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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Dahlia

  1. Well, it start out soapy... I'm getting some florals coming through, and thankfully the soap has faded. Now it's coming up really nicely. Mostly floral with a bit of the other stuff here and there.


    I think are all too spoiled with really good soaps out there and so we confuse a good oil scent by calling it soapy. Seraphim is beautiful to me. I really like the Lily. I want to bathe in it. :P

  2. Orange and raspberry lovin on the neroli. Great scent. A lot of people say their skin eats it but mine doesn't and it's really nice to keep smellin the wrist! This would be a great scent when it's cold outside and you the fireplace is burning and it's all toasty with a glass of sherry.

  3. Heathers and berries. So very nice. A great summer scent and probably a scent into winter. I really love the heather. I don't think I've smelled another bpal scent that has heather in it and if there was I didn't know it as much as I do with Glasgow. Very lovely scent.

  4. Recently got blood amber from BPAL and I am in love with it. Another site I ordered from at the same time was Nocturnealchemy and their Pyramid of Khufu is nothing like Blood Amber but it's a resin sweet amber that crawls on your skin all day.


    I'm looking for BPAL Amber rec's like the Nocturne site.


    Suggestions girls?


    Dahlia :P 's Amber

  5. The essence of holy Kyphi, beloved incense of the Egyptian Gods.

    Very citrus like. In Hawaii we don't get many Egyptian type scents but this and nocturne alchemy have some great Egyptian Scents. Cairo is my first of both shops and I am loving them. The scent of Egypt captured in a little vial. Great Goddess I am in love with BPAL and NA!