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Posts posted by Lucretia

  1. I get a huge whiff of wine and spice when I first put this on. It then morphs to the treacle and cider, with a hint of florals I guess. This smells warm and comforting to me. I'm not entirely crazy about the dry down as wine has a tendency to go crazy on me, but I really do enjoy this. It doesn't last more than 2 or 3 hours on me, so I'm glad I got a bottle to begin with.

  2. Every now and then I get bored with what I have, and then a scent rekindles my love. This is one of those. I lost my spreadsheet of oils I tried when I got a new computer, but this smells like other snowy scents at first (skadi maybe? I don't know). But it mellows to a beautiful crisp snow, pine, and almond. This isn't a novelty scent is in the way some winter scents are (i.e. amazing, but not the best for every day wear). This is quite a traditional perfume as it mellows, which I didn't expect! I could see myself wearing this to work on an almost daily basis. Really, it's beautiful. Not too sweet, not too much forest, not minty. Just right.

  3. At first I didn't know what to make of this. It reminded me a bit of citrus dryer sheets. All manner of citrus with something soft and dry.


    this, like other yule blends, has grown on me a lot. It's not so much amber and saffron as I hoped, but it is a very mellow, golden, citrus (orange mainly). This scent smells like a texture to me, which is very odd I know, but it's the only way I can describe it. It's sort of.. fluffy, and airy. Like a down pillow. I guess my point is, I can't normally wear citrus because it's too sharp, but this is really muted, and I like that. It's not the spicy blend I hoped for, but it is a lovely citrus and frankincense.

  4. So glad I swapped for this one, it's just what it sounds like! I knew I wanted this, but had been put off by some of the reviews. This is honey lilies, with a bit of plumb and amber. It's smooth, and soft, and reminds of a silk slip and little marabou slippers. It's feminine and coy, but also sexy to the point where it is a real killer. Love this! Will wear this for sure when I want to feel glamorous and sexy.

  5. this smells like those scented cupcake dolls they used to have back in the early 90's. It's sweet vanilla, but also something that smells burnt which reminds me of plastic. I like this, but more because of the memories it evokes than because it's something I want to smell like.

  6. oh how I want to love this one, but I really don't. At first I get spices (sort of like chai) and something lurking that smells horrible on me. I take a sniff and smile at the spices but I'm repulsed by what's under them, which I think is myrrh or balsam. These generally don't work on me, and I guess it's the case here too.

    After a few minutes the ugh factor subsides and I get rosewood and spices. Smells sort of like a rosewood box that someone has been keeping spices in. Also smoky, like incense. At this point I actually like it, but I can't abide the dry down! We'll have to see about this one, I may need to give it another chance. I also wonder how this would age.


    ETA OK, I tried this one again, and I actually like it now. I know what to expect during the dry down so I'm not as put off by it. This is in essence a very serious rose scents. This is neither dewey roses at a wedding nor hauty roses on an older woman. This is roses in a library, roses at a funeral, the damn goddamn serious roses I've smelled. It's actually very beautiful, and a nice warm winter rose what with the spices and all. It grows on you!

  7. This is to die for I say. It reminds me a lot of traditional perfumes in that it is predominantly floral on me. A very, very well blended, light, cold, and sweet floral. I really, have not got a clue what the flowers are, but it’s beautiful. I can’t really notice the vetiver beyond the fact that there is something in there tying it all together and keeping it from getting too sweet and light. This a little masculine in the drydown phase, but when it’s settled I really wouldn’t call it a manly scent. It smells like a winter breeze when you’re walking home from work. Normally the winter scents are either mint or cucumber on me, but this is neither, and I love it! It’s also light enough to be a good work day scent. Although I may very well slather for those cold winter nights.

  8. I've been waiting for a week to review this one because it is such a morpher. Even day to day it varies on me.

    sometimes I get pumpkin pie ice cream. Buttery, spicey, sweet, pumpkin with what reminds me of vanilla graham crackers. Yummy.

    Other days, she is really is a queen and I get something spot on for Marquise de Merteuil except with pumpkin and minus the vetiver.

    I like her, but I also find her a little bit cloying. I like pumpkin queen when I intentially smell my wrist, but when I get a whiff just randomly she sort of bugs me for some reason, especially when she is in her haunty mode.


    I'm really torn about this one! I like it, but we'll see how long she sticks around.

  9. I couldn't put my finger on it, but after reading Angharad's review I do smell crayons! Apple scented crayons! I like this at first, and I sort of like smelling like a candle, but the mulling spices end up sort waxy on me. Ah well. I like it well enough though.

  10. This smells like fancy hair conditioner to me! I mean, I'm sure it doesn't really, it's just I had a conditioner that had this scent when I was a kid. It's soapy, and reminds me of gold dust for some reason. A very dry scent. I mean, it's dead on for the description, I just can't shake my associations with the scent from my childhood though.

  11. I wasn't crazy about this one at first, but I'm very glad I gave it another shot. This reminds me a lot of what hamadryad used to smell like before got all piney and crazy smelling. It's a woodsey scent on me, rather like traditional perfumes in the floral notes. This is really nice, I love the woods and florals combo, especially with the spices to tie all together. It starts with a lot of lavender for me, which fades to boozy woods and a hint of florals. I just wish it were a little bit stronger. This will very possibly go on the big bottle list since I miss hamadryad so much, but we'll have to see how long it lasts on me. It's a bit faint after 3 hours so far.

  12. oooh! love! This is like Bastet light, or Salome without that irritating herbal note. Starts of strong almond, and after about 10 minutes the spices start coming out. I can see the soapy comparison at first, but it settles very nicely into a warm, light almond spice scent.

    Bastet ended up being too heady for me, but I think this one just right! The florals really help mellow out the spices, and in turn, the spices stop the jasmine from going insane on my skin.


    On the big bottle list for sure!

  13. Yum! This is the perfect cake scent! What I was hoping that Eat Me would be on me. The butter in eat me turned "off" really fast, but the cassia and cocoa is this scent really ground it for me. It smells like a chocolate muffin, but in the deep, dark and rick sort of way. This really isn't that sweet smelling, which is probably why I can wear it.

    This is going to be a fall staple for me for sure!

  14. This reminds me of phantasm too, which also reminds me of jean paul gaultier. Rich, rich vanilla, and florals. A bit heady and a bit too rich for me. I like this at home, but I can see how this might knock me out at work or in other confined places. This is a big scent, a bit too big for me.

  15. I almost liked this cause I love cedar, but the fruity sweetness of it just doesnt do it for me.I like it when I first put it on, but it makes me sort of queasy after a while. For some reason I just can't shake the fact that it smells like cottage cheese with fruit in it. Bizarre I know! But that's what my nose says.

  16. alot like skadi in the sweetness of this blend. Winter snow, and berries (which I guess is one of the florals) at first. I like it here, but soon it becomes way too sweet for me. Some sort of bizarre snow candy!


    The final, several hours later, dry down is very nice. The smell you get when you open the window on a snowy night. But I'm not sure about the sweetness earlier. This may or may not work out for me.

  17. I agree that this is a very dense scent. It's sort of like there's too many scents at first to even be able to break through to identify them.


    I get leather, and musk. Which is sort of dusty and warm smelling together. In the back is vanilla, which gradually makes its way out. There is also a hint of sharpness, which is lavander I guess.


    I was expecting something sexy, but this is really very mellow. Much more of a cozy up on a cold day with a cup of cocoa and the necronomicon. haha, I mean, it certainly has an air of evil too it, sort of a smug man, oozing of insence and leather, and who has been eating vanilla bonbons?


    I like it! I think it will grow on me.

  18. hmn, this would have to be one of my least favorite rose notes to date. It seems I don't like honeysuckle. It just had a sweet mustyness to it that was really cloying on me. But if you like your roses sweet and thick then this may be for you.

    Lasts a long time though!

  19. Helooooo cloves and other festive spices!

    Why did I not order this last year?

    This is spicy yummy berries and trees and everything that makes me happy.

    A very clovey dry down too, but not too dark like 3 witches was.


    A winner!

  20. hmn, I'm just not crazy about this one. Still not the particular blend of church smells that I remember from when I was a child.


    I guess resins smell like pepper on me, cause that's what I get at first. As it dries down I get smokyness and darkness.


    This just doesn't develop well on my skin. Oh well, I'm sure someone else will love it.

  21. this is great! I don't really get the masculine scent other have mentioned, it's gender neutral. It's the smell of outdoors, which really, isn't male or female.


    It's sort of sweet, but no where near as sweet as skadi (which is why I had to disown her). It's cold, and white and green, but not in an artificial pinesol-airfresher kind of way.


    It really does smell like being out in a snowy forest landscape. This is IT, much better than Skadi to me, Beth really got it down pat this year. Perfect outdoor winter scent!
