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Posts posted by Lucretia

  1. Wet this smells a bit like musk with some florals lurking the back. I get a hint of rose, but it's not a dominant note at all. Next up is a lavender stage that I'm not so sure about. The dry down is very much musk and amber. I was expecting more vanilla and more rose I think, but they are lurking just underneath everything else. Overall this is a really warm comforting scent I think. It's quite understated and I think very much wearable for every day occasions.


    ETA: this has become my go to sleep blend lately. It's really very comforting/relaxing.

  2. This is gorgeous. My first thought was cider, but it's much more mellow than that. You can sense the milk in there and then apples (which usually don't work on, but these do) and then a whole host of gorgeous milling spices. As it dries down it has a bit of a holiday candle scent, but once it's dry it's more natural and soft. This a winner for sure!

  3. This is super gorgeous. I almost didn't order because I was worried about all the lemon reviews on the old version, but seems totally different. It's floral and soft with some clean notes. I am bad at identifying things but I think I can smell aloe? I was getting whiffs of this hours later and thinking how pretty I smelled. So glad I got this one!

  4. I don't even really know where to place this one, but it's lots of fruit and then something else lurking in the back. This does smell a little but like gummy bears or some sort of fruit candy. For some reason this smells very festive to me, sort of like a holiday scent. This sort of gorgeous and mellow. I can't usually do sweet, but I seem to be able to handle this one really well! I don't know if this warrants a bottle for me, but I'll definitely use the imp on cold rainy days when I can use something a bit boozy and fruit scented.

  5. This is gooorgeous, and going into my top 10 for sure. I get soft vanilla mixed with something mellow and very grounding (I guess the tobacco or oak?). This reminds me of something from my childhood (some type of baby powder? some smell my mother had? lotion?) and I adore it for that. This is very wearable and I could see myself wearing this around the house or to work as a comfort scent. Loving this one way more than I expected to.

  6. I'm going to have to go with the reviewer who mentioned fungi on this one! I can sense the citrus and some other darker woodsy notes, but as a whole it just smells really unpleasant on me. It definitely is unique, and I enjoy the citrus in it, but there some note in the back that is making this not work out on my chemistry. :cry2:


    ETA: Like 3 hours later I can finally smell this and enjoy it rather than cringe. That's a bit too long of a dry down for me...

  7. I love this one so much. It seems to be in the same family as Snow White in that sort of glowy, white, clean scent that you can't quite put your finger on. It's very bright and I can pinpoint the musk and the coconut (but again in the snow white sort of way rather a tropical way). I think this is going to be a favorite of mine.

  8. This sort of smokey and sweet on me. I can smell the wine and some other notes I can't quite figure out. This is pleasant but doesn't really do anything for me. It remind me a little of Queen Alice. I think I need to accept my inability to wear scents with wine.

  9. I keep trying to love this. At the very end, hours later, I do get a dusty road with orchards and the like, but until then it's all ozone and apples. I'm still trying to figure out the perfect time to wear this scent, as it's a little too neutral for my every day tastes.

  10. First on this smells really astringent but very interesting. Not like any other scents I've tried really.

    Dry down is much more mellow. Certainly an aquatic, an interesting mix of refreshing and dark. Oddly the smell reminds of unscented lotion.. um.. not sure why it reminds of that! It's sort of a neutral scent on me. It smells clean and I like it quite a bit. It seems like my skin is eating it up though as it's barely noticeably after about half an hour. I will definitely finish imp, and I could totally see myself wearing this around the house after a shower.

  11. Wet this smelled really quite unpleasant to me. A blend of parsley and jasmine, neither of which I'm crazy about. Dry it's a floral with an undertone of something very natural but sort of pleasant. If you can wear jasmine you might like this, I however, can't.

  12. oooh this is nice, it really lives up the description. Golden amber roses! It starts off quite dry and you really get the hay, but then the amber and rose really dominate. It's little bit like a rosey brisingamen or an ambery jezebel. I'm a little worried the amber will just amp out to the point of giving me a headache as it's apt to due, but so far so good. If you like other rose blends I think you will like this. I think I'm good with just a imp, but this is really nice!


    Eta: I wore this again today and got much more of an aquatic feel and less rose. So there is definitely some tears in there!

  13. This smells nothing like I thought it would! In the imp it's light and a bit powdery I guess.


    On it reminds me initially of Oneiroi which is really weird, I guess it's the sandalwood? I don't understand it!


    I think I can detect the peach, but as someone said this is real peaches not the peach note found other peach scents I've tried. It's not very sweet on me at all, if anything it's sort of sharp. I get a hint of vanilla, but vanilla is definitely not predominant here. I don't know what to make of this one! I need to think about it more. I like it, it's just entirely different than I had imagined it!

  14. Lots and lots of gardenia, and just a sensation of being covered in an assortment of white flowers. I'm bad at naming my florals, but it smells like spring to me. I absolutely love this. It's hauty and innocent at the same time. It's also "normal" enough to be able to wear to formal work occasions without getting any curious looks. This lasts for a few hours on me. At the 8 hour mark this is a lingering sweet smell on my wrists, but nothing discernable anymore. So glad I got a bottle of this one.

  15. I really enjoy this one! The leather note is very clear mingling with the dirt and pumpkin at first. Gradually the settle and it remind me a little bit of a pumpkiny penny dreadful just hkhm noted. However, I get a curious salty sort of smell that I can't put my finger on. It smells sort of like pirates ride at disneyland for some reason! I find this scent quite grounding and very nice for fall.

  16. This smells SO good on me. Warm spices, incense, and a touch of fruit. I can't entirely place it, it doesn't smell like a spice store, more like someone baking. It's a very warm comforting scent that is "normal" enough to pass for a more traditional perfume. It's also a lot lighter than I thought it might be. I can see myself wearing this a lot.

  17. I already know I don't do well with bpal vanilla notes, but I keep trying. Alas, still no dice! This smells somewhere between a vanilla smoothie and a vanilla candle on me. I imagine it would work for people who do well with other vanilla scents though.

  18. This is really nice. At first I got a lot of florals, which then turned to strong almonds, and finally a warm sexy sort of scent. It reminds a little bit of Bastet, but somewhat more mellow. Also the honey note is really similar to the one in Jezebel. I could see myself wearing this a lot as a day time scent in the fall. It's a really warm, sultry kind of scent.

  19. ok, now this one I love. It's what I somehow always hoped to get from 13 in terms of the white chocolate. The pumpkin isn't the dominant note but it plays very well with the chocolate and caramel. I'm not sure I can detect the pomegranate though. This smells yummy, sort of like a warm cup of warm white hot chocolate. This is a real comfort scent and it's not too strong for me. So, yes! I'ma big fan of this pumpkin!

  20. I really liked this one at first, but it ends up being too sweet with the vanilla. It smells quite foody too me, in that pumpkin pie sort of way. I can detect the citrus note for sure. This is really nice but it just turns really cloying on me after about a minute or two. Bah. The same thing happened to me with Pumpkin Queen so I'm not shocked I guess.

  21. I'm so silly, this was nothing like what I was expecting. Teach me to assume that spices will be the dominant note. lol.


    This scent is amazingly evocative. It really does smell like a dark night with a big smoky bonfire to me. It smells like a dark autumn. It's a dark, wet, smoky, and did I say dark, scent. It's perfect for what it is, but ultimately I can't wear scents this smoky or dark. I think for someone who enjoys the scents evocative of bonfires this would be lovely though.


    edit to add that the final dry down, like 6 hours later, is really pleasant. The spices are prominent now and the bonfire has died down. It smells like a nice autumn day. I don't think I can wait that long though for it to be mellow though. On me at least, it lasts for hours but has morphed a great deal.

  22. I was expecting this to smell sweet, but not at all! This is all incense and honey and spices on me, it reminds me quite a bit of the final dry down of bastet, although not as overpowering. It's not at all what I was expecting, but in this case that may be a good thing. I wouldn't wear this in the summer, but this would be perfect for rainy days and feeling cozy.
