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Everything posted by tziporra

  1. tziporra

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    Thanks Lab for the frimp! GAH! This is GORGEOUSLY YUM and totally different than any other BPAL I've tried. For about 30 seconds. Those 30 seconds are complete bliss. On me this is nearly a commercial "floriental" (a category I love but haven't smelled many of) while wet, but so much better because of the no-alcohol BPAL-ness of it. I'm in LOVE. But then a sharp floral note which I swear is Jasmine (I don't see ANYONE else here complaining about the Jasmine, so I could well be mixing it up with some other floral which goes all wrong on me) takes over for two hours. Wah. No good. But if this is what Smut smells like I'm definitely hunting a bottle. Best, Tzi
  2. tziporra

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Frumious Bandersnatch is exactly the scent of a spiced plum tart on me. Like many other fruit scents I'm totally blown away by how yummy this smells. Very evocative of fall baking. But then I remember that I don't want to smell like baked fruit. That always spoils things for me. I think this would be amazing as a room scent. Best, Tzi
  3. tziporra

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Hi there, In my BPAL notes I reference L'eau D'Issey in my review of The Dormouse of all things. I know -- they share no notes, and the Dormouse isn't an aquatic, and it doesn't make any sense to me at all either, but there you go. Maybe because they are both skin scents with a floral blast? Anyway, it might be worth a shot. Best, Tzi
  4. tziporra

    Tiki Queen

    I expected something soooooooo different, although reading the reviews again I'm not sure why. I thought Tiki Queen would be heavy and lush and damp and overwhelmingly floral. A tropical goddess. But instead she's a perky hula dancer - as per the bottle art - almost a cheerleader. This is sweet and happy and very very delicious. I get just a hint of vanilla and coconut, two notes which often go terribly wrong on my skin. I get lots of tuberose what must be red hibiscus. White musk is always good on me, and it's definitely a star player in this blend. I'm frequently mocking myself for complaining that this-or-that incense blend has no floral in it. With Tiki Queen I have to mock myself the opposite direction -- I can smell the "hole" where I want the incense to be. I'm definitely keeping my bottle - as others have said this is a perfect summer blend. But I might try layering it with a few things (my first attempt) to fill the hole. Best, Tzi
  5. tziporra


    Oh man...... It was a complete surprise to me that I looooooove sweet perfumes. I definitely did not think of myself as a sweet perfume kind of girl. But since every blend with lotus blossom has made me swoon, I thought I might as well face up to my sweets-loving self and go for the princess of sweetness, Jailbait. And for about 30 seconds she's perfect. Just like the first thirty seconds of some ridiculously flavored bubblegum. SWEEEEET and WOAH bubblegum. But then my skin chemistry turns against me and - wah - there is a strong plastic band-aid smell. For about an hour. And the soft cinnamon-y sweet scent I get after the band-aids finally go away is not worth suffering through the plastic. Woe. Tzi
  6. tziporra

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Ahhhhhhhh..... the lilac!!!! I hadn't considered that one!!!! Thank you for the clue! Best, Tzi
  7. tziporra

    The Queen's Salon

    Oh wow..... I was lucky enough to get a 5ml of The Queen's Salon in a swap, and I am still congratulating myself on my good fortune. I've worn it every single day since I opened my package, and then I spend the moments before bedtime sniffing my clothes full of Queen's Salon scent. My once completely full bottle is now shoulder high, drifting to top of label. But maybe I should give specifics..... The first few moments are all clamouring flowers of the super-sweet variety -- but I couldn't tell you a specific note for sure. Almost immediately a strong sharp note emerges: I want to say Lavender, but I'm not seeing that guess in anyone else's review. It takes about 15-20 minutes of drydown to lose the sharpness. Then The Queen's Salon is heaven... very sophisticated rose (the first rose in the history of BPAL which doesn't go cheap rosewater on me, but actually smells of fresh velvety petals) over what I read as smoky opium -- but others are variously pinning as vanilla or musk. Plus all those other myriad notes that just blend into the most sophisticated regal amazing scent. I agree about the luxurious fabric impressions that have been variously mentioned -- this is the scent of couture clothing laid over the back of a chair after being worn to dinner by the most glamourous woman you know. Her perfume and the faintest hint of smoke waft off of the plum-colored silk gown.... Totally love. Tzi
  8. tziporra

    Worm Moon 2008

    I'm perched on the fence. On the downside.... I didn't get ANY dirt!!!! stupid skin chemistry!!!! I was really hoping for that Burial-esque deep soil smell, and it's just not there on me. On the upside..... I get lots of rotting fruit and florals. Yay for rotting fruit! At one point during drydown this is very Blood Countess-y on me, but without the smoke. And I just don't know about all that Dragon's Blood I'm getting from the blend... It's um, sweet and all, and I like sweet.... But I'm not head-over-heels or anything. All in all, this is a much better blend on me that my last attempt to buy something unsniffed. I don't think I'm getting rid of it, mainly because I want to see if the dirt will come out a little more strongly in a week or so. Will update if appropriate. Best, Tzi ETA: On further wearing the dry down has changed from sickly-sweet dragon's blood (not so good) to FABULOUS woodiness (YUM). So yeah, this is in heavy rotation now.
  9. tziporra

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I should clarify that soft, faintly sweet and really nice are not at all me when it comes to scents -- but I totally agree with you that Shadow Witch Orchid was all of those things. But neither is nail polish -- wonder what note that was? I'm looking for heavy, heady, sophisticated overwhelming bowl-you-over tropical florals.... Reading the reviews of Marae, I think I've crossed it off my list since everyone seems to think as you do about it. Did you happen to try Tiki Queen? Best, Tzi
  10. tziporra

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    My first guess with the Bluebeard reaction would be lavender. There have been some studies about lavender allergies after exposure to essential oils on bare skin that indicate it as a likely possible allergen. Also, lavender shows up in LOTS of perfumes. Does she keep lavender around the house for other uses (wands, etc)? If those don't bother her, then I'm probably wrong, otherwise -- you may try eliminating the lavender. Though it's interesting to note that people who tend to get migraines site as causes overstimulus of ANY sense: "Excessive afferent stimulation (flashing lights, noise, strong perfumes) or hypothalamic changes resulting from emotion, stress or the operation of some internal clock may set in motion brainstem mechanisms, including spontaneous unilateral or bilateral discharge of pain pathways." (Aust N Z J Med 18(3):311-7) So it could just be that she'll get a headache if a scent is "overstimulating" no matter what it contains -- a possibility indicated by her preference for a subtle scent. So the best prevention may just be wearing "skin scents" (smells that cling close to your skin with little or no throw) or no fragrance at all. Best, Tzi (edited to include abstract information cause I love me some scientific studies)
  11. tziporra

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Okay, I may have narrowed it down to Tupapau: White sandalwood, pikaki, 'umi'umi-o-dole, and plumeria OR Marae: Vanilla orchid, Monoi tiare, gardenia, and light incense Since some of the reviews complain of overwhelming cloying sweetness, which is what I think I'm looking for... But I could also swing to Tiki Queen: Monoi de Tahiti, vanilla, white coconut, tuberose, ylang ylang, white musk, red hibiscus, and neroli ..... Except the vanilla scares me. But everyone is saying the "vanilla orchid" in Marae is very vanilla too. Maybe it's safer than a straight-up vanilla note though (I convinced myself of this when ordering a tonka bean scent once, btw, and was stuck with vanilla candle)? Help! Tzi
  12. tziporra

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I haven't ruled out the bar at all! I haven't found a fruity scent that I'm enamored with yet, but I still hope. And I would definitely trust suggestions from another Michael Kors lover Best, Tzi
  13. tziporra

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Okay, you lucky people who've received your Tikis already: I LOVE Michael Kors, which is very heavy Tuberose and very tropical, and I LOVE the scent that fills the air in Hawaii (and the smell of leis). So which Tiki do I order? Caveat: I'm not very good with vanilla (think candles), and florals tend to schlump on me unless they have a strong "base" - if that makes any sense. Best, Tzi
  14. tziporra

    Walk into a florist's shop, inhale deeply...

    I've been thinking this one over ever since I first saw the thread -- I grew up working in my mother's flower shop and know exactly the thick green/floral chilly scent that I associate with that time of my life. That said, I want to second Ulalume. There are no roses in it -- on my skin it's all lily and leaves. It's not quite cold enough, but otherwise for me this is a close match. Best, Tzi
  15. tziporra

    Calico Jack

    Frimp from the lab. Thank you!!!!! Blast of salty pirate sea air, as promised. Lovely cologne smell. Very bracing and manly. Very well blended - I can't really pick out notes here, although I might get a hint of leather.... Spicy without being dry, which is unusual. The spiciness almost gets me to sneezing which leads me to believe that I will not be trying this on the man. Best, Tzi
  16. tziporra


    Okay..... this one is THISCLOSE to perfection. Here's the problem. Vetiver? Opium? Honeysuckle? Where's the honeysuckle? WHY DON'T I SMELL HONEYSUCKLE????? WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I love all of these notes, but the scent without the Honeysuckle is pretty overwhelming on my skin. Very strong smoky resins with nothing to soften it up. However, my imp was fresh from the lab, so I'm gonna let it sit a couple of weeks to see if the vetiver calms down enough to get a whiff of the floral. Will ETA as needed. Best, Tzi
  17. tziporra


    This was a frimp from the lab - Thank you!!!! Amsterdam is such a nice soft floral. Very sweet and, well, flowery. I have to get very very close to smell it. If I were into such things, I would seriously consider this one for a linen spray -- the grassiness and freshness of the scent make me think of napping on a warm green hillside in the sun with some flowering bushes blooming nearby. Best, Tzi
  18. tziporra


    Earth sorceress and mother of Mordred, she is, in essence, the harbinger of King Arthur's doom and the downfall of Camelot. She is a sister, or sister-self, to Morgan Le Fay. A bouquet of five night-blooming flowers deepened by dusky violet, purple fruits and the barest breath of medieval incenses. I love half of this scent. In the imp I got a strong whiff of what I read as narcissus (is that a night-blooming flower?). Anyway, narcissus hates me so I was worried about Morgause. Wet on my skin I get mostly plum, violet and a little warm incense. This is the half of the scent that I love. It's heady and swoonworthy. At this point I'm ready to order a 5ml RIGHTNOW. But then the Jasmine leaps out -- too sharp, too much -- and runs away with the scent. And dry it's all Jasmine. Alas. I think if this was just the purple fruits and violet and incense this would be the perfect scent for me. It's those night-blooming flowers that get me. My search for the perfect violet and plum continues. Best, Tzi
  19. tziporra


    When this is wet it is gloriously almond on my skin (all that cherry I keep hearing about but haven't experienced yet). But it dries really really clovey/bay which has an odd plastic-y note to my nose. No hint of the almond or the rum. Which was what I was hoping for. And it's not "foody" either - I don't get that feeling that I've been baking something delicious and the scent is lingering on my skin. It's just the spices. Like I opened a newly received order from the spice company I buy from. Sigh. Not for me. Tzi
  20. tziporra


    I'm not really a spicy person, so Bastet didn't appeal until I discovered the lab's wonderful ALMOND note and the lovely things it does on my skin. Also, I love the smell of cardamom so I thought I'd give it a shot. Wet, Bastet is lovely almond and amber; delicious, but not in a foody way. I get peeks of sweet lotus (another great note on me) here and there as well. On dry down Bastet is mostly amber and musk, with the almond fading a bit and a halo of sweetness and spiciness. It's a beautiful scent, but I have to really get in close to smell it. I don't think this is a bottle purchase for me. I like something with a dominant note and this drydown doesn't have a distinctive "what-is-that?" scent to my nose. But it's iffy -- my mind could be changed on the next try! Best, Tzi
  21. tziporra


    This was a frimp from the lab, which I am deeply grateful for because while I have largely given up on the BPAL fig note ever working on me, hope does still spring, especially when I'm reading scent descriptions. There are quite a few scents that I will slather on my wrists and think - "I LOVE THIS! It smells FANTASTIC!!!!" And quite a few of those scents are fruity. But then, when it comes time to actually wear a scent I never put a fruity one on. It's always something with resins and flowers. MAYBE a little berry or something dark and halfway rotting. Carnal falls squarely into the category of fruity-scents-I-enjoy-but-can't-imagine-wearing. I like the nice deep dried-orange-peel and fig drydown so much, but I don't really want to smell like fruits. And this particular combination of fruits reminds me not of carnality, but of Christmas. It's just not me, you know? Best, Tzi
  22. tziporra

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    So, I bought a bottle unsniffed. Because I LOVE amber and teak and lotus blossom. And I shut out all those pesky reviews that mentioned vanilla like some kid with my hands over my ears shouting "I'm not listening, I'm not listening, la, la, la". Sadly, after one moment of pure bliss in which I can catch whiffs of teak and lotus and the cream accord (smelling like cream instead of vanilla) the whole thing dries down to generic vanilla candle scent on my skin. Due, no doubt to evil skin chemistry which amps vanilla. But that instant of ectasy when the scent is wet is haunting me and I'm hoping against hope that if I keep the bottle awhile the vanilla will settle and the teak will be able to stand up to it a little bit. I'm not ready to abandon this one just yet. I'll update later if things improve. If not, I guess this one will have to be swapped (sob). Best, Tzi
  23. tziporra


    Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower. I know that I amp jasmine. I know that I amp jasmine in a sharp nasty way that is no good. So why was I attracted to this scent? It's the fault of you reviewers here who made it sound so delicious. And since I amp vanilla too, I was hoping they'd cancel each other out. Or something. But no. This is all sharp jasmine on me for the first twenty minutes. Then it turns into sharp jasmine with a spicy background and a hint of smoke. It's a edge and no roundness, if that makes any sense. Very jasmine-incense-y. No honey (I love honey) or vanilla to sweeten it. Wah. Tzi
  24. tziporra


    OOOooooooooo.......... In the imp this is strongly dusty with a sweet background. I'm most motivated to try it RIGHT NOW of all the imps I got. On my skin it gets dustier and dustier, like descending into the pit. Then the flowers come out, a whole explosion of them, so well blended that I can't distinguish any one from the other. At this stage Sheol is very sophisticated, as others have said, like a boutique fragrance from a fancy french boutique. The floral explosion dies down after a bit, and the whole thing just becomes the most beautifully blended elegant perfume.... Very mature and utterly feminine. It's amazing. I want to wear this every day. I've really liked every laudanum blend I've tried from the lab, it's a great note on my skin. But this one takes the cake since the florals manage to stand up to the resin -- usually the laudanum runs away the scent (Event Horizon, sob). It's definitely my laudanum blend. While I can't smell the tonka in here, it must be supporting the sweetness, keeping the laudanum in it's lovely place. I'm definitely getting a 5ml of this, without a doubt. I just promised myself that I only would order during a lunacy so it'll be a loooooong wait. Best, Tzi ETA: Five years later this is still my absolute favorite GC scent and I have gone through multiple bottles. I get compliments every time I wear it, which can be awkward since most everyone I know speaks Hebrew and doesn't understand why a perfume should be named after the grave (it's kind of a goth thing and, oh, never mind)
  25. tziporra

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Thought I'd mention that F5 (a forum only scent from 2006) is an awesome replacement for that green Lancome Aroma Tonic. Or for the Method Green Tea + Aloe hand soap. Not that I imagine F5 is so easy to get, but someone in the review thread mentioned it was built on an Embalming Fluid base... so you could play around. Best, Tzi