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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by purestmaiden_

  1. BITCH デレステでプラチナオーディションガシャ1日1回10連無料キャンペーン中!!cimoneさんの本日の結果はこちら!! #デレステ #デレステ10連ガシャ無料 #デ...

  2. I didn’t think work could get any weirder than explaining the steps in a bikini wax for a judge but today I had to… https://t.co/Y5dDSLM362

  3. man: [says something wrong]woman: this is the field i work in, and here is why that thing is wrong. man: sorry yo… https://t.co/BrMUv6fUgW

  4. RT @AP: BREAKING: Judge orders Michigan health chief to face trial on manslaughter charges tied to Flint-area Legionnaires' outbreak.

  5. RT @AyeshaASiddiqi: white dsa supporters love the idea of prioritizing class before race bc it gives them an intellectual cover for not hav…

  6. RT @BravenakBlog: White guys lecturing black people on how bad Obama was for black people in order to lure black people into voting for a w…

  7. RT @can: The original sin of the internet will always be relying on advertising to fund our information architecture. Without exaggeration,…

  8. RT @chick_in_kiev: in case anyone who follows me somehow doesn't get this:it's perfectly fine to be into your irish, or scottish, or itali…

  9. RT @DanteAtkins: Conservative: “DO YOU WANT HEALTH CARE TO BE RUN LIKE THE POST OFFICE”Me: *drops a letter right outside my door that wil…

  10. RT @dlippman: .@AndrewRestuccia and I called many of Kavanaugh's 65 female HS acquittances who signed a letter supporting him. After his ac…

  11. RT @ejbeals: Journalists report facts, it's not their job to rebut every insane conspiracy theory that's dreamed up as a counter-narrative.…

  12. RT @ganeeyahh: I saw this post on tumblr that said “self care is creating a life you dont routinely have to escape from” and I can’t stop t…

  13. RT @grollman: You're white. A person of color has directly or indirectly suggested that something you have said about race/POCs/white peopl…

  14. RT @HoarseWisperer: The KKK got taken down by a lawsuit. A mother of murder victim was literally awarded all of their assets including thei…

  15. RT @jbouie: in all this coverage, i think there’s an unspoken belief that most white Americans reject white nationalist thinking. but i loo…

  16. RT @jbouie: the “soros-funded protesters” thing should be understood as both an anti-semitic dogwhistle and an attack on the idea of legiti…

  17. RT @korybing: remember, if someone tries to tell you that Lovecraft wasn’t racist as all shit and you don’t want to go into a whole thing a…

  18. RT @mattyglesias: Are we overlooking the fact that the calendar Kavanaugh introduced as evidence that this didn’t happen specifically featu…

  19. RT @mdoukmas: If you're a journalist interested in criminal justice and you're not paying attention to the ideas and organizing of abolitio…

  20. RT @micahuetricht: I'd like to ask American health care executives why they think a health system in which a six-year-old is selling lemona…

  21. RT @MiekeEoyang: I gotta think there are a lot of suburban mothers who have been sitting on their own allegations of sexual assault for the…

  22. RT @Minerrrrrva: DONT @ ME ANYMORE FUCK THESE MILLIONAIRES https://t.co/uLiQJyv9xq

  23. RT @MoiraDonegan: When men explain things to me I’ve started replying, “Yes, I know.” Often it makes them absolutely livid. I realize how m…

  24. RT @nealcarter: #VAWA expires on September 30. As of today, the bill to reauthorize has 130 sponsors in the House. All Dems. Not a sing…

  25. RT @OsitaNwanevu: "McCain was a good man for standing up to his party sometimes" is the closest many people in this business are allowed to…
