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BPAL Madness!

Tal Shachar

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Status Updates posted by Tal Shachar

  1. Friends, it is raining so hard that we need umbrellas INSIDE THE BUS SHELTER. The roof couldn't handle it. #wtfottawa

  2. god I fuckin love the train. I have no window seat but I just love the jog and roll on the tracks and the scenery. ohshit guys here comes the snack cart (inappro excitement will continue all day and all night)

  3. guess who got picked for a random extra security scan? ME that is who.

  4. guess who needs a root canal! and has not been prescribed anything but motrin for the pain! brb buying heroin off the street. (not really, police spies who read FB. just a little joke with you!)

  5. I am losing my miiiind. The late train will not accept checked baggage! So now I am going to Montreal in the afternoon! So I needed a place to stay at for nine hours so I'm booked at some hostel that I will have to walk to from Bonaventure and eat and stuff I guess and then I LEAVE IN THE NIGHT at 3am and go to the airport to give them lots of time to probe me.

  6. I am never fixing anyone's computer again. Ever. I am especially not trying to fix the shitty laptops that have been around since 1998 that my dad buys on eBay for $67 and then runs IE on and asks me why it doesn't work and oh god shoot me in the faaaaace

  7. I can wait all night, pizza guy, you BRING ME THAT PEPSI I ORDERED OR I WILL DESTROY YOU.

  8. I flew from Montreal to Salt Lake City and boy are my arms tired! No, really, they are. I carried a way overstuffed carryon and my seats were all really cramped. But I'm with C and very happy.

  9. In Minneapolis. Been mostly awake for 24hrs. No appetite. I crave only the golden horses of the sun.

  10. Just a heads-up: if I removed you, it's because I've fallen out of the habit of playing games and right now I feel like I'd rather keep my FB friends limited to people I've interacted with. Peace out. (If we did interact and I removed you anyway it's because I'm an idiot, please forgive me.)

  11. Just finished Black Swan and anyone who hates on Natalie's acting from now on will have to TANGLE WITH ME. I will fight you all.

  12. Legal accounting. What I wouldn't give to be sitting in a lecture on Cicero or Kant instead. (Maybe not Kant.)

  13. My mom just revealed that all these years she thought "twat" and "twit" meant the same thing. I had to explain.

  14. No quicker way to make a hairstylist think you're crazy than making small talk with "I shaved my head a couple of times, and..."

  15. O, the fuckers, the fuckers! I knew they'd shit my passport app up at the MP's office.

  16. Oh god oh god oh god. I want to shake that deer's hand. I'll comment more on tumblr but oh GOD.

  17. Oh man, the nicest lady in the world at Delta Airlines just helped me fix my ticket reservation. Tip to future parents: do not have your kid go by her middle name because it will confuse the government. I dodged a bullet by calling ahead because apparently they would have denied me boarding and I would have had to shoot myself in the faaaaace.

  18. On the flight to NYC, other people's interpretations of "carry-on" luggage differ vastly from my own. Also lots of broad accents.

  19. Pancake day. Buckwheat flour or get the fuck out of my kitchen. Pure maple syrup from Quebec (Vermont also acceptable) in the can that gets all sticky. Don't eat the sausages, you don't know what's gonna happen there. Those are the rules. After that it is nap day. (Every day is nap day.)

  20. Phil Webster was right, I acknowledge it: Polish vodka is better than Russian. Eases the pain of being stuck at Baseline station for half an hour in the rain waiting for the bus.

  21. Pourquoi le fuck am I doing this on Victoria Day weekend, again?

  22. pretending to write something important on my blackberry so that the Class Psycho (it's actually not me!) doesn't engage me in conversation, please disregard...

  23. romantic accident: wearing open-toed sandals, I managed to step on a cut branch from a rosebush and prick the tip of my toe. It bled a lot--have I offended Aphrodite or the BVM or what?
