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Switch Witch 2017 Part 2


Witchee, would you like anything from the Trading Post Halloween update? https://blackphoenix...y/weenies-2017/
Surprisingly nothing is jumping out at me.




Switch Witch 2017 Questions

I'm going to keep all the ketchup here for my witch

Here are my amazon wishlists: http://a.co/5jItXeq

Here's my etsy wishlist - it gives a good sense of my tastes as does my pinterest


Awesome farmer's market by my house. They have a local honey stand (which also sells things made from local honey like Propolis tincture!); there's a small apothecary and she additionally makes soaps and hand-made, hand-poured scented candles; plus a guy that makes an array of BBQ and Hot Sauces. Does ny of this appeal? Would you like anything from my local farmer's market?
I love candles and soaps (animal product free if possible please - except beeswax, I'm alright with that). I love hot sauce so new hot sauces I'm always open to as well!

Smolder Cosmetics. Do any of their products (glitter, eye dusts etc) appeal to you? https://smoldercosmetics.com
Some of those lipsticks look amazing!!!!   I've been toying with the idea of a vampy dark red, so Royal looks really intriguing (https://smoldercosmetics.com/collections/lips/products/royal)

As does this https://smoldercosmetics.com/collections/lips/products/libby-liquid-matte-lipstick-coming-soon-smolder-cosmetics-x-ashley-rosales

Loose pigments aren't my favourite because I'm usually a disaster and manage to spill them everywhere. I'll use them if I get them but I don't go out of my way to get them.

Anything from Strobe Cosmetics (http://strobecosmetics.com)?
Those eyeshadows are all gorgeous!!! I may have mentioned I don't wear a huge amount of makeup so I rarely buy any new things that are fun, but if I were given some I'd have an excuse to play more. I don't wear super dark or bright colours often because I'm so pale and wear brights so infrequently that I feel super awkward wearing them. But interesting neutrals, greens, and coppers usually get worn.
How would you feel about getting Hello Kitty stuff?
HK really isn't my thing. Adorable but not really me.

Would you like to get some favorite recipes?
ALWAYS!!!! I love cooking and baking so much so if people are willing to share their favourites I'm always down. Have I mentioned my obsession with cookbooks. I think it gets a little out of hand sometimes but I love them despite my inability to follow a recipe while cooking (don't worry I follow things to a T when I bake).
Would you like anything from my shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/LisaNut?
These pieces are beautiful but not really my style.


Would you like anything from the Haus of Gloi Fall Part II update? https://www.hausofgl...ween-scent-list
There's surprisingly nothing that I NEED to have but cozy pumpkin, Grimoire, hex, and pumpkin eater all sound very lovely.

Halloweenie update of doom scents that I'd be interested in:
Pumpkin Spice Perversion!!!! Holy smokes! I love pumpkin spice scents and combined with Perversion it might end me.
Singularly At Ease - I'm intrigued by this scent. I'm not really that into baked good scents, but the tea note is interesting.

What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs?
​Cake Smash - I'm still regretting not picking it up in my first order.
​Severin - yes I'm insane, but I love tea and leather notes!
Casanova - I still have an imp of this but rarely wear it because I can't get more.

What are some things you do NOT want to receive?
Animal products - that includes bones and things. Even when sourced from naturally deceased animals they creep me out a little.
Other than that and things containing allergens for me I'm not terribly picky. Although I should note that if an allergen slips by it's no worry because I'm sure my boyfriend would enjoy food that I can't eat.


Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners?
​I love them, but I'm super pleased with my current one.
If you like stationery, do you like plain, colors, images, or specific DON'T LIKES?
​I don't do a lot of things that are super cutesy, but I'm open to colours, images, and patterns.
What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads?
I'm pretty good on that front I think. Unless you find something super nerdy

Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)? https://society6.com/abigaillarson
Gosh, her work is beautiful too! I could possibly use some prints but am having difficulties choosing.

do you collect the art cards that BPAL sends out? Any in particular that you are looking for or definitely don't need?
I do not collect them. I haven't made a lab purchase in a long while either

Do you like this beautiful art, and she makes stickers and prints...SOOOO gorgeous: https://www.shannatr...om/paperprints/
Wow those are so beautiful!!!

I particularly like:

Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures?
I love raccoons. I know love for trash pandas is super weird but I love them anyway.

I also love horses, owls, and peacocks.

As for the mythical, I've always loved unicorns, dragons, and phoenixes.
would you like any swag from the Depeche Mode concert? (pins, posters, shirts, program, dunno what they'll have!)
​No thanks

Is anyone interested in the new Resistance scents that the Lab just released (Take a Knee and SN: Flor de Maga)?
​Take a Knee sounds great!

Is anyone here into zero waste, plastic free living, urban homesteading, or any simplicity/minimalism-esque lifestyles? If so, could you use any tools or equipment?
​Nothing that I can think of.


Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like? www.bathandbodyworks.com/
​I'm well stocked on the three wick candles which are the main things I get from there other than soap, but I usually make soap decisions on the fly.

I am possibly going to a crystal / gem show tomorrow. I can't afford expensive gem stones, but...
What kind of crystals would you like?
​I've mentioned lots of crystals down below, but really anything that you think might feel right is appreciated.

Pumpkin or Zucchini bread?
​No pumpkin for me please, chocolate zucchini on the other hand is delicious, but depending on where my lovely witch is from may not fair well in the postal system.

What kind of homemade cookies are your favorite?
Peanut butter, or peanut butter chocolate chip.
Could you use a muscle rub? (We make ours on the lunar cycle and it has menthol, wintergreen, habanero, cayenne, olive oil, st. john's wort, arnica, beeswax, calendula, and ginger. It tingles. We call it "Thunder Butter". If you have really really super sensitive skin, I would recommend against it. And don't take a hot shower or open all of your pores before using it.)
​I could always use a muscle rub. I'm nearly always in some sort of muscle discomfort - so I'd use the heck out of that.

Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur?
​Those sound amazing but alas with an alcohol allergy not the greatest idea

Want some honey from the bees on our property?
​I'm well stocked on honey for the moment.

Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry.
​I love jam. As long as there's no pineapple I'm down.

How about some homemade candied jalapenos with garlic cloves? I have regular and with habanero.
​That sounds amazing!!! I love all of those things.

I didn't dry any apples this year but I was thinking of heading over to Green Bluff and seeing if any honeycrisps are left. I have a commercial dehydrator so let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating.
​I do love a good dehydrated apple so I'd be open to that.

Do you need any kind of dice bag, tote, project bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, or whatever? I have lots of bag patterns and fabric. We make bags under the name Twinkle N Twilight.
Or how about a couple of pillowcases?
​I'm good on bags, I usually use things until they die, and nothing's dead yet (fingers crossed things stay that way). Same with pillowcases.


Would my witchee like this to warm up the fall coffee cup?? https://www.truelemo...gory-s/1871.htm
Not really my thing - I've never been into apple cider that much.

do you like to take baths? if so, do you like oils, salts, things that fizz, all of the above, none of the above?
I LOVE baths!!! I'm less found of oils in the tub (because I'm lazy and hate cleaning the bathtub more than I have to) but love salts and things that fizz or bubble.

What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these?
I have a Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017 version). It has a boring black case on it right now. I'm totally open to a new nerdy case for it, but I've found finding cases for it to be difficult. I also have a Microsoft Surface which I could use a nice case for but currently do not have.


See's Candy. My absolute favorite. They have special Halloween candy..any of these pique your interest?? Cinnamon Apple Scotch Mallows, Pumpkin spice truffles, pumpkinspice lollypops, caramel apple lollypops, or any other of their chocolates, etc?
​The caramel apple lollypops sound delicious but I can't seem to find an ingredient list - if there's dairy its a no go (but then again if it only might contain dairy I'll be fine but actual dairy in food gives me hives).

Are any witchees into coloring books?
No, I've had multiple people try to get me into them for de-stressing (because I'm a fairly stressed out person) but I find them stressful because I feel the ned to colour them in perfectly.

Witchees, is there anything that catches your eye at Animi Causa (https://www.animicausa.com/shop/)?
This is genius! https://www.animicausa.com/shop/Moby-Lid-Silicone-Lid/tpflypage.tpl.html
And holy crap there's so much cute stuff there!

If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household?
​I don't really need new dishes nor do I have the space


Do you like Broadway shows/music? If so what are some of your favorites and/or ones that you hope to see or listen to eventually? Would you like merch from your favorite shows or CDs from shows you want to listen to?
​YES!!!!!! I love all the Broadway shows! I want to see Hamilton (yes I'm super basic), I'd love to see Phantom live, Funny Girl is one of my all time favourite musicals, I also love Wicked, Book of Mormon, Spamalot, Chicago, and tons more.

My first musical ever was Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat. And the only musical I've ever seen that I didn't enjoy much was Cats (I just really dislike Memory).

I'm heading to NYCC in October! Is there anything I can get my Witchee while I'm there?
​Can't think of anything specific but con stuff is always cool!

I'm going to Edmonton Expo this weekend (It's Edmonton's version of comic con). Would a witchee like anything from there?
​This is my question so I don't think I really need to answer it. LOL.

Anything catch your eye from this site (globalgirlfriend.com)?
​Some of those infinity scarves are absolutely gorgeous!

Do you have any favorite, lesser-known stores? Especially ones that sell hand-crafted or independently made items.
​Not online ones, I have a few favourite local boutiques to Edmonton but

Imagine you're going to the most gigantic art & craft show imaginable, and money is no object - what kind of things would you gravitate towards and probably spend money on? Include as specific as you want to get!
Knitted or crocheted sweaters (I'm currently working on my first crocheted sweater - it seems to be going alright at the very least). I love the look and feel of over sized grandfather like sweaters, both cardigans and over the head ones.

​I also am always entranced by jewelry. I love gemstone pendants so I'd probably pick up the ones that felt right for me. I used to only gravitate towards stones for love and self-love but honestly I'm in love and happy so I don't feel the need for that I've been struggled with a lot of fatigue lately so maybe some root chakra grounding stones would be useful/what I need to gravitate towards.

The last thing I'm always drawn to at art/craft shows are body products. I love small batch, handmade lotions and soaps.


Are you interested in anything from Think Geek? http://www.thinkgeek.com
I LOVE think geek. So basically anything from any of my fandoms would make me happy Actually, I'm pretty happy in general, think geek stuff would just make me extra happy.

Do you have something you wish you put on your original questionnaire/forgot to put/would like to add on to?
​Not that I can think of.

Any additional misc. information about yourself you want your Witch to know? (I think this was on the survey, but again if there's something that you forgot...)

If you could decorate your house (or one room) in any one theme, what would it be? Your answer can be as simple ("Star Wars" or "Baroque" or "Modern"), or complicated or a combination (e.g. Victorian Gothic) as you feel best fits.
Nerd. Bascially that's my decorating style anyway, but I just like to mix and match fandoms in my decorating.

Aprons: Do you wear them, do you want one? Utility, decorative, cooking or crafting?
​I was literally just talking about this with the BF the other day. I bake and cook a lot and said I really should have an apron to complete my domestic goddess thing. By no means am I actually a domestic goddess, but we joke about that all the time since I'm almost always trying out a new recipe, or crocheting something like a baby blanket or hats for all the babies in my life right now.

So after I rambled with that ridiculous story, I would definitely be open to a cooking apron, preferably something with a pocket in the front, but could be nerdy or cute. But really an apron could be very useful.
BTW, would my witchee be interested in something like this? (photo of black and white striped knitted doll)
Not really my thing.


It seems like there's a question about socks on the questionnaire, but I don't think it got down to this level: Do you wear them? Any particular style (crew length, knee high, anklet, boot, etc.) or fiber (wool, cotton, bamboo anything but wool, etc.) preference?
​I have a love/hate relationship with socks. I often don't like wearing them around the house because I love bare feet, but my feet are also always freezing so I should wear them more frequently. That being said I always love wearing knee high/over the knee socks with boots, I prefer not to have true woolen socks as they're a little itchy. I should note I have large calves for my size (I'm usually a size 10ish - but slowly losing weight but my calves are still large at about 16 inches circumference) so socks with cool patterns often look awful on me. I do love a good textural pattern like cabling on socks though. In my regular shoes I prefer ankle socks, but those get taken off the moment I'm in the door basically.

Would you be open to previously-loved books?
I would be - a good used bookstore is such a magical place.

What about partial-full bottles of BPAL or BPTP?
​I'm totally down for that!

So what are your favorite fandoms?
​There are too many to list so I'll pick the BIG ones. Mass Effect, Doctor Who, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, and Alien.

I'm in France at the moment, is there anything here you might like? I'm in Provence, the land of lavender, so if you like that flower in particular just say so!
I Love lavender so much! I'd be down for lavender anything.

are you into divination? What kind(s) do you currently do? Do you want more books and/or tools for that type (e.g. new tarot cards, new runes)? Is there a new type of #divination you've been meaning to try, and if so, are you looking for the tool, a book on the subject, or both?
​I read tarot and oracle cards (not particularly well and only for myself). I haven't been looking for anything specifically but I do love pretty tarot or oracle decks

World my Witchee be interested in a Tarot or Astrology reading done personally?
​For sure - I think they're super neat - years ago I had an astrology birthchart done by greenwoodtree and it was amazing!!! I'd totally be open to a new one now that I'm about to turn 27.

Does my Witchee need any magical supplies?
​Nothing that I can think of in particular right now.

Would you be interested in any of the seasonal (or regular) soaps from Cellar Door Soap (https://cellardoorbathsupply.com)?
I do love a good soap. That lavender pumpkin soap sounds divine (I'm only food allergic to pumpkin, topical is fine - my chronic illness is super weird). So does the pumpkin chai latte. That place seems amazing - really I'd be down to try anything



Favorite gemstones?
​I love gemstones! I don't have any rose quartz for some reason, because I haven't quite found the right piece for it yet. I love the amethysts I have, a green adventurine pendant, smokey quartz. I also love the look of selenite. I really do just like gemstones of all types though

If you enjoy jewelry do you like discrete and elegant, flashy and gaudy, small and light, or large and chunky?
​I much prefer understated jewelry, simple pendants, small rings. Gaudy and chunky aren't really my style. I hate large stones on rings and things that can get caught on things. While I enjoy a large gemstone pendant the rest of my jewelry is very minimalist.

Any love of pirates or SCA?
​Pirates are cool but I don't have an obsession or anything.

Is there anything you would like from Disney World?
Disney is super cool!

Are you a Potterhead? If so, to which house do you belong?
HUGE Potterhead!!! I'm definitely a Ravenclaw, although my boyfriend and I are in a constant debate about how Gryffindor I am (I think I'm not, he says I am because it's pretty brave to move across the country by myself, twice, for school). He's a Hufflepuff, and I'd say Hufflepuff is my secondary house if I had to choose.

How do you feel about chokers?
I love how they look, but hate how they feel. Maybe I'm just not wearing the right kind?


Here's a few questions from me: Would you like some Halloween or other themed decor in the form of a banner, something like this http://www.etsy.com/...n-decor-vintage? If so, would you prefer a traditional style or a vertical door type?
​I don't really have room in my condo for that

Do you live near a Trader Joe's? If not, are you interested in trying any of the numerous Pumpkin goodies they come out with this time every year?
No, but I LOVE trader joes!! Their chili lime dried mango pieces are the greatest! I'm down for any vegan snacks from there But unfortunately no pumpkin as I'm allergic.

Do you like to cook and/or bake? Could you use any specific ingredients (spices, oils, salts, extracts, etc.) or kitchen utensils/gadgets?
I LOVE cooking and baking!!!! I'm always open to interesting spices and flavourings. As for kitchen gadgets/utensils, I've gotten into making pies recently, but I don't have a pie lifter.

I'm at Ocean City MD for bike week......would a witches want anything from here? Bike or beach related??
​Not that I can think of

What is 1 thing you would love to see in your final box? Can be ANYTHING - your choice.
​I'd love to see the name of my witch if s/he is willing to tell me because I'd like to thank them properly.

Who would love some USPS eclipse stamps?
No thanks - I'd totally lose stamps.

Do any of you potential Witchees have any kitties, puppers, or youngling humans you want spoiled in your packages? What treats or toys do they like? I have a kitty! Merlin loves toys on sticks, and stuffed things. He's very easy to please

Is there any interest in any of the fragrance oils from the Nocturne Alchemy Weenies update?
​I've never really liked Nocturne Alchemy - something in their carrier oil does weird things on my skin.

Is there anything you want from the trading post (or trading post etsy) that is available to order right now? (Fatherhood, Puppers, normal GC things)
Zip Line and Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe perfumes sound amazing!!!
Basically any claw polish - I LOVE painting my nails
UGH Massage oil - that stuff is the greatest and I've run out of mine!
TKO Massage oil - what a great sleepy time scent!

Are you a gamer? If so, what games are you currently playing and is there any merch for that game you'd love to have?-
If you are a gamer do you have a steam/gamestop/amazon wishlist?
​I'm a huge gamer!!!! I'm a console gamer (ps4). Currently my boyfriend and I are obsessed with Destiny 2 and are playing that almost every night together.

I also LOVE Mass Effect (my boyfriend recently got me a stuffed grunt to go with my Garrus pop figure in my living room), Dragon Age, Horizon Zero Dawn, and the Legend of Zelda. I'm itching to get my hands on a Nintendo Switch which has been very difficult but when I finally buy one I know my time will be taken up by Breath of the Wild.

There are some games on my Amazon wishlist linked above if that helps

How do you feel about the following scarf options (assuming you're into scarves)? Simple eyelet scarf Chevron scarf Lacy and fuzzy Skinny rib knit (extra long for lots of wrapping) Leafy!

I love knitted and crocheted scarves, but I live in Edmonton where it feels like winter lasts for 8 months and it gets down to -30 celicius regularly meaning that the beautiful eyelet and lacy scarves aren't as practical here. But really I love scarves and will find a use for any kind. I really love infinity scarves in particular though

Like beer? What styles most appeal to you?
Allergic unfortunately

Like booze? What kinds?
Ditto above

Like Wine? What kinds?
Ditto above

Would you be interested in a set of hand-made hair falls? It's something I do for fun and I can make any length and do an array of colors!
​Not really my thing but they sound pretty cool.

For those who watch certain movies every year for Halloween, what are those movies, whether horror or not? Any favorite horror movies that aren't necessarily on the annual-viewing list? How do you feel about fan-made merch for these movies?
Rocky Horror Picture Show is a staple as is Practical Magic.

I don't really like horror films, although I won't say no to a viewing of Carrie or Alien.

Fan-merch is totally fine by me

Here's a great local soapmaker I love--y'all see anything you would like? https://littleseedfarm.com/
That soap maker looks super cool. Everything looks great but I avoid goats milk in things because of the whole vegan thing, but the body oils look lovely:
https://littleseedfarm.com/collections/all/products/organic-essenitial-oil-body-lotion-alternative(in citrus or lavender)
What are your favorite/preferred Halloween/autumn icons/images? Any to specifically stay away from?
​I love cats so I always have an affinity for the traditional black cat imagery.

Do you eat candy, and if so would Halloween candy be welcome? Specialty candy from local or unusual sources? Chocolate?
I love candy, from the super cheap to the specialty kind. I also love chocolate although sometimes it's difficult to get some without milk (if it says may contain milk I'm find but I do avoid ones with milk in the actual ingredients).

Do you want Fidget spinners, desk toys, or other frivolous things that you look at and decide you don't need enough to spend $ on but would make you happy to have?
​Nothing I can think of thanks.

Any zentangle lovers, people who would like to try it, or would you want a piece of someone else's zentangle art?
Not my thing either.

Any love of hair toys, clips, ribbons, fascinators, mini hats, etc?
​I have really long hair but don't really do a lot with it other than ponytails, braids, and wearing it down. If you find something that will help me do more with it I'm totally into that. Plus I'm in the middle of growing out my bangs and it's driving me wild!

What local goodies may be of interest? Local Honey, jams,candy?
​Jams and candy are always good bets for me. I don't really need anymore honey though - I've got a great local supplier when necessary.

Are you interested in any prescription services like serial magazines, Birch box, ipsy?
​I love subscriptions but have never gotten any myself. I know vegan cuts does a beauty box and a food box, and there's some cool looking yoga ones and underwear ones, but I've never made the dive into them. They seem super cool though!

Would you like funky Halloweenie costume makeup like Gothic eyelashes, nail effects, black lipstick, etc.?
I don't really dress up - I haven't done anything special for Halloween in years. Although this year the plan is to hang with my boyfriend and his friends like they usually do.

How do you like to listen to music? CD, 8 track tape, mix tape, Pandora or Spotify, I-tunes?
I use Spotify all the time. I'm rarely not listening to music.

Do you prefer reading on Kindle or actual book? What kind of books do you like? Would you like to be surprised with a scary, classic, horror book?
​I prefer physical books but will read online sometimes as well. I love books in general but do not tend towards horror with the exception of Poe and I have his full collected works.

Candles, Incense, or wax tarts? Do you have favorite brands or Weenies scents for the home? Would you like to receive a wax tarts burner, incense burner, essential oils diffuser, or Halloweenie themed candle holders?
​I'm a candle and diffuser person. I don't have any specific desires for either, but I'm not adverse to them either. But the diffuser oils need to be pure essential oils for my machine.

Witchee: are you interested in crafting materials?
​I'm always down for more yarn but other than that I'm not the biggest crafter, I sew but not particularly often anymore.


I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would want?
​I don't know enough about things from Japan to make any requests.

How do you feel about nail wraps?
Never tried them, but they look super cool!
if you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
- would you use knitted washcloths? a scarf? Are you allergic or sensitive to any fibers?
​I love all knitted/crocheted things, I have a drawer at work dedicated to sweaters and arm warmers because my office is so bloody cold all the time. I prefer darker colours, jewel tones and/or neutrals but I'm pretty open. I love scarves and arm/handwarmers in particular. And socks. I'll never say no to a great pair of socks.

If you could be ANY character from a film, TV show or book, who would it be and why?
​River Song from Doctor Who was my gut choice because she's so confident and sexy, two things that I'm not very good at being. Plus I have a major crush on Alex Kingston.

If you could hop into a time machine and travel anywhere/anytime, where would it be and why?
​I don't actually know if I would go anywhere. Don't want to start a paradox and all that.

If you could invite 3 famous people to a BPAL meet and sniff, who would invite?
​I honestly don't know.

Do you like and/or want anything from Elements and Artifacts? You can be vague like "yes" or "no" or name specific past pieces you coveted or current ones you love, whatever works best.
Her work is beautiful! I'm down for anything!

Would you like something hand sewn by your Witch? A dress, shirt, skirt, infinity scarf, something else?

Anyone want any kind of costuming accessories or makeup or odds and ends?
No thanks - they wouldn't get enough use for me.


Are there any hobbies or crafts you've been thinking of trying, but haven't had the chance yet?
​Not that I can think of

Would you want to receive a custom spell kit or magical tea? If so, what purpose would you want it to be for?
​I can't think of a spell I need to do right now. I'm in a pretty good place.

Do you like poetry?
In song lyrics yes, but other than that not so much.

Anyone like handmade critters, stuffed animals, or custom repaints?
​I do have a lot of nerdy things around my apartment to begin with - other nerdy friends would not be turned away.

Would you enjoy any designer/specialty yarn for your own craftyness?
​I love yarn - I've never made anything with super special yarn but since I've really gotten into crocheting I'm always down for more yarn.

Would anyone like a donation made in their name to a cause or charity?
​I'm always in support of places that promote safer sex and are sex positive. That or donations in the name of public health initiatives are great. Please do not donate to the Goldwater Institute for me - my PhD research focuses on their organization a little and I particularly dislike them.

Please provide wishes from the last two updates?


Would you be interested in things from Future Primitive? (http://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk/)
​I once got a beautiful soap in a jar from there - it was amazing!!!! I'm always down for more or trying new bath and body products

Are there any UK things you'd like to get?
​I can't think of anything specific right now.

Are you into podcasts? If so, what are your favorites? Would you like any merch related to any of them?
​I do dabble in podcasts - I really like Make Out With Him, Sawbones, Stuff you Should Know. But I'm not into any of them enough to love merch.

Would you like something from Nui Cobalt Designs (https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/)?
​I love Nui Cobalt!!! They have the most beautiful talismans, I'm open to anything from there - except earrings because my ears are too sensitive to wear earrings.

Or maybe some of Christina's lovely Halloween candles at Sihaya & Co. (https://www.sihayaan...lection-candles)?
I love a goo candle, but shipping to Canada may be very pricey.

ILNP? Who would love one of their awesome holos like MEGA or one of their amazing chromes? http://www.ilnp.com/
THOSE ARE GORGEOUS!!!! I love nail polishes and I don't have any holos or chromes because I often just wear solid crème colours.

Do you enjoy stationery? I'm thinking cute/quality notebooks, washi tape, stickers, fun pens etc.
​I love stationary - I don't use stickers very much, but I love good notebooks/journals and pens!

Are you interested in anything from Cocoa Pink?
- Or Haus of Gloi?
​I've never tried Cocoa Pink but again open to try. I love Haus of Gloi - their pumpkin butters are amazing!!! I love moon dog from them and am definitely willing to try almost anything.

Would you be interested in a Halloween wreath?
Unfortunately there's no where to put it in my condo and it can't go on the outside of my front door due to condo regulations
Have you seen this: https://www.bustle.c...llection-80733? (Lush Halloween collection.) And what would you like?
​I love lush - that lip tint looks nice as does that black cat bubble bar.


Are you interested in anything from the Moonalisa Halloween update?
​I've never tried any Moonalisa - I'm open to trying anything though

What are your coffee and/or tea preferences?
- Coffee: whole beans or ground? Not a coffee fan
- Flavor and roast preferences?
- Tea: black, green, herbal, flavors?
- Loose leaf or tea bags?
- Anything specific you don't like?
- Are you in need of any gadgetry?
​I LOVE tea!!! I have an obscenely large collections - and I'll drink almost anything. I prefer loose leaf, but will not turn up my nose at bagged tea.

The only types of tea that I will not drink are things with pineapple (obviously due to my allergy) and chamomile (it makes my throat itchy).




This is HALLOWEEN...BOOK SWAP Questions

What's the one book you've always wanted but have never been able to find? Mine is an unrevised edition (meaning pre 1977, I believe) of John Fowles' The Magus. It's probably my favourite book ever, and I've always wanted to read the unrevised edition to make a comparison between the two, plus it would give me the opportunity to say that I've read it.   Do you have any wishlists you'd like to link to (Goodreads "To Read" shelf, Etsy, Amazon, etc.)? I have an etsy wishlist (it's in my sig) but no other ones. I love books in general and will pretty much read anything. One thing that I've been thinking about it Stephen King and Lovecraft. I've never read much horro, but I'm open to it and those authors both have such a large catalogue I don't even know where to start.   Coffee? Hot chocolate? Tea? Hate coffee, but LOVE tea and hot chocolate. I mainly stick with black and chai teas recently but I do love a good green as well. I love flavoured tea, both fruits and other sweet flavours.   Do you collect anything in particular? Other than books - I collect Doctor Who things and other nerdy elements as I'm going to move out of my parents house next year for grad school so I get to decorate my place in the nerdiest way possible.     What's your fall/Halloween decorating style? Non-existent. I since I live with my parents and my mother hates holidays (particularly Halloween) we don't really decorate.   What's your fall holiday of choice? My birthday!!!! Just kidding (well mostly), but I actually love Halloween! And I have a particular fondness for Thanksgiving (in October for us Canadians) because that means we get to have a bunch of family friends over for dinner and a great time!   I have another question: would you welcome books written in languages other than English? If so, which languages?   I'm a heathen and only speak english with a grade 12 level of french, but much prefer english please.   Do you have a Halloween costume that you need anything for? No plans for dressing up this year. It's not allowed at work nor do I usually go out. I usually end up staying home watching something like Rocky Horror or Carrie.   Is there anything traditionally associated with Autumn/Halloween that you absolutely DO NOT LOVE? (A scent, a flavor, a symbol, etc) Spiders - hate them. Actually more like terrified of them, but only realistic ones. Cartoony ones I just don't really enjoy.   Do you journal? Do you need a journal? Would you like a Halloween or Autumn themed journal? I love journaling, well not love necessarily, but I use it to process things and work through depression. Autumn themed would be preferable to halloween, because Autumn is my favourite season (night time autumn with a full moon would be especially awesome).   would you use a cookbook? if so, what themes? I would. Nerdy themed ones are always good. My dad is celiac so anything gluten free is also fantastic. I don't cook that much myself, but I love to bake so those are usually more in my wheelhouse.   Are there any thematically appropriate books/writers/genres that you've been looking to explore that have not made it into your answers yet? How about new releases you're looking forward to? I mentioned venturing into horror earlier, but other than that I don't have another specific genre I would like to explore. I'm open to most things.   New releases I'm excited about - Alligent by Veronica Roth and the new Bridget Jones (although I'll borrow that from work as I don't need to own it).   First off...YAY BOOKWORM!!!!! You are awesome!!!!   Weenies: I didn't wait - I knew what I wanted and made an order this morning. I haven't made a lab order in more than a year, so I felt now was the time since the Anne of Green Gables (my sister in literature - seriously one of the greatest connections I've had to a character ever) scent was released. I'm good with weenies now between A world with Octobers and Mictecacihuatl - and I tacked on bottles of Little Pythia, which sounds FANTASTIC, R'yleh, which I've been meaning to pick up for ages, Harvest Moon 2010, which sounds amazing, Lyonesse, which I've never tried and Jareth which I've also never tried.   Free e-books? I'd love them, I only have a few e-books (seriously less than 10) so any new ones are good with me   Used books? - Bring em on! Books in a series? - Feel free to start me on a new series, or continue me on one I am working on. If it is a new series, book one please! (this is stolen from vanillabean, but fits me perfectly) Graphic novels? - I quite like them. I have all the serenity ones, and a new star wars omnibus. I'm definitely open to more - literary graphic novels are apparently fantastic so I'm nerdy enough that I'm down for that. Short story anthologies? - Sure! Poetry, plays, things that aren't novels? - I do not get along well with poetry unless it is set to music so I definitely prefer novels and graphic novels.   Edward Gorey? I'm not terribly familiar.   Holiday craft related books? I don't really make my crafts holiday themed so not particularly useful.   Halloweenie or fall jewelry? Yes, no, what kind, preferred themes? (note: or if not Halloween or fall, maybe related to your collections or wishlists?) I like autumn themed things like leaves or feathers. Lots of elements and artifacts items are something I would wear for a point of inspiration. I don't really do bracelets on the whole and I can't wear earrings because my ears swell, but rings and necklaces are fine by me   What is a book or series that you can re-read over and over again? I've already mentioned the Magus, but I'll add Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter and the Mists of Avalon.   Favourite Halloween/Horror Movies and/or Characters? Are you a Freddy Kreuger fan? Jason? Michael Meyers? Amityville Horror? I'm not a huge horror fan, but I love Rocky Horror, Carrie, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Buffy, and Practical Magic.   No to all the listed characters.   Bath and Body Works? I'm ambivalent to most BBW. I love the lavender vanilla sleep line (I've got lots of the pillow spray though) and the energy line as well.




Fandom Swap! Questionairre and Answers to the thread.

Questionnaire:   Which show(s)/movie(s) you would like as the theme for your package? I have lots of fandoms so I’ll try to pick a top 5. Doctor Who, Firefly, Mass Effect, Harry Potter, and Castle...ok I lied I can’t do 5, but 6 is more doable so I’ll add Once Upon a Time. They are ranked...kind of. I can’t even do 6 because I FORGOT Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog!!!! I can’t believe I did that. I love ALL THE THINGS, and collect things from different fandoms, so no pressure from a specific fandom.   1. I would say name a mixture of five favorite fandoms (movies/television shows) that you would like. The package can be a mixture of different fandoms. Rank in priority of what fandom you’d like the most though. 2. Favorite characters? This is sooo difficult. I’ll do one or two from each fandom, River Song, Donna Noble, Inara Serra, Zoe Washburn, Malcom Reynolds (see can’t even keep it to 2 per fandom), my paragon femShep (Red hair in a bun, pale skin, young), Garrus Vakarian, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Richard Castle, Kate Beckett, Rumplestiltskin, Regina, Dr. Horrible, Penny and Captain Hammer. 3. Least favorite characters? I don’t know if I really have least favourite characters...I suppose Mickey from New Who annoyed me at first, Ron Weasley gets annoying sometimes but really I don’t hate anyone in my fandoms, unless it is a love to hate character (like Regina or Captain Hammer) 4. Favorite scent notes? Vanilla, leather, musks, resins, tobacco, lavender, lemon, tea, coconut, patchouli, caramel in Red Lantern. 5. Least favorite scent notes? Jasmine, Honey, whatever note that smells awful on me in Tamora (it might be the peach but that scent is awful on me) and heady florals. 6. Favorite snack item? That’s really hard to say...either popcorn or anything with peanut butter. (Chocolate may melt in the mail during summer months, so that might not be the best thing to send) 7. Least favorite snack item? Not sure, I don’t really hate any snack food. 8. Any allergies? Pineapple and Blue Cheese – odd combination I know, but not good. 9. Favorite flavors? Peanut Butter!!!!!! Caramel, chocolate, garlic, salt (in general). But really my favourite flavours are things that strike a contrast in combination like Chicago popcorn (salty and sweet) or something sweet and spicy. 10. Hated flavors? Black Liquorice, Chocolate and mint together, durian, flower flavoured things. 11. Favorite colors? Blues, purples, greens, jewel tones mostly, but I do love a good orange as well. I pretty much like ALL THE COLOURS! 12. Least favorite colors? I suppose the one thing is pastels – I’m too pale for that. 13. Jewelry preferences? Necklaces (at least 18” but usually 20”or longer), rings – I love rings, I’m usually a size 5.5 -7 (depending on the finger and the weather) 14. Wearable item preferences – I love jewellery, socks, and nerdy accessories. Although I waiting (very impatiently I might add) for Harry Potter leggings from Black Milk so don’t mind bigger pieces. I love knitted things in general and sweaters...really if it’s nerdy I’ll probably wear it  15. T-Shirt size – err...Medium? Bust – 37.5, Waist 32, hips 44. Usually the biggest problem I have with t-shirts is that they can be too tight in the hips if they fit properly in the rest of the torso, but I wear t-shirts to bed all the time, and that’s what happens with any shirt I don’t wear out so no worries about fit  16. Wildcard ideas? I may have said this in my SW questionnaire so feel free to ignore but I really want knitted knee high TARDIS socks for my rainboots, no worries about doing this, but that might be the ideal piece.     Anything else you want your swapper to know? I already have a Jayne Cobb hat (mom made it for last Christmas) and I got the coolest Legend of Zelda Armwarmers and bag from the Hearts Gift Swap. I also do not have the Dr. Horrible DVD.   Thread Stuff:   card games okay? Yup!   puzzles? I don't have room for true puzzles (like put the picture together puzzle) but love being challenged.   squirt guns? No thanks.   brain teaser games? Yes!   Uno or Phase 10, okay? For sure.   Other toy/game loves? Nothing really, except my love of video games.   Since we're asking questions I have one! - as a wildcard (or wearable?), what about a case for one's smartphone/device? I'd be okay with one, but it would have to be pretty solid and protecty as I'm a terrible klutz. I have a iphone 4s.   I have amassed a ton of stuff from the various years I've spent at SDCC. Would anyone like to receive swag from the con from their fandoms? It's anything from postcards to buttons to random stuff (pretty sure I have a Community beach ball somewhere).   OMG - It's my dream to make it to SDCC one day so anything from there would be a-ok with me   I've got lots of stuff from some of my fandoms. I'll list what I have here for convienience (and in my blog)   Doctor Who: I've got all the new Who seasons on itunes and I can get a fair bit of classic on Netflix. I've got a TARDIS mug and Dalek/TARDIS set of salt and pepper shakers.   Firefly: I've got all the comics and the Jayne hat that I mentioned in the questionairre. I've watched the series and Serenity on Netflix a bunch of times, but don't actually own either.   Mass Effect: Have all three games for PS3, but that's it.   Castle: Seen all the episodes, but don't have anything Castle specific.   Harry Potter: Have all the books and movies as well as a Ravenclaw scarf.   Once Upon a Time: Seen it, but again don't have anything although I want the book (Henry's)   Dr. Horrible: Seen it, have the soundtrack but nothing else.   Pintrest:http://pinterest.com/rbecksf/ Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/rebeccafoley4   Colouring books? SURE!   Do you actually like tea, should I be interested in approaching our dear Miss Venneh? I love tea. I actually just bought some group tea from Venneh (I got River, Inara, TARDIS, Door and my own Doctor/River blend). I'd be fine with more tea, I jsut need to make sure to stay away from anything with pineapple.   Fanfic? For sure - I love fanfic. Right now I'm on a pretty big Doctor/River kick, but I also like Garrus/FemShep, Castle/Beckett. If if were to be smutty I also wouldn't say no   If you were a super hero what would superpowers be? I'd have the ability to be invisible (not to do bad things, but to avoid people) and to teleport so I could get where I need to go quickly.   What are your hobbies? I run, read and like to sew, but I don't have any huge hobbies, unless you count being on the internet and working a lot.   Any craft supplies you need or want? Nothing that is necessary, but I wouldn't turn away nerdy fabric.   Please tell expand why you love your favorite character(s) - (please be prepared for a novel below) River Song - I love that she's so fiesty and sexy. She just demands attention in any room. She's someone who is confident in herself and that's something I aspire to be. It doesn't help that there is some spectactular word play/innuendo that makes me smile everytime. Plus her hair!!! Seriously if I could get my hair to curl and look that gorgeous I would anytime.   Donna Noble - For someone with such low self esteem and a mother that reminds me of my own sometimes she is a fantastic person. I love that she cares about all the people (and aliens) that she meets and truly gets the Doctor to see some light and helps him to make the right decisions. She was the most important person in the world and for her it wasn't about being powerful, but helping fix wrongs. She reminds me a little of me, except her brash and yelling nature makes me smile especially with her non-romantic relationship with the Doctor. Donna/Doctor might be my BROTP.   Inara Serra - She's regal, calm, beautiful and can kick some serious ass as well. I love that as a companion she doesn't take shit from anyone (except Mal, but we all know there was something there that would have been developed in further seasons). Her intelligence and level headed nature balanced the group and truly helped make them a family.   Zoe Washburn - Zoe has to be one of my favourite female characters because she is super strong and has many stereotypical masculine traits, but doesn't sacrifice any femininity because she genuinely seems to enjoy having feminine moments. Her relationship with Wash was perfect and it was nice to see an established relationship on television that wasn't truly challenged from outsiders.   Malcom Reynolds - The perfect chaotic good. He presents as this tough guy who only cares about himself, but he truly cares for his family on the ship and in ultimately doing the right thing. Also some of his lines were fantastic (I swear by this pretty floral bonnet I will end you) and I might have the biggest crush on Nathan Fillion so that doesn't help my love of Mal.   Rebecca Shepard (Mass Effect) - I'll be completely honest, my Shepard is modelled after me and the decisions that I would make. My Shepard is young, pale, blue-eyed, refusing to opt for a short cut her long copper hair is usually in a bun and has a touch of freckles. Even though she is a soldier (I play as an adept mostly or a vanguard) she always tries to avoid bloodshed. She can kick some serious ass and like Zoe presents some masculine qualities, but underneath it all is rather feminine. She's the kind of woman to wear beautiful undergarments underneath her armour so that she still feels pretty.She likes to be complimented and truly loved Kaidan. She flirted her way through Mass Effect 2 with Jacob, Thane and Garrus (well with everyone actually) but was still waiting for Kaidan to come back. Then he broke her heart. Even though he eventually 'apologized' the damage was done. Kaidan was the first person she trusted and let get behind her armour to see the real, less confident and slightly fragile Shepard. He broke that trust by not even listening to her and not trusting her enough even though she completely trusted him. It really seems that he didn't like not being the traditional male in their relationship and needed an excuse to leave. After Kaidan the strong friendship and flirting between Shepard and Garrus escalated. Shepard realized that what she has with Garrus is what love truly should be. They always had each others' backs and would always be there when the other needed it. When Kaidan came back and tried to win Shepard back there was no chance that she would ever do so. They eventually mended their friendship, but Shepard stuck with Garrus. Post destroy ending (I pick destroy nearly every time as it's the only one that makes sense with the story, but that's another story) when they find a dying Shepard, Garrus stays at her bedside until she leaves the hospital. I need to believe that's true because I actually cried at their interaction at the end of ME3 because it was so caring but so sad to see such a strong relationship going into a situation where they were sure they weren't going to make it out alive. They loved each other so much, but knew that they needed to save the galaxy even if they couldn't be together.   Garrus Vakarian - See above for relationship with Shepard. But Garrus is sarcastic and witty which endears him to me. His dialogue is always enjoyable and the amount that he cares for Shepard is heartening. Also seeing him grow from the first game to the end of the 3rd he goes from CSec and hating the rules forced upon him and doing things his own way (even if it isn't the morally right choice) to at least thinking about his actions and the repercussions that might come about.   Hermione Granger - I answered this one in my switch witch questionnaire. I love Hermione because I identify with her.   Luna Lovegood - She's an oddball who doesn't quite fit in and I often feel this way, even though I'm not quite as eccentric as Luna. She's a great friend who is always there to support others and genuinely is just a fantastic person.   Richard Castle - A little over confident and thinks hes the most handsome in a room, many could find Castle annoying and stuck on himself, which he kind of is, but underneath it all is a great person. He's smart, imaginative , and always willing to help others. He's a bit of a child most of the time, but that's part of his charm. He's the kind of guy that I hope I can find as he is fiercely loyal and a total nerd at the same time.   Kate Beckett - She sticks with my theme of kick ass female characters with femininity. She's also very funny and quick witted and with Castle they create a perfect balance.   Rumplestiltskin - The man is deliciously evil, but we get to see him try to be a good person. I love seeing the character development, plus Carlyle is fantastic. He's an evil character that I love to hate sometimes, but truly love to see him try to change.   Regina - Another evil character. I keep wanting her to stick with her resolve to do better for Henry and be a good person, but she does evil so well that selfishly I don't want her to succeed. Plus those outfits and hair in Storyland are fantastic.   Dr. Horrible - He's adorable and not all that evil. He just wants social change and to get the girl. Even his evil plans aren't that evil. I just love him! Plus NPH singing, what more do I need?   Penny - Love Felicia Day to begin with and Penny is just so sweet. I love that she's so commited to doing something to better the city.   Captain Hammer - More like Captain Douche. He's the evil one here, but is so cocky and womanizing that he is hysterical. Plus Nathan Fillion again, means I have to love him.   If you could meet any of your fictional characters, what would you say to them? I don't know what I'd say to any of my fictional characters, except to ask River how she gets her hair to look so amazing.   How do you feel about mashups/crossovers? I'm fine with them.   Please describe your style: living space(ie do you have wall space, do you prefer blank walls, does a given accessory need to coordinate with a given color scheme) and wearable. Cluttered and very little room left because there are books everywhere. Plus I don't have control over much of the living space because I'm at home. Wearable wise I'm not very consistent. I love leggings and longer tops with cardigans. I love skirts and dresses. I guess the best way to describe my style would be comfortable and quite feminine, but with a little bit of an edge (very little). I will note that my style is a little bit all over the place lately in particular because I've lost some of the weight that I gained with a knee injury so things that used to be tight are now a little oversized. I like to create balance in my wardrobe as well - ie. I'll wear leggings, but my top won't be fitted or I'll wear a bodysuit with a circle skirt. I wear a lot of black and neutrals, but keep getting myself to branch out to colours as well (like the pair of peacock leggings I'm buying because I've lost 20 lbs)   Hey all you geeky-types! Y'all do know about Shiro Cosmetics doncha? I know, but haven't managed to get anything...They are so pretty, especially the lip tubes.   Are you OK with t-shirts (I think that was asked, but I'm a little swap-overwhelmed at the moment )? If so, and you're of the female persuasion, would you prefer t-shirts "cut" for women or are men's t-shirts okay? I'm good with either. I mentioned stats earlier/in the blog post. I'm also fine with oversized shirts especially to pair with leggings.   Makeup colours? I tend to stick with neutrals and cool colours with the exception of bronzes (which look nice on my eyes). I love blushes of all colours and lip sticks of reds, pinks and berries.   Bluray or DVD works for me   Would you rather have something practical of something decorative? Do I have tp make a choice? I like practical yet deoractive things (like my TARDIS mug which is currently waiting for the TARDIS tea I have on my way to me) but if I had to make a choice practical, because I have such limited room.   Do you cosplay? No, but I totally want to. I could be Amy or Donna I suppose with the red hair or Poison Ivy. I just have no where or no one to cos play with.   Do you collect action figures? Nope.   Also, Pillows, yes? no? Nerdy pillows could be very cool.   Though I must ask, if one of your fandoms is Doctor Who, would you like an Adipose stuffie? Or should I work on something else for the toy? I'd totally be down for an Adipose! They are quite adorable. And I forgot to mention it, but the Daleks are my favourite who villian!




Switch Witch Summer 2013 Questions part 1

Dr Who? YES!!!!!! I Who!!!! River is totally my favourite 'companion' but 9 is my Doctor (although I love all that I've seen so far, 9 was my first).   How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors? I love it. Usually flavoured is the way to go - foody/fruity flavours, but I'm not opposed to much except liquorice, chocolate mint (okay separately, but not together) and florals.   Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? Yes and yes - I like berries, reds, softer pinks, my lips but better type colours. I usually stay away from extreme colours and things that are really dark, because the contrast is just too much with my pale skin.   For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out? I'm open to any company although I hate alcohol based perfume as it tends to set off allergies.   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? I've got an order on the way via the Facebook group order. I LOVE tea. Tea types that I like are green, green with fruity notes, and recently I'm delving into the world of black teas (except I hate floral notes, bergamot is fine, but lavender and rose smell fantastic, but taste awful). I really like David's Tea as well - My favourites from there are Organic Green Seduction, The Skinny and Salted Caramel.   What about coffee? Hate it...sorry   Who is your favourite female of all time? Historical, literary, ANYTHING, and why? This is a ridiculously difficult question...I guess I'd say Anne Boleyn. There's something about how misunderstood she is as a historical figure. My favourite portrayals/accounts paint her as intelligent and feisty rather than the more malicious stories.   If you were a Disney princess you would be? Also a very difficult question. Three way tie? I look the most like Ariel (red hair, blue eyes and pale skin) but don't have the same need to break all the rules. I also have a very soft spot for Merida especially for her amazing curly hair and refusal to marry and act like a 'lady' just because it is expected. But realistically I think I would be Belle - I'm a bookworm/nerd (and proud of it). I often am not part of the popular group and I do not tend to fall for stereotypically attractive men.   Seashell from Florida? I don't need one, but wouldn't turn one down   What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? I sew and just bought fabric for a new circle skirt and top that I'm not sure I can actually make. I love soft knitted fabrics and do most of my sewing using that type of fabric (I'm so excited for my new bamboo circle skirt) so I'm open to fabrics completely but otherwise I'm not very crafty.   If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? French Tobacco SN - I waffled when I shouldn't have because I didn't want to spend 20$ to ship.   Are you kinky? I suppose so, but also am woefully single and not into casual relationships.   Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? I like them alright, but we have enough candles at home to outlast the zombie apocalypse because my mother LOVES candles.   Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? Never been but would love to see more of Africa (I've been to Ghana and a little bit of Togo), I'm open to South African things (or things from anywhere really).   Do you like Sockdreams? If so, what styles would you prefer? I love socks!! But I've never purchased from Sock Dreams. I love knee high things, but there is the calf issue so perhaps plus-sized socks would fix that?   Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? Again I don't need hair accessories but I kind of love them. Sticks work well in my hair and I'm open to trying combs. I love all the colours, but since I have orangey-red hair certain pinks and oranges can get overwhelmed.   What is your favorite shade of blue? I really like most blues - the only thing I usually stay away from is really light blues, but that's only really for wearing.   Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? No gadgets here.   If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? hmm...maybe how to actually use my serger. But in all seriousness I'd say making my baking pretty and not just tasty. Or a new language or how to make jewlerly. How to actually read Tarot (I've started to get a handle on my runes - from last SW so Tarot would be an interesting sidekick)   What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? I love food in general, so sweets are fine with me although I prefer my sweets to be mixed with salt or spice, usually or sour.   Do you have an e-reader? What kind? Would you like to get ebooks? I have no e-reader.   If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive. Please dont hedge on this one...some of us are serious crafters and will be making most of what we send! I don't know of anything that I wouldn't like to receive, large decorations (just because I don't have much space) and I guess things I generally dislike (like spiders *shiver*). Perhaps more specific questions might help me.   Witchee dear, do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? YES!!!! I love video games. I have a Wii and a PS3, although I play the PS3 much more. I've always wanted to play Half-life (all of it) but the orange box is quite difficult to find. I always love new games and have a decent sized library. I particularly like games where my choices actually matter (like Mass Effect and Dragon Age) - I have no qualms about violence and will pretty much play anything but war games (No CoD or things like that as I prefer my violence to have a little bit more fantasy).   Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? Have a cup of tea mid afternoon as a pick me up I'm not sure I have any other daily things, I suppose I post on tumblr at least once a day.   QUESTION: Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands? I love nail polish! I tend to go for the exact opposite of traditional colours (so basicially no nudes, soft pinks, reds unless I'm going for a french mani) I love greys, blues, purples, greens in particular. I don't really have any favourite brands and am totally open to indie brands (I've looked at Nerd Lacquer and the names are just so tempting plus all the pretty glitter).   QUESTION: Name three BPAL scents you hav tried, but are dying to get more of. R'yleh - I love it, but just haven't made a lab order in a very long time. Green Tree Viper - Got an imp in a swap and LOVE it, I think it will be fantastic in the summer. (Not BPAL, but TAL) White Light and Aegis - both of these have such a nice calming effect that is totally needed sometimes with my high strung personality. I'm rationing my decants of these until I can make a TAL order.   Question: Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love? I love writing letters although I don't have nice stationary to do so, which usually means that I draw pictures on "cards" and write letters in that to make it more personal.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? Yes I have!!!! and I LURVE them. I've tried and loved the Englishman and the Queen is dead. I prefer scrubs (seriously hers are AMAZING) and the hand/body lotion slips. As long as a scent isn't particularly floral I'm pretty happy.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I have a brown thumb (like my mother) so gardening is left to my very capable father.   Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. Yes - mini things are adorable, plus I don't have to commit to something for very long.   QUESTION: Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like? Nope. I've heard conflicting things about them, but am always willing to try new companies. Their shampoo bars look interesting.   QUESTION: Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? Not really - they tend to dry out my skin too much although I had a sample of villaness and paintbox that worked very nicely.   Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you? No - but I've definitely looked before. I love shampoos and conditioners (although I have a sensitive scalp ) her hair stuff in general looks pretty cool, but I'm easy to please   Do you like Lush? If so, what is your favorite product that is currently available, also, what is a product that you love but has been discontinued? I used to be obsessed with Lush - I also worked there for 2 years. I'm not sure about my favourite current product as I haven't shopped there in a long time, but discontinued would be a tie between Black Pearl and Icon...actually it might be marathon, which was the best bubble bar for sore muscles.   Oh, anyone a fan of Shiro Cosmetics? Any particular products? Eye shadow pigments in general? Those products look amazing!!!! I've mocked up an order so many times, but never have gone through with it. I like eyeshadow pigments in general as well (I tend to use them as eyeliner most of the time).   Are there any companies, products, or items you boycott? No, well at least not that can be shipped. I tend to stay away from many fast food places, but no physical stores.   Japan? I'm cool with anything. I love stationary and sheet masks   If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average? So as a 22 year old female I'm pretty different to others my age. I don't really drink that much (only socially - perhaps up to 6 times a year) and I'm not a partier; I'd much rather spend my evening with a few friends playing board games and eating great food. I'm a red head so that's pretty rare I guess. I play a lot of video games and like nerdy things - like others I'd much rather strike up a conversation about video games or Doctor Who then shoes or who the cutest celebrity is. Like much of the forum I'm an avid reader. I'm also a single virgin, which at 22 seems like I'm a unicorn, but I'm not religious nor saving myself for marriage, I've just never found someone who likes me enough and that I liked them back enough to do this. I'm not sure this is particularly rare, but it seems to me that everyone else around my age is starting to find others and pair up, which I've never really experienced. I tend to have a pretty quick wit and am terribly sarcastic which often goes over the heads of my peers. I'm pretty dedicated to school and am currently writing my honours thesis before moving on to grad school and hoping to eventually earn a Phd. I'm someone who questions things...a lot. Most people my age tend to accept things as they are; they don't want to question or provoke change in the status quo and I need to know why things are the way they are. I also have a deep fascination with censorship (my thesis topic actually) which most of my fellow students tend to ignore or almost fall asleep during conversations about it. I've always been told that I act older than I really am so I guess this maturity makes me a little different from the norm as well.   I guess I'd say that I feel pretty different from the average. I'm pretty weird, but I agree and think that it is why I feel so much love here. Everyone is so wonderful and I feel so connected to all of the wonderful people here   Question: Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? I've recently started cooking real food. I've bake for years but never really ventured into real food outside of pasta and grilled cheese until this past year. I love it! Sometimes things don't turn out great (like the time I may have burned the mustard/molasses chicken) but usually everything is pretty good. I will gloat a bit and say that I make a mean spiced caramelized roasted yam.   Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? All the reading levels? I'll pretty much read anything in front of me although I may have given up on the new Dan Brown novel, because it just seems too formulaic.   What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home? Ummm...there isn't really a style to our kitchen because it's so small. We do entertain, but really it's not entertaining, but rather just gathering with friends to play board games and watch movies.   Are your ears pierced? Yes, but my ears are so sensitive that I can only wear the earrings that you get your ears pierced with.   Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? I have an abundance of stuffies, but small adorable ones will never be turned away.   Switch Witch is, of course, all about you.....but if your Witch was so inclined, are there wee little ones in your home that will get jealous and are just too young to understand why you won't share the love, who maybe need a touch of Witchee love all their own, to distract them while you hide all your lovelies?!? No wee ones, just me and the parents.   If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in? This is fantastic! I have this urge to do a masters of information (basically a masters in STUDY ALL THE THINGS) but there isn't really a practical application currently for something like that, so I'd do that also become a librarian - so I can read everything. There's no specific research needed from a SW but I love learning new interesting things so wouldn't mind being sent links to articles or information that I can devour   Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like? If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? (sorry if this feels a bit Spanish Inquisition!) I LOVE new recipes! As stated in the questionairre I'm allergic to pineapples and blue cheese and I tend to cook a lot of gluten free things because my dad is a Celiac. I love yams/sweet potatoes (the orange ones) in savoury dishes, we love goat cheese (of almost all sorts) in our house. I don't really fry things, but I have an oven, stove, barbeque and slow cooker to cook with. Really I'm open to anything and pretty much any ingredients (except mushrooms - I hate them, its the awful texture)   I can't knit (I do not have the patience for it) so a pattern would go unused. I wouldn't say no to sewing patterns for oversized drapy tops (I never seem to have enough). I love stories and hand made pictures are always beautiful and done with love.   Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? I love them! I usually favour cross body bags and messenger ones. I don't need a new one, but I wouldn't say no to one, especially if it's unique.   What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Comfort food would have to be homemade gluten free lasagna or mac and cheese. Drink is tea, but I guess that means I drink comfort drinks everyday   Question, on behalf of european witches: Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country. Europe seems pretty awesome, nothing particular that I can think of not being able to get here, but I do like foreign things.   Question: What fandoms do you belong to? All the fandoms...just kidding. I belong to so many of them - I'll try to make a list, but feel free to ask about a fandom and we can chat about it (even if I'm not a part of it, I love to find new fandoms) Doctor Who, Firefly, Castle, Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones (ASoIaF), Mass Effect, Legend of Zelda, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, Harry Potter, Greek and Roman Mythology (not really a fandom, but nerdy all the same), The Walking Dead. There's definately more than this, but apparently I'm drawing a blank, there may be more listed in last year's blog posts.   Question: What cheers you up? Music, Ice cream (but only a bit, because too much lactose makes my tummy unhappy ), mail - no seriously I love mail, even if it's just junk mail or email I love getting stuff because it's always a pleasant surprise, reading, tea, snuggling in a blanket, having no socks on (I hate socks unless they are knitted and/or fluffy), thinking about the fact that I am 20 lbs down from my starting weight in March and am that much closer to being my old size , perfumes, TALs - I honestly don't know if I would have been able to make it through some days without Radiance of Ra and Lionheart, playing video games, getting an unexpected call from a friend, dinners out with great people, board games, online shopping - or even just fake online shopping, which because I'm cheap I do a lot, I put things in my cart and then don't buy them. I guess lots of things cheer me up, I'm sure there are more.   Question: Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? I'm not sure, I'm not really a spooky type of person (I'm a bit of a scardey cat). I think I would just not like to be haunted in general.   Question: What question do you hate to answer? Are your eyes really that blue naturally or do you wear contacts? (This is annoying because it happens all the time). However, I suppose my most loathed question is - what are you going to do with a degree in Dance and Communications? Or any variation on the "what are you going to do with your life question" I'm still not sure so I get really uncomfortable with it and can't commit to anything.   Question: What is the best compliment you have/could receive? I think my favourite compliment came from my thesis supervisor. She said that I have a real knack for weaving together personal experiences (both mine and others) with academic research and that I always look at really interesting subjects that haven't been researched before. I think I was glowing for weeks after that conversation. It's nice to be told that it's important to study what I'm studying because most people think it's so boring.   Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? I've always wanted to get into tarot, I had a set but it's seriously disappeared. I have a set of hand made runes, which I use often and think that I'm starting to get the hang of. I'm open to anything in that realm, I am often quite surprised at how focusing on self readings can reveal things that I've never consciously thought of and then I can do something about it.   Question: Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? Nothing that I would be heartbroken not to receive - honestly the most exciting thing is to see what a witch has picked up on and picked out specially for you. I would be a-ok if there was no food, especially due to customs but really I'm pretty easy to please.   Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? No.   Would you like something from Empire Edibles? They look nice, but I'm not sure if Canadian shipping would be feasible.   What are the three books you most want to read right now, and which you don't already have? This is sad and difficult because I work at a bookstore, but there are things that my store doesn't carry. The Collector - John Fowles (or really any Fowles book that isn't the Magus - which I loved) Island - Aldous Huxley Those are the only ones that I can think of that I know we don't carry at my store.   Is there a literary character you identify with? Even if it's not spot-on, just someone you found yourself having that "I identify with this" feeling? This is a little bit pathetic, but the first character I ever identified with (and still do) is Hermione. I've always been on the outside due to my intelligence and love of knowledge and sometimes find it difficult to get along with other females. Like her I'm an only child and am rather independent.   The other character I identify with off the top of my head is Gemma from Libba Bray's Great and Terrible Beauty trilogy. As a fiesty, red head who doesn't conform to traditional standards expected of women there's just something about her that made me have the instatn "I identify with this" feeling.   Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? HAHAHA...Fuck no.   What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? I'm not buying anything, but I'm interested in: DESMONEMA (This sounds fantastic!) CALOCYCLAS EPIBULIA OCTOPUS (The more I think about it, because I am loving R'yleh so much, I'm interested in more aquatic scents, but I don't even know where to start except I know I didn't like Lurid as it was a very sharp aquatic) Post wise: Nothing new for me there   Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? What don't you like? Favorites? Any classics you like? Do you collect any? I'm greatly intrigued by Cards Against Humanity, though I've still never played. I love board games, but only get to play when we have company over. Trivia games always go over well with my group of friends (We have trivial pursuit pop culture - we like things like that) Scene it is also popular (We have Scene it Harry potter, Squabble and Turner Classic Movies).   What style is your sense of humour? Dark, sardonic, sarcastic. I LOVE word play, quick wit, dry humour, nerd humour. I'm not a huge fan of slap stick humour, this sounds elitist, but I like my humour to have more intelligence than that.   Is there anything from Australia you would like? Tim Tams!!!! I love them - I can get the original and caramel ones here. I know I like the oreo like ones for sure but am open (no turkish delight ones though please).   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Completely understandable for international witching - love them. Stores I would like: Black Milk, etsy, sock dreams or anywhere you think I might like   Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here: No Love to be Made Here Now - Luke Doucet Science Fiction Double Feature - RHPS Speak Slow - Tegan and Sara Strawberry Fields Forever - the Beatles Any Day Now - Missy Higgins Rainy Days and Mondays - Emmy Rossum One too Many Mornings - Bob Dylan The Right Regrets - SMASH Doing it Right - The Go! Team I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) - Genesis   This is a pretty good example of my musical tastes (ie. All over the place)   what is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful. My iphone 4s. I carry that thing everywhere and am glad that I can listen to music whereever I am as well as find any info on the internet as well.   How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? I don't have a lot of room, so about legal size is the biggest I could put up.   QUESTION: Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? No.   QUESTION: Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? Yes, I used to be a really big hot chocolate drinker until I discovered that I love tea, but still occasionally indulge.   QUESTION: Have you ever tried Spoonfudge? Would you enjoy it if your Witch would send you some? Which of the flavors would you like? Never tried it, but would not be adverse to sampling delicious fudge. Anything peanut butter and or salted caramel would be my first picks.   QUESTION: What's your opinion on Moonalisa? Any favorites or products you'd like to try? No opinion because I've never tried it, mostly due to a long TAT as well as the need to jump on sales.   Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful) Tamora - I love Shakespeare and his female villians. This ended up smelling terrible on me, like dirty diapers and rotting flowers, it was awful. Lady Macbeth - this one wasn't horrible, but turned to grape dimatap, which while isn't terrible doesn't evoke the maddness and evilness of Lady Macbeth (prob. my favourite villian) Lurid - this turned to sharp soapy nearly metallic on my skin, but I loved the adjectives and expected a slightly darker scent.   Is there a Quote that resonates with you, or that you particularly like a lot. Would this be something you would like artwork made of for your walls or a shirt/bag/scarf? I feel like I have lots of quotes that I love (mostly lyrics). "I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold." "With every broken heart you should become more adventurous."     Also, STARBUCKS, Yay or Nay? Anything you particularly like? Not particularly, I used to work there and have some grudges still.   Ninjas or Pirates? Pirates, but if availiable ninja pirates.   Werewolves or Vampires? Tough one. I'd say werewolves, but vampires are alright (unless they sparkle)   Zombie or Cthulhu? Zombies.   Do you welcome knitted items? If so, what would you like most? (amigurumi, washcloth, socks, shawl, shawlette, scarf, wrist warmers, hat, etc.) Do you have any favorite fibers? How about any fiber allergies? Favorite color for knitted items? YES!!! YES! YES!!! (But you already knew this). No favourite fibers or allergies. I love all the colours for knitted things.   Do you want to receive one big package or a bunch of small ones? Digital stuff all at the end when the box should arrive or as we go? What ever works the best for you dear witch   What are the three BPALs you would most like to receive - one GC, one not-hard to find LE, and one HTF LE from your dreams? GC - R'yleh, LE - French Tobacco and Miller Vs. California (as it is very similar to my thesis subject - obscenity is a huge part of what I'm looking at).   If you knit/crochet, what sizes of needles do you need? N/A.   What styles of artwork do you like? I'm pretty open to most styles, with the exception of most 'modern' art (like modernism modern rather than just new). Art nouveau is always pretty.   Would you like mexican vanilla or silver rings/necklaces? What an odd combo. I have some mexican vanilla (it's lovely) so I'm set there, but I do love silver rings/necklaces (well, rings/necklaces in general).   Conjure Oils - interesting, but I'm so new to any sort of spirituality/ritual type thing that I'm more comfortable sticking with my TALs.   Note to my witch...you may get to ignore my earlier comment about not having an e-reader. Kobo's are on mega sale this week at work, and I think I may finally cave and pick one up. It would be easier to carry around as I tend to like larger books.   That being said this means that I'm open to pretty much anything in e-reader format, because even if I already have a paper version, a e one could be nice. I'll read pretty much anything too (although I tend to refuse to pay for romance novels on principle...long story)   What is your favourite colour? Purple, although green and blue are pretty close...who am I kidding I love ALL THE COLOURS (I don't want any colour to feel bad because it isn't loved enough).   What is your favourite season? Autumn! I love crisp days where the sun is out but it's chilly and you can see your breath. It makes me crave tea, knitted things and boots (three of my favourite things).   If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would it be? I have three choices Ireland, Great Britain and Australia. But upon reflection I think I live in the most beautiful place and I truly love Canada. So I could live in any of those places for a time, but wouldn't want to stay there. I keep thinking how it will be hard enough to move to the eastern provinces for grad school, let alone a completely different country (or continent for that matter).   -Do you have any long trips coming up? If so, could you use things to occupy yourself? No long trips for me...I have to write my thesis, which is very boring and prevents summer fun -I'm going to Jungle Jim's next week (it's basically a massive international food gasm in Ohio, look it up); would anything interest you? Ohhh...specialty hot sauce, sounds interesting as I love the spicy things.   -Name three things that you could use, but might not necessarily think to get for yourself? Err...I guess I'd say a nice case for my new ereader (It's a kobo mini - so much smaller than the cool out of print case that I really wanted I think it's about 4" by 5.2" by 0.4"), nerdy fabric mostly because I'd have to order online and I'm impatient, BB cream (I'm super pale and have tried some of them I liked a skin food one the most and Holika was alright as well as the Dr. Jart, but I haven't managed to get out and actually buy a tube)   I'm okay with graphic novels (except Firefly/Serenity I have all of them) I particularly like the style of Dark Horse, but my experience is very limited. I like to read things in order as well (because I'm anal like that)   TP etsy: Nothing in particular there.   QUESTION: I just found out Oreo is launching ones with watermelon flavor in the USA only. Is it something you would enjoy? No thank you. I like watermelon, and oreos but I can't reconcile the two together.   What do you love about summer (even if it’s your least-favorite season)? I love the long days. There is so much light compared to down south and I love it! I like that generally there is less rain than usual which shows off the beauty and makes running outside more enjoyable. Summer also means barbeques with friends and usually that's underscored with board game marathons which I also love! And fresh produce - I love fruit in the summer!   For those of you who are big readers: Are there any books that just came out (like within the last two months) or are about to come out during this round that you're really looking forward to? I'd love to read Neil Gaiman's new one, but other than that I think I really have no idea what's coming out soon (which is very sad since I work at a book store) although I'm embarrassed that I'm so excited for the new Bridget Jones novel in October. Chick Lit isn't really my thing, but there's just something about Bridget that I find endearing.     I know there's been a question about favorite quotes but this is specific: Do you have a quote that's not more than, say, a dozen words long that you would like in a cross-stitch? I don't mind cross-stich, quotes from nerdy things on cross-stich are always welcome...for that matter any nerdy quotes are welcome in any context.   Dear Witchee: If you don't consider yourself in a "fandom" (and I get that ... I don't really go overboard on my liking of any TV show/Movie/etc), are there any TV shows or Movies that you really like and/or watch regularly or any actors/actresses you wouldn't leave standing in the rain (unless you like looking at them sopping wet, in which case ... well, nevermind)? I consider myself to be part of many fandoms (because I enjoy being the biggest nerd possible). My love of certain actors seems to include a lot of men who are much to old for me, but I don't care and shall love them from a far anyway. Top of my list is Nathan Fillion. Seriously, I love him so much and the fact that he is Canadian is even better. Alan Rickman, Benedict Cumberbatch (the only slightly age appropriate one on this list and even that is a bit of a stretch), Harrison Ford (although mostly back in the Star Wars, Original Indiana Jones films and Blade Runner), Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth. Actually I think that's a pretty good list.   Has anyone asked about tattoos? Do you love them? Hate them? Have any? Want any? I love well done tattoos! I think they are absolutley beautiful and I love the story behind them. I am tattoo less mostly because I haven't quite decided what I want on my body for the rest of my life. There are ideas swimming around in my head. I particularly am fond of dandelions and peacocks as noted earlier, but both can be a little cliche.   I live near the Brown and Haley outlet - makers of Almond Roca and Mountain Bars - would you want anything from the outlet? For nut-haters, they have nutless ( ) Roca (but not nut-free, for the allergic, sorry!) For the no-sugar folks they have sugar-free as well. Sounds delicious. I am neither nut nor sugar free (in fact I love both!)   I also have an Oberto jerky outlet local to me - any wants there? Not particularly, plus meat and customs is usually a bad mix.   How do you feel about home-canned goods? Pickles? Ketchup? Mustard? Jam? Marmalade? I'm good with that. I like all of the above (except maramlade) but prefer jellys to jams.   Do you like BPTP clothing? I've never purchased it but it looks great. What size do you wear of: err....I have measurements if that helps: Bust: 37-38 (depending on the bra) Waist: 32 Hips: 43 Also I'm pretty sure I may have mentioned this earlier (but I'm in two swaps and I can't remember what I've said where) but I'm on a weight loss journey right now and am down more than 20lbs since mid March and am probably looking to lose another 15 or so, so if something is a little snug when I get it that's alright.   Baby-doll T's Regular T's yoga pants (I have larger thighs as well as hips and an ass with my smaller waist - I used to be very pear shaped but some how managed to grow boobs within the last year so I'm borderline pear/hourglass shaped now)   Also, what is your favorite lunacy (or non-lunacy) T-shirt that you don't already own? Or other clothes from BPTP? I loved the crow moon shirt, The little lunacy one, and panther moon, but I'm pretty open. I like the yoga pants in belladonna or hemlock.   What else do you love from the Trading Post site, and need to have? Nothing is a neccessity but just nice to have (except TKO and UGH, mostly UGH, but I still have 3/4 of each of a bottle so don't necessarily need more)   Dearest Witch: Is there a particular movie genre that you like (Fantasy? Drama? Romantic Comedy? Musicals? TV-Series, etc), and what format would you prefer: DVD, Blu-Ray, or something in the cloud (like Amazon, iTunes, Flixster, etc)? I like sci-fi/fantasy stuff, musicals, tv-series (I keep meaning to get into parks and rec) and comedies mostly - let me know if you need specifics that I have/haven't seen. I can do bluray or dvd and technically itunes but would prefer either of the former. Odd thing is though that my favourite movies are Moulin Rouge and the Wedding Singer which means I guess that I like romance/rom coms as well.   Following up on the Adagio question from earlier, what are you top five wishes, for teas and blends? I don't have specific wishes, although I wouldn't mind finding another black tea that I really enjoy like I enjoy the Salted Caramel from Davids (so I guess I'm looking for a sweet flavoured black tea then? I'm new to black teas, but am starting to love them). I really like the idea of fandom teas, but they like to sneak pineapple in a lot of teas so I have to be really careful.   Do you have anything that you do ritually, every summer? Not really, even as a child there was nothing specifically summery that I did.   What are your top five wishes from ThinkGeek? This is a dangerous site...I usually try to stay away from it, but I will sacrifice myself for the sake of switch witching Either this in 80s or this in white would be cool (I have a love of water bottles/drinking vessels. This because of my deep love of River Song. This because OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?!? How cool is that. These are pretty cool as well, and fall in with my love of socks. I particularly like the constellations pattern. This because I didn't realize I kind of enjoy aquatic scents at least a bit when it first came out.   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? Well, pretty much anything on Think Geek and I may have done that with some of my favourites on etsy lately.   Do you like audiobooks? If so, do you have/would you like to try Audible? (I'm an addict, myself.) I'm sorry, but I actually hate them. I don't hate many things, but for some reason can't enjoy audiobooks.   Chocolate: Love? Hate? Allergic? If love, what are your faves? I lurve it! Dark is preferable. I like it mixed with peanut butter and/or salt and/or any variation of caramel and/or spicy things. I hate fruit in my chocolate and liquours as well.   Does the idea of wearing a plant as jewelery give you the warm fuzzies or the heebie jeebies? that's facinating - it also looks like I wouldn't be able to kill it like I normally do plants, but alas the Canada customs thing might not work out so well.   Gourmet popcorn, yes/no? What do you like: glazed, savory, candied? Nuts or not? Any flavors you wouldn't like (like Bacon CHeeseburger, Pizza, Watermelon, Root Beer Float, Hot Chili Dark Chocolate)? Or if any of those sounded interesting, how weird is weird enough? POPCORN!!!! It is one of my favourite snacks!!!! Any flavour combination would be alright wiht me although I don't usually get purely sweet popcorn (chicago style is fine (caramel and cheese) but pure caramel gets old fast). All of the list sounded interested except watermelon, which I only like in watermelon form and root beer float sounds potentially overly sweet.   I've got a question, too! I know this might not apply to everyone, but I'm a very visual person and spend a lot of time browsing blogs my tumblr dashboard and have amassed quite the collection of various pictures (fashion, people, landscapes, interiors, neat/cool/interesting stuff etc - I tend to be quite trigger-happy when it comes to downloading or saving pretty pictures). I know the question about personal style was included in the questionnaire, but is there anything that could give your witch a better sense of your style/fashion or decoration preferences? Like tumblrs, pictures you like, websites, stores (or brands) you like or would like to be able to shop at and so forth? Witch hopefully I've given you a pretty good indication of my style, but I'll elaborate here. I'm pretty basic in terms of colours and patterns. If I have something patterned I usually stick to that one piece as a focus. Same with colours - I'll have a focus colour and usually the rest will be neutral especially as I always feel like the hair is an accessory all on its own. Clothing type wise - you already know that I love all knitted things, and I really like different textures. In terms of silhouettes I'm in between a pear and hourglass shape (I used to be much more pear, but apparently my bust has decided that it needed more attention) so I usually like to show off my small waist. To do this I usually belt things there or wear more fitted shirts. But really my only 'rule' when picking clothes is finding a balance. If I wear something tight on top I will balance it with a circle skirt or oversized cardigan (if I'm wearing leggings or skinny jeans). Same as if I'm wearing something tight on the bottom the top needs more movement. I don't like my clothes to be too tight (although I experienced that with the pre/post surgery weight gain) but fitted is always good with me. And if something happens to be a little too small somewhere I'd like to think I'm pretty good at masking it. For example, when my jeans were getting a little tight in the waist due to weight gain I made sure that none of the tops I wore were fitted in that area. I like contrasts in my clothing between fits and textures and tend to like rich colours and textures (not pricey necessarily, but luxurious).   Do you like/wear makeup? If so what brands/colors/types? Yes I do! No specific brands. Colours: Eyes: I stick with neutrals and cooler colours usually. I love coloured eyeliner, which is usually how I will finish off a neutral eye (depending on the outfit). Cheeks: I'm pale, but I love blushes, pinks and reddish blushes are my favourites, but I'm open to new options as well. Lips: I love lip colour! I like reds, pinks, nude-y pinks and berries. I love both sheer and opaque lip colour. I dislike really dark colours, browns and really purple-y shades. Face: I'm on the quest to find a proper BB cream that works for my paleness. I like having a nice setting powder because my skin can get a little oily (especially in the summer), but I really don't wear foundation very much because I'm so pale it's difficult to get a match and my skin usually looks quite nice (thankfully - there was a number of years that I really fought with my skin. All it took was a combination of birth control and cutting out most dairy to fix it).   Is there anything special I could get you from New York City? I've always wanted to go so I could see broadway shows on broadway. So if there is a playbill from something lying around I would love it, but other than broadway related awesomeness there isn't anything specific I need.   QUESTION! Do you like Kickstarter? Are there any projects up that you really like? Nothing that's caught my eye right now, but I do like the concept.   QUESTION! If you have an Etsy wishlist, what are your top 5 favorite things on there? The price is unimportant, not because I'm rich, but because I'd like some inspiration. Errr...The TAL stuff is pretty high on my list (but now sold out). I'm really into the Gallifreyan pendent and the Doctor Who tank (Nine is my doctor). Way out of mine and my witches price range are the custom made leather boots and the Bookkeepers hand cream because working with books everyday is destroying my hands.   Do you like puzzles? What kind? Jigsaw, word, etc? Not jigsaw, but I do like word and number puzzles. I like to challenge my brain   Every package has to have something blue in it. Blue can also be used to describe more risque humor...how would you rate your general sense of humor? Are you strictly PG-13, R-rated, NC-17? All the ratings of humour are fine with me. I definitely am a little bit off colour sometimes, but I dislike racist, sexist etc. type humour   House of Gloi Custom perfume: Vanilla Bean (or the Vanilla Sugar note) Leather Lavender Black Tea Ohh.....that sounds amazing. Like Dorian, with leather.   do you have anything that you use on a daily basis that you would always welcome more of? Err...I like me a good cup of tea as discussed earlier, and I guess I could put UGH! massage oil (no one to give me massages though ) on that list, and I usually don't turn down a nice moisturizer or conditioner (mostly because I don't like being married to one scent). Commitment phobic? Me? No way   Blooddrop update (Aviary and Summer Simplicities). Anything you'd like from there? I've never tried this company, but I'm open to it Some of the interesting things include: Iced tea. I also looked through the general catalog and found this fascinating thing: Venusian Lip Couleur (The redder one).   Anything interesting from the new Paintbox Soapworks update for you? Not really, moundshroud sounds interesting, but the other products seem like a better fit for me   QUESTION: If I wanted to include something for your fluffball, what would be good, and what should I stay away from? My fur babies are little brats but usually like string. Actually my older cat (Domino) likes boxes (to sleep in) and took over my Switch Witch box from last round. They don't need anything, but seriously if you wrap anything with a ribbon or in a biggish box they will have a great time.   New Question: Would you be interested in getting a kombucha starter and instructions on how to use it to easily make your own fermented, probiotic tea drink? No thank you.   Anything from Villainess that strikes your fancy, either from their update or from the GC? Face masks! I love them, but I've never tried them from here. Paradise Misplaced - whipped or smack Jai Mahal - whipped or smack.   : Would you like to received a couple of french regional specialities like Crème de marrons (basically sweet chesnut purée with a hint of vanilla aroma - can be eaten as a spread or with yoghurt, used in pastries - although I demolish the stuff with a spoon, because I freaking love it), other preserves/sweet things, tapenade/rouille/aioli/dried tomato caviar/other kinds of savoury spreads and condiments? I've got unlimited access to the stuff, so if my witchee is someone who would like those things, I could completely spoil her with them Sounds interesting.




NMBC Swap Questions

Do you have a general swap-related help post somewhere? My Switch Witch stuff is pretty close to a general swap help because there were sooooo many questions   Do you have Etsy/Amazon wishlists linked somewhere? https://www.etsy.com/people/rebeccafoley4/favorites?ref=si_fav http://amzn.com/w/1MPF1SEY063DM   Do you have a Tumblr/Pinterest you'd share with everyone (these can be really informative as to style?) http://pinterest.com/rbecksf/     favorite candles, companies and/or candle scents? I like foodie scents, fruity scents, some wood or plant like aspects, pretty much any kind of scent except florals.   favorite kinds of tea (flavors, companies) I love tea! I'm generally a green tea with fruit kind of girl (with the exception of pineapple of course, which they use to sweeten a lot of fruity teas I have found). David's Tea is my favourite, but I'm always willing to branch out   any of the Villainess autumn or winter soaps appeal? Another soap company you'd like more? Nothing in particular, but I wouldn't shake my head at moisturizers or scrubs.   Any of the bpal Halloween scents you wished you'd gotten? Any Yule scents you're hoping to see come back? Looking forward to Lick It coming back (I have every year so far). I was thinking about the lurid library, because I love the scent of books and old libraries in real life, but didn't want to take the plunge on a whole bottle. As for Yules, I have no idea what I would want to come back - sorry I'm kind of useless.   Do you like knitted items? If so, any fiber sensitivities/allergies? What kinds of items would you like? YES!!!! If you've seen my blog for Switch Witch you will see my love for all things knitted No sensitivities or allergies. I also have no preferences for types of knitted things I just love everything knitted   I forgot to answer my own question about words, numbers or spatial manipulation so: I like words and numbers. Spatial manipulation in real life I tend to kind of suck at, but in a video game it is a different story which makes very little sense to me.   Anything from Paintbox Soaps? I love what I received from them as part of SW (I got a sorbetto and lotion in the English Gentleman - so awesome especially layered with Dorian). I don't need anything else especially in terms of scrubs (I just received a new Haunt scrub from my SW yesterday, so I'm good on that front), but again I don't really shake my head at things that moisturize.   Your package must contain "-A 'Sugar Plum' (ie a sweet treat)." With that in mind, what are some of your favorite sweet treats? Is there anything you really don't like? I prefer dark chocolate to any other kind, preferably with salt of some sort or even caramel (like the salted caramel bar thing that is found a traders joes - I had one once and since there are no trader joes where I live I have never experienced it again ). I also have an unhealthy obsession with all things peanut butter. I it!!!! Basically if the sweets play with either salty or spicy (jalepeno caramels anyone? ) I am there. Poke me if you need further clarification   E-reader? No e-reader here - because I prefer real books.   BPTP? Can I say everything? JK. TKO/UGH Massage Oil Hair Glosses (any of them particularly Snake Oil or the Fig one) Miss Palmer's Establishment Room Spray This question is probably better addressed in my blog posts somewhere - I'm tired and cannot comprehend the awesomeness that is BPTP right now.   Missed a question re Witch City Wicks: I mostly burn candles for ritual stuff (or my attempts at ritual stuff) and I usually tend to use tealights because I can burn them in one sitting. I also do not care about scents usually for rituals as I annoint them but different colours are always nice.   Other perfumes? I don't really know much about the perfumes from other etailers. However, alcohol based perfumes bother me most of the time usually with a headache or itchy wrists so I tend to stay away from them.   Other smelly things? I love oil sprays for moisturizing.   Pirates or ninjas? Pirates definitely, unless it is a ninja pirate then I pick that. I have to pick pirates because apparently my family hundreds of years ago in Ireland were pirates so its a family tie.   Zombies? I'm not obsessed but I kind of think that the walking dead is pretty awesome. I like plants vs. zombies and my BFF and I have had the what roles will we play in a zombie apocalypse situation before. So there's no hatred there. Shoot for the head!   Disney villain? Scar - because Jeremy irons has an awesome voice. Although Ursula also ranks up there and gaston (I can consider him a villain right?)   Is there any BPAL oil that you are dying to get your hands on? It doesn't have to be a rare, just something you really want to try? Snow White is something that I've always wanted to try, actually most things with a snow note (I've never tried a snow note before). I also wanted to try the different Christmas roses (Rose Red and Peacock Queen). Also Rogue - because leather = .   Do you want to see things in your box for your significant other/spouse/kids/fish/whatever? Or do you want to keep it allll about you? I have no significant other or kids. It's just me, my parents and the cats - if you wanted to include something for them you can, but totally not necessary. Actually with the switch witch round, my mother finally understands why I love this community so much, because it truly is a community.   We've had a lot of questions about coffee and tea - how do you feel about other things? Cocoa, spicing for ciders, flavouring to add to water is what I mean? I love hot chocolate!!!!!! I think I love it even more than I love tea. If there was hot chocolate in my package (especially peanut butter hot chocolate, if such a thing exists in a package you might hear my squee from Canada)   Would you, dear little Nightmare, like to receive something from one of those silly-yet-nostalgic Holiday food companies, like Omaha Steaks (which totally has a ton of yummy veggie items, btw!) or Swiss Colony? I've never heard of these places (maybe because I'm Canadian).   It's not Christmas/Yule/Winter Solstice/Winter until... ? December 1st is my beginning of Christmas celebrating (although working at a well known coffee chain that starts Christmas on Nov 1st kills my soul a little). Although it never truly feels like Christmas until we put up the tree and you already know about my tree nacho making tradition.   I swear there was a question about christmas/halloween movies- so here is my answer: Love Actually (I think I may have mentioned that in my questionnaire), Rocky Horror (Hallowe'en), Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer (the one with the island of misfit toys), Charlie Brown's Christmas special, Mostly I love watching children's Christmas movies - the animated ones because they make me feel nostalgic and happy   HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT RECEIVING MOSTLY HAND CRAFTED GOODIES? I too love all things hand-crafted, I know I would make my package have more crafted things although I am woefully uncrafty in many departments.   What fandoms are you a part of???? FIREFLY!!!! But my awesome swapper already knows this (it certianly isn't hidden very well based on my Pinterest or etsy so my swapper is a great stalker) A song of fire and ice/game of thrones Harry potter Mass effect Legend of Zelda Those are probably the main ransoms I love, but really I'm just a big nerd anyway   Are you a George RR Martin fan? What about Rocky Horror Picture Show? YES!!!!! To both!   Are your ears pierced? Yes, but the only earrings I can wear without my ears swelling up seem to be the ones that you get your ears pierced with.   NEW QUESTION!!! Any flavour combinations that you hate? (sorry to be a negative nellie, I just want to make sure my swappee doesn't get something she hates) For me it's chocolate and mint, and I dislike black licorice.   Does your sense of humor lean more vanilla or rather dirty? Would you get offended if you were sent something more along the "mature" side (not talking toys or dirty pictures)? Definitely a bit dirty - I'm not the most appropriate of jokesters. I find someecards hysterical - which is awesome because my swapper has already sent two! I tend to like witty humour - sarcasm, plays on words and things like that rather than slap stick comedy.




EVEN MORE! Switch Witch Answers

My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) I like knee high boots in an 8/8.5 (preferably flat) but with a circumfirence of at least 16 inches. Or slouchy open motorcycle boots (like the faux leather ones I showed from american eagle in an earlier question). Also big sweaters/sweater dresses and cardigans usually in darker colours (like jewel tones).   I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com. http://amzn.com/w/1MPF1SEY063DM - I may update this list later, but at least it has 4 items right?   My Little Pony... Cute or meh? The new ones are kind of creepy, I don't like them   In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? Well obviously I spend too much time here on bpal.org. I also spend a fair bit of time on Facebook, but I'm not into games on Facebook. I love Jenna Marbles on youtube - she is quite hysterical. Twitter and etsy now seem to take up a lot of time, in that I like to look/read things but don't post or purchase that often.   And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? Firefly - I love Mal (but probably because I have the biggest celebrity crush on Nathan Fillion), but Inara is probably my real favourite character, she's smart, regal, and mysterious. I can't wait for new books to tell me her history. But really all the characters are endearing in different ways from this show so I love them all.   Game of Thrones/SoIaF - I actually really like Tyrion. For the most part I hate the Lannisters (although I'm near the end of the 3rd book and Jamie is definitely growing on me) but the fact that the intelligence and wit Tyrion has in combination with the innate hatred his family has for "killing" his mother makes him a black sheep. What Shae did at the trial almost made me cry as I was actually beginning to believe her and that took me off guard. I also feel a connection to Arya about being outspoken and not wanting to be a traditional lady. I hated Sansa for most of the books until now in the 3rd where she is starting to grow on me; I still don't really like her but I now tolerate her. Dany is also one of my favourites - she is so strong and suffered so many losses that she is just inspiring. Now that she realized some of her mistakes and is trying to be a fair, just and great leader is something that I admire. She could have continued on the path of destruction that she was on, but her reflections changed her mind.   Castle - see Nathon Fillion above. But I really like the interactions between Ryan and Espisito - their relationship is very amusing.   Mass Effect - I love FemShep as a paragon (that's how I play her with pale skin, blue eyes and red hair - yes I totally make my RPG characters look kind of like me) and the voice acting was so spectacular that I really felt connected to my character. I also love Kaiden as a romantic interest - he softness the hardness and intensity of Shepard. Joker/EDI are both fantastic for comic relief, and I love working with Garrus.   Once upon a time - I love this show!!!! Mary Margaret/Snow I think she is awesome, especially as snow. I kind of want to be like her. I love rumpy/Mr. Gold - he is played superbly and I really appreciate the insight as to why he is the way he is. Ditto with the queen/Regina - she is fabulously acted and generally fucking awesome.   Big Bang Theory - I love everyone, but there is a soft spot in my heart for the socially awkward Sheldon.   Lip balm - tube or tin? I prefer tubes, but will take anything.   Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? A pretty journal would be lovely - I was thinking about starting one for my journey into looking at occult practices, rituals, TAL oils, crystal work etc. Or letter paper for swaps and such is always welcome.   Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? No thanks, I have enough soap to last for a very long time.   Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? I don't need them, but I like them. A new flash drive would be great, I have one but it is very boring (it's plain and white) but if a new pretty/cool/fandom one was to arrive there would be some serious   Would you like a pair of knitted socks? I think you might know this answer by now: YES PLEASE!!!!! I socks!!!!!!   Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? If these facecloths were fandom related that would be awesome, otherwise I don't technically need any new ones.   Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? No - I haven't subscribed to any - but am open to subscribing   do you have a problem with nudes??? Not really, but I don't particularly like them.   Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? Now added to my etsy favourites.   ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? I normally try to stay away from ThinkGeek, because I get soooo distracted and develop grabby hands but I shall sacrifice myself to answer this question.   Basically I'm pretty easy to please although I find ThinkGeek to be overpriced so I don't want a witch to over spend.   What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Nothing that my witch get get me.   are there any e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? I've always been interested in Villianess but I've never made the plunge same with Haus of Gloi and Solstice Scents. I always look at Moona but refuse to buy into the extra long TAT.   Favorite and Least Favorite Baked Goods I love baking especially anything with peanut butter my favourite recipe really almost anything UNLESS there are raisins in it. I hate raisins in baked goods.   T Shirt sizes: T-shirt sizes are soooo hard to pick out. Unisex shirts I'm usually a medium so it can be a little bit baggy, although I do like a good oversized shirt to wear with leggings and a belt. Ladies shirts it's a hard choice, I often like tees to fit a bit looser as well and usually go with a large (although some shirts run small and I may choose an XL in those). As you can tell witch - I am useless.   How do you take care of yourself when you're having a rough day? I like to read, have a long bath, probably some chocolate/peanut butter confection of some sort. Often though I will have a bit of a cry and generally that makes me feel a little bit better. Or if I'm in a certain mood, I'll play the most violent game I can (usually Fallout 3) and take pleasure in killing all the things - no anger issues here.   I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? No thanks - my grandma usually makes enough jam for us throughout the year.   Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? Very cool concept - I worry about that kind of awesomeness through customs I love natural remedies so even information about them is very cool.   Owls? Very cool - my day planner is covered in owls.   Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds? I'm very interested in any of villainess' scents especially the creams. I think my scent loves are clear enough - basically no huge floral scents.   Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you? Nothing in particular but that's because I was waiting for the tissue tees which have great feedback.   Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything... I have no idea, but I do love lotions.   Gardening? I do not have a very green thumb.   Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? I've used them in the past and enjoyed them and certainly wouldn't say no.   Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? I answered this somewhere in the thread - Wolf Spider and perhaps Goldenrod spider although I'd need to cover the labels. TP wise there was more that I liked the look of red and/or orange pumpkin floss, spider silk bath oil, red truffle bath oil, pumpkin pie bath oil or the candy.   What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? No clue - although I'm starting to look into the ready foundation from Bare Minerals.   If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? (ex. spiders, skulls, hearts...?) I love necklaces (particularly longer ones). I love ones with gemstones/crystals, but I also love different symbols. It might be easier to say what I won't wear - no spiders, skulls or generally creepy, spooky or horror like stuff. That's pretty much it for my limitations on necklaces.   I've finally had time to make it through the Haunt site. I was living in blissful ignorance before this. Things that look interesting: Lavender Spice Tea Lust Bettie Lust Palmist Skin Glossing Oil (SGL) Fates SGL Sword and Lion SGL Gloaming SGL Any of the above scents in the sugar polish Turkish Cocoa sugar polish   Also I want all of the things from Shiro Cosmetics (This list is for partially for a witch info, but more for me to look at later) Particularly: Halloween Collection - mini shadows and full size lip-thingy Chimera Day of Reckoning Housewife Zora Sapphire Death by Cucco Twilight Realm Temple of Time Master Sword Aperture Laboratories Emancipation Grid Impossible Your Best Friend You were adopted Baker's Boy Huntress Why not Zoidberg? Lip thingy Over 9000 lip thingy




Even more switch witch answers

Question about being let loose in a store to buy a whole outfit. This will be a complete outfit (underwear and shoes and accessories) because I am anal about making sure I have everything for an outfit. For this I pick American Eagle/Aerie. I shall start with the bra and be less than sneaky about sizing (partially for me and to be nice to my witchykins) I would pick this in Cashew (or whatever the nude colour is) in a 34D. Undies in the same beigeish colour - they are my favourites of all time!!! (medium). Now that undergarments are taken care of on to tops tank in black/medium for under this Sweater in a large forest green (in my world they are not sold out online) to make sure it is extra roomy. As for pants (those are important for sure) leggings in a large for my giant legs. boots in black in an 8 or these boots also in an 8/black. (I fail at finding socks I want peeking out from the boots (wooly things preferably like my etsy favourites)). As for accessories bracelet, necklace. That's a lot of info I know. But is a pretty good example of what I like to wear.   Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? None of those sorry   Zombies; Yay or Nay? Nay, because obviously I don't want to be eaten during the zombie apocalypse and right now (with my knee injury) I'd be the one who you would leaving behind to at least slow the zombies down for a little bit.   I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? Nothing specific as sushi is not mail friendly (although we have great sushi in Vancouver as a completely unrelated sidenote).   Candy Corn: yes, no? No thanks.   WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? Lots of things - especially myself because I am freaking hilarious...is that crickets I hear in response to that statement? Just kidding. I am very, very sarcastic so people learn to deal with my dark sense of humour. I often find things that should be amusing to be very amusing. It's awful and I'm pretty sure if there is a hell I am going there because last time I was in a church for a baptism I had to literally bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing at the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the service. Other than that I love intelligent humour, nerd humour and the like. I like SNL but dislike family guy and the simpsons (at least new simpsons in particular). I love Big Bang theory and those funny someecards, snippy phrases also get a chuckle out of me as well.   You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? I'd wear my high waisted dark blue skinny jeans (they are yoga jeans and freaking awesome) with my knee high lighter brown boots. As a top I would wear either my green scoop neck shirt with the ruffles around the neckline (looks better than my description or my beatles Abbey Road dolman from the mirage in vegas with a long stone pendant necklace for either outfit. I'd add a sweater to both outfits my either my wilfred heathered black oversized with japanese sleeved one for the green shirt or my black faux leather jacket for the beatles shirt. As for makeup - light foundation just to even out the skin, a little bronzer for contouring, blush (because I am soooooooo pale), mixture of brown shadows and liner right on the eyelash line, mascara and probably a berry (leaning pinkish) lip.   You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). A TAL beauty bag, the jayne hat I have favourited on etsy and a rose quartz pendant (I haven't found one that I really like yet...I know it exists and on a longer chain, but I haven't found it yet).   The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig? No thank you - I don't do really scary things very well.   What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? I'd either choose Cake Smash or Quincy Morris becasue they both sound awesome. I got into BPAL around the time that Cake Smash was out, but I was afraid that it wouldn't be my kind of scent so I purchased Mlle. Lilith instead - which based on my tastes seems to be a mistake because I snake oil and dorian so cake smash should be amazing! Actually I also wouldn't say no to the dorian prototype that smells like coconut.   Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? I was interested in trying the perilous parlor (because everyone wants that one) and the lurid library, but mostly I didn't see much and am waiting for the second round to see if anything catches my eye there.   if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? While I do have pierced ears I do not like earrings. My ears usually swell up and get really warm with any earrings except the kind that you get them pierced with so usually I just have a single pair that I wear all the time.




More Switch Witch Answers

I live near this very cool Retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? I love retro style clothes (usually 1960s silhouettes, think joan from mad men) and things with the retro pictures and snappy feminist sayings. My dad collects old coca cola stuff so anything like that would be awesome as well.   Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? No thanks - it probably wouldn't ship well.   Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? Well I've always wanted to knit, and my mother taught me but I don't have the attention span or the talent to work on a hands on project like that for long. But I have all the materials I need for knitting if I ever want to try again so thanks but no thanks.   Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? --> http://www.adagio.com I love tea - particularly green teas, except with jasmine and pineapple.   Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? No - I have no knitting talent.   Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? Never even heard of them before.   What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? It's pretty small, there's no table or anything. What walls one can see are yellow, with a white fridge and stove/oven and darkish cabinetry.   Shuffled iTunes, first ten songs: Tomorrow Morning - Jack Johnson One Song Glory - Rent (OBC) soundtrack Hold Me Tight - Across the Universe soundtrack When All is Said and Done - ABBA Worse it gets (RAC mix) Death of a Payphone- Rococode Dread in my Heart - Mother Mother (just purchased this morning with the new album ) Gorgeous - Idina Menzel Thinking Clairely - Michael Giacchino (Lost Soundtrack) Crimson and Clover - Joan Jett   Witchee, what are your favorite quotes? "I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold" - Rilo Kiley "Silver Lining"   "I'm the hero of this story, don't need to be saved" - Regina Spektor "Hero"   "I'm no good at the here and now, that was then but I let it go somehow" - Melissa McClelland "Brake"   "It's like someone took a knife baby edgy and dull and cut a six inch valley through the middle of my soul" - Bruce Springsteen "I'm on Fire"   "Killing time is Murder" - Whitehorse "Killing time is murder"   What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Like - Fall days- when it gets cold enough to wear a sweater and pants/leggings/jeans but the sky is still blue and the trees are turning orange, yellow and red. I love the feeling of snuggling up with warmish clothes but looking at how beautiful it is. In BC it is particularly spectacluar especially on my drive upto the university on a mountain.   Dislike - my feet outside of the blankets - they get cold really easily, but I can't sleep with socks on.   Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? No, thanks though.   If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? What a freaking awesome store!!! Tarot cards would be great - I really think that mine disappeared because I've been told that you aren't supposed to buy your first deck. Or I've always wanted a birth chart - I find them fascinating.   Are you OK with "special deliveries"? Yes - but I'm not consistently home at any particular time so it may be difficult. Singing bear grams are cute, but I'm not sure I'd really want one - but cupcakes or flowers would be alright.   What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? I'm not terribly worried about used items, I trust all the people I interact with here not to do anything with the products, but I draw the line at used underwear. I actually like thrifty stuff like books, records (I have a great machine that takes records and converts them to mp3s) and clothes.   And now a new question: I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? Those cowtails look fantastic - My link but I wouldn't need a whole pound. I also love sour candies.   Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? I always watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween and the Nightmare before Christmas a few days or so before Halloween.   Ninjas or Pirates? Pirates, but I wouldn't say no to a ninja-pirate.   I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? OMG!!! I would love some Exhibit Hall Fatigue. I almost looked for a fairy to pick some up but I know that I don't need it, but I really would like some.   Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? I LOVE music so a mix tape would very cool! Mp3 might be easier as an international and no chance of breakage in the mail.   I know it is totally the wrong season (for most of us), but do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you like to grow? NB: Sending seeds through the mail can be tricky, especially internationally. So please keep this in mind. Not much of a backyard - plus while I'm not as bad at keeping plants alive as my mother I did not inherit my dad's green thumbs.   Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Can't think of any - I will update if I do.   Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionnaire? The Hunger Games, Harry Potter (all of them), Easy A, Suckerpunch, I like superhero movies (mostly marvel, but I love batman), I think other than that I might have got most of them in my questionnaire.   Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? Easy A - I love that movie but never purchased it same with Suckerpunch.   Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? I like oriental type fragrances, with sweet vanillas and the like as well as some of the foody/fruity stuff especially for the room fragrances and disk things you put in your car.   Haus of gloi - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? That's awesome - if I chose a custom I think it would be - Black Tea, Leather, Coconut, and either Brown Sugar, White vanilla sugar or Vanilla bean. Hmmm...I've thought about this more and could figure out a second scent - lavender, pumpkin, vanilla bean, cinnamon sugar.   Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? I always look at the nutritional stuff one would add to juice or something (like Vega or Greens+) but they are pricey and I don't know what is the bet to get.   And here's a new question - are there any of MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? I don't know enough about MeiLin's books to make a decision although I love reading.   Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? Nope - not that I know of at least. Since I'm in school right now there isn't any way I could really leave for a trip.   Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? I LOVE DISNEY!!!!!! I know I should (says my feminist mother) but I do. I can't help it. When I went to disneyland for the first time at 14 it really was the happiest place on earth. I can't think of anything specifc (except maybe princess, indiana jones, nemo/dory or winnie the pooh (specifically eeyore) related) but I love, love, love disney.   Re: LUSH I used to work there and still have sooooo much stuff so don't need anything, but thanks for the thought.   dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? No thank you, I have enough candles in my house for the moment.   Do you lust after some new socks/tights? Dear Witch, you are probably tired of me waxing lyrical about how much I love socks, leggings and tights, but I seriously do. I usually like to get a large in tights or leggings because my thighs are bigger - in comparison to my waist but nothing is worse than see through thighs on tights or leggings (for me at least). So with winter and fall coming soon - I always lust after things like socks and tights. P.S. I apologize for my apparent obsession with all things knitted and sock like it must be very boring.   Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? I am a gamer!!! I'm a PS3 and Wii gamer although I've always wanted to get involved with D&D, but am not quite sure how to do so. I love rpg/adventure games. My favourite games/series are Mass Effect, Dragon Age (I've only played both parts of Origins not the second game), Legend of Zelda, BioShock (again only the first game), Portal just to name a few. I'm pretty open to trying new games I've always wanted the orange box (so I could play half life) but haven't been able to find it.   Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? Pardon my less than lady like language - but FUCK yes!!!!!!   Starbucks/Coffee? Well I work at starbucks so the more time I can stay away from that place the better - that includes thinking about it. I also don't drink coffee (weird I know) but teas from not starbucks are alright.   CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? I love mugs, but already have a lot of them, but if someone actually makes them I would love to see your talent. Style doesn't really bother me, but if the mug were to be purple or teal (or both) you might here my from BC.   Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? I don't think so - I've been a lurker for so long and only just started to get into really interacting with everyone - maybe I could answer differently after this switch witch   If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? No thanks - I've tried blogging, but I never stick to it, except for the 2 months I spent in Ghana a couple of summers ago. The only reason I stuck with it was so that I could show pictures to my family and friends back home, and convince my grandmother that I hadn't died of anything.   A question, witchees: if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? I tarot - even just looking at the beautiful artwork. I think my favourite cards - or at least the ones that I feel most connected to and seem to appear the most in any readings I have had are the empress and the high priestess (the moon card).   And another question: would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? OMG - that would be lovely - even better if they came with instructions as I am just starting to really look at alternative ritualistic processes being raised an atheist/agnostic with a stong dislike of organized religion.   Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Tea and hot chocolate - not a huge fan of cider and pretty much hate coffee especially with the work connotations.   Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? All of the above although I hate black licorice anything.   Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) Both - no need for anything for my loose tea - I've got a great thermos/mug thing that has a filter for the loose tea that I just dump out when it's finished steeping.   If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? My kitties LOVE catnip. If I haven't mentioned this already my kitties are Domino, a long haired black cat with white paws, a spot on his chest and face who is about 15 and Pickles, a medium shiny haired calico cat who is about 8 or so. In fact Pickles was trying to sit on my shoulder (she is much to big for that) and help stalk my Witchee earlier today. No puppies in my house though.   If you have kids, what are they into? No kids for me (very good thing - I'm too young for that)   How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? I love it in circle scarf form but I'm a bit of a disaster sometimes and if it's too delicate I'm not sure it would last. Biggest klutz ever right here :S I'm also stealing VioletChaos' answer in that a lace head wrap or headband would rock my world (I also like black or grey for head accessories)   Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? Yes please - I really want a copy of my chart which means you might need some special information - but I don't feel comfortable sharing all that in my blog so either send me an email or do it through a switch witch if you need it.   For those who like tea, what sorts of tea do you like? I think I mentioned this earlier - but I particularly enjoy green teas - with fruits (no pineapple though:(). I dislike jasmine in tea and earl grey tastes like perfume so I dislike that as well.




Switch Witch question answers 2012

S'mores? YES!!!!! I love toasty marshmallows. Yum!   Neatest freebie I've ever received? I was swapping with Betsy and I received three frimps right off my wish list including Liz which she is searching for more decants/bottles of. I am so thankful that she was willing to give me a sample of a scent that she was looking for. It was so thoughtful   Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) I have a lot of kitchen gadgets already, but they are pretty cool. So I don't know if I need anymore gadgets (there's not much room left in the kitchen). As for spices - we are gluten free (well I'm not but my dad has celiac and we make dinner as a family) and it is difficult to find stuff that we are guarenteed to work. I don't want to make any extra work for a switch witch by making the gluten free thing a huge deal so it is probably safer to say no spices, but yes to small interesting kitchen gadgets.   Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I love pj bottoms!!!!! I have relatively large hips and thighs and tend to move around a lot when sleeping/lounging so if they are too small I tend to rip them I'm now about a 10/12 in terms of sizing - at least for bottoms. I've gained some weight due to a knee injury last November that still isn't healed and I'm waiting a referral to a surgeon, but I'm trying to lose some but it's hard when I can't physically be active as I used to be.   What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? I love chocolate - especially dark with caramel, salt and or peanut butter. Yum   I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? I've never been to any of these places - but I've heard wonderful things about a salted caramel chocolate bar from Trader Joe's which seems right up my alley.   Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? Acceptable, but I worry about customs stealing your wonderful goodies.   I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! Very difficult. I'd probably buy a chocolate bar (with peanut butter) as I don't need it but love them. I'd actually probably just end up in the makeup section - I don't necessarily need more makeup but I'm thinking of getting a cooler toned purplish blush (but since I'm super fair I'm not sure how it would look) and red lipstick - I've always wanted some but am too chicken to actually pay money for some and some nude/pinkish lipstick that is like my lips but better (mine are fairly rosy naturally so many nude colours look ridiculous). With that I'd probably end up over the $20 but depending on the brand I might be under.   What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? Thai is my favourite, but I'm not terribly picky about cuisine!!! I love spicy food so many Asian and African cuisines appeal to me. Although I really love a good burger joint - not fast food but fresh made burgers. There's one rather close to wear I live called Burger Heaven - they make the best burgers ever!   Question! what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? First I had to look up TeeFury - very cool if not dangerous site. Fandoms I love: Harry Potter, Firefly, Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, Once Upon a Time, Mass Effect, Legend of Zelda - I think that is most of them and I would love an appropriate Tee - because I am a super nerd!   Do you have an eReader and if so which one? No eReader here.   Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? Candles are alright - but my mom seems to collect them, so I don't really need any and don't have a tart or oil burner.   Marzipan? No thanks   Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail (for example, PA doesn't). I don't really drink that much, but either way it doesn't matter because you can't ship alcohol in BC I think.   If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? Anything Aussie is fine with me with the exception of Marmite and Vegemite - I just don't understand the appeal, much to yeasty for me.   If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? I love all things knitted. But if I had to choose one (because apparently I am greedy for all things knitted) I would love long (like knee high socks) that would stretch to at least 16 inches for the calves. I love knitted socks for rain boots. I think I mentioned this is the questionnaire, but I love knits so much it warrants mentioning here as well.   Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? No one in particular (I'm part of a pretty small family (no siblings).   How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? I love things from other places Very cool!   Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? No thanks - Bats kind of scare me.   Muslin Paper Towels? Awesome - I could use them like facecloths which I go through a lot of for masks and OCM   Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? HaHa. I instantly thought this meant musicians - I love music. But I think it actually means painters. I like interesting and somewhat aesthetically pleasing. Since I studied Dance and Communications in University I did some study of other types of art as a requirement for my degree I learned that I was not the biggest fan of some modern art - I'm not a huge fan of the really abstract "throw paint at walls and call it art," for lack of a better term   If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? I don't have any specific images, but I love many tarot images (like the High Priestess and the Empress in terms of specific symbols) and I love fantasy creatures like elves and unicorns.   Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? Bottle wise - I keep putting off buying Perversion and Eat Me. Imp wise I keep meaning to get Lurid but I get distracted and never manage to get an imp (it's supposed to be similar to black pearl from LUSH which I love and obviously forgot to mention in my questionnaire)   I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? I don't have a favourite nail polish - but I love painting my nails.   Stuffed things: yea or nay? Depends - I have a huge amount of stuffies, so I don't need more, but sometimes they are just too cute to resist.   mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? Very cool - I love baking and if it is contained I should be able to keep it away from my father and his celiac.




Things I Forgot to Mention

I will answer that I forgot that if you are a us witch you have access to occ cosmetics which I don't in Canada and if there were lip tars in my future that would be I like colours like NSFW, strumpet. Basically blue based reds (but red not dark) and my lips but better colour so a pinkish nude.   I'm really interested in Tarot. I had a nice book and deck but they seem to have mysteriously disappeared. I would love to replace the deck and get back into trying to read Tarot or Oracle cards. Even just information about the cards and their meanings would be awesome   Please don't take my favourites list on esty as a "I want you to spend copious amounts of money on me list" it's really just a list of things that I like/want to purchase for myself and a good indication of my style.   Here is my etsy - hopefully it works. If not get a ringleader to poke me again to fix it http://www.etsy.com/people/rebeccafoley4/favorites?ref=pr_faveitems_more


