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Apologies for the wall o' text - maybe I'll make it more reader friendly someday; but for now, see also my ScentBase Ranking system: 1 don't like; 2 like; 3 love   Ranked 3   #20 Love Oil, Abhiskara, Aeval, Ahathoor, Annabel Lee, Anne Bonny, Antonio the Carny Talker, Anubis, Arkham (original LE), Arkham Revisited, Arkham (GC version), The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil , Asp Viper, Asphodel, Athens, Aureus, Beaver Moon (2007), Bien Loin D’Ici, Black Lily, Black Moon, Black Bear Moon, Black Butterfly Moon, The Black Temple Burlesque Troop, Blood, Blood Countess, Blood Moon (2008), Blood Phoenix, The Bloody Sword, The Brides of Dracula, Brood XIX, Carfax Abbey, Cerberus, Chiroptera, Chuparosa, The Clod and the Pebble, Corazon, Coyote, Crib Girls, Dance of Death, Dark Delicacies, The Darkling Thrush, Daya, Dead Dreams of Days Forsaken, Delphi, Despair, Dia, Djinn, Doc Buzzard, Dragon Moon (2006), Dragon Moon (2012), Dragon’s Blood, Dragon’s Bone, Dragon’s Heart, Dragon’s Milk, Dragon’s Reverie, Eclipse, Elixir VII:Bitch, Elixer X:Grr, Embalming Fluid, Enraged Oranguatn Musk, Event Horizon, Fenris Wolf, Feu Follet Resurrected, Fire Phoenix, Florence, Giant Vulva, Glasya Resurrected, Glitter Resurrected, Golden Priapus, Golgothan Myrrh SN, Green Tree Viper, Habu, Haloes, Harikata, Haunted, Hecate, Hemlock Honey, Herodotus’ Phoenix, Hesiod’s Phoenix, Hetiarae, Ho Ho Ho, Hod Resurrected, Honey Mone, Hope and Fear Set Free, Horn of Amalthea, Hungry Ghost Moon, Hymn, Iambe, Incantation, The Infernal Lover, Jacob’s Ladder (multiple years), Jezebel, Kabuki, Khajuraho (multiple years), Khandita, Khephra, King Cobra, Kitsune-Tsuki, Kostnice, The Lady of Shalott, Lady Luck Blues, The Last Rose of Summer, Lear, Leather Phoenix, Leo (2007), Libra (2007), The Lion, The Living Flame, Luperci (2007), Lust, Lyonesse, Malice, Man with Phallus Head, Masabakes, The Masque (Maelstrom), Melisandre the Puppet Mistress, Mercurian Phoenix, Meskhenet the Vulture Maiden, Michtecacihuatl, Midnight on the Midway, Mme. Moriarty Misfortune Teller, Monarch, Mourning Cloak, Mouse’s Long and Sad Tale, Murder of Crows, Namaste, The Night-Raven, Nightmare, Nonae Caprotina, Now Winters Nights Enlarge, Nyx, O, Odin, Olibanum SN, Papow, Panther Moon, Peacock Queen (2007), Peony Moon, The Perfumed Garden (2006 and 2007), Pink Moon (2005), Pink Moon (2007), Pink Moon (2012), The Pit and the Pendulum (DD), Pliny’s Phoenix, The Premature Burial (Maelstrom), The Premature Burial (DD), Ra, Rapture, The Raven, Raven Moon (2009), Red Moon (2013), The Red Queen, Resurrection of the Flesh, Rome, Rose Moon, Rose Red (2007), Rosy Maple, Saint Foutin de Varailles, The Salon: Lady Lilith, Sampaguita, Scherezade, The School-House, Schwartzer Mond (2006), Schwartzer Mond (2008), Le Serpent Qui Danse, Siberian Musk SN, Silentium Amoris Resurrected, Skuld, Sleipnir, Smut (2006 and 2007), Snake Charmer, Snake Charmer Resurrected, Snake Oil, The Snow Maiden, Sol Invictus, The Sportive Sun, Sri Lanka, Stardust (2006), Sunbird, Svadhinaopakita,Symmakhia, Tabella, Tabula Smaragdina, Temple Viper, Tenochtitlan, Thaleia, Thirteen Oct.2006, To Helen, Tum, Two Five and Seven, Typhon Resurrected (2006), Umbra, Urd, Uruk, Vasakasajja, Veil, Victorian Rose Milk v1, VILF, Virahotkantiat, Vixen, Werepuppy, Western Diamondback, WILF, Winter Holiday Stress Relief Elixir, Wolf Moon (2004), Wolf Moon (2007), Wolf’s Heart, Womb Furie   Ranked 2   A Countenance Forboding Evil, Agape, All Saints (2006), The Antikythera Mechanism, Aries (2007), Banded Sea Snake, Belladonna, Black Annis, Black Lace (2007), Black Phoenix, Blood Moon (2005), Chintamani-Dhupa, Cinnamon Sugar Cookies and Eggnog, Coral Snake, Dragon’s Claw, Dragon’s Hide, Dragon’s Tears, Fascinum, Frederic, The Ghost, Gomorrah, Graveyard Dirt (2008), Jolly Roger, Kanishta, Lilith vs.the Giant Crab, Lucy Westenra, Lycaon, Manila, Mata Hari, Mr. Ibis, Night’s Pavilion (2006), Nuclear Winter, The Oblation, Ode on Melancholy, Pirate Moon, Port Royal, Queen Gertrude, Red Lantern (2007), Rogue, Ruddy Daggerwing, Salamander, The Sea Foams Blood, Sugar Moon, Worm Moon, Yuki-Onna Resurrected, Zombi   Ranked 1   #Occupy WallStreet, Absinthe, Aizen-Myoo, Al Azif, Bastet, Black Opal, Boomslang, Brisingamen, Cottonmouth, Death Adder, The Deep Ones, Devil’s Night (2005), Dragon’s Eye (allergic), Eat Me, Grog, House of Mirrors, Intergalactic, Jailbait, Kalhantarika, Lolita, Loup Garou, Miskatonic University (GC version), Old Scratch, The Phantom Calliope, Proshitapathika, Rosalind, Santo Domingo, Saturnalia, Saw-Scaled Viper, Shub-Niggurath (APIA version), Silk Road, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Vechernyaya (allergic)   Not Yet Ranked!!   #20 Love Oi, 51, Aelopile, Alecto, Alice, All Night Long, Allison Gross, Amiable and Lovely Creatures, Amsterdam, Anactoria (2010), Antony, Aperotos Eros, Arachne, Arcana, Ariadne Brunnell, Atlas, The Atrocious Attic, Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo, Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand, Ave Maria Grata Plena, Badger, Baghdad, Baobhan Sith, Baron Samedi, Bathsheba, Bayou, Beanman and Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina, Beatrice, La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Belle Epoque, Belle Vinu, Bengal, Bensiabel, Bess, Bewitched, Les Bijoux, Bitter Moon, Black Cat, Black Forest, Black Heart, Black Hellebore, Black Pearl, Black Rose, Bliss, Block Buster, Blood Amber, Blood Kiss, Blood Pearl, Blood Rose, Bloodlust, Blue Fire (2008), Blue Moon (2007), Blue Moon: Beth’s (2009), Blue Moon: Brian’s (2009), Blue Morpho, Bluebeard, Bon Vivant, Boo Bam, The Bow and Crown of Conquest, Brahmin, Brimstone, Brown Jenkin, Bruised Violet Compound, Budding Moon, But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light, Butterflies and Plovers, Cairo, Calico Jack, Candy Phoenix, Carnal, The Caterpillar, Cathedral, Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors (MCCLXXXII, CCCVII, DCV), Chaos Theory IV: The Edge of Chaos (MXXXII), Cheshire Cat, The Chilling Cellar, Chimera, The Churchyard, Cicuta, Clarimonde, Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Clio, The Coiled Serpent, Come to Me, Copper Phoenix, Cordelia, Countess Dolingen of Gratz, Cristina, Croquet, Crossroads, Crow Moon, Cthulhu, Dana O’Shee, Danse Macabre, Darkness, Death on a Pale Horse, Debauchery, Ded Moroz, Deep in Earth, Defututa, Delirium, Delousing Powder, Depraved, Desdemona, Desire, Destroying Angel, Devil’s Claw, Diable en Boite, Dirty, The Dodo, The Dormouse, Dove’s Heart, Dream Formula I: Oneiroi, Dream Formula II: Baku, Dream Formula III: Temple of Dreams, Dream Formula IV: Nanshe, Dream Formula V: Somnus, Dreamland, E Pluribus Unum, Eanach Dhuin, Earth Phoenix, Economic Recovery, Ecstatic Revelry, Elixir V: Moxie, Endymion, Envy, Eos, Erato, Eshe A Vision of Life-in-Death, Ether, Euphrosyne, Eve, Ezekiel’s Phoenix, Fallen, A Farewell to False Love, Faunalia, Faustus, The Festival of Anuket, Fire for Thy Stepmother’s Daughters, Fire of Love, Fire Pig, Fizzy Jack O’Lantern, The Flower Song, Les Fleurs du Mal, Flower Moon (2009), Follow Me Boy, Forbidden Fruit, The Forbidding Foyer, French Love, The Fruit of Paradise (2007), Fruitcake (2007), Galvanic Goggles, Gaueko, The Ghastly Garden, Ghost House, Giant Squid, The Gibbous Moon, The Girl, Glasgow, Gluttony, The Goblin Rider, Goblin, Gold Phoenix, Golden Wave (2008), Goliath Birdwing, Goneril, GOP, Grandmother of Ghosts, Great Grey Witch, Greed, Green Party, Gypsy, Hairy Toad Lily, Hamadryad, The Hanging Gardens, Harlot, Has No Hanna, Havana, He Too With Death Shall Dwell, Helena, Hell’s Belle, Hellfire, Hemlock, Herbert West, Hermia, Herr Drosselmeyer (2006), The Hesperides, High John the Conqueror, Highwayman, Hollywood Babylon, Horn of Plenty, Horreur Sympatique, House of Night, How Doth the Little Crocodile, A Howl in the Darkness, Hurricane, Hymn to Proserpine, Imp, In Winter in My Room, Inez, Inferno, Les Infortunes de la Vertu, Interfector, Intrigue, Io, Iron Phoenix, Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream, Ivanushka, Jabberwocky, Jester, Jezirat Al Tennyn, Jingo-Kogo v6, Juke Joint, Julia Stone, Juliet, Jupiterian Phoenix, Katharina, Kathmandu, Kelly Pool, Kill-Devil, Kindly Moon, The King of Hearts, Kuang Shi, Kumiho, Kyoto, Labores Solis, Ladon, Laudanum, Lead Phoenix, Leanan Sidhe, Libertine, Ligur, Lilith and the Jarocho, Lilium Inter Spinas, Litha, The Little Sparrow, Longing, Loralei, Lord Ruthven, Lotus SN, Love Me, Love’s Philosophy, Love’s Torments, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Luna, Lunar Eclipse (2008), Lunar Phoenix, Lune Noir (2008), Luperci (2008), Machu Picchu, Mad Hatter, Madame Tracy, Madonna, Magdalene, Maiden, Malediction, Manhattan, Mania, Marae, Marie, Martian Phoenix, Mary Read, Masquerade, Medea, Metal Phoenix, Mi-GoBrain Cannister, Midnight Kiss, Midnight Mass (2006), The Miller’s Daughter, Minotaur, Mircalla Countess Karnstein, Mischief, Misericordia, Mlle. Lilith Fortune Teller, Moai, Moana, Morgause, Moscow, Muse, The Music of Erich Zahn, Nefertiti, Nephilim, Nes Gadol Haya Sham, Niflheim, Night Gaunt, Night Thoughts, Noche Buena, Nocnitsa, Nuit, Nyarlathotep, Oblivion, Oborot, Ochosi, Old Man Ackerman’s Instructional Toys, Ololkun, On Darkness (2009), Ophelia, Ops, Ophui, Osun, Othello, Ouija, The Oval Portrait, Ovid’s Phoenix, Oya, Ozymandias, Pain, Pannychis, Paper Kite, Parentalia, Parlement of Foules (2006), The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, Peitho, Penis Admiration, Penitenece, Penny Dreadful, Penthus, Perle Von Mauren, Pet Magah Bird, La Petit Mort, Phantom, Phantom Queen, The Phantom Wooer, Philologus, Phobus, The Phoenix, The Phoenix at Dawn, The Phoenix at Dusk, The Phoenix at Midday, The Phoenix at Midnight, The Phoenix in Autumn, The Phoenis in Spring, The Phoenix in Summer, The Phoenix in Winter, Phoenix Steamworks, Pink Mood, Poisson d’Avril, Polyhymnia, Pontarlier, Port-au-Prince, Prague, The Presence of Love, Psyche, Purple Spotted Swallowtail, Pussy, Queen, Queen Mab, The Queen of Hearts, Queen of Sheba, Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe, Quicksilver Phoenix, R.M. Renfield, Rage, The Ragged Wood, Rakshasa, Rangoon Riptide (2008), The Rat Speakers, Ravenous, Red Devil, Red Moon (2007), Regan, Reindeer Poop, The Robotic Scarab, Rocking-Horse Fly, The Rose, Rose Cross, Roux-Ga-Roux, Sachs, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Salome, Sanctus, Sarah, Satan and Death with Sin Intervening, Saturninan Phoenix, Screeching Parrot (2008), Séance, The Season of Ghosts, Sed Non Satiata, Seraglio, Seraphim, Serpent’s Kiss, Set v3, Shadow Witch Orchid, The Shadowy and the Sublime, Shanghai, Shango, Sheol, Shoggoth, Shroud, Silenti, Silver Phoenix, Sin, Siren, Sloth, Smoky Moon: Tristesses de la Lune (2009), Solar Phoenix, Spellbound, Squirting Cucumber, Staged Moon Landing, Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener, Strangler Fig, Succubus, Sudha Segara, The Sugared She-Goat Chocolaier: Milk Chocolate Coconut Cardamom Rum and Ginger Truffle, Sundew, Suspiro, Swank, Sweet Life, Szepasszony, Tacitus’ Phoenix, Tamora, Tanin’iver, Tattered Lace, Te Po, Terpsichore, Tezcatlipoca, Thalassa the Galapagos Mermaid, The Twisted Oak Tree, Theotokos, Thousands of Lights, Three Brides, Three Gorgons, Tiki King, Tiki Queen, Tin Phoenix, Tisiphone, Titania, Titus Andronicus, Tombeur, Transeo, Tupapau, Tushnamatay, Twenty-One, The Unicorn, Upa Upa, Urania, Utrennyaya, Vampire Tarot: The Magician, La Vita Nuova, Van Van, Velvet, Velvet Bandito, Velvet Clown,Velvet Cthulhu, Velvet Dogs Playing Poker, Velvet Nudie, Velvet Panther, Velvet Pink Kitty, Velvet Tiger,Velvet Tiki, Velvet Unicorn, Venice, Venusian Phoenix, Verdandi, Versailles, Vespillo, Vicomte de Valmont, Victorian Garden, Villain, Viola, Violens, Voodoo, Voodoo Lily, Wanda, Wanton, Water of Notre Dame, Water Phoenix, When the Winter Chyrsanthemums Go, Whip, White Moon, Whoso List to Hunt, Wicked, Wilde, Wilhelmina Murray, Windward Passage, Wings of Azrael, The Witching Time of Night, Wolfsbane, A Wonderful Light, Wood Phoenix, Wrath, Ü, Yellow Jessamine Honey, Yerevan, Yggdrasil, Zorya  




Art Swap #4 Questions List

As of 06 Feb: What is your favorite fairy tale, persona, or motif? What imagery does the story/person/thing evoke for you? Do you like or hate how it was handled by a movie or show? How about illustrations and pictures on the subject? Any you are particularly in love with? How are you with ethically sourced (read: found in the woods on the ground, on the beach, etc.) formerly living bits? Examples: feathers, butterfly wings, fossilized teeth/bone, clean-but-not fossilized bone. Would you rather have half of something that was super fabulous in conception, but ultimately too much to pull off completely in the time frame(although still fully functional? Is there something specifically in fairytales you do NOT want to see? And would you be limited to the idea of 'fairytales' or would you be happy with crossing over into 'origin stories' or 'mythology'? If you've mentioned that purple is a favorite color, which shades do you prefer? If in your questionnaire you talked about different styles or listed a number of favorite stories, now that we've been talking about the subject, has anything sort of popped into your head as a "you know I REALLY wish my artist would do something with X story/theme/subject/style." ? How do you feeel about nudity? How do you feel about more practical crafty kinds of things, rather than more traditional "art"? Like would you be ok with a decorated box or bag, or something like that? Would you like a retold fairy tale (in poem or story form) written by your artist as part of your swap? How do you feel about receiving a recipe of some sort based off your faerie tale of choice? Or say a meal plan you could do for a day or like a dinner party or something? How do you feel about anime in general? What kind of bodyshapes appeal to you in pin up art, male and female? How do you feel about excerpts in your art? Are words okay, or would you rather leave language to the imagination? What is your favorite grimms tale? New As of 10 Feb: Would you mind getting extra non fairytale goodies along with the required item? Like teas, bacon caramels, soap? Would you enjoy a wearable item? something hand knit by chance? New As of 11 Feb: What kinds of things do you like to eat? If you were my patron, is there are particular animal (or animals, or animal tale) from a faerie tale/myth/modern tale/legend that you love or emphasize with? New As of 12 Feb: Do you have a particular house color palette? New As of 13 Feb: If you were my patron, what would you be hoping for in miniature?




Huacas, Part II

Silk scarf: Used as a base cloth for power circle arrangements, often in group journeying. Having one's huacas at hand during journeying offers protection as well as focusing power and capturing new energies gained during the journey.   Spiny Dogfish Spine, what I often call my most prized possession: It's a bit of an odd story, and I don't yet understand the full significance of this object to me, I only feel it's strength. The spiny dogfish is a type of shark which has a defensive spike on each dorsal fin. In college biology, the dogfish was one of our dissection projects. Each of us had our own dogfish - I named mine Odo - which we kept in a bucket. Dissection and review took place at school and at home, so our buckets travelled back and forth with us. I felt an immediate connection with Odo that went beyond my usual careful, respectful approach to dissection. I don't remember how long it was - four weeks? six? - but eventually the time came that the project was over, and it was time to . . . discard our dogfish. I was devastated. It was so hard to give him up - I had always felt a bit guilty in the past with dissections, that after the great help the animals had given us in furthering our education, they were just incinerated like garbage - but I'd never felt such an internal resistance. My teacher said I could keep him but, really, how could I? Where? How? So, I settled for keeping his defensive spine. Even that was a hard decision, because it felt like mutilation - even in the dissection, everything was kept with the body - but I asked for permission and did a little ritual of apology and thanks.   See next post for my Prayer Box.




LJ Concordance for Weenie2010 SwitchWitch!

Forumname::LJ Name::Twitter Name Comments   SultryWolf::semaht::semaht I'm pretty much never on Twitter, but friends me if you like!   misti::misti_k::misti_k   CourtCat::courtcat79::CourtCat   ellebelle::sophiawestern:: "I generally only add people who update regularly and substantively."   kitrona::kitrona::kitrona Please comment or message that you are from BPAL.org/SwitchWitch   teanicole::teanicole::   Coldfire::ladyColdfire::MMG_Coldie Comment if you are a SW if you add me.   bubblefish::irrsinn::   molls::mollypunkin::eskimokissz:: Facebook: eskimokissz For FB, let me know you're a BPAL/SW




WeenieSW2010 Questions Answers!

As of 23 September Garlic? Yeah, I love the stuff. Had garlic wine (like a light white with a garlic finish) and chocolate-covered garlic (wonderful contrast!) at Gilroy ... on my honeymoon almost 22 years ago! As long as there's enough for both of us, so that Hubs isn't horrified by my stenchy proximity (it's never bothered me in him, oddly), I say bring it, bring it on.   Zombies? Not a huge fan.   Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? I do not. I think I have a DA account, but I don’t really spend any time there.   Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? I haven’tried Blooddrop.   What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? Nine, nine and a half, ten (Women’s US sizes) - depends on the shoe/style. I think that’s a UK 40 and a men’s 8. I’m not really looking for anything in particular now. Just got a couple pair of dressy flats, because I just cannot wear heels.   Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books? Sure! Especially coloring or other activity books.   Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags? Absolutely, and probably better than the girly counterpart!   NYCC Atmosphere sprays? The British Blondes sounds lovely.   Handpainted item? Lately I have been wanting to get bowls to have around for all the little stuff that otherwise accumulates. It just classes things right up. So I would choose a handpainted bowl, with a naturey design, perhaps some little birds.   Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Indeed! Especially smaller ones that can go in my huacas bag. I'm not in need of anything in particular; the stone will tell you if it's looking for me!   What's your favorite Halloween Music? I like spooky, novelty ... anything really. I have an iPod Halloween playlist; iPod still in the car so I will have to come back and edit with how many songs are on it, and I'll post a list to my blog for everyone's edification. It's made up of songs that are either specific to the holiday (Halloween Spooks by Lambert, Hendricks and Ross) or fit the mood (Murder in the Graveyard by Screaming Lord Sutch). I wouldn't mind having new tracks for it!   As of 20 September Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? Love, love, love them all: scrunchies, clips, pins, decorative accents.   Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? Nope, dangerous and dirty is fine!   In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? Yes.   How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Love them. A lot.   Conjure Oils? I have never tried them! Should I? I'll bet my Witch could pick something, based on my favorite notes.   What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) If it were up to me, I'd like it 40-60F most of the time, with frequent precipiation. Love mountain forests - I think the most achingly beautiful place I have visited is Big Sur, California. But for travel I'm a lot less picky about climate, because of the fun of experiencing a new/different place.   How do people feel about edible arrangements? www.ediblearrangements.com I've never had one, but could be interested. Seems like there's a lot of melon, though, which I won't eat.   Anyone need address/phone type books? Don't need one - I've got a BPAL-folks one going and there's room in it yet!   Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? I do enjoy fantasy. There are some ideas at my Amazon wishlist. I like Urban Fantasy (I've been reading Ilona Andrews) and Companion Animal Fantasy (most recently, Jane Lindskold), also tales of good dragons. And I've got lots more Obernewtyn Chronicles to go, if that counts as fantasy.   Soaps has been pretty well answered, I think; contact me, Witchee, if you need more info in that area! Likewise pens/office supply.   Not a yarnie.   Lipbalms: flavor preferences? tube/squeazything type or lip pots? Love 'em. Probably like sticks best, then squeezy, then pots. Any flavor, except for flavors I've already mentioned not liking!   Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular? I like the idea of altered books but haven’t really gotten into it. I’m kind of squeamish about messing with books so, even though I like the concept, I’m not sure how well I’d deal in reality.   Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form?I’ve got a charcoal burner and some very nice resins, along with a few sticks here and there, but I really don’t burn very often.   Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? I wish I could think of something!   Arcana Halloween update? Haven’t looked.   How many bottles of BPAL do you have? 150-200, somewhere in there. I think.   Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? Not looking at anything new in terms of exercise. I could use a pair of cycling gloves (palm 3.5 inches, so probably a medium?)   Anyone else into Emily Autumn? Sounds familiar, but I don’t remember her music, and haven’t got anything in my iTunes. I’m willing to give anything a fair listen!   Do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? My favorite are the shortbread because you can dress them up or down, and the regular peanut butter sandwich ones, whatever they’re called.   What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? Yum!   As of 16 September   Inquisition? Not tempted.   Scarf: a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? I love them all but I don’t have any skinny or long. To your tase, my Witch.   Rectangular shawl or triangular shawl? Shawl good too!     How do you feel about recipes? What kind of a cook/baker are you? Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine? Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? If I send you something home made would you like the reciepe for it? If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? I don’t particularly enjoy cooking, but I do love to eat, and so have been making myself cook more often lately. Asian foods are my favorite, so I’ve been exploring things in that area. I’ve got most of the basic equipment, and I’m learning about ingredients and how to put things together without a million ingredients, a million hours of work, and dirtying a million dishes! If there’s a book or a set of recipes that you think I should have, please do send them along! I have already pre-ordered the Just Bento book. I’m not too squeamish about substituting things, either, so don’t worry too much about the meat/onions issues for me. I mean, you can acknowledge that you didn’t just forget about them , but I don’t feel strange working around them in a recipe! I do that a lot, actually. I’m not much for sweets, so I’m not so interested in baking. I have a bread maker, but can’t eat all that carbo the way I used to; still, I use it on occasion. Mixes or kits are great.   Science Tarot I have been following this for a while, but haven’t ordered it and probably won’t for a while, since I’m still focused on making my own deck. But I do want it, and it would make a great gift for me, if you’d like to send it.   Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd’s that you’ve been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? See my Amazon wishlist (linked in my SW Help post, if the questionnaire link isn’t working) for such items, and yes, used is absolutely fine. Possets Update I have a few Possets items, but I haven’t become a huge fan. I love, love, love the concept of the cat rescue scents, but they are mostly not my style. Okay – just took a gander. Dark, Ghost, and Spirit sound lovely.   Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) Customized toys are great. Hubs and I have always been fascinated by the long-standing tradition of customizing Action Figures, really impressed by the time and effort and skill put into them! I could go for just about anything!  




A Bit of an FIL Rant

A bit more detail arising from a 16June2010 post in GUSP, which began I'll link the email here, if I can find it; I tend to delete stuff from him unopened, unless it has Cute Dog in subject line. That strategy even failed me once.   FIL's politics are those of the far-right extremist*, while S. is liberal. (I'm fairly moderate, since you wonder!)   FIL forwards these kinds of things all the time, to everyone whether they have specifically asked to be left off the list or not. When called on it, he becomes defensive. Any attempt to have a rational discussion is labelled a personal attack.   I’m trying to describe this all as clinically as possible, and I pride myself on being a diplomatic person, but I am genuinesly amazed at what a horrible "debate" skills FIL has.   The first time that S. broke all contact with his father – six or seven years ago, maybe? – he was eventually persuaded to “make peace for the sake of the rest of the family”. My FIL did not make any concessions; he was asked to not bring up politics at family functions, but has done so (at a much lower frequency than before, at least). So, Hubs pretty much feels like he gave up his own principles, and was pressured to do so. Furthermore, he is hurt than no one in the family, including me, spoke up in alliance with him. He felt, and feels, disrespected both in his father's actions and words and in the lack of visible support from the rest of the family.   Now, for myself, while I hold strong beliefs and opinions, I prefer not to debate them. I’m not really interested in converting anyone else to my position. I don’t mind learning new facts about the other position, or even a well-reasoned explanation of why one might hold it, and I’ll do the same. I’m even open to changing my mind. But I don’t enjoy the types of politico-philosophical arguments that some do, where the only goal seems to be . . . I don’t even know what the goal is. Thus, I remain quiet, as I did when discussions turned political at the dinner table. In my mind, I wasn't failing to support S., I was merely maintaining my own right not to be baited. He sees it a bit differently. Hubs feels strongly that, in instances where the other party is Just Plain Wrong, we all have a responsibility to speak out against it, no matter how difficult it may be to do. I am starting to see his point on that . . . I’m still not comfortable doing it, but I do take Truth and Justice pretty seriously, and so I have resolved to do better. Whatever that might mean.   I'm not looking forward to confronation with my FIL. He and I have a very good relationship. There's even a slim chance that he'll listen to me, whether it would result in any lasting change or not. And of course that lends a whiff of guilt to my . . . cowardice about not wanting to get involved.   *I hate "labelling" groups, even - or especially - for the reason that I do not agree with their politics. Don't these groups, no matter how extreme, have the right to their positions? I believe that they do; but there is a difference with holding different beliefs, based on the same empirical facts, and groups that spread lies as the only apparent support for their beliefs. Sadly, such groups do exist, and my FIL, God help us, proudly allies himself with them. In any case, I won't use loaded terminology like "Right-Wing-Nut".




Villainess Smack! Ideas

Pomegranate Fig + Incense + Coconut Milk - got. Lovely, but not perfect; incense too sweet - try Red Woods?   Vanilla Bean + Red Woods - got. Marvelous!   Vanilla Bean + Red Woods + Honey Nut     Sugared Roses + Lei Flowers - didn't get before Lei Flowers was discontinued. ah, well.   Sugared Roses + Coconut Milk - got. Wonderful!




Prayer Box

Prayer box: The box itself is carved with Inuit traditional whale designs. I got it in Alaska but it was made in Canada. A prayer box is used for continuous transmission of positive energies. A slip of paper with a name is put into the box with the two engraved quartz stones. I've got some other stuff in there now, but it's the quartz stones that do the work.   Inside of the box:   The quartz stones, and a bit of bone: I no longer remember where I got the bone. The stones are carved (by me) on both sides with power symbols which serve, when regularly charged, to focus the owner's intent.   The other side of the stones:




Huacas, Part I

Huacas is the term for one's collection of sacred objects in the shamanic tradition of Ecuador. They are used in journeying (meditation), for intent rituals, or for divination. They live together in a bag to absorb eachother's power and so that their power needs to be recharged less often. Because I mention my huacas every once in a while on the Forum, I thought some of you might be interested in a little more detail. So, here's some pictures!   The bag:   The contents: Everything's in little pouches mostly to protect them from crashing into each other and chipping/breaking. The two vials contain tailtip hair from my dogs. They're not labelled and I no longer remember which is which, but it shouldn't matter.   Stones: These are all gifts or foundlings. Stones may be arranged or held for journeying or divination. Some shaman use stones for healing, but I have not explored that.   The geode is for placing other things on - candle, stones, a bit of herb. The bit of petrified wood should by rights be with the other stones but ended up in this picture instead.   Sea Turtle and Dolphin fetishes: I got these when I went through Dolphin/Whale Reiki Master training.   See Part IIfor more pictures and stories!




NA Wishlist

Current through Apr2009 Wanted (FEx) Nokturne: Carnelian Nokturne: Ember Amber 23 Amber 46 Nokturne Nokturne: Amethyst Nokturne: Crimson Nokturne: Crystal Nokturne: Diamond Shadow of Anubis The Underworld   Wanted (LE) AEnsonesia Blue Lotus Ankh Eye of Horus GOLD: Crook and Flail Heart of Anubis Necropolis SHU The Guardian The Netherworlds Vampire Pharaoh   Wanted (GC) Alexandria Amarna Anubis Bastet Dragons: Akhnouphis Dragons: Celehstya Dragons: Syren Egyptian Black Raspberry Egyptian Vanilla & Passionfruit Eternal Cairo Eternal Egypt Eternal Luxor Eternal Nile Geb (Earth) Horus ISIS Khepri (Ether) Luxor Memphis MWTG: Anubis MWTG: Atum MWTG: Bastet MWTG: Hathor MWTG: Horus MWTG: Nut & Geb MWTG: Osiris MWTG: Seshat MWTG: Seth MWTG: Thoth Nefertari Osiris Ozymandias Pyramid of Khufu Pyramid of Menkaure RA Tut-Ankh-Amun   Maybe (FEx) AEgyptika Amber Kyphi Crystal Heart of RA Darker Scarab Dream Stela GOLD: Nakhti-Amun Khairon SAEX (GotUaO) KV31 Nokturne: Lazuli Ravening of Amut Riddle of the Sphinx: Elegant The Black Label Vision of Egypt   Maybe (LE) Abraxas Amber Noel Egypt GOLD: Scarab GOLD: GOLD Haroeris Hathor’s Blackberry Sage Tea Immortal Isis’ Love Elixir Mummy Mommy 08 SomNAlchemyst – Nocturnal Sothis Spring of Nephthys Summer of Thoth The Beautiful One The Sacred Altar Trinity of the Gods: Chaos of Seth Trinity of the Gods: Revenge of Isis   Maybe (GC) Abu-Simbel Akhenaten Ankh Blue Nile Cairo Dragons: Apophis Dragons: Mnemythe Dragons: Phyriad Dragons: Urphaeus Egyptian Oasis Egyptologist MWTG: Sekhmet Purple Nile Ramesses Red Egypt Scarab Sekhmet (Fire) SETH Shu (Air) Temple of Amun Temple of Horus Temple of ISIS Temple of Ptah Temple of Sobek The Nile Vanilla Necropolis




eLiner Notes for SultryWolf’s “Essence of You” CD

Track 1: Yakety Sax (a.k.a. The Benny Hill Chase Theme) Artist: Boots Randolph This track represents my goofy side, which is fairly prominent. I often hear the theme running through my head as I'm doing one thing or another. Embrace fun!   Track 2: Take Me Down To The Infirmary Artist: Cracker I cite Cracker as my favorite band (though Murder By Death - see Track 7 - has achieved tie-hood for the title), so some song from their extensive discography had to make an appearance here. This track has a nice balance of great song with lyrics that really do represent aspects of my personality. The narrator wants to go to the infirmary so he won't have to drink or sleep alone. Also, I love hospitals.   Track 3: No One Driving Artist: John Foxx A favorite from my youth, and, again, one that speaks to me on a deeper level. In a marijuana haze one night, my friend and I 'realized' that the song is about athiesm (There's no one driving.) Even straight, I can see that interpretation; was it intended? Who knows. We also loved the line, "Someones gone liquid in the sheets. A sudden smell of burning leaves." which my friend 'realized' represents orgasm followed by the lighting of a cigarette! So cool. If you like this track, in any wise, I strongly recommend the whole album, Metamatic.   Track 4: Requiem (K.626), Introitus Composer: Mozart Performers: Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields I have always loved the concept of the Requiem, music to commemorate a person's passing (and to glorify the host of heaven). Mozart's is arguably the finest example, and this brief movement its most dramatic, building as it does. It never fails to move me, fill me with the numinous, as they say. I particularly like taking it out of context, as I've done here. Its like a brief flash of the glory of the heavenly host, then on to:   Track 5: Queen of the Mountain Artist: Burning Spear Just a great song, and I do love the mountains.   Track 6: Danse Macabre Composer: Saint-Saens Performers: Angèle Dubeau and La Pietà The first classical piece that really resonated with me as a child. We listened to classical and jazz pretty exclusively, but this is the first one I remember loving and needing to know the title and composer so I could find it again. Ran across this version only recently on a collection called Infernal Violins, and it really captures the image of the risen dead, dancing in a mouldy graveyard.   Track 7: Until Morale Improves, The Beatings Will Continue Artist: Murder By Death Like Cracker, Murder By Death, a favorite band, had to make an appearance here. The title of this track doesnt really describe the content. Its from an album which tells a story, of a man tracking the Devil across the Southwestern US and into Mexico, and in this track, hes facing the seeming impossibility of the task. I particularly like the line, "I drink whiskey instead of water, 'cause I can't stand to be sober in this place." because whiskey is my drink. I can stand to be sober, but don't always want to be.   Track 8: Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty / I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts Artist: Barry ODowd & The Highlanders If I had a version with just Blighty, I'd have included that - nothing against Coconuts, but the purpose of the track's inclusion here is my love of England.   Track 9: Once Upon A December Artist: Deana Carter One of my favorite songs to sing along to! This is the end-credits rock-version of a song from the animated film Anastasia and, for once, is wonderfully done. I really like the guitar solo.   Track 10: Devils Artist: The Endparty Thinking back, Im not sure why I chose this track over Home ("Everywhere you are feels like home to me" - which definitely describes how I feel about Hubby *aww*). But I do love this track, and I am not without my own Devils crawling inside me!   Track 11: My Last Breath Artist: Evanescence Would you believe that I actually made an effort not to make my selections too dark? This track is a song of joy and hope and promise. The narrator is dying, in the arms of her beloved, and she sings of how everything will be all right. The lines, "I'll miss the Winter, a world of fragile things. Look for me in the white forest, hiding in a hollow tree" are of particular significance to me, as I do love Winter (not that we get much of one here in Los Angeles), and I love, love, love the concept of the beauty and majesty of nature reminding us of our loved ones who have passed.   Track 12: Smell of Home Artist: Jules and the Polar Bears My very first Favorite Band. Fortunately, I got to see them twice before they were gone forever. Nothing that Jules Shear has done since quite lives up to the greatness that was the Polar Bears. The song is about the desire in all of us to have and find home, and how elusive that concept can be. To me, theres another association, because I'm so dog-crazy: for a dog, theres great comfort in the smell of home.   Track 13: St. James Infirmary Artist: Kid Ory's Creole Jazz Band I have lots of versions of this, my very favorite song of all time, and the one that I can, on occasion, be persuaded to perform. This version captures the Hot Jazz origins of the song rather nicely. (My very favorite version is not available as an audio track; it's the Cab Calloway version in the Betty Boop cartoon Snow White) This is an instrumental version, but the song is another dark topic: the narrator visits his beloved in the morgue, where she has died from a drug overdose, and he describes what he'd like his own funeral to be like.   Track 14: Little Room Artist: The White Stripes By no means the best White Stripes song, but it speaks to me on the nature of creativity. "When . . . you've got something good, you're going to need a bigger room. When you're in the bigger room . . . you might have to think how you got started sitting in your little room." Genius.   Track 15: Houdini Artist: Kate Bush Moving little work about Houdini's wife trying to reach her husband through a medium. Although I am not a traditional romantic, I have strong feelings about True Love, and that even death cannot sever such a link, and this song touches all those places. Makes me cry every time. Also, Houdini is just cool!   Track 16: Carrousella Artist: In The Nursery I really love this track. I can't come up with a really salient reason for having included it here, but because I love it so much, I associate it with myself, if that makes sense.   Track 17: Under The Bridge Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers I talk a lot of smack about Los Angeles, but it's my birthplace and my home, and I have a fondness for it born of that. Los Angeles has always, and always will, take care of me, just as described in the song. Thank goodness it didn't take a devastating heroin addiction (as in the song) to realize it!   Track 18: Libertad Composer: Michel Cusson Singer: Marie-Soleil Dion A beautiful song from the soundtrack to Cavalia, the equine-human dance show. An incredibly moving show. This track is here because of my love for animals, for working animals (hey, performance is work!), and because the track always fills me with such joy.   Track 19: Darkness Darkness Artist: Robert Plant What a great version of a great song. I love the dark, and this song is a rare tribute to all the wonderful aspects of darkness.   Track 20: Suffocate (EP version) Artist: The Teardrop Explodes Another track included mostly because I just love it. I haven't, thank goodness, had to suffer any relationship such as that described, though I've heard of plenty.




Winter SwitchWitch My Answers

Culled from the thread, as of 02 Jan Languages besides English? How fluent are you? The language I know best after English is Pharaonic Egyptian – can’t really say “speak” because the inflections of the ancient language are, at this point, a best-guess. I had two years of German in college and like to say that meine Grammatik ist gut, aber meine Worterverzeichnis ist Scheiss. Two years of French in high school, which I’ve mostly forgotten. I’ve picked at Arabic and Romanian. I’d like to study Gaelic, any flavor, but I get the feeling that’s another one that’s tough in self-study. My Old and Middle English are fair, but rusty. Anything about language or linguisitcs gets me excited! Do you like mythical/fantastical creatures? Which ones? I’m fond of many: dragons are a big one, centaurs (any half-beast, really), grotesques and gargoyles, werewolves if they count. Travel guides (like Fodors and Zagat)? For which destinations? Wow, I love travel guides but can’t think of a particular destination to ask for. Musicals seen (Broadway or otherwise)? Favorites? Why? I’ve seen, let’s see . . . A Chorus Line, Annie, The Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, Sunset Boulevard, SpamALot, Wicked. I’m sure I’m forgetting some. I don’t have a particular passionate favorite. Love splashy productions, but I also love inexpensive or experimental productions, and student productions, too. I’ve always loved live theater, and Hubby does too, so we go fairly often – not always musicals, of course – and mean to go even more often then end up missing stuff, darned short runs. Disney fan? Hubby and I went to Disneyland every year for a while, on whatever’s the last day before people go back to school/work after New Year’s Day – that’s statistically the lowest attendance day, so there’s no fighting crowds. Add a threat of rain, and you’re pretty much guaranteed a deserted park! We always have fun, but we’re not obsessed like some folks. Went to Disney World/Epcot once many years ago – pre-MGM – and that was fun, too. We particularly liked the Animal place, and Pleasure Island. Usually enjoy the animated films, but, again, not obsessed. Love animated film in general. Room sprays? Ah! I’m always interested in room sprays. Only have Cathouse and it’s wonderful. I’m not particularly itching for any of the inquisition ones, but would enjoy them if they found their way into my hands. Magazines, money no object? Love the magazine format – anything in any of my interests (dogs, history, science, nature - !) make fun and inexpensive gifts. Valerie Anands/Fiona Buckley? Never heard of her. Always eager to try a recommended author. Who is your favorite villain of all-time? There are so many great ones. Rickman’s Sheriff of Nottingham comes to mind (as I see it has for others as well!); for sheer villainy, there’s Rasputin in the Bluth Anastasia.   10 Dec Favorite animals? Least favorite? I have to say, animals are a big deal to me and I love and respect them all. This list is of the particular favorites! Canids (all of them, but especially dogs and wolves), corvids (all of them, but especially ravens and crows), spiders, Asian elephants, sea turtles, birds of all kinds (not a huge rock dove - "city pigeon" - fan, though), horses, donkeys, goats. Also, see my blog for the list of my Totems. Least favorite: fleas. I just can't come up with any positives there. How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application? I love the mission of Heifer International. My other charities are mentioned on my questionnaire. Tassel/jingle belt? Not a shimmyer, nor much of a belt-wearer. Three places to visit or re-visit? Re-visit Egypt and England, Visit Turkey. Literary erotica? Sure. Chocolate? Not my favorite. I'll eat it, of course. White tends to be too sugary-sweet, but anything from milk to dark to high-cacao is all right. Chocolate that supports rainforest conservation or sustainable living is nice. What really makes chocolate good is if there's stuff in it! Like nuts or fruits or both! I even liked the chocolate-covered garlic; I really like flavor combinations.   09 Dec Honey? Love it, any kind! I’d especially be interested in unusual or craft honeys. What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? I can’t think of anything particular from when I was small – Warner Brothers, I guess. I’ll always love animated stuff. From adulthood, Animaniacs and Freakazoid were favorites and I haven’t gotten any of the DVDs yet (not that I’d expect my Witch to get me something so expensive, but if an inexpensive used copy was found … ) Love The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park. Am I forgetting anything? Probably. Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas? Gypsy Rose Red and SueDonym know me pretty well. My past Witches Dark Alice and Suileach may have ideas, too! Chia Pet? Never had one. People mock them, but I’d be willing to give one a try. Houseplants/containers? I don’t really have good spots inside for plants. The patio is tricky, too, because it gets strong sun in the morning (intensified by the concrete surface), then is shaded all day. Shade plants tend to go “Aaaahhh!” from the sun, and partial shade plants don’t get enough. We are kind of planning to put a sculpture or rock garden out there. Baskets/Jars/Other Interesting Containers? Love containers!! Any size, shape, or style would be welcomed with love, filled or empty. Shoe size/style? Slippers? Size ranges from 9 to 10. I like athleticy shoes, especially Keens and Tevas. Love cork-bed shoes, like Naets (and Birkenstocks, too – but they only have the one closed-toe style, and I must wear closed toe and heel at work). I actually have a Zappos list, but I don’t maintain it regularly, just when I’m shopping for something particular. My feeties do get chilled when I’m lounging around the house (well, in Winter anyway!) – I usually just wear socks, but slippers work too! BPAL boxes/imp cases? I can always use new bottle or imp storage (must destash one of these days!) Handmade calligraphy Would be great! Something like this would be nice to hang on the wall. Fanfic, short or long? Sure. I prefer adventure to romance, though. A pairing – any pairing, slash or het, could be thrown in, but not as the meat of the story. Harry Potter, Whedonverse, Marvel Universe … I’ll try to think of more. Weirdest and/or most practical thing not buying right now? Cool question, but nothing comes to mind. I keep talking myself out of a GPS unit, then spending that same amount on some other, less useful electronic device.   Culled from the thread, prior to 09 Dec Love Warm Winter Wearables! I've never actually tried mittensbut think I prefer gloves. And my hands are fairly large, so cute girly gloves are often too tight. I've recently become obsessed with arm warmers because they've proved to be a good way to help moderate my temperature - I'm often too warm if I put on a sweater when it's my hands that are cold, for example. Also great for reading in bed when my arms have to be out of the cozy covers. Thing is, I've got seven pairs now, so probably don't really need more *mini-pout* . Not that I'd reject a new pair should my Witch feel compelled! Addition since original answer! I am now thinking that I want a “basic” pair - such as these - to wear at agility class. It can get pretty cold (20s) but layering is important to avoid overheating when we’re running. Scarves, scarflets, cowls, hats ... love 'em all, any style! Cookies: I actually prefer cookies without chocolate. All kinds of nuts and berries are great. Oh, but no coconut as I don't like the texture. I'll bet cashew butter cookies would be wonderful. Homemade t-shirts: awesome! The more done up the better! Unusual ornaments, ornaments for holidays other than Christmas: Wonderful! I would love. Cat hair: Not a huge problem. Hubby is quite allergic, but has been less affected since he went on arthritis meds. A few hairs here and there should be quite all right. Please do not send entire cats. Handknit socks: Sure! Absolutely any style or variety, keeping to the colors in my questionnaire would be optimal. Ladies nine or ten. DnD Roleplay stuff: Not a roleplayer. Hair accessories: As emphasized in my questionnaire, I love them - all types! I always wear my hair back so like to have a variety of decorations. Hand beaded jewellery: Absolutely. Tim Tams: I was another who didn't know what these were - for some reason I thought they were pasties. Thanks to Sorry I Can't Scroll Back Right Now To Get Your Name for describing them. They don't sound like my kind of thing, especially if "fluff" = marshmallow, which has gelatin which I won't eat. Away from home for a significant period: Nope! Greatest sadness There's nothing major I'm dealing with, thank goodness. Relationship and loved ones are all well. I get stressed pretty easily, though - between social anxiety and sensory dysfunction, I need a lot of down time, and if I don't get it, Ugh! - so if I need cheering up, that's what it will be from. Puzzle books Love them - crosswords, any word game puzzles; but not the math or number ones. Like to cook? Hate it - but mostly it's figuring out what to make that doesn't take a million pots and pans and $$ of ingredients that I don't have on hand (how many times I've bought a whole box of cornstarch, for example, for one dang teaspoon). SO, I wouldn't be averse to some tips or recipes from my Witch to help with those issues. Things that keep or freeze well would be good, too. My dietary deets are in my questionnaire. Winter Holiday? ] We celebrate Christmas in my family. Maybe someday I'll riff on what the holiday means to me . . . Other Forums Frequented? Actually, no.




'Weenie08 SW Random Q Answers

Hey, I’m just gonna skip any questions which I don’t find relevant (meaning they’d give no useful info to a Witch one way or the other) and anything that I feel was adequately covered elsewhere. Do feel free to ask if I’ve left out something that you would like to know!   Happy to get stuff from etailers I haven’t mentioned (assuming that it otherwise falls into the stuff-I-might-like category)! Perhaps I just haven’t heard of them yet!   Do you have an esty shop? Nope! What are your two favorite etsy shops? There’s too much awesome variety to pick. Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? I do not. I “know how” to knit, but haven’t the patience for more than a few rows. Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? Love it all. I’m not always happy with the “flavors” because they can seem so juvenile, but it’s not enough to stop me buying/using/enjoying flavored glosses! Naturally, anything flavored with a flavor I don’t like – viz., coffee or watermelon – is out. Love glitter and shiny. What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? My favoravoravorite is Urban Decay. I would probably like MAC but haven’t tried any video games? platform? do you like used games? We have an XBox 360, but don’t play a heck of a lot. We have all the Guitar Heros and Rock Band 1; those are our favorites. We have a few other games (Marvel Alliance, The Order of the Phoenix, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, The Simpsons …). What we don’t have and would like to try are some of the hand-to-hand combat games. Used is great! Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? No, but I could see this happening. Love books, love to share them. Bandaids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Yes! English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? I don’t know of anything in particular, but I’ll try anything. Fanfic as a gift - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences? Sure! I’m not anti-slash, but I’m not big on romance of any kind being the main purpose of the story: I like action, danger, fighting, or some sort of mystical quest or event. Fandoms: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek, any Joss Whedon, any Marvel Universe, Beastmaster, Tarzan, Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Big fan (though not a convention-goer). I have to give the nod to The Next Generation for favorite. Favorite character is more of a challenge, but I’m going to go with Odo. Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice in Wonderland fanatic? Definitely not over-the-top. I enjoyed the books, and appreciate why there are over-the-top fans. Just hasn’t hit me that way. How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I don’t cook much. A kit might be fun. Also, don’t use a lot of oil. Carnation petal cookies, now – the best baklava I have ever had was made by a 17-year-old Armenian girl I worked with; she used carnation syrup instead of honey – made the syrup herself from carnation petals, wow. And I’ve never had or seen anything with carnation since. I’d love to try them. How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Even BPAL is mostly for going out. There are many scent-sensitives here at work (myself among them) so we try to keep aromas to a minimum. I’m not much for layering; If I’ve used a scented bath product or lotion, I usually let it wane rather than adding another scent. Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? The occasional candle to set a romantic or festive mood. What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Checking the iPod … I’ve got a Godzilla collection (comprising selections from six or seven movies); Hedwig and the Angry Inch (though I’m finding I don’t love just-the-soundtrack as much as I did the movie); Anastasia (the animated version); songs from The Jungle Book, Lady & The Tramp, The Little Mermaid; and TV shows, too: Rome, Dexter, The Tudors, Buffy, Sherlock Holmes, The Simpsons . . . Every once in a while I think about putting Camelot and Kismet on there, but haven’t gotten around to it. See, again with the broad taste! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Anything homemade, used, regifted, a kind word, Leaving this whole statement in for context!! Also, a question. I [cyphersushi] make cellphone charms from glass beads and I was wondering if people would be interested to have them sent to their witches? I want to send one to my own and the only way I can be sneaky is if other withees are also getting small packages from sweden The way I hope it would work is of people send me money for shipping (not much since they are so small) and maybe a donation towards materials I make and send out danglies. I would put a limit of 10 or so to not be in over my head. Would this be interesting for people? Am I making sense? If this is something my Witch would like to get for me, I’d love one, and my phone can take it. I have a Skelanimals on there right now. Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? GypsyRoseRed and SueDonym. Also, contact my husband (not a forumite) at campscott@earthlink.net if you want/need input or conspiracy from him! Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Not much change here in Los Angeles. It gets a little cooler, but can just as easily heat up again. 80s in October is not unusual. What is your favorite art movement and/or style? Love Pre-Raphaelites, “Flemish” (Van Dyke, Breugel, Bosch), Rembrandt and Dürer (especially etching or drawing, as opposed to painting) Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? My iPod is pretty well-dressed. However, if my Witch ran across a fun, interesting, or otherwise perfect-gift of a case, I would welcome it lovingly – the iPod’s a Video Classic. For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? I enjoy both. Plenty of capability to use loose. How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something? If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? This is always welcome!! I mentioned a few of my favorite organizations on my questionnaire. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue ( http://www.donkeyrescue.org/ ) is another. Your local wildlife rehabilitation center would also be a good choice. Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? My day-to-day watch is a blue and silver Timex Expedition, and it desperately needs a new strap. If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be? Um … Thich Nhat Hanh, Ivanka Trump, Temple Grandin. Oh! Re: office supplies, I should have mentioned that I love “mini” stuff – tiny staplers, pens, hole punch … they don’t last as long, but they sure are cute!! Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? Three so far, more planned. Lizard on my ankle; sunburst (half Egyptian, half Modern) on my foot; wedding ring (no picture). Next, an Anpu (better known by the Greek name of Anubis) on my right outer high-ankle; eventually, I’ll get a Djehuty (better known by the Greek name of Thoth) on the inside. All my tattoos are my own design, with the artist having some artistic freedom. Might get the Anpu next week in Vegas, but I’ll probably be too busy. What about the halloween scents? What ones are people loving? Craving? Have tried, want to try? , etc... Or any Halloween-ish or autumn scents from other sites your dying for?? The pumpkin and apple scents don’t appeal, but there’s so much more variety this year! For sure I’ll be getting Graveyard Dirt 08, The Goblin Rider, The School-House, and The Witching Time of Night. I’m interested in Day of the Skulls, The Death of Autumn, Meditation in Autumn, but hope to sniff them before deciding (I have got to stop just ordering stuff !!) What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? Nothing specific comes to mind. I often talk myself out of something for one reason or another (often because I’m too lazy to go get it). This is a great question, though! Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? My father was a professional artist (draughtsman at the time I knew him, but he also did cartooning), and when I was little and he was teaching me, we used nib-pens and ink. So I’m fairly facile with them, but really prefer free-flowing barrel ink pens (mmm, Sakuras!). What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I’m afraid I’m not much of a letter writer. Who doesn’t love pretty papers!?! But I don’t need any. Do you decorate for Halloween? At home, only if we’re having a party (and we’ve had some fun ones!). Actually, I take that back. I have been meaning to decorate my bathroom thematically – and thereby develop a discipline of storing the little items by holiday instead of stuck in this or that drawer or box. Maybe I’ll start with this Hallowe’en!! At work, I usually put up a plastic pumpkin or two and maybe a bat garland. For witches who love Halloween and decorate for it, when do you start and when do you take it down? I’m thinking to start on the 1st Oct and tear down on the 5th Nov. Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? I love ‘em all! Soft spot for mummies, of course. And werewolves because they are just misunderstood doggies. And skeletons because I love bones. Do you dress up? I used to dress up every year, work or not, only person there in costume or not, but it gradually fell by the wayside (especially as laboratory-safe costumes can be tricky!) Hubby and I both love to do costumes, though, and will leap eagerly at any party invite. Do you like horror flicks? Yes. I’ve nothing against the slasher type, and there’ve been a few good ones, but in general I like best the Universal classics and the Hammer Films stuff. And all the Vincent Price stuff. If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? We have a patio, but it’s hard to keep stuff alive out there. Tricky combination of light and heat exposure. We’re planning to redo the patio with some statuary, rocks, maybe some cacti. What incense scents do you prefer? Not a big incense fan. How is your bottle/imp storage situation? Getting pretty tight. I have bottles in cardboard divider boxes which originally held glass vials here in the lab where I work; imps are in ammo boxes, with space to grow in each box, but I’m out of empties. Everything is in a couple of dresser drawers in the bedroom. What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Of the make-em-jump variety, I didn’t really do those. Of scary/creepy stories in general, the onese I reread and reread as a child were: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, anything by Poe, So Once Was I by K.M. Peyton, and a short story called “God Grante That She Lye Stille” by Cynthia Asquith. Bugs? do you like 'em or not? Love insects and spiders of all varieties, especially spiders and scorpions. Fiber allergies/sensitivities? No. What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Hmm. Depends on what I’m looking for, and how much time I have to scroll through the results! Like when I was looking for a wallet, I typed in “wallet”; but for browsing, keywords such as “dog”, “raven”, “maille” … lots of results, but so much great stuff! Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? I feel that the holiday ought to be creepy to honor its lineage, but some of the kooky is too fun to ignore. Reserved or Raunchy? Pretty raunchy. Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Earth. Tea or Coffee in the morning? Black tea. I cannot stand the aroma or taste of coffee. Fruity snacks or chocolate? Fruity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you accept art? I’d love it. The original question requested a sample, but, gosh, I’m just not that picky! And I’m not even judgemental about how “good” something is : I love “folk art”; any heartfelt expression! I do have a particular fondness for pen-and-ink. Antiques or Brand New? Either; love the mystique of antique. Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I love ‘em, the ones having to do with words. Numbers are ‘work’ for me and much less fun. Favorite artist? Rembrandt, Dürer, Breugel, Bosch - especially drawings and etchings. I also really like the Pre-Raphaelites in general. Favorite poet? Ernest Dowson What is your favourite autumnal-seasonal drink? I didn’t know there were seasonal drinks. Well, except for Egg Nog, but that’s Winter. Oh! You mean, like, hot mulled cider, right? I don’t hate it, but wouldn’t seek it out. Meaningful symbols Any of my animal totems (see my blog); Pharaonic Egyptian symbology; almost anything naturey Favorite Book I couldn’t possibly name one. What size socks do you wear? My shoe size ranges from ladies 9-10. I have beefy calves, so ladies knee socks generally don’t fit them; not that I wear them very often anyway. How about hat size? Will have to check. Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? Hubby and I are both big comics readers. I can’t think of any that I can’t stand! We’ll pick up whatever looks interesting – Marvel, DC, Dark Horse … I’m kind of more a Marvel girl (ha! Pun!), but have a soft spot for Batman. My current subscription list at TFAW includes: all the Whedon stuff (Angel Season 6, Buffy Season 8, Serenity), The Incredible Hercules, Mouse Guard, Gargoyles … What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Ooh, good question! I’m a lot less picky about live music than recorded (and I’m not very picky about recorded music, so … ). I love the immediacy of live music, the interaction with the audience. Also, I have this theory that music is actually a fourth dimension – and you really only get that when it’s performed live. Okay, to try to answer the question: jazz (as broad a “style” as that is). What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? I love this question … but I don’t have a good answer. I think everything I have does reflect my personality and beliefs – a personality which is a mass of contrasts! I think nothing of watching a shoot-em-up action thriller after an afternoon of shamanic meditation. By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? The short answer is night owl – but I have trouble staying up very late. My body wants me to go to sleep at 10pm, even if I’ve napped until 8pm. Sigh. Where are a few of your favorite places? London, Luxor, Wisconsin Are you active on any other boards/forums? Not lately. What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? Another fun question for which I don’t have a good answer. Maybe, “Get your plane ticket now so you don’t end up flaking and not seeing your Mom until the end of the year.” One minute of fame I’d sing. I love to sing, and have a good voice, but The Terror overtakes me and I freeze. Fall babies Not I – but didn’t we have fun wishing eachother Happies last round? I felt all glowy seeing my own Birthday thread keep popping up with new messages! *wipes tear* My girldog, Gracie, though is an early-Oct Libra; we celebrate on the first and you can be sure I’ll be doing it up big! Soap addict Not so much the soap – I’ve had to really think about new Villainess scents, because I use so little – but I am hoooooooked on Villainess scrubs, and go through them at quite a clip. Kilts Love em! Not really my style, though, so I’d feel awkward. I would love Hubby in one; I wonder if he’d try it?




What BPAL I Have!

Replaced by new entry Dec 2013; keeping this one for hyperlinks to reviews. Please also seemy ScentBase Profile   Click a bolded name to see my review Ranking system: 1 don't like; 2 like; 3 love *denotes bottle sn denotes sniffie only   #20 Love Oil, 13(Oct 2006) (*LE;3)   Abhisarika (LE;3) Absinthe (1), Aelopile, Aeval, Agape, The Agony of Longing (snLE;3)The Agony of Loss (*LE), Ahathoor (*3), Aizen-Myoo (1), Ajna, Al-Azif, Alecto, Alice, All Night Long, All Saints 2006 (*LE;2), All Souls 06 (LE;1), Allison Gross (LE), Amsterdam, Anactoria (LE), Anahata, Annabel Lee (*LE;3), Anne Bonny (3), Antique Lace (3), Antonio The Carny Barker (LE;3), Antony, Anubis (3), Arachne, Ariadne Brunell (LE), Aries 07 (*LE), Arkham, Arkham Revisited (*LE;3), The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (3), Asp Viper (*LE;3), Asphodel (3), Athens (*3), The Atrocious Attic (LE), Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo, Aureus, Australian Copperhead (LE;1), Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand (LE;3), Ave Maria Gratia Plena   Bad Luck Woman Blues (*LE;1), Baghdad, Banded Sea Snake (*LE;3), Baobhan Sith, Baron Samedi, Bastet (1), Bat's Blood res(LE;3), Bathsheba, Bayou, Beanman and Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina (*LE;2), Beatrice (LE), Beaver Moon 07 (*LE;3), La Bella Donna Mia Mente, Belladonna (2), La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Belle Époque, Belle Vinu, Bengal (2), Bensiabel, Bess, Bewitched, biggerCritter (*;3), Bien Loin d'Ici, Les Bijoux, Elixir VIII: Bitch (*3), Bitter Moon (LE), Black Annis (2), Black Butterfly Moon (LE), Black Cat, Black Forest, Black Heart (LE;3), Black Hellebore, Black Lace (*;3), Black Lily (*3), Black Moon (*LE;3), Black Opal, Black Pearl, Black Phoenix (2), Black Rose, Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (LE), Bliss, Block Buster, Blood (2), Blood Amber, Blood Countess (2), Blood Kiss, Blood Moon 05 (LE;2), Blood Moon 08 (*LE), Blood Pearl, Blood Phoenix(*LE;3), Blood Rose, Bloodlust, The Bloody Sword (*LE;3), Bluebeard, Blue Fire (LE), Blue Moon May07 (*LE;3), Blue Moon 09 (Beth’s) (*LE), Blue Moon 09 (Brian’s) (LE), Boo Bam (LE), Boomslang (LE;1), Bon Vivant, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Brides of Dracula (*LE;3), Brimstone, Brisingamen (1), Brown Jenkins, Budding Moon (LE), But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light (LE), Butterflies & Plovers (LE)   Cairo, Calico Jack, Carfax Abbey (*LE;3), Carnal, Carnaval Diabolique (LE;2), The Caterpillar, Cathedral, Chaos Theory V2:The O Series (*LE), Cheshire Cat, The Chilling Cellar (LE), Chimera, Chintamani-Dhupa (LE;2), Chiroptera (*LE;3), Chuparosa (3), The Churchyard (LE), Clarimonde (LE), Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Clio (LE), The Clod and the Pebble (*LE;3), The Coil, Come To Me, Copper Phoenix (*LE), Cordelia, Coral Snake (LE;2), Cottonmouth (LE;1), Count Dracula (*LE;2), A Countenance Forboding Evil, Countess Dolingen of Gratz (LE), Coxcomb (*LE), Coyote (3), Cristina (LE), Crossroads, Croquet, Crow Moon(*LE;3), Crypt Queen (*LE;3)   Dana O’Shee, Dance of Death (3), Danse Macabre, Danube, Dark Delicacies (*), The Darkling Thrush (*LE;2), Darkness, Daya (LE;3), Death Adder (LE;1), Death On A Pale Horse, Debauchery, Ded Moroz (LE), Dee, The Deep Ones (1), Defutita, Delight, Delirium, Delousing Powder (LE), Delphi (3), Depraved, Desdemona, Desire, Despair (*;3), Destroying Angel, Devil’s Claw, Devil's Night 05 (LE;1), Dia (*LE;3), Diable en Boîte (LE), Dirty, Djinn (2), Doc Buzzard (LE;3), Doc Constantine (LE), Dolce Stil Nuovo (LE;2), Dorian, The Dormouse (2), Dove’s Heart, Dragon Moon06 (LE;3), Dragon Moon 08 (*LE;2), Dragon's Blood (2), Dragon's Bone (3), Dragon's Claw (2), Dragon's Heart (*3), Dragon's Hide (1), Dragon's Milk (*3), Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Reverie (3), Dragon's Tears (2), Dreamland (LE), Drink Me (1), Dublin (2)   Eat Me (1), Eclipse (3), The Ecstasy of Infatuation (LE), The Ecstasy of Passion (*LE), Embalming Fluid (3), The Emathides (LE); Enraged Orangutan Musk (LE;3), Envy, Eos, Erato, Eris, Eshe (*LE;3), Et Lux Fuit (LE;3), Euphrosyne, Euterpe, Eve, Event Horizon   Fallen, A Farewell to False Love (LE), Fascinum (2), Faunalia (LE), Faustus, Fenris Wolf (3), Feu Follet res (*LE;3), Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughter, Fire of Love, Fire Pig (*LE;2), Les Fleurs du Mal, Florence (3), Flower Moon (*LE), The Flower Song (LE), Follow Me Boy, Forbidden Fruit, The Forbidding Foyer (LE), Frederic (LE), French Love, The Fruit of Paradise (LE), Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple (*LE)   Galvanic Goggles, Gaueko, The Ghastly Garden (LE), The Ghost (2), Giant Squid (*LE), Giant Vulva (*LE;3), The Gibbous Moon (LE), The Girl (LE), Glasgow, Glasya res (*LE;3), Glitter res (LE;2), Gluttony, The Goblin Rider (*LE), Gold Phoenix (*LE), Golden Priapus, Golden Wave (LE), Gomorrah (2), Goneril, GOP (LE), Grandmother of Ghosts, Graveyard Dirt 08 (*LE), Great Grey Witch (*LE), The Great Sword of War (1), Green Party (LE), Green Tree Viper (LE;1), Grog (1), GRR: Elixir X (*3), Gypsy (*LE)   Habu (LE;2), Hamadryad, The Hanging Gardens, Harikata (*LE;3), Harlot, Has No Hanna, Haunted (*3), Havana, Hecate, Helena, Helios (*LE;3), Hellcat, Hell’s Belle, Herbert West, Hermia, Her Voice (LE), Herr Droselmeyer 05 (LE), The Hesperides, Hetairae, High John the Conqueror, The Highwayman, Hi’iaka, Hod (LE), Hollywood Babylon, Hony Mone (*LE;3), The Horn of Amalthea (LE;3), Horn of Plenty, House of Mirrors (*LE;1), House of Night, Hungry Ghost Moon (LE;3), Hurricane, Hymn (3), Hymn to Proserpine   I Died For Beauty, Iambe (*3), Imp, In Winter In My Room (LE), Incantation, Inferno, Les Infortunes de la Vertu, Intergalactic (*LE;2), Intrigue, Iron Phoenix (LE;1), Irrelevant and Disturbing Crawdad Dream (*LE;2), Ivanuskha   Jabberwocky, Jacob's Ladder 05 (*LE;3), Jacob's Ladder 06 (*LE;3), Jailbait (1), Jazz Funeral, The Jersey Devil, Jester, Jezierat Al Tennyn, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint, Julia Stone (LE), Juliet   Kabuki (3), Kalahantarika (LE;2), Kanishta (LE;3), Katharina, Kathmandu, Kelly Pool (LE), Khajuraj[h]o 05 (*LE;3), Khajuraho 07 (LE;3), Khandita (LE;3), Khepra (*3), Kill-Devil,Kindly Moon (*LE;3), King Cobra (LE;2), The King of Hearts, Kitsune-Tsuki, Kostnice (3), Kuang Shi, Kumiho   Labores Solis (*LE), Ladon, Lady Lilith (LE), Lady Luck Blues (*LE;3), The Lady of Shalott (3), The Last Squished Jellybean (LE), Laudanum, Lear, Leo 07 (*LE;3), Libertine, Libra 07 (*LE;3), Lightning, Ligur, Lilith and the Jarocho (*LE), Lilith vs. the Giant Crab (*LE), Lilium Inter Spinas, The Lion (*3), Litha (LE),The Little Sparrow, The Living Flame (*LE;3), London, Long Night Moon (LE), Longing (LE), Loralei, Lord Ruthven (LE), Lotus Moon 06 (*LE;2), Love Lies Bleeding, Love Me, Love’s Philosophy (LE), Love's Torments, Lucy Westenra (*LE;3), Lucy's Kiss, Luna (*LE), Lunar Eclipse (*LE), Lune Noire (*LE), Luperci 07 (LE;3), The Lurid Library (LE), Lust (3), Lycaon (*LE;3), Lyonesse (*3)   Macchu Pichu (allergic), Mad Hatter, Madame Tracy, Madonna, Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller (*LE), Mme. Moriarty (*LE;3), Madrid, Magus, Magdalene, The Magician, Magus, Maiden (2), Malediction, Malice (3), Man With Phallus Head (*LE;3), Manhattan, Manila (2), Manipura, Mantis, Marae (LE), Marie, Marotte, Mary Read, Masabakes (3), The Masque (LE;3), Masquerade, Mata Hari (2), Medea, Melisande (*LE;3), Meskehnet (*LE;3), Mictecacihuatl (*LE;3), Mi-Go Brain Cannister (*LE;3), Midnight Kiss, Midnight Mass 06 (LE), Midnight on the Midway (*LE;3), The Miller’s Daughter, Minotaur (*LE), Mircalla, Countess Karnstein (LE), Miskatonic University, Mr. Ibis, Moai (LE), Moana (LE), Monarch (*LE;3), Moon Rose, Morgause, Morocco, Moscow, Motley (*LE), Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (*;3), Moxie:Elixir V, Mr. Ibis, Muladhara, A Murder of Crows (LE;3), Muse (3), The Music of Erich Zahn   Namaste (3), Nanshe, Nefertiti, Nephilim, Nes Gadol Haya Sham (LE), Niflheim, Night-Gaunt, Night Thoughts (LE), Night's Pavilion 06 (LE;2), Night's Pavilion 07 (LE;2), Noche Buena, Nocnitsa, Nonae Caprotina (*LE;3), Nosferatu, Nuit, Nuclear Winter (*LE;3), Numb (snLE), Nyalarthotep, Nyx   O, The Oblation (LE;3), Oblivion, Oborot (*LE;3), Ochosi, Ode On Melancholy (2), Odin, Old Man Ackerman’s Intstructional Toys (LE), Old Scratch (1), On Darkness (LE), Oneiroi, Opuhi (LE), Osun, Othello, Ouija, The Oval Portrait (DD;3), Ozymandias   Pain, Pannychis, Panther Moon (*LE), Paper Kite (*LE), Parentalia (LE), The Parliament of Foules (LE), The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (LE), The Peacock Queen 05 (LE;3), Peacock Queen 07 (*LE;3), Peitho, Penis Admiration (LE;3), Penitence, Penny Dreadful, Penthus, Peony Moon (*LE;3), The Perilous Parlour (LE), The Perfumed Garden 06 (LE), The Perfumed Garden 07 (LE;3), Perle von Mauren (LE), Pet Magah Bird (LE), Le Petit Mort, Phantom (3), The Phantom Calliope (*LE;2), Phantom Queen, The Phantom Wooer, Phobos, The Phoenix (*LE), Phoenix Steamworks (3), Pink Mood (LE;3), Pink Moon 05 (*LE;3), Pink Moon 07 (*LE;3), Pink Phoenix (LE;2), Pink Snowballs (LE;3), Pirate Moon (*LE;3), The Pit and the Pendulum (LE), Poisson d'Avril (LE), Poisoned Apple, Polyhymnia, Pontarlier, Port-Au-Prince, Port Royal (2), Prague, The Premature Burial (*LE;3), The Presence of Love (LE), Priala (*LE;2), Proshitapathika (LE;2), Psyche, Purple Phoenix (*LE;2)   Queen, Queen Gertrude (*2), Queen Mab, The Queen of Hearts, Quicksilver Phoenix (LE)   R.M.Renfield (LE), Ra (3), Rage, Rakshasa, The Ragged Wood (LE), Rangoon Riptide (LE), The Raven (3), Ravenous, Red Devil, Red Lantern 07 (LE;1), Red Moon 07 (*LE;3), The Red Queen (3), Red Rose (*LE;3), Regan, Reindeer Poop (LE), Ressurection of the Flesh (*3), Roadhouse, The Robotic Scarab, Rome (*3), Rosalind (1), Rose Cross, Rose Moon (*LE;3), Rose Red 07 (*LE;3), Rosy Maple (*LE;3), Roux-ga-roux (*LE)   Sahasrara, Sachs, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Saint Foutin de Varailles (*LE;3), Salamander (LE;2), Salomé, Santa Eularia Des Riu, Santa Muerte, Santo Domingo, Sapphics (LE), Sarah (LE), Satan and Death with Sin Intervening, Saturnalia (1), Satyr, Saw-Scaled Viper (LE;1), Scherezade (3), The School-House (*LE), Schwartzer Mond (*LE;3), Scorpio 07 (*LE;3), Screeching Parrot (LE), The Sea Foams Blood, Sea of Glass, Séance, The Season of Ghosts (LE), Sed Non Satiata, Seraglio, Seraphim, Le Serpent Qui Danse(3), Serpent's Kiss, Shadow Witch Orchid,Shanghai, Shango, Sheol, Shoggoth, Shroud, Shub-Niggurath (1), Silentium Amoris res (*LE;3), Silk Road (1), Silver Phoenix (LE), Sin, Siren, Skuld (3), Sleipnir (LE;3), Sloth, Smoky Moon (*LE), Smut 06 (*LE;3), Smut 07 (*LE;3), Snake Charmer (*LE;3), Snake Charmer res (*LE;2), Snake Oil (*3), The Snow Maiden (*LE;2), Sol Invictus res (*LE;3), Spellbound, The Sportive Sun (*LE;3), Squirting Cucumber, Sri Lanka (3), The Star (3), Stardust 06(*LE;3), Strangler Fig, Stimulating Sassafrass Strengthener (3), Strangler Fig (3), Succubus, Sudha Segara, Sugar Moon (*LE;2), Sunbird (*LE;3), Sundew, Suspiro, Svadhinaopatika (*LE;3), Swadhisthana, Swank (1), Symmakhia (*LE;3), Szepasszony   Tabula Smaragdina (*LE), Tamora, Tann'iver, Te Po (LE), Temple of Dreams Temple Viper (LE;3), Tenochtitlan (3), Terpsichore, Tezcatlipoca, Thalassa (LE), Thaleia, Thanatos, Three Brides, Three Gorgons, Tiki King (LE), Tiki Queen (LE), Tin Phoenix (LE), Tisiphone, Titania, Titus Andronicus (2), To Helen (*LE;3), Tombstone, Treat:Sugar-Slathered Candy (LE;1), Trick #1 (LE;2), Tum (*3), Tupapau (LE), Tushnamatay, Tweedledee (1), Tweedledum (1), Twenty-One, Twilight, The Twisted Oak Tree (LE), Two Five and Seven (3), Typhon res (LE)   Umbra (3), The Unicorn, Upa Upa (LE), Urania, Urd, Uruk (3), Utrennyaya   Valentine of Rome (*LE;1), Vampire Tears (1), Van Van, Verchernyaya (allergic), Vasakasajja (*LE;3), Veil (3), Velvet, Velvet Bandito (LE), Velvet Clown (LE), Velvet Cthulu (LE), Velvet Dogs Playing Poker (LE), Velvet Nudie (LE), Velvet Panther (LE), Velvet Pink Kitty (LE), Velvet Tiger (LE), Velvet Unicorn (LE), Venice, Verdandi, Versailles, Vicomte de Valmont, VILF (LE;3), Villain, Viola, Violens, Violet Ray, Vipralabda (LE;3), Virahotkantita (LE;2), Viola, Vishuddha, La Vita Nuovo (LE), Vixen (3), Voodoo, Voodoo Lily, The Vortex   Wanda, Wanton, Water of Notre Dame, Western Diamondback (LE;2), When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go (LE), Whip, White Moon (LE), White Rose (*LE;3), Whitechapel, Wicked (2), Wilde, Wiley’s Swamp (LE), Wilhelmina Murray, Wings of Azrael, The Witching Time of Night (LE), Wolf Moon 04 (*LE;3), Wolf Moon 07 (*LE;3), Wolf's Heart (*3), Wolfsbane, Womb Furie (*LE;3), Worm Moon (*LE;3), Wrath   Yerevan, Yew Trees, Yggdrasil, Yuki-Onna res (*LE;2)   Zombi (2), Zorya   Had But No Longer Have Alone (LE;1), Black Dahlia (3), Black Hellebore (2), Dragon's Eye (allergic), Hunter Moon (LE;2), Khryseê (*LE;1), Scorpio 07 (*LE), Strawberry Moon 09 (2), Vechernyaya (2), Voodoo Queen (LE;2)




My BPAL Maybes

These scents are “Maybes”. I’m intrigued by them, haven’t ruled them out, but for one reason or another, they haven’t made it onto the Must-Try list. I've combined GC and LE/discontinued; hope that's not too confusing. Updated June 2010!   Area 51 The Aurora Spaceship Takes A Dive, Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument, The Montauk Project, Phantom Time Hypothesis, Reptoid Dominion   Ars Amatoria Belle Au Bois Dormant, Bordello, L’Ecole des Filles, To A Woman   Bards of Ireland The Deserted Village, The Host of the Air, Little Bird   Bewitching Brews The Black Tower, Cathode, Ephemera, The Forest Reverie, The Harlot's House, Kubla Khan, Lurid, Ulalume, Ultraviolet   BPALiversary Green Phoenix, Mechanical Phoenix, White Phoenix   BPTP Perfume Oils: The Anti-Saloon League, Boneshaking Antique Velocipede, Dreadful Lies, Gun Moll, Isabella I, Monsieur Petitbled's Frivolous Wheeled Footwear, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen, Pyramus and Thisbe   Atmosphere Sprays: Citadel of Awesome, Erebos, The Fainting Room, Lair of Nefarious Misdeeds, Lucy's Boudoir, Lucy In Darkness   Bath Oils: Jingu, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen   Carnaval Diabolique Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht, Arachnina, The Chapel, Faiza, The Illustrated Woman, Licwiglunga, Sir Hugh Ockram’s Winding Sheet, The Two-Headed Goat   Dark Elements Burial   Diabolus Catherine, Marquise de Merteuil   The District Countess Willie, Flora, Josie, Lulu   Excolo Aglaea, Czernobog, Hades, Kurukulla, Lilith, Loviatar, Nemesis, Obatala, Persephone, Sophia, Thalia, Xiuhtecuhtli   Four Horrid Novels Clermont, Horrid Mysteries, Mysterious Warning   Forum Only The Gladdener of All Hearts, Lilith Victoria   Gaimans The Buggere Alle This Bible, The East, Fairy Market, Fairy Wine, Famine, The Floating Market, Hastur, Jasmine Cottage, Lady Una, Mr. Croup, Night's Bridge, The Norns’ Farmhouse, Pollution, The Stormhold, The Witch Queen, Yvaine   Halloweenie Carlin, The Death of Autumn, Dia De Los Muertos, Hessian of the Hollow   Iteru Season of the Emergence   Hellboy Kroenen, Liz   Illyria Lysander, Oberon, Robin Goodfellow   Irredeemable Kaidan, Mr. Qubit, Yurei   Lunacy Bony Moon, Candles Moon, Cheshire Moon, Dyan Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Hunter Moon 07, Mead Moon, Moon of Small Spirits, Penumbra, Sea of Tranquility, Selkie, Sturgeon Moon, Swan Maiden, Tamamo-No-Mae, Tanuki, Thunder Moon, Whirling Wind Moon   Lunar New Year Really want them all on principle – but with the notes being the same, I wonder how different they really are? Earth Ox, Earth Rat, Metal Tiger   Lupercalia Luperci (any year), Signior Dildo   Mad Tea Party Brusque Violet, Croquet, The Knave of Hearts   Marchen Grief, Prunella, Rapunzel, Thorns, The Witch's Garden, Rumpelstiltzchen, Roses Pearls and Diamonds   Misc. LEs and Discontinueds 13 (green, navy, Nov09, pink, purple), Beltane 08, Hanami, The Ides of March 10, Ostara, Shadowless Like Silence, St. John’s Eve, Summer’s Last Will and Testament, Under the Harvest Moon   MonsterBait Bloody Mary, Tokyo Stomp   Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements Couple Consulting an Enpon, The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On, Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms, Flowering Chrysanthemums, Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge, Harimise, Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues, Lovers’ Parodies of Sumo Holds, Lovers in a Carp Streamer, Lovers in a Ricefield, Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light, Men Ringing Bells With Penises, Needlework, Octopus and Abalone Diver, Okayaki, Proseperity of a Country, Ronin, The Spell of Amorous Love, Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms   Ode to Aphrodite / Ares Aatos Polemoio, Brotoloigos, Enyalios, Glukuprikos, Khalkokorustês, Khrysopêlêx, Makhantis, Melainis, Morphô, Philommeidês, Pontia, Psithyristês, Thouros   Paduan Killer Bees Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy, Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey, Paduan Killer Swarm, Yewberry Infused Honey   Panaceas Quietude (Elixir IV), Succor (Elixir II)   Pharmacopeia Nostrum Remedium, Slippery Poppy Tincture   A Picnic In Arkham The High Priest Not To Be Described   Poe The House, Madeline, Prospero, Spirits of the Dead, The Tell-Tale Heart   Rappaccini’s Garden The Apple of Sodom, Blood Lotus, Bohun Upas, Cobra Lily, Death Cap, Dian’s Bud, Love-In-Idleness, The Zieba Tree   Retail Only Black Death, Gothic Horror, Banshee Beat   Sakura-con Shirafuji Genta with a Kappa, Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster   Salon I Carceri d’Invenzione, Silence   Salon II The Great He-Goat, Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku, Judith Victorious, The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa, Lot and His Daughters, La Mort Qui Danse   Salon III Fox Fires on New Year’s Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji, Mad Meg, The Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree   Salon: Dogs Playing Poker Riding the Goat   Sin & Salvation Tzadikim Nistarim   Tarot The Heirophant, The Hermit, Strength, The Sun, The Wheel of Fortune   Wanderlust Île de la Tortue, The Isles of Demons, Kumari Kandam, Mag Mell, Prague   Witch Blade The Curator, Sara Pezzini   Yule Angeronalia, Archangel Winter, Chanukkiyah, Christmas Rose, Joulumuori




Archetypes and Animal Totems

I have quite a bit of experience with divination, and have found it to be particularly accurate for me. I use cards, stones, or huacas (sacred objects).   Archetypes determined by the method described in Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts; assigned to houses through divination; animals determined through divination.   House 1: Ego & Personality Archetype: Shapeshifter Animal: Swan   House 2: Life Values Archetype: Messiah Animal: Wolf   House 3: Self-expression Archetype: Monk Animal: Dog   House 4: Home Archetype: Victim Animal: Hummingbird   House 5: Creativity & Good Fortune Archetype: Hermit Animal: Salmon   House 6: Occupation & Health Archetype: Prostitute Animal : Owl   House 7: Marriage & Relationships Archetype: Saboteur Animal: Turkey   House 8: Other People’s Resources Archetype: Student Animal: Raven   House 9: Spirituality Archetype: Nature Child Animal: Turtle   House 10: Highest Potential Archetype: Knight Animal: Elk   House 11: Relationship to the World Archetype: Judge Animal: Prairie Dog   House 12: The Unconscious Archetype: Scientist Animal: Jaguar   Animal Totems (David Carson method) Determined through divination, borne out in meditation and life experience.   East: guide to one’s greates spiritualchallenge and guardian to one’s path to illumiatnation. Otter (Woman Medicine)   South: protector of the child within; reminder of when to be humble and when to trust; balancer of innocence in one’s personality. Turtle (Mother Earth)   West: leader to one’s personal truth and inner answers and guide to one’s path to one’s goals. Butterfly (Transformation)   North: giver of wise counsel; reminder of when to speak and when to listen; reminder to be grateful for everyday blessings. Raven (Magic)   Above: teacher in how to honor the Great Star Nation; reminder that one came from the stars and to the stars will return; guardian of the dreamtime. Horse (Power)   Below: teacher about the Inner Earth and how to stay grounded and on the Path. Skunk (Reputation)   Within: teacher of finding one’s heart’s joy and being faithful to one’s personal truths; protetor of one’s sacred space. Wolf (Teacher)   Right Side: protector of one’s male side; center of one’s courage and warrior spirit. Crow (Law)   Left Side: protector of one’s female side Dog (Loyalty)   There are, of course, other Power Animals and Omen Animals in my life! Spider, Hawk, and Phoebe come to mind.




Cosmetics Wishlist

Link to Sephora Wishlist   I've got a Favorites list at MAC, but it can't be made public or, apparently, emailed. *shrug*   Victoria's Secret Heidi Collection for Very Sexy Makeup Perfect Lipstick (it's sort of a sparkly clear, if there's more than one color - that name is so long and I still can't tell if it's specific or not!!)


