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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by phantasmmysteria

  1. Ah-ha, so it appears my crazy-ass vision was precursor to a migraine. Awesome!

  2. Ah. Coffee makes me feel human.

  3. Ahhh, so many things to finish before leaving for #ChattaCon tomorrow! I hope you're planning to see Comic STRIP Friday night!

  4. Ahhh, what a difference this knee brace is making. #thetroublewithtendons

  5. Ahhhhh! The best part of travel is coming home.

  6. All day in a warm training room, with the lights off. #Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  7. Alright, dear Twitter -- I endeavor to slumber. These Z's are brought to you by: tramadol.

  8. Alright, PC. I'm sick of your shit. Tomorrow, your ass gets reformatted.

  9. Alright, people of ChattaCon! If you're not in the Centennial theater right now: WHY THE FUCK NOT??You still have time to get your ass in here in time for ComicSTRIP, and I have a proposition for yas:The SEVENTH person to come find me after my number will get a signed photo absolutely free! I might even let you grab my ass.

  10. An omelette and a Sidecar. Dinner of champions.

  11. And another breakdown of Hollywood's whitewash over piracy issues from @CatoInstitute http://t.co/sxKCpWZF #NOSOPA #NOPIPA

  12. And here I was JUST about to try to sleep, and the BPAL update goes live. Win.

  13. And I have my phone set up to call me Madame. Awesome.

  14. And now if you'll excuse me, I'mma go suck on my exhaust pipe for a while.

  15. Another zombie parasite. Holy shit you gusy, we really are fucked. http://t.co/N0d4V7ck

  16. Anyone still waiting for an @urbandecay Naked palette, Ulta still has them in stock online! :D

  17. Apparently I left my phone in the car, so FB is the only way to reach me ATM.

  18. Are any of my peeps Federated Identity geniuses? My company's looking to hire one.

  19. As soon as the family showed up, booze was offered. I love the Evensens.

  20. Asked our waiter for my martini "on the dirty side." He giggled, and got all flustered.

  21. ATTENTION NASHVILLE! I'm looking for a willing victim to be my stage partner at Chattacon the weekend of Jan. 20-22. I cannot help with accommodations, but you will get a pass to the Con for the entire weekend.

  22. Attn DJ Friends: I know most of you don't do parties and such, but what's the going rate for your services when you do?

  23. Attn Nashvillians: There's a nice DailyDeal for 20 bucks in cheese (or other food) for $10 at Corrieri's Formaggeria: http://livingsocial.com/deals/4539?ref=email-jp&rpi=843635
