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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eshcaine

  1. Hi, newb here (obvs.), and hoping to find some help.


    In 2009 I started following this design studio in London that designs packaging for the wine & spirits industry. Every year for Christmas though, they design some crazy extravagant gift they send out to their clients. Then they post it on their website so others can have a crack at purchasing them.


    In 2013 (I think?) they designed a perfume bottle and of course, filled it with " The heady mix of luxe spirit, smoke and wood. "
    Stranger & Stranger's "No 17 Eau de Stranger"


    I was able to purchase a bottle, as well as five of their smaller sized samples. I literally have never felt such a deep visceral heady joy over smelling a scent as I do this one. It smells amazing on me and every time I catch a whiff of it, my serotonin jumps up. Once what they made was gone though, that was it. They have never produced more.

    I am hoping BPAL has an equivalent so I can have a crack dealer some place to purchase the scent once more.


    I managed to track down a nearly complete ingredient list:

    Black Agarwood
    Birch Tar

    Balsam Fir

    Clary Sage



    and Black ....something. The info I tracked down left off the last bit.


    Any help is very appreciated! I know it might be a long shot. I have been looking for a while now and nothing seems to come close. I've looked around on BPAL's website and have some possibilities saved to buy, but I didn't find a close match. I'm hoping I just overlooked something.

    Thank you ahead of time for any possible recommendations. :)

