a yummy, not too sweet vanilla.   I really, really like this. I'm going to hurry up and buy a bottle before it's too late!


