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Posts posted by voodoocatwoman

  1. In the imp and wet: Buttery pumpkin drizzled with caramel


    Dry: The pomegranate and chocolate come out now and the lot are fighting amongst themselves for supremacy. I think I agree with whoever said this would make a good room scent.

  2. In the imp and wet: I get woods and herbs from this. I can imagine standing in the midst of a forest would smell like this.


    Dry: Nothing outstanding. I still smell herbs and woods, but there's something that is beginning to smell like cedar or patchouli. Very soft and in the background... not the dreaded Hamster Cage. This is OK but not something I would buy.

  3. In the imp and wet: The cinnamon in this blend packs one hell of a wallop. If you love cinnamon, this can be a good thing. However, if you are not insanely in love with cinnamon, it might not be a scent for you. I *like* cinnamon and thought "mmm, Red Hots!" when I first put it on. Those Red Hots feel like they are stuck at the back of my throat now. (not so wonderful)


    Dry: There is another note cutting the in-your-face pizazz of the cinnamon down just a little. Something very sweet (maybe nutmeg?). Interesting.


    I like this one but I don't know that I would want to wear it again because it is a bit too powerful for me. I will say this: IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO CINNAMON, RUN AWAY. NOW.

  4. I read the other reviews of this scent because I sometimes doubt my own nose and just want to see if anyone else got what I did.


    Yup. Very similar reactions.


    In the imp and wet, I smell horse poop. Fresh horse poop.


    Dry: Serious bad breath.


    This got scrubbed off and I do mean SCRUBBED.


    Puck is yuck. Puck did Suck. No luck with Puck.

  5. This scent is magnificent.


    In the imp and wet: pine forest after a rain. Fresh and clean and invigorating.


    Dry: The pine is still there but it is soft and doesn't have any of the astringency I usually associate with pine. Laced in is a sweetness that must be musk and ambergris.


    Just gorgoeous and definitely a fall scent.

  6. In the imp and wet: Lemon Furniture Polish. I want to like it because I love citrus but this just makes me feel like I need to clean stuff.


    Dry: The lemon has calmed down and is quite nice now. I can also detect sandalwood and cedar. Happily it's not the dreaded Hamster Cage cedar either.


    Overall, I could wear this. Or not.

  7. O. M. G. I love this scent. It has just shot to the top of my favorites.


    Antiique Lace is warm vanilla with musk and spices. It is THE most beautiful fragrance I have tried in my entire life. I am so enamored that I will be getting a vat of this one.


    Thanks thanks thanks to Lycanthrope for the gift of the imp.

  8. In the imp and wet, this is such a spiked punch scent that I nearly washed it off, afraid that someone at work would ask me what the hell I had been drinking. Howwever, when it dries down, the in-your-face bar room smell evaporates and a lovely Hawaiian Punch comes through. I like it, although I don't see myself wearing it very much.

  9. All I get is patchouli and amber. No dirt. No vanilla. No anything else. Just those two. And that is OK by me.


    ETA: I just went back and tried this again. BOY, was I wrong about the dirt. It's in there.

  10. In the imp, Oberon is orchid and patchouli with an afternote of citrus.


    Wet, it turns masculine and I think that it would be incredible on my guy.


    However, when it dries down, it becomes a dryer sheet. And just a generic brand.


    Oh well...

  11. In the imp: I get pine with something clean and fresh in the background.


    Wet: Sweet, clean, fresh- I can't pick out anything in particular.


    Dry: The pine is gone gone gone, and that is what I really liked about the scent. Floral? Yes indeed. Powdery? Absolutely. I'm reminded of some of the old Avon dusting powders. It's a nice scent but not what I hoped it would be. And I had a headache when I put it on this morning. It isn't helping. This is a dabbing fragrance, NOT something to slather.

  12. No peach for me. One year.


    And I would LOVE a peach scent. But instead, I pick up my beloved amber and something that makes my nose crinkle just a bit-- vetiver? I don't know anything about gal-whatever, so I can't say if I pick it out or not. I get something that reminds me of something alcoholic too.


    Not a bad scent at all, just one I can't describe.

  13. Spilled absinthe, scorched sugar cubes, opium smoke, lilac blossoms, and rose water.

    In the imp and wet: I pick out absinthe the most from this. Lilac is in the background.

    Dry: Mostly rose and lilac.

    I can barely detect it. Not bad but not great.

  14. Wet: I thought I detected pineapple. Wrong. I suppose it's the kumquat, but the only kumquat I have ever experienced is the one I bit into as a kid. I thought my entire face would implode. I must be weird since I don't get the sour that others tell of.


    Dry: The not-pineapple is gone. I can smell tea and orange blossom now. And pepper. How odd. How neat.


    The only problem is that it has faded fairly quickly.

  15. Nyx

    In the imp and wet: It's a bird, it's a plane. No, it's SUPERJASMINE!!! Good thing Jasmine is one of my favorite notes because it is up front and in your face.


    Dry: Superjasmine has hit her kryptonite... and that is rose. Several hours later, this fragrance has gone soft rose powdery. Not bad but there are so many others that do the same thing on my skin that I can't see a bottle in my future.

  16. Beautiful Morgause!


    In the imp and wet, she is all sweet jasmine.


    Dry: Violets come through now and cut the super sweetness of the jasmine, adding a hint of soapiness. I also detect plum rips and about to burst.


    After about 30-40 minutes, violet is the main note now. I smell different shades of purple.
