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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by xleighx

  1. I second Ultraviolet for Ema.. SCIENCE!!

    I really think I'm going to do Ema (Rise from the Ashes Ema, not Apollo Justice Ema). The glasses were the only thing keeping me away from her and I discovered my old pink-lensed Paris Hilton-y sunglasses, the frames of which I can paint white. And *definitely* going Ultraviolet, because it's pretty but smells *really* chemical-y too.


    Oooohhh :P to bad I dont' live anywhere near you.. I'd thro on fran and go DAADDYYYYYYYY!! :D *lol* woud lbe amusing

    Yes. Yes it would. The scary part is that I was planning on trying to stay in character (I do him so well it scares the shit out of me - wish I could do the more popular characters that well).

    And yeah... changed from Wilde to Bow and Crown on that. It's evil, and manly. That and writing von Karma/Edgeworth yaoi to Nick Cave's "Do You Love Me (part 2)" over and over again - the phrase "and a voice that stinks of death and vanilla" is going to be forever matched with the idea. I don't care if it's a girly smell.


    (As a bonus, here's some pictures of an Epic Japanese Cosplayer by whom all future Manfred von Karmas must be judged. Rowr.)



  2. And as for Miles (BTW Good choice! You'l lbe able to get all teh componets for that costuem at a second hand store for SURE!) I picture something... rich.. somethgin with wine notes maybe? I agreethat hes'a far more emotional man then that description sugests... I think somethign complex and well belnded owudl be apropriate! In a smell I thik he migth try and over compensate for hsi fragility withsomethign very strong. The leather onh is red hot gcar, the fancy restaurent he love to go to. Just to give some ideas? :P I dunno why.. but I picture him smellni a tiny bit boozy... liek those really classy bars... where he'd brood in the back corner or something... XDXD I mgith be totally offbase...

    (For waht its' worth :D I cospalyed Franzeska von Karma :D and I lveo that cahrater to death! I totally picture her wearing Black Dalia or maybe Helle's Belle. Even Pride woud lwork XDXDXD)


    Are you the one who had the BPAL thread up over at Court Records? That was fun, though I didn't participate. Still have nothing for Miles, DX.


    I feel Black Dahlia for Franziska as well, and would have so much fun with it. But I can't *be* Franny, because I can't pull off the short skirt and stockings (seen way too many bad Franziskas and I like her too much). Starting to lean towards Lana or Ema rather than Miles crossplay, actually, even if they're not as recognizeable. Ema is either Cheshire Cat or Ultraviolet (Ultraviolet smells like SCIENCE, :)), but Lana... you have any ideas? I'm not getting anything.


    Alternatively, I might totally blaspheme the character and crossplay as von Karma. There are so many Edgeworths out there that surely I can find one of them willing to pose for pictures with me (yes, I kind of slash them). *He* smells like Wilde, and is why I can't wear it in any normal situation. Still have a month until I have to start making my costume.

  3. Let's make this the topic for cosplay/roleplay recs. Or we can turn another topic into one on the same subject. It comes up every so often that a thread might be nice, like how we have the "recs for confidence" thread.


    I've decided to start con-lurking next semester when I come back, because there are cons within three-four hours of me and I have friends who would want to go. Cons mean cosplay. I can't sew major-league and don't want to hire a friend (or my mom, who does sew) to do it. This means I needs a simple costume, with simple sewing. And also someone who resembles me so I don't look like all the infamous ugly cosplayers, or like Man-Faye.


    I love Phoenix Wright, and I could pass for a suitably pulchritudinous Miles Edgeworth. Easy costume (buy a suit and dye it, and hand sew and starch a cravat), have the hair, love the character. I want to get in the mood for playing this guy before I start making the costume, though, so smell suggestions?


    Here's some stuff on him. Not much, but it might help.. I interpret him as a little more "emo" than the description suggests because, after all, the man he lived with was this terrible cold menace who tried to make him in his cold dommy image. He succeeded at doing it for Miles' public life, but I do think that Miles and von Karma still relate like Miles is a nine-year-old boy. He's just... delicate, in a way. So, yeah, HALP, bitte.

  4. Double post, different topic. I figured this was the closest I could get in topic - wandering down the street alone looking for my friends in town, dressed up, snarling along to Nick Cave's "Up Jumped the Devil" and "Sugar Sugar Sugar" and all the early smack-fueled stuff on Tender Prey. IRL I look like a Caucasian version of Osaka (seriously, I do). So it's kinda intimidating from the absolute filth coming out of my mouth, kinda weird, kinda cute (because I dress like a schoolgirl). What is it like?

  5. I haven't reviewed this? Surprised. I bought it from chi months ago.


    It starts out with the same kind of fresh, dewy rose like in Alice or in Possets' Frou Frou (which chi gave me as a gift) - the kind which smells wonderful but when smeared on me more than a little, turns to rubbery plastic. But I didn't know this at the time, because it was my first scent with that rose. I don't get much in the way of sugar, though it does have a sweet quality that Alice and the Posset don't have. The rose, though, goes funky on me. Tried it in a locket and it's wonderful in that. So I need a good locket (I'm taking donations).

  6. I'm normally a very peaceful person (I tongue-lash, but that's about it), therefore can't write fight scenes worth a damn. I've tried I have at least three I have to write in something I'm working on.


    For starters, I need to feel like "I've never done this before, and I'm actually a trap and am too young be here, but I have to help hold off a Persian horde because it's just what I've got to do, you know". The Cruxshadows' "Sophia" and "Winter Born" are helpful, but other senses?


    Also a "You just pissed me off, bitch, and now I'm going to shank you in the face" one for a young woman who hides fear with anger. For same, an "I don't care who you are, you're not doing that to me" when she's been bought as a concubine.


    I think these are in the appropriate place. But I need to feel this with other senses, and it's also kind of a game.

  7. I wanted to like this (it sounded so fresh, and like a wonderful substitute for my almost-gone Kumiho), but the entire time it smelled musty. I got a very slight whiff of fresh ginger off it, but then the pepper and what I think was meant to be BPAL Clean Linen killed it. The pepper gave it a woody note, but a wet wood that's been sitting out for too long. And the clean linen, well, wasn't.

  8. Alice-Zarita comparison: Alice is really well balanced on me (and one of my all time favorite blends), so it may be that you amp carnation. I also happen to love, love, love BPAL's carnation notes. Consider those caveats, but I don't find Zarita especially heavy on carnation. I find it predominantly a creamy, sugary blend with no single floral note jumping out at me, they're just adding something a little different to the sweetness I am smelling. Now, Pink Moon 07 is about half spicy carnation, half Zarita's cream & sugar - but Zarita to me is about 80-90% creamy sweetness.


    I think I may amp carnation, but Alice smelled wrong even in the imp, lol. Maybe I just hate the smell.

    Slightly OT: People who *do* normally amp carnation - how do you find Zarita?

  9. While we're at it:


    Ultimate grapefruit.

    Ultimate peach.

    Ultimate pear. La Belle au Bois Dormant is not it. BPAL Evening Dew killed it.

    Ultimate orange blossom.

    Ultimate alcohol - not red wine, but something a little lighter. Like the alcohol in Shattered (BTW, I'm taking PayPal donations to replace my contaminated Shattered - only $1.50 to go!).

    Ultimate "Smells like loli".

    Ultimate "I'm finally grown up, and I am AWESOME".

  10. Imp: Moon Rose, but fruity and a little floral. They both have what I'm calling "BPAL Evening Dew" in them, which I do enjoy, but my skin amps to hell and back.

    Wet: BPAL Evening Dew, white musk (I know it's not in it, but whatever), fruit (peach/pearish), and florals. I'm thinking plumeria. It's very lovely.

    Dry: BPAL Evening Dew. DO NOT WANT, especially when Moon Rose does it better.

    This is for a scent locket, or, even better, it would be a very cooling body spray for summertime. I'll save it for next spring and summer, when I'll be 21 and can buy Everclear.

  11. Three words after putting it on my skin: "Rich Chocolate Ovaltine". I kid you not. It's definitely chocolate, but a very powdery, grainy chocolate. I can smell the texture. Putting my nose to my wrist is like snorting Swiss Miss. It mellows out a little bit after a while, with a bit of caramel coming into it, but it's still powdery chocolate rather than a Hershey bar. I'm a little disappointed with it on its own, though it does have some layering potential.
