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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by phantasmmysteria

  1. QOTD: Oh my god, I have got to get the hell out of Sparkle Palace.

  2. You cannot possibly fathom the amount of excitement that comes with receiving a package containing over half a pound of sparkly shit. It... It's SO BEAUTIFUL>

  3. Maynard James Keenan is the sexiest vocalist I've ever heard. Regardless of what band he's fronting, his voice is hypnotic.

  4. I think I was called by Sleipnir in a dream last night. He demanded ice cold water.

  5. Has a happy belly full of sushi, and is soon headed toward MCB's 4th Annual BOO-lesque @ The Belcourt!

  6. Do I know any rootworkers? I'm interested in picking up my interest/practice of this where I left off, oh, 10 years ago. I would love study resources.

  7. I need some new photos! I just sent a sample of my port to someone, and then realized I was making similar faces in all of them.

  8. Fuck it, I call mulligan.

  9. Is the proud owner of a sequined bacon tee shirt.Think about this for a second. Sparkly shit AND bacon? It could only be better if the bacon came from a unicorn.

  10. Discussing wedding details with Teh Manthing:"Okay, so when I talk to the wedding people about the ceremony, we want traditional? What about readings?""... Readings? What kind of readings?""Readings... From a book? Like the Bible? You know, a certain passage or something meaningful.""Okay, ask them if they have any Batman comics they could read from. Or maybe a paragraph from Lord of the Rings."

  11. What a weekend!! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to see the shows this weekend -- I hope you had as much fun as I did!

  12. Six ounces of glitter should last me a couple of months, right?

  13. This is some serious footy-pajama weather.

  14. It's rare that we do a photo shoot that even makes ME think, "damn, this is fucked up."

  15. Looks like I'll be able to pull off a Maleficent costume after all. ^_^

  16. Seriously. Did everyone decide to go full retard this week?

  17. You must be the change you want to see in the world. -- Mahatma Gandhi

  18. No turning back now -- the wedding's done been booked!! O:

  19. Whooo! I have got so much to do this week -- and YOU had better clear your calendars. I'll be shakin' mah thang with Johnny Delaroca on the 22nd, and then again at The Limit with Betty Roulette Burlesque on the 23rd! Get your Halloween fix a little early!!

  20. The bonus PTO is nice, but I'd rather be at the Imelda May concert! :(

  21. I'm either going to valiantly succeed with assembling these fans, or I'm going to make a noose from the monofilament and hang myself with it.

  22. I'm a mushroom-cloud-laying motherfucker, motherfucker!

  23. Pulp Fiction on the tube and costume bits scattered on the floor. It's a good Saturday!

  24. I can actually feel the inflammation in my ear canal. That's... interesting?

  25. When I found out Steve Jobs was stepping down from his position at Apple, I may or may not have drawn a tombstone with "iDied" on an Apple fanboy's whiteboard.Yeah, I feel like a royal douche right about now.
