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SW '16 Q's



Do you decorate for Halloween all year? If not, what level of decor do you have for Halloween?
Hell no. I like the changing of the seasons and the different decorations that go with that, so my decorations rotate. Most of my decorating is more weather/season specific (but I do love christmas decorating), so at the beginning of November, the Weenie decorations go back away until next fall. =) I don't go all-out on Halloween decorating, it's more general fall and then some 'Ween decorations right around the holiday itself.

Indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations? What do you do, and what would you prefer to receive?
My outdoor stuff has to be a little bit restrained (townhouse), I put out a pumpkin and whatnot, but I can't go too nuts. I do a little indoor decorating, and I also decorate my cube at work, because hell, if I have to sit here 40 hours a week, it better have personality.
What's your preferred Halloween decor style: classic/traditional (skulls, pumpkins, bats), kitchsy/cute, retro, elegant/Victorian, horror/macabre?
I tend to go for mostly...nature themed? Bare branches, owls, moons, ravens, leaves, a little of the gothic/elegant thing, but a little more minimalist (like I have a couple of grey pumpkins with silhouettes on them, one a raven, one a spider). I don't really do kitsch (sp?) or horror

and finally,
What's your candy preference? fruit candies/gummies, caramel/toffee/honey candies, some chocolate (any shade of chocolate is fine, between the three of us we love it all), oh, and I do like licorice (sweet anyway, I was not a fan of salmiak when I tried it)


Fleece character hats? cute but not my thing, really...I tend to go more for knit hats and wacky colorful stuff. (and stuff that covers my poor ears) Some of my favorite hats with personality are a 'normal' knit hat with earflaps and little round ears on the top of the hat, a fleece hat with all sorts of multicolored strips of fleece tacked onto it to wave in the breeze, and a hat with fun fur in it that looks like I stuck my hand in a light socket. ;)

Who here is a Raging All THINGS HARRY POTTER fan?
I’m not a raging collector of anything in particular, but I am quite fond of the HP world. (proud Hufflepuff fwiw)

Do you like things with Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Spice?)
I love pumpkin/squash food/baked goods, but I’m not overly fond of things that taste like pumpkin spice


Is there anything you would like to get from Japan?
pretty stationery, the weird red-bean-mochi hard candies? virtual touristy stuff like a pin or postcard

Would you object to re-using of clean mailing materials?
re-use away! I love recycling sound packing materials, and would be happy if my witch did the same.


Is there anything you'd particularly like to get from the UK?
touristy stuff, maybe a sweet? Oh, I love Fox's Glacier Mints and Fruits. World Market used to carry them here but haven't seen them in ages.

socks are good since winter is a thing here. crew or boot length would be most useful, and I do have large calves to contend with

Anyone a nail polish fan? What colors interest you?
I like it but I do have quite a bit. October from the Post is one I covet (it was on Etsy recently but I can’t justify the shipping for one nail polish). I definitely prefer shimmers and metallics, matte I’m on the fence about…don’t wear cremes or glitters (much as I love glitter, it’s so hard to get the polish off that I hate wearing it)


How do you feel about knitted stuff? love
Fancy? Plain? any, I wear it all

What types of things do you like to wear?
that's terribly open-ended...in terms of jewelry, clothes, accessories???

I'm into beer. How 'bout you? yup
Styles? not a huge fan of bitter stuff, most of what I drink tends to be belgian style ales and occasional weird stuff like prickly pear or grapefruit ales
And booze? I enjoy Irish whiskey and Scotch, and occasional liqueuers to mix into coffee or mixed drinks.

How do you feel about caramel? I love caramel. I make it also, but I wouldn’t say no to someone else’s. =)
Salt or no? either
With chocolate or without? without

Would you be interested in home made food items?
- garlic dill pickles
- blackberry jam
- dried honey crisp apples
- applesauce (with or without red hots)
- elderberry syrup (with honey and apple cider vinegar - great for immune boosting)
- honey from our bees
- rose petal liquor (made with our own rose petals and everclear but diluted down a bit so it doesn't knock you over)
- baked goods of your choice, what do you like or dislike?
I’d pass on applesauce since I do that myself, and probably minimal baked goods because of trying to minimize sugar, but anything else would be awesome.

Would you be interested in project bags/pouches? I love bags and pouches, so sure.

And to go along with the previous knitting question...
Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer? (merino, merino cashmere, merino cashmere silk, 100% silk, 100% cashmere, merino nylon, BFL, BFL silk, etc. Or do you like acrylic?) No allergies, and my preference is just for soft things. Acrylic is totally fine, doesn’t need to be fancy. (If you’re foisting yarn off upon me, I work with everything from thread/laceweight to bulky, and everything from bamboo/silk and alpaca to acrylic.)

Would you want a quilted pot holder? Sure, I love handcrafted stuff.

Do you have any prefered flavour of shortbread? plain or citrus


What are you interested in from the recent BPAL and BPTP updates? (Lilith, Lunacy, etc.) Think I have decants of everything I’m hoping to try…I think there was something in the first group of Weenies mentioned with leaves, leather and clove, and that sounds amazing.

Would you like hibiscus seeds? I will take any seeds. :D I love growing stuff.

Off-color needlepoint? sure…or snarky-but-work-appropriate


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