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saved from beauty secrets thread for my own reference

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  • Pure rosehip oil. I rub it on my face every morning and night, and it keeps my skin soft and glowy.
  • Lightly dab tea-tree& lavender oil on the dark circles on your lower orbital bones before bed.
  • Take vitamins, including a multi/daily, at least 600 mg Calcium and a Flax/Fish/Borage oil capsule, or just Flax and Borage if you're vegetarian/vegan.
  • olive oil, so good on hair, I like to use it once a week as a really intensive mask, I wrap my head in clingfilm and a hot towel and leave it an hour.
  • flat beer, makes for very shiny hair.
  • for shampooing less: I wash it with a conditioner, that has absolutely no silicones in it (they build up in the hair). I massage it really well into the scalp and the I rinse it off. I didn't go from washing every day to washing once a week at once; I gradually weaned myself off it (diluting shampoo with water first, and then stretching the number of days I could go without.
  • Also, a cup or so of powdered milk in very hot bath water makes my skin super soft. I think it's the lactic acid in the milk, but I'm just guessing. Regardless, it really works!
  • Daily Vitamin E with either Evening Primrose Oil or Black Current Seed Oil - the most skin compliments I've ever gotten are when I use these regularly.
  • Baking soda to whiten your teeth.Just dip your wet toothbrush in a cup full of soda,and brush your teeth,then rinse and use your regular toothpaste.
  • salux washcloth: I googled (in Korean) the ddae soap I mentioned a page or so back, and I found out the correct way to use it: soap up normally, then WAIT 5 or so minutes, then scrub down with Salux/Italy Towel.
  • aspirin mask: take five or six plain aspirin (no coating) and drizzle a little witch hazel onto them (helps them dissolve easier... suppose you could use water, but I like the toning of the WH). Then pop a vitamin e capsule, mix in a couple drops of jojoba (or preferred type) of oil, and a smudge of honey. Layer on your face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off with a warm wash cloth. Glowing soft skin and smaller pores!
  • pineapple mask: I like the pineapple method myself for soft skin. =) Mashed pineapple chunks, a little yogurt, some honey, voila! Instant glycolic(?) acid mask that gently exfoliates and leaves baby-butt soft skin. It's basically a smoothie for your face
  • for face: Primrose Oil and Blackcurrant Oils are good also.

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