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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by thegoldwars

  1. In the imp: sickly sweet honey + maple-flavoured cough syrup from my childhood, punching me in the face. A little bit of greenery somewhere beneath it? Smells like a sick day in the botanic gardens.


    Wet: Whew. My skin is really amping up whatever that green note is. It might be the vetiver? I smell like a Taoist prayer day held in an abandoned Lush.


    Dry: I am picking up the slightest bit of vanilla and honey under all of that vetiver but not much else. My skin must eat perfume oils, because this is nearly nonexistent after half an hour. It is fairly pleasant, but no full-size for me.

  2. I'm just dipping my toe into BPAL and I don't really know what notes I like yet, so this'll be a fun way to get recs. Right now I'm just picking scents that sound awesome with no regard for how they actually smell, so...


    My name is Theo, I'm 18 and (nominally) a woman. Right now, I'm studying English lit and epistemology. And math, but only because I have to. Personality-wise I'm a fairly good fit for ENFP except for the whole "boundless charm" and "large groups of friends" thing. I am so, so bad at socialising, partly because of my potent rbf (the green lipstick doesn't help) and partly because I'm easily intimidated by crowds. In small groups, though, I have been told that I'm a scary person. This suits me just fine.


    Okay, so: interests. I really love stories and shiny things, and it's my life goal to one day own two sphynx cats. I also like sf/f and horror: at the moment my favourite authors are N.K. Jemisin, Mary Shelley, and Shirley Jackson. Anything dark and elegant and self-aware: yes, please. Juxtaposition is my jam. I love anything with heavy contrast, like flyartproductions, orchestral melodies in rap songs, and modern stories with a gothic heart. Also big stinkin' action movies are the way to my heart, so if anyone else has a burning passion for Mad Max: Fury Road, I'm extending a formal offer of friendship. And video games! I live from Steam sale to Steam sale and dream of one day working in an indie game development company.


    Okay yes I'm done. Do your worst! :biggrin:


    P.S. gotta love these old-school emoticons
