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Posts posted by mazikeen

  1. the lunacy scents, as well as those that have accompanied them this past year (the zodiac and shapechangers), are available to buy during the full moon (or two full moons, we got ahead of ourselves when there was a blue moon in may) prior to when that moon/zodiac would occur so that you will have them in your hot little hands and be able to actually wear them at the appropriate time.


    if you post an in-search-of post for capricorn in the swaps area, you'll probably be able to find some.


    Hmm. Thanks for your reply.


    That makes buying zodiac scents tricky! I've got to plan in November to get a scent in time for January! Alas. I'll go check the swaps page-- thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Question:

    (I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but other topics with more relevant titles were locked)



    My husband is a Capricorn and I'd love to buy him the Capricorn 2007 scent. According to the reviews of it, it appears that it was only available for purchase for a few days in November? I had assumed that zodiac scents would be available during the dates of that sign. Am I wrong here? Please let me know, and hopefully I can place an order for this scent soon!


    Thank you!

  3. At first, very rose-y, and yes, as people have stated, not an old-lady sort of rose. The spicy note underneath cuts the excess floral, and keeps it nicely grounded. Unfortunately for me, as it dries the spice goes away and its all rose rose rose. (Yes, a nice rose, but still a rose nonetheless.) It faded out nicely after a few hours-- it did have decent staying power, but yet politely didn't overstay its welcome.


    Even though I've never been interested in rose scents, I tried an imp based on the lovely description. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I was hoping for. The rose does "work" on me --it smells exactly like it sounds like it should, rose with a hint of frankincense-- but it's just not the kind of scent I'm interested in. (I prefer dark & spicy scents, or those with a super crisp, almost mentholated aspect.) Nonetheless, I will wear this imp. It seems like a nice option when doing something wholesome, like visiting grandma on Easter or something.



    Added later--

    I love the description (which was why I ordered it in the first place) and as it's especially relevant right now, I tried Rose Cross before bed after a day when I needed to clear my head and mood. There's no getting around the rose, yes, but c'mon-- "rose" is in the name, whaddaya expect? There is enough of a incensey/earthy base to it to keep things interesting. After a bit, I got a lemon scent, too. Just a touch, in a nice fresh way. It still faded fast.


    While this still isn't my normal sort of scent, there's enough going on in this one to keep it interesting for me-- a straight-up rose scent for people not interested in rose, perhaps. I'd like to try this in a scent locket one day so see if any of the other notes come out more, or if it lasts longer.


    The imp is a keeper, but a bottle is unlikely (although not out of the question). Rose Cross has a soothing quality. Instead of grandma's house (as I mentioned previously) instead I'm saving this for those moments when I do need a little spiritual healing, as the description suggests. :P



    Added much much later--

    Still nice, but a rose is a rose is a rose. I burned the rest in an oil burner, which smelled lovely.

  4. It's very peppery in the bottle-- it makes me recoil and want to sneeze. But fear not, on my wrists it is feminine and strong. The pepper is bold but clean, and not food-like. There are some hidden depths to it. Something... tangy... is lurking below. That underlying scent makes me think of a certain kind of incense I always see at places like the Renaissance Fair. I'm guessing its the red musk because it sure smells red.


    This had more staying power than any BPAL oil I've worn thus far-- a small dab on each wrist lasted all through a work day and several hand-washings (granted, I was trying not to wash it off, but still). I was still sniffing my wrists on the drive home.


    I was wary about buying a bottle --I didn't think it'd work on me, and no imps available!-- but I'm so glad I did! This one is a big winner! I ordered a whole bunch of scents to try, but I'm so enamored with this, it's all I want to wear. Move over Masabakes*, I just may have a new signature scent.



    * For now, anyway. I still love you.


    Added later--

    This scent is very bold and very peppery. I love it, but I understand that it may not agree with everyone. I really have to be in the right mood for this-- it's so strong that I have to feel strong enough to pull it off. Nonetheless, I love it. It brings out the warrior in me. (For you fellow WoW addicts, it totally makes me want to /flex.) :P


    I should add that the bottle for War is absolutely, beautifully badass. :D

  5. Thank goodness for freebies, as I never in a million years would have ordered something with this name (based off an anime mag, no less). Just not my cup of tea anymore. But, free is a whole other story!


    It smelled very lemony on me. Logically, this would seem bad... but yet I liked it. Bright, clean and a little soapy. (Not in a cleaning products way... more in a fresh from a shower way.) Lemony soap may not be what I think of when I think "vampire tears," but I will be wearing this imp.




    Added much later--

    Ah, a change of heart. Upon further investigation, I won't be wearing this. The lemoniness is just too lemony. Also, it has in it an ingredient which I haven't pinpointed yet, but I don't like on me at all... something in this (and in a few other BPALs I've tried) has a weird lemon/powder/popcorn combo. It turns out that Vampire Tears is simply not for me.

  6. It's unfortunate that this wasn't available to buy in imps. I love the painting, so I splurged and took a chance on the bottle. I wasn't too into it, but I really wanted to like it. Then I heard my husband's impression: syrup. :P



    Edited to add:

    The bottle has been aging for almost 3 years now (has it been that long?! Wow.)


    I don't notice anything orangey, at all. Nutty, but less maple-syrupy than before, thank god. It's a thick heavy scent (not one to slather). I think it could be a good wintertime/Christmas scent. It's still not something I'm going to wear much, if at all, unfortunately.


    If it smells good in an oil burner, it may have a use. Otherwise it's going to collect dust unless I ever get off my butt and start selling/swapping.

  7. I bought it simply because I'm a Pisces, but over time this has become one of my favorites.


    I love to dab it on my wrists and the insides of my elbows right before going to sleep... that way I can just keep my wrist to my face and keep smelling it continuously. Yes, the effect of doing this is strong, but that's why I like it-- I imagine that crisp feeling of being underwater and let myself be pulled downwards into sleep.


    When worn in the day, it unfortunately does not last very long at all on me, which is why I instead wear it before bed, or if I'm alone and in front of the computer at night. Hence, it's a personal scent not worn in public, which is rather nice.
