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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Achlys

  1. Hi I'm new here and just beginning to get into scents. I have fallen madly in love with this scent and it has sparked me to literally try every imp I can get. I have already ordered and gone through of the of "A" imps, but no avail as I did not like very many of them. There is something so intoxicating about The Grave Pig , I just can't get enough. So being new to this I was curious if anyone has suggestions for scents from BPAL that follow in the same vain as this one. So many people say fig is prominent but I would have no idea seeing as I literally know zero about many of these smells. 


    Suggestions are greatly appreciated 😃


    P.S. Please bury me with The Grave Pig, no lie, I could douse myself and it still wouldn't be enough. I also find it doesn't last very long on me which sucks but I will keep reapplying lol.
