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Good Gravy! The ketchup!

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Lush: Yes. Yes, I like lush! I'd reeeeally love some of the dusting stuff. Vanilla dusting powder. Yeah, that!


Fruitcake:Not particularly, but if you make it, I'll try it!


Recipes:I love recipes! It's the gift that keeps on giving!!!


Baked goods:YES! YUM. ;)

Candies: Of COURSE!

Stuffed Monsters dollies:I am always down for something cuddly. Or nerdy. Or both! ;)


How do you feel about mini handmade art projects?I typically jump up and down and squee. ;)


Kitty toys: Alas, I am without a cat. But I have a dog! She loves toys!


If you expressed an openness to candles and/or room scent thingies, would you be okay with something that smells like winter holiday spices, baked goods, and greenery-- even if it says 'Autumn'? 100% okay with me!


On the slightly off chance that I manage to make a Sinterklaas run before the mailing deadline, are there any Dutch/Indonesian food items you might be interested in? I know not of what you speak. But I love trying adventurous foods. :)


Are there any books you've been meaning to read but just never get the chance to?I'm curious about JK Rowling's new book. Also, I'm a book whore so there's always SOMETHING. :P


Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment? How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to? Anything vanilla-y. TKO is one that's on my list yet never seems to get gotten already. Hmm, JARETH is on my wantwantneedneed! list. ETI: I neeeeed Pumpkin V (pumpkin and like, all kinds of vanilla) I NEED IT PRECIOUS!!!!


Cookbooks! Would you want any? Shiiiiiiiny!

Do you have any fandoms?LABYRINTH!!!!!!!! Harry potter, LABYRINTH, Indiana Jones, Gilmore Girls. I could go on forever, seriously! *cough*Labyrinth*cough*


Are you interested in any other etailers? If so, name one item from each that you're dying to try. There are so many places that I haven't tried. I guess I'd really love to try something from Haunt.


Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you? Um, YES! Socks are awesome!


Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to?I've never seen A Christmas Story and I haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life since I was wee. So those are the holiday ones and if you're shopping for movies you can never go wrong with Disney for me. I need to buy all of the movies I lost but I have to wait for the damn vaults to open! lol


Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)? Not currently. :) I need stuff for my big old school 2 gig Ipod though! (Case and/anti-scratch mabob thing)


Tea, cocoa, other wintery drinks - interested? Yes, yes, and yes! :D

Small samples of homemade booze?Would LOOOOOOVE. :D


Are there any other swaps you're involved in that may overlap with this one?Well, the reason I've been so MIA with this one is because of Switch Witch which (heh) is ending soonish. I'm SUPER excited about this one though!


QUICK QUESTION: How would everyone feel about a slightly odd holiday specialty, Rosemary Pinenut Brittle? It's a blend of salty/sweet/savory and crunchy and I love it...but it's a bit expensive and labor intensive to make if it won't be met with enthusiasm. You can also opt for a "sample" size with the recipe, since I'll likely make one batch for home eating anyway. Sounds awesome! Sign me up! :)


Are there any subscriptions/gift cards you would be interested in? Amazon, Itunes, Cocoa Pink, MAC, or Barnes and Noble.


Would you like anything from Cocoa Pink?I looooove Cocoa Pink! Always! :)


Let's talk about stationery. How do *you* feel about paper, envelopes, notecards, pens/pencils, stickers, etc? Do you have a favorite symbol or characters you like to have writing implements of? What about journals???I've craved a legit stationary set for quite a while. I love skeleton keys and peacocks/peacock feathers, damask print and or anything art nouveau/art deco. I love colored pens. I keep a journal (poorly) but I do love notebooks or journals. I love images of the moon or of celtic knots.


Boxes: do you like to keep pretty gift boxes, or are they just clutter? Boxes have always been an obsession of mine. I loooove them so! I tend to keep more jewelry/storage boxes but hell, even if a shoebox is pretty enough it manages to stay put. ;)



Note to future Gifter.... Er, partner? Feel free to check out any Switch witch stuff! It's probably helpful!

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