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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Pottersville

  1. Rum, tobacco, and leather AND a glass of chardonnay thrown in?! I was all over this and ordered it as part of my very first BPAL. Ummmm ... all I got was little old lady. The kind dressed in a floral housedress who bakes cookies. Ick.

  2. This was one of the imps in my very first batch of BPAL, and at first I was afraid it was going to do what 95% of that batch did on me .... go sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet (did I say sweet?). There was definitely more sweetness to the Queen than I care for, but it dried down to a gloriously complex almond and spice scent. Might even be worth a big bottle!

  3. OK, this is heavy duty stuff and even my weird chemistry can't find a sweet note in sight to amp! I definitely understand the hippie headshop vibe that people get from Malediction, but we've gotta be talking about one p*ssed off hippie! It's a wonderful scent, but it can be a bit much. I even tried layering it with O (which goes all hella sweet on me), but Malediction just chewed it up and spit it out.

  4. Tweedledum left me cold the first time I tried it. I mean, it was pleasant, and all ... but I was aiming for something a bit more interesting. Tried it again several months later (in the warmer months) and it's really quite lovely and complex. Love the mix of fruit and patchouli. I'm still not convinced I need a bit bottle of the stuff, though.

  5. I bought this one scent unsniffed as part of my very first order ... and am SO glad I did! At first, I was disappointed. Wet, White Rabbit was a bit overly sweet and simple. It dried down to a beautiful, creamy, lineny (is that a word?!) scent that kept my nose buried in my wrist all day!

  6. Is there a slightly kinder, slightly gentler version of Malediction? Most of the recs in this thread seem to be for very subtle patchoulis, which isn't quite what I'm after. I like Malediction, really I do, but I'd like it even better gentled down just a notch so I don't stomp around all day p*ssed off when I'm wearing it! I tried layering Malediction with O (which is hella sweet on me) once and she just chewed her up and spit her out.

  7. Wow, this was much, much lighter than I expected! I really thought Old Scratch would have more of a commanding presence! It faded away very quickly, not giving me much time to discern individual notes. Overall impression was of fairly generic men's cologne.

  8. I get the white musk and something sweet - black currant and resin, maybe? I'm not getting ANY lavender or ozone. It's a "nice" scent, but it's not knocking my sox off.


    ADDED Nov. 3:


    I get the currant and the musk, but there's no lavender here or ozone. Not bad. Not terrific, either.

  9. A frimp from the Lab, this is not one I would have chosen for myself give all the sweet floral notes.


    I wish I'd gotten some of the lavender ... anything to cut through the overpowering floraly sweetness. Straight from the imp, wet on the wrist, right through the drydown, Twilight was a one-note band on me and the band seemed to be playing "Lily of the Valley" all night long! (Must have been the honeysuckle.) Not for me given my body's ability to amp sweet to superhuman levels!

  10. For night-time, TKO is a beautiful lavender-vanilla, but it is very concentrated! I'd use it sparingly for a toddler...

    One drop of TKO on the pillow really helps my 3 1/2 year old on tough nights. Only problem is when I tuck him in I am tempted to stay in there, it's so cozy. :P


    Sorry to have to ask ... but what is TKO? I can't find it using the forum's search engine (that three-letter word thing?) and searches for "vanilla" and "lavender" on the Lab's Web pages didn't turn up a likely candidate. I've been using a "No Bad Dreams" spray with my DD as part of her bedtime ritual. It's a cinnamon hydrosol/lavender EO blend in a pretty cobalt blue bottle. I think a vanilla-lavender combo would be even nicer.

  11. OMG, I LOVE Priala!! I've been having a devil of a time finding scents that don't go all sweet on me and Priala is it. In fact, it smells better on me than in a scent locket! I was a bit nervous about all the myrrhs, but they truly do seem to be "deep and dark" and don' have a cloying throw on me. I don't get cinnamon from this as much as I get a warm woody/spicey scent. I must have a bottle (bottles?)!

  12. My first venture into aquatics. I get no peace from this scent, rather a sense of unease. Is it the ozone? It starts out smelling rather citrussy, with that uncomfortable ozone note. Dries down to an aquatic floral that reminds me of a sodden dandelion (it has that trace of dandelion bitterness). Not for me!
