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Everything posted by lapillus

  1. lapillus


    In bottle: pale yellow liquid, a bit thicker than average bright, light floral Wet: bright spring floral that isn’t going spicy on me the way florals often do (which is a plesant change, although self-spicing floral is something I enjoy too) Dry: drying very true to the bottle Later: fades very rapidly (within an hour) otherwise lovely. Summary: if I can find a way to keep it around longer than this time I’d definitely consider a bottle, but otherwise eternal is just too fleeting.
  2. lapillus

    Dragon's Reverie

    In bottle: Dragon’s blood with something to lighten it - it's not as heavy as Blood Rose which is the only other dragon's blood blend I've met yet. Wet: florals have crawled out on top, but the dragon’s blood is still lurking underneath and the amber is contemplating showing up eventually. Dry: florals in retreat, amber advancing, drangon’s blood just hanging out Later: the spiciness of the dragon’s blood comes up with the cherry of it and the mellowness of amber. lasts about 8 hours on me. Summary: very pleasant, will definitely finish the imp, will wait to see about a bottle.
  3. lapillus


    Scent: zombi In bottle: almost colorless yellow, thin liquid very sharp, a bit earthy and some small roses hiding in the background Wet: still sharp (it’s now taking on an added dimension of green) but the roses are blooming a bit. Still feels rather… thin. If it stays like this I think I’ll be more interested in seeing what it does layered than by itself. Dry: Oh! the sharpness is fading but not going away entirely and a lovely light rose is coming through. I see shy so many folks love this one. Later: ultimately goes warmly sweet and only faintly rosey with a touch of green. With a touchup for top notes this will be perfect! Summary: Oh, I love this one – it’s just my sort of rose!
  4. lapillus


    Scent: Aglaea In bottle:Sweet light green. Wet: sugary sweet mixed florals and some creaminess, not a bit of fruit or wine on me. Dry: less sugary (thank goodness), creaminess has gone away, making the sugar rounder in the process. Small flowers hiding around edges but not coming close enough for me to identify them. Later: sweet cream florals. Not strong but still there ten hours later Summary: nice enough, but not one I feel terribly drawn to on first sniff.
  5. lapillus


    In bottle: obviously a light rum ;-) Vanilla spiced light rum with maybe a touch of citrus Wet: citrus is gone, there is less rum , more spice, some coconut and something dark and smoky that wasn’t in the bottle. Much less sweet and vanilla than I’d have expected. Dry: Dry dark airy spices that have sweetened up a bit again. I’m not sure where the rum went, maybe it was burnt up because the wafts of sharp, dark dry smoke are even more strongly. Later: three and a half hours in it is moderately spiced toasted coconut. Even later: eight hours and and the bottom notes are still holding true. Summary: Not bad. I’ll keep the imp, at least for now, but not wanting a big bottle either. I prefer to eat toasted coconut to smelling like it, I guess.
  6. lapillus

    Love Me

    In bottle: dark and syrupy and thick Dark sweet and spicy, I think I smell some cloves Wet: brighter but still spicy, although not smelling the cloves, however I think I’m getting some patchouli (and slight headache – we’ll see if I last with this one). Yup, definitely patchouli. Later: I had to scrub most of it off because it was making me ill. The little bit of dark spiciness that lingers after the scrubbing is pleasant enough if I don’t sniff too much. Summary: It definitely into the swap pile, but I can see that it would be really nice on someone without my patchouli issues and who likes dark, caramel spiciness.
  7. lapillus


    In bottle: Sweet herbal/floral Wet: still sweet, but a bit more floral than green. There is a background sharpness (cypress?) that cuts the sweetness. Tastes, but doesn’t smell, soapy. Gets stronger all the way around as it starts to dry. Dry: sweet floral but a clear green, wet one, not powdery or soapy. I’m really starting to like this, although I think I’d like it better if it were a touch less sweet. The clear green is great, though. Summary: Closer to what I’m looking for in an aquatic than Okolun. Would love it if there was a touch more sharpness.
  8. lapillus


    In bottle: very pale yellow, medium thick liquid Carmelly vanilla and some other notes I don’t know. Wet: smokier sort of burnt candle-wick smell on top, still sort of carmelly vanilla but there is something amber like back there,too. Dry: smoke retreats but doesn’t go away, the main scent stays about the same. Lightly warm, maybe a little waxy. I like it :-) Later: a warm sweetness remains after about 7 hours. Summary: now we’re getting somewhere - I can tell I'm going to want more than just this imp's worth. :-) I really like this one, especially after about an hour or so into the drydown. Warm and friendly.
  9. lapillus


    In bottle: light green, with a rounded sweetness in the middle a bit of something more spicy in back. Wet: green retreats, floral spiciness moves forward, strongly sweet and a sharper citrus shows up (sigh.) Dry: sweet moves back to something manageable leaving green spiciness (rather than a spicy greenness) that makes my nose tingle when I put it to my wrist. The spiciness seems to fade a distance from wrist (which is good) and the sweetness is more noticeable. A warmer scent than I’d expected (sweet seems to go warm on me, or maybe it's just the citrus going away). I really like the green but I think I’d like it better without the nose-tingling floral bits bits or quite as much citrus. Later: retreats to a faint dark green by about 4-5 hrs Summary: Not as purely liquid a scent as I’d hoped, but pleasant.
  10. lapillus


    In bottle: pale yellow, medium-thick liquid. Light, honeyed sweetness, and something a tiny bit spicy in the background also some “generic perfume” floral in the back. Wet: more sweetness but more depth too. Dry: stays pretty true on me, but is fading relatively rapidly. Later: (note to self: do not taste. ) plateaus on the scent level relatively rapidly and stays nice and warm and sweet. Pleasant but I think I’d like it better if it had a bit more of a backbone. Summary: pleasant, but a little sweeter than I most like. I wonder how it would layer with something musky/incensy. As is, not quite enough umph to make me want more than an imp.
  11. lapillus

    Blood Rose

    My first review! Oh, there’s the rose, hiding in the back behind the bright red, lightly spiced, juicy cherry. Rather like this one. Now I’m really curious about other dragon’s blood oils… Wet: the rose and the cherry have switched places and a spiciness is coming up to play with the bright fuchsia rose. Dry: Cherry is all but gone and what is left of it is pale and dry and blending very harmoniously with the rose. The spiciness is coming out more strongly. I can almost taste it in the back of my throat (not bad, but definitely not a food flavor at this point) Much, much later: After 18 hours, a shower, a load of dishes and multiple handwashings I can still pick up the sweet spiciness of the dragon’s blood if stick my nose to my wrist and it's even more lovely. Summary: I like it quite a bit and certainly will enjoy the rest of the imp, but no great compulsion to buy a big bottle right now. I really like dragon’s blood as a lingering scent and look forward to trying other dragon’s blood blends. I have a feeling that mixed with woods and maybe incense notes I’d really love it, but it’s just a bit sweet in the early stages when mixed with this rose.
  12. lapillus


    In bottle: (opens imp in fear of lurking patchouli headache) Definitely patchouli but so far no blazing headache or nausea, and I think something sweet there too, rather rootbeerish (must be the ylang ylang). And maybe something in addition to the patchouli giving a faint incense-like spice. Wet: Less patchouli (yeah! And no headache! Maybe it is only black patchouli which is evil, hmmm.) Still nicely sweet in a non-floral, rather liquid way, myrrh's spiciness is melding into the rest of it. Dry: Oh! I may have a patchouli I can wear! Sweet, bright incense and not at all malicious on me. And I was so worried when I saw this on the list. Must check out other red patchouli scents! Later: 5 hours and still going. I won’t be surprised if I wake up with it lingering :-) So far the best of the scents I've tried.