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Posts posted by heathercaley

  1. A tragic heroine from German lore. In despair over a faithless lover, she threw herself into the Rhine. In death, she has become a siren that haunts that river to this day, luring sailors to their doom. Neroli, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

    Soft and lovely. Wisps of smokey delicate florals just kinda swirling around. It's a gentle scent, but with a decent throw. It's a touch floral, a touch airy, and just a soft lift of sandalwood. Very pretty, but not bottle worthy. I'll keep my imp though! It would be a great layering scent too.

  2. I kinda have a crush on Mad Hatter


    Once applied, I get sweet mint!!! As it dries down, a little musk pops in to say hello. I can also pinpoint the lavender hanging around the edges. Also on the dry down, the mintyness (I'm going out on a limb and assuming that the mintyness is pennyroyal?) becomes a bit stronger. It's a morphing mint for sure. If you take just a little whiff, you smell a sweet almost vanilla mint. If you inhale the sucker, the mint can become strong enough to clear your nasal passages! I love it!!



    This is an amazingly refreshing blend of yummyness and utter foolishness!

  3. Ooooo! Once applied, the first thing I think of is the BBW cucumber mellon spray I used to douse myself with in HS when it was sooper popular! The cucumber is lovely and sweet, with just the tiniest sprig of green grass hanging around the background. The sweetness of the cucumber is keeping the grass from becoming too grassy, which I feel is a good thing. This isn't your generic cucumber... it's sweetened up just a little bit. Very nice indeed!!

  4. Wowza! This is my cup of tea that's for sure!!


    Anything with fruit + patchouli = win in my book!!



    once applied, I'm picking up juicy mango with a touch of tea. The fig is behaving itself, and the patchouli is a supporting role. It's not dominant at all.


    It's sweet and juicy with a touch of naughty incense. Brilliant!!! I wonder how this will age? I hope that the patchouli thickens up just a little more.



  5. Mmmm this is lovely!


    It's super red rose sweetened with juicy pomegranate and surrounded by a haze of smokey incense. It's very powerful, and the rose is very bright. As it dries down, I'm getting more amber. I can tell by the vague dash of baby powder trying to make it's way to the top. Almost dry the rose is trying just calm down a little bit, and the amber is trying to break through.


    Towards the end, the rose wins. It's nice, but I have so many rose scents already. I'll be passing this one along.

  6. This one is one of my favorites from the trunk show!


    It's oh so juicy with lots of fruity notes and spices. Yummy yummy spices! I don't detect any cinnamon though, as I don't get any burny feel on my arm. It's like apple cider spices.


    As it dries down, the spices and the fruit meld together to make a fantastically sweet and juicy Autumn mix on my arm. It has a faint warmth rolling around too.. almost like warm apple cider, (or some other fruity cider). This actually reminds me of baking apples in the oven! Not a pie, but taking apples and stuffing them with spices. Freaking amazing!


    Very festive, and the throw is wonderful too!!



  7. Woooo Dragon Pecker!!


    When wet, I smell dragons blood and dry cedar. The dragons blood keeps the cedar from becoming too woody though. Gives it a little kick. As it dries down, the cedar becomes less prominent. The dragons blood isn't too rich. There is definitely sweet fruity note in there as well mixing in with the dragons blood.


    Once dry, the cedar calms down a little bit, leaving it woody and sweet with just a touch of dragons blood resin. Very nice!!!

  8. This reminds me of when I would walk to school in the morning as a kid. I used to walk through the library park everyday. Through the park, I would pass by eucalyptus trees, and cypress trees early in the morning when the morning dew has perfumed the air with their essence. This reminds me exactly of this pastime, only with an added jolt of minty freshness. It's green, but not a "grassy" green. It's also not a headache inducing green, which can sometimes happen with overly floral, or overly grassy scents.


    As it dries down, I'm picking up more of the juniper note layered with just a touch of mint.


    It's refreshing and therapeutic, and I really quite enjoy this one! I might experiment and wear it more often. The more I sniff my wrist, the more it grows on me.

  9. Holy cow this is freaking amazing! :eek:


    Ok so, its not foody at all. It's a beautiful honeyed wood scent with the juiciness of sugarcane pouring through. I would've thought that something with honey and molasses would = fail on me, but hoooooboy was I wrong! There's almost a citrus vibe rolling around making it sparkle. I'm in love and will be requiring a full bottle of this!! :wub2: This has moved into my top 10 GC's!

  10. OH YUM!


    This is delicious! I am not a foody person at all, but I love the right sugary mix. I can’t do burnt sugars or caramel at all, but this mix of super yummy and fruity pop rocks makes me a happy girl. I can see now how this can be “effervescent”! It’s like sucking on a fruity flavored sucker! Loveeeeee it!


  11. No scent description available.

    First of all, thank you lab for your generosity! This was an amazing gift for us all.

    In the bottle: Light and fruity, almost like plum

    Once applied: amazing. I can smell spices, red juicy fruits, and underneath those notes lies something just a little earthy. I can't pinpoint the earthy note. It's beautiful though. Could be frankincense or maybe (as somebody else has noted) patchouli, or even just a musk. It's not too apparent though. It's just enough to add an element of warmth and depth.

    On drydown: I can smell a bit of fir trees popping through now! As it dries down, the resiny note pops out more along with the fir trees. Oh man guys, this is totally sexy...

    Overall, this is freaking amazing!!! Thank you again Lab!! You guys rock!

  12. I've let this age for about a year now, and tis the season and all that fuss, so I broke out ye ol' Jacobs Ladder 2008.


    This has aged beautifully! This is the amber I love so much. Earthy, dark, sweet, warm, and full. It's hovering on the edge of powdery, but it doesn't fail... it stays right on that border of rich and beautiful. If you like Inez, you'll love Jacobs Ladder. It has that same sensual amber note.

  13. Wow this is one of the most complex scents I've had the pleasure of testing! Applied, I take a sniff and pick out lemons, rose petals, incense (must be the sandalwood!), bright florals (jasmine and waterlily maybe?) with a natural fruit sweetness to keep the florals from going whoa on me. Simply incredible!!!

  14. This is a lovely manly incense scent. Cedar and sandalwood for sure. It's slightly sweet and dry, and I smell more myrrh than patchouli. As it dries down, the myrrh seems to be calming down a little bit, but the cedar is still popping at the top. Cedar is one of those notes that I've grown to love over time. Very nice, and it would smell excellent on the manimals.

  15. Once this hits my skin, I get a huge wiff of sexy spicy pumpkin and amber laced orange. I was scared of the pumpkin, but earlier reviews helped me to look past that bit of foody scariness. As it dries down, the orange and spices really pop out, and start to overshadow the butteryness of the pumpkin (which is fine with me!!!) It's just a little foody, but I think I can handle it, as the rest of the notes make this a bottle of sexy win!! :wub2:

  16. Red sandalwood, vanilla, rosewood, osmanthus, and white peach.

    This is truly lovely indeed. Slightly peach, with slight sandalwood/rose undertones. The vanilla isn't too apparent. It seems as if the vanilla is present only to sweeten everything up just a little. Refreshing and very feminine. I like it ;)

  17. How amazing!! Dragons blood is usually too sweet and cloying for me, and vetiver is a complete note of doom. Combined together, and including notes of win (cinnamon), Serpent's Kiss becomes a new favorite. The cinnamon is able to overshadow the dragons blood by just a little bit, and the vetiver is just around to lend a smokey atmosphere. I'll be wearing this more often!

  18. Finally! A lavender I can wear and love!! Usually lavender goes all wonky on me. I love lavender, but usually it doesn't love me. Also, lotus can sometimes become a sickly sweet bubble gum. This is a wonderful exception! There's no hint of sickly bubblegum, and no hint of manly lavender. It's a perfect combination of the two and I am in teh love!! Soft, sweet, a touch spicy, with a hint of the lavender that I've always wanted to love.

  19. I simply adore The Girl. It's an ethereal scent...it's soft and fuzzy and the best part is that it isn't severely floral at all. This is what I wanted Snow White to smell like. You can definitely smell the amber, but it's such a soft radiant amber that It just sweetens everything up. I smell the likeness to vanilla.. but not food at all. More like a vanilla orchid. This is the perfect scent to wear when you want to enable somebody. ;)

  20. ... Yuzu, kaki, and mikan with cherry blossom and black tea.

    when applied, it's citrus with some cherry blossoms floating around. As it dries down, the cherry blossom is becoming much more apparent, with just the citrus fruit floating around behind it. The black tea darkens it just a touch, making it almost drinkable. I love this one and will adore my imp!

  21. On initial application, it was very fruity... but almost immediately some florals budge their way in and take the center stage. It's very clean... a little too clean.. so clean that I'm getting the fearful dish soap too. I try to usually give oils the benefit of the doubt and not condemn them to a life in the cleaning supplies category, so this will be the first time that I say "yes.. I smell dish soap and even their bubbles" but only when I huff ;) When I wave my hand by my face, it's clean grapefruit. I hope that the patchouli will help this age into something wonderful because it has potential.
