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Winter Solstice swap!

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Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable?

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2VIHZXZ6QO1U3/ref=topnav_lists_1

bpal: http://www.bpal.org/topic/127-wishlist/page__st__1950__p__1597467#entry1597467


(I may be re-answering some of these, since I think I answered some in-thread, so if my answer differs from the other answers, use the ones you like best!)


Yule update/House of Gloi

I have already put in an order for the decants I want to try for bpal. House of Gloi, I would like to try a butterbomb, or bubbling scrub, or sugar exfoliant, or a lippie, or a soap. Ha ha ha! I am easy!


When you think of light this time of year, does anything sound particularly delightful? Are candles your favorite? Or are you craving some strings of Christmas lights? Do you have a fireplace/woodstove and want some firestarters? And somewhat tangential, do you like incense, and if so what scents do you like?

Candles and christmas lights. (Especially the ceramic bulb christmas lights, and if there are any of the individual twinkle bulbs, that'd be awesome. They're harder to find now, so if you have any that aren't getting loved, I'd happily take them.) No place for firestarters, unless I get really mad and decide to burn down buildings. I don't care for incense.


Are you going anywhere "dressed-up" over the holidays? Any swank parties, big balls <snicker>, or black- tie rainbow gatherings in your holiday plans? If so, would you like something fancy for your hair? Do you prefer barettes, headbands, ponytail holders, hair sticks, combs, or some other as yet unnamed hair implement?

maybe barettes, or if you feel fancy, a cute feathery clippy thing-or a flower clippy, or really fancy...I like the idea of those little flapper-type headbands.


Would you like a little sparkly piece of jewelry made just for you for your special soiree? I'm not promising you diamonds or anything, but any gemstones that you are particularly fond of or that hold special meaning for you?

I like rocks a lot. Like jaspers, agates, quartzes. Also, garnets are very lovely, as is amber. My engagement ring is citrine, and I love that too. And misshappen pearls. I generally like the stuff that isn't grade A, the flaws make things have character.


Do you prefer bold and statement making pieces or something more subtle and intimate?

whatever you like! I'm easy! I have a mix of both at home.


I use naturally shed and found feathers as well as upcycled/recycled leather and fur from scrap and vintage. Are you vegan or would any of these be a problem for you?

I also do not object to found bones and skulls. :lol:



No thank you to starbucks coffees. They all have a burnt taste to them to me. I do love caribou coffee, or other kinds though. I use ground more than whole, but I do have a grinder. I use my friends k-cup at work, so cups for that would be fun! Teas are awesome! I like them all except for roobios, licorice, or jasmines. My favorites are flavored and chais. Though some tasty herbals are good to, I try to limit my caffiene to early morning only. I could use a cute infuser for a cup. I think I added one to my amazon list, but I'm not picky about it. One of the tea bag squeezer, fisher-outer thingers would be nice too. I just use my fingers right now. Looseleaf or bagged is good for tea! YAY!


homemade treats:

I like treats! All of them! Minus licorice. Not that I know of anyone who makes homemade licorice. Mixes are good too!



Of course! Glitter covers any mistake or anything you want to hide! Cover things in glitter! Ha ha ha ha! I really like glittery nail polish. Probably wouldn't use body glitter so much, but a sparkly eyeshadow or hair thingy would rock!


bath things:

YAYAYAYAY!! Bath, shower, I love it all! My favorite scrubs are from paintbox, I like the ones that turn soapy more than the oily kind. I haven't tried a salt scrub all all though. Soaps are fun! And so are body wash thingies, and bath bombs are a special treat! I like bath oils too, and bubble bath thingies! I love it all!


things to hang on the wall

Sure! Maybe keep them on the smallerish size. I have some wall space. (Smallerish meaning, maybe nothing over 11x14)


Is there anything that keeps catching your eye but which you never buy because it seems too frivolous?

I could use a nice nail file. More dry shampoo, I have a sample from Puur that I like. It would have to be one of the lighter colored ones, my hair isn't very dark.


favorite colors:

I like colors! All of them! I'm not super-fond of pastels.



I guess Harry Potter, Supernatural, Firefly, Star wars, Powerpuff girls, Fraggle Rock, the Resident evil movies, hunger games. Probably some others too. I'm more of a like the stuff and would wear a t-shirt or have a book mark sort of fan. I don't dress up like characters, and probably wouldn't hang a bunch of posters on the wall sort of fandom person. Smaller items are fun!



nope. I am dinosaur. RAHHHHHH!! *stomp stomp*


Hair stuff?

Sure thing! My hair is too short for ponytails or chopsticks. Headbands are sometimes a hard fit for my giant melon. Flowers on a clip are fun, and stuff for helping curly hair. (It curls nice if I give it some mousse or something like that, otherwise its fairly wavy.)



Lip gloss/balm?

Gloss and balm, yes! I tend not to wear lipsticks, though I do like things like the Clinque Chubby sticks, they're sort of in between a balm and a lipstick. I also am not good at coloring in the lines, so stains get a little out of hand and so do really dark colors.


Green thumb/plants?

sort of! I grow some things very well. Particularily things that like a small amount of neglect. Things that need watering every day (or every couple of days) tend to die on me. I do very well with cactus, and succulents, and african violets. (though my orchid has just grown 3 new leaves, so you never know.) I have a varigated spider plant, so if you have a solid colored one, that would be fun to get a spider from that. I'll try any plant! (Mr. Boy thinks I have plant issues, and I shouldn't bring anymore home. Ha ha ha! Silly boy! Of course, a present plant would be different.) I would worry a bit about the plant sitting outside if it was in the mail though. Outside, I am working on getting my garden going. I would love seeds. Any sort of wildflowers/self seeding sort of things. I am going to turn the backyard into a wildflower garden. Also a little herbal kitchen garden kit thingy would be fun to try. I have more windows now, and most of them are nice east windows, so I might get enough sun for them. (I haven't tried herbs in my new house yet, just in the apartment, and they either didn't like it there, or they didn't like that they weren't getting watered much.)

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