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Everything posted by PurpleHeather

  1. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Sweet, thick cinnamon. Wet: Antiseptic. All dettol cleaner. Luckily having tested this one before, I know it gets better. Later: Very cinnamonny, sweet, but not sickly. Thoroughly gorgeous & worth an 8/10.
  2. PurpleHeather

    Black Hellebore

    In the bottle: Sweet, and slightly green, with a citrus edge. Wet: Very similar to Velvet and Strangler Fig, with an upfront sweetness (though not&nbspchocolatey), and a fant sandalwoody background Later: Has mellowed down to a deep sandalwood. While I like it, it doesn't beat Strangler Fig & Velvet in my book, so a 7/10, but probable swapper.
  3. PurpleHeather

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    I'd third this recommendation - I tested a friend's imp the other day, and it was gorgeously light, slightly green, and very fresh; airy even. I ordered an imp straight away
  4. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Very definitely red wine, with a deep cherry like background. Don't know where I'm getting cherry from. Wet: Very cherry like, wine is noticeable from a long way off. Faint background of clove. I love the cherries, but I'm not sure about the wine. About 5 minutes later there is less wine, just cherries. All of the num. Must eat dinner, not my wrist. Later: Gorgeous - a deep rich cherry scent, with a faint spikiness from the clove. Nice throw. A definite keeper, possible bottle. 8/10, easily.
  5. PurpleHeather

    The Caterpillar

    In the bottle: Sharply incensey Wet: Still incensey, quite sharp. Later: Bah, I can't make out anything apart from incense, and sadly it's not good. I wanted to like this; a friend gave me the imp because it was on my wishlist
  6. PurpleHeather

    Mad Hatter

    In the bottle: A sharp, menthol clear mint. Wet: Halfway between menthol and citrus, and a minute or two later, a background of musk. Very fresh, clear scent. Evokes memories of watching rock being made at Ryde on holiday as a child, and of my Nanny for some reason, though this really isn't a feminine scent at all on me. Later: Love. The mint is still clear, but the musk is coming through with a deep background headiness, with a slight bit of lavender. Bottle list, I think.
  7. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Spicy, warm. Something I've not encountered before, maybe the tonka? Wet: Distinctly curried, warm & spicy. Very nice. Later: Fades very fast to a warm baby powder. Not what I was wanting. I think I'll give it a week and re-try, and if it still goes talcy then It'll be a swapper
  8. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Fresh, crisp apple. Very green, more of a cooking apple than a sweet eating one. Memories of my nanny's garden as a child. This is good. Wet: The apple is very strong, but there's a background warmth. Later: Spiced apple pie in autumn. This is gorgeous, definitely a keeper, possibly a bottle to get for autumn. In about 45 minutes it has gone from a hot late summer day to the depths of dark autumn, which is wonderful. Well worth an 8.
  9. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Grapefruit and peach; very strong. Currently this is not for me. Wet: Just like the strongly scented wooden peaches we used to get at craft fairs as a child. Strong throw, which sadly in this case is not a good thing. Later: Still all peach, and not like the lovely, fuzzy ripe peach of Chaos Theory CCLII, more like peach room spray. Sad. I may give this one a week or two and try it when my skin chemistry will be different, as I really wanted to like it from the description, but my skin chemistry has messed it up
  10. PurpleHeather

    Snake Oil

    In the bottle: Spicy, incensey warmth - can't pin the spices down, but this is still nice. Wet: Spices are warming up, there's something faint behind them. Dry: Rich, warm spices, delicious vanilla sweetness. I want to buy a bottle now to pack away for aging. Yum!
  11. PurpleHeather


    In the Bottle: Dusty & herbal with a fruit background. Nice. Wet: Very fruity, but not overly sweet - prickly pear? (is that a fruit?) Faint soapiness. I like this one. Dry: This has turned to a soap which makes me sneeze. Pity, as in its wet form, it is lovely. I wanted to like this one.
  12. PurpleHeather


    Bottle: It's soapy, a bit sharp. Vaguely floral, not to my taste. Wet: Still soapy, less sharp, more flowery. Dry: Flowers, but in that cloying pollen sot of way. Not a fan, sadly.
  13. PurpleHeather

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    I got Chaos Theory CCLII (252) as a frimp from Lushlovely, and I'm grateful! In the bottle: High, berry like sweetness. Not quite strawberry. Wet: Really berrylike, with a peachy background. Nice so far. Foody as anything. A minute later, it's gone peach. Yum. Nice throw too. Later: All peach - I can't sense anything else in this, but that doesn't detract from it at all. Very nice, I don't know if it is bottle nice even if I were able to get hold of more, but I like it and will keep the imp - 8/10. Edited to add that later still it has dried down to a faint background spiciness. Sort of like eating through a spiced peach crumble from bottom up!
  14. PurpleHeather


    This infamous herb has a long, complex history: it has been used in spells of death and destruction, was a principal component in traditional witches' flying ointments, and was the poison used to put the philosopher Socrates to death. We have created a dark, profound herbal blend to personify and honor this wicked little plant. N.B - really short wear length on this one, so I applied at about 8am & again at 10:30, and now at 1pm it's gone again, hence the notes about 1st/2nd applications. Slightly astringent. In the bottle: Profoundly green, initially just pine, but with some lemon on second application. Wet: Still very green, like walking through a pine forest, lemon is still noticeable. Has become less astringent, but is basically the same scent as in the bottle. Later:After warming up there's a berrylike sweetness behind the greenery. One forum reviewer said this was like walking through a forest & coming across a clearing of flowers. For me it is similar, but like finding patches of strawberry bushes. Lovely - if this was at all longer lasting it'd be worthy of an 8/9. makes a good change from what I seem to be loving at the moment, i.e. EGM, Velvet, Bastet, Tombstone, all very warm/sweet/spiced scents.
  15. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Sharp smell - is making my eyes water. I'm not getting any individual notes from this one, just a very chemical smell. Wet: Initially is making my eyes water at arms length! Still smells chemical Later:Only about an hour later, and this one has faded to a harsh, astringent smell. Not nice on me at all Sad that I couldn't make out any individual notes, and that on me it turned into a not nice mix. One for the swap pile - a 3/10 on me
  16. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Sharply acidic, but not citrus - I guess this is the cedar. initially offputting, but I'll givve it time to mellow. Wet: From far away I can almost smell chocolate. Up close, it is sharp and smoky, with a very faint greenery in the background Later: A gorgeous, warming scent, sort of what I wanted Boomslang to be, but better. I can imagine this being a hot western town, warm and welcoming, but with the cedar bringing a slight edge, like a gun in the holster. A keeper - easy 8/10, possibly a 9.
  17. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Very sweet, almost artificial strawberry, with a hint of something behind it. Wet: The strawberry has faded a lot, and now there is something faintly floral. Later: Gah - in only 10 minutes, this has gone horrendously plasticky - I smell like one of those fake strawberry smelling kids toys. It hasn't lasted very long either, sadly. One for the swap box I think. Regretfully doesn’t work on me – a 3/10
  18. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Quite spicy, but with an overlying sweetness, almost honeyed. I have no idea what might be causing that, as I'm unsure as to how a lot of the notes might smell! Very nice. Wet: Spicy - the sweetness has mellowed out to a lovely warmth. Later: Faded quite fast, but I only tried a little on one wrist. Evocative of a really pleasant warm breeze full of spices. Very rich and summery - this would be gorgeous on a hot day. This one is easily an 8/10. Possibly a 9. Very very nice.
  19. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: All chocolate, dark rather than milk. Wet: Similar to Velvet - strong chocolate, but without the initial mouldiness. Later: This one is about as chocolatey as velvet, but with less spice. I can't really make out the vanilla at all. Much shorter wear length & throw than velvet on me too, sadly. Initially was quite thick and brown, but now, an hour later, both the coloured patch and scent have gone I guess this one didn't work for me & I'll have to stick to Velvet. 6/10 - liked the smell, but I'd have liked a greater wear length, and for me to be able to make out the differences with Velvet. I'm a BPAL newb, and I've got Snake Oil coming in about a week or so, so I may try it again after that to see if it helps me make the distinction.
  20. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Distinctly floral, though I can't pin it down to anything in particular, not being a flower expert. Wet: Now the rose starts to come out, and it's a bit sharp, but I can't yet smell the spices. Later: The flowers have mellowed out; I'm very happy that the rose hasn't gone talc-y on me, and the spices have warmed up wonderfully. I'm pleased with this one - not too floral, quite light, and a wear length of about 3 hours. Don't know if I'd get a bottle, but I'm keeping the imp. Didn't know this was an especially masculine one, so I guess it didn't come out that way on me. Maybe that's why this floral works when some others turn to old lady talc. Overall 7/10
  21. PurpleHeather

    The King of Hearts

    In the bottle: Nicely cherry, rich rather than sweet. Wet: The wood starts to come through, and this scent mellows out into a deep one, with some lush cherry, and lots of woodiness. Hurrah, the lavender doesn't go weird on me! Dry: Nice and long lasting. I think I'd like a bottle of this one so that I could put it on less sparingly. Overall 7/10
  22. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Marzipan. What is it with my nose and marzipan at the moment? Maybe it's my current read (The Other Boleyn Girl) keeps mentioning Marchpane. Wet: The marzipan has gone, and it is very cinnamony. Dry: A very faint cinnamon. I just put this one on lightly, and have been able to smell it around me all evening. Nice, but I'm not getting any notes other than the cinnamon. I think I'll give this one another go at a later date. Overall 6/10
  23. PurpleHeather

    La Petite Mort

    A really short review for this one, as it's late & I'm getting tired. In summary, this one was very talcy on me, almost straight away I ended up smelling like old lady perfume. Didn't wash it off, and gave it all afternoon, but it was not very me. Not strong either. A frimp from the lab, and reading the first positive reviews in this thread, I'm sad it didn't work out. Maybe my imp will find a happy home with someone else...
  24. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Like a sweetly spiced berry pie. I'm not getting pumpkin from this one, more the peach. Wet: Mmm- lovely. My boyfriend commented that it is like strawberries, and I've no idea where we're getting this from, but I agree with him. Spicy, wintry fruit pie. Dry: On the dry down it is lovely, a long lasting spice scent. One for the bottle list, and from a frimp at that! Hurrah! Thanks Beth & Lab guys Really worth a 9/10
  25. PurpleHeather


    In the bottle: Sort of sweetly spicy, nice and fruity. Wet:Kind of smells like cider. Not bad, since I'm testing this one at a folk festival. Sort of spicy apple. Dry: Has gone talcy very quickly, like old lady apple sweets, or apple soap. Must be the hyacinth - flowers don't seem to work on me at all; maybe I'll try The Hesperides for an apple scent that might not go to soap. Poos. This one's probably a swapper.