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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Haltija

  1. This is just the most beautiful Holiday wreath smell ever. It does smell a little like a candle on my skin too. Spice, holly, evergreen etc..... Basically everything one loves about Christmas is in here. I personally would like this as a room spray over a perfume but it still works good on my skin. Evocative and festive. I will wear this when the Holiday's return.



    Welcome to the beautiful madness dear. :wave:

    I have a few suggestions for you:


    Iole- A serious, studious scent: fig, night-blooming jasmine, red sandalwood, bourbon vanilla, oak bark, leather accord, and black amber

    Arcana- The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena.

    Dee- His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. (If you don't mind unisex or masculine scents)

    Hades- A dark, palpably sacred chthonic blend: black narcissus and cypress, stephanotis, opoponax, labdanum, onycha and ambergris.

    Mage- All mystique and thrumming power: gurjum balsam, Sumatran dragon's blood resin, olibanum, galangal, oleo gum resin, and frankincense.

    Molly, The Reaper of Justice- White lime with lily of the valley, oudh, Himalayan cedar, nagarmotha, and tobacco for the sheen of raven feathers, and saffron, white honey, and amber for her fierceness, strength, and courage.


    Hope I was of some help. Enjoy yourself here (:



    Thank you very much, Haltija! These look right up my alley - you managed to hit a few of my favorite notes without me even mentioning them. You're also correct in assuming that I'm fine with androgynous or masculine scents. Time to dig into the reviews for these. I appreciate it!


    You are most welcome.

    I hit some of your favorite notes without even knowing? WOOOOOO go me! If you don't mind me asking, what are some of your most favorite notes and some notes you tend to avoid? I could actually maybe give you more suggestions if I knew.

  3. Hello everyone! I'm Ada, and I've recently tumbled down the BPAL rabbit hole. I've been poring over the exhaustive selection here, and I'm both intrigued and a bit overwhelmed - if you'd lend me your expertise, I'd be grateful.


    I'm a 24 year old woman in the sciences (I'm pursuing a Masters in Biology - I study territorial behavior and gene expression within the context of evolutionary biology). I am very serious about scientific and evidence-based thinking as an approach to daily life, and try to conduct myself dispassionately - though I can have a weakness for issues surrounding justice, which I'm working on. I'd like to work in a field that allowed me to apply and investigate scientific methods in a criminological context - my undergraduate degrees are in biology and psychology. I'm also big on research surrounding neuroabnormality in general - neuropsychological research really gets me fired up.


    I have a "to the point" sort of personality, though I sometimes come off as detached or 'spaced out'. I'm not really the type for small talk, but people tend to come to me with their problems. I love puzzles and mysteries, and am big on games (particularly video games) that incorporate those kind of elements into gameplay - I live for moments of epiphany when I've figured something out. I like to analyze characters and stories and can get a bit too into literary analysis on occasion. Lately I've developed an interested in more understated Victorian era-inspired fashion.


    "Personality typing" assessments seem popular in this thread, too. I'm an INTP on the MBTI. I don't put weight into astrology so I don't know the specifics of my'rising' or 'falling' signs, but I do know that I'm on the Libra/Scorpio cusp. I generally test as a Ravenclaw on Harry Potter assessments (it's been nudged out by Slytherin on a few occasions). I'm hazel-eyed with pale skin and freckles, reddish-brown hair, and a slender, boyish build.


    I'm new to BPAL and fragrances in general, though I don't like anything too sweet or cloying, or anything with overpowering patchouli. If it smells like it came out of a drug store, I'm not likely to be interested in it. If you've bothered reading this far, thank you very much. I'd love some suggestions!

    Welcome to the beautiful madness dear. :wave:

    I have a few suggestions for you:


    Iole- A serious, studious scent: fig, night-blooming jasmine, red sandalwood, bourbon vanilla, oak bark, leather accord, and black amber

    Arcana- The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena.

    Dee- His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. (If you don't mind unisex or masculine scents)

    Hades- A dark, palpably sacred chthonic blend: black narcissus and cypress, stephanotis, opoponax, labdanum, onycha and ambergris.

    Mage- All mystique and thrumming power: gurjum balsam, Sumatran dragon's blood resin, olibanum, galangal, oleo gum resin, and frankincense.

    Molly, The Reaper of Justice- White lime with lily of the valley, oudh, Himalayan cedar, nagarmotha, and tobacco for the sheen of raven feathers, and saffron, white honey, and amber for her fierceness, strength, and courage.


    Hope I was of some help. Enjoy yourself here (:

  4. This thread looks so interesting, I couldn't resist! I'm also super-new to BPAL and all its lovely goodness, so it'd be amazing to be introduced to scents I might not yet know, especially if they fit who I am. *v*


    I'm a 27 years old Chinese girl from Malaysia, standing at about 5'8 with a straight body type. I have straight black hair, styled in layers that go naturally wavy at the tips, and small, brown eyes that seem black unless they're seen under the sun. My face is pretty cherubic, and people tend to think I'm younger than I am. Horoscope-wise, I'm a Capricorn born in the year of the Rabbit (though I am very close to the Dragon year). In terms of fashion, I've always wanted to try clothes in trend, but ultimately, I keep favouring simple combos that work and are comfortable anyway. (I do have the tendency to favor shorts, because the country I'm living in is perpetual summer: hot, hot, hot!) I rarely, if ever, wear makeup, but my teeny cosmetics hoard all share the same characteristic of having a nice scent.


    I did a degree in English linguistics, and an MA in English Literature; no plans for a PhD until I stumble across a topic that I'm willing to commit to for years. My personality works a little like this: I'm always wary of commitment, and can be described as fickle, but once I've committed, or 'knuckled down', I am fiercely driven and I'm not shaken from my decision easily. Even if I may not like something/a plan as much as I thought I would initially, I'll stand by it nevertheless, because I've decided I'd follow it through. I'm a consistent INFP, though some people have expressed surprise over the introvertedness of that analysis; I seem to talk a LOT. (I just hate awkward silences.) I'm constantly worried about making a bad impression on others - I want to be well-liked by my peers, but often feel like I'm being an awkward penguin, or merely tolerated. I'm also a touch paranoid, and worry that something may not go the way it's been planned. Most times though, I'm described as cheery, energetic and loud, with a eye-crinkling smile and a manner than eases people into things. I feel obligated to help where I can, and love working with enthusiastic people. I'm currently a lecturer, and (despite this sounding a bit braggy, eep) my students are pretty fond of me, and I of them.


    Music-wise, I love anything that has a good melody or beat. Amazing lyrics makes everything all the better, but if I can't understand them, it's ok if they're banal. I'm really into Kpop at the moment, though I stan great songs (currently 'Error' by Vixx, 'Christmalo.win' by Seo Taiji, 'thriller' by BTOB and....everything by Big Byung) rather than any particular band/singer. I'm super-duper fond of Jpop and Japanese songs as well, especially well-crafted Vocaloid tunes (Jabberwocky, Tsukai Kogarashi, and Start Line to name a few). I'd really love to visit Japan and Korea one day, having already been privileged enough to have been able to explore Paris, a few romantic Italian cities, the UK, Scotland and Thailand. Literature-wise, I lean towards fantasy and contemporary fiction, though some of my evergreen favourites are classics such as Anne of Green Gables and most everything by Louisa May Alcott. I recently finished reading (and crying at) The Art of Racing in the Rain. I also love manga, with a bias for sports-based ones (Kuroko no Basuke, Slame Dunk, Eyeshield 21, etc.)


    I'm easily swayed emotionally, and easily shed tears when reading/listening to/watching anything moving or emotional. (Yes, I cried shamelessly when watching Titanic.) I love tea, Chinese tea in particular - one never goes wrong with a good cup of Pu Er or Tie Guan Yin - and have a blatant weakness for bubble tea. Don't get me started on food, mmmm.


    I hope I haven't overloaded the info - thanks so much for reading, and have an awesome day!

    Welcome to the glorious madness that is BPAL :wave: A few suggestions I have for you are:

    White Rabbit- Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.

    Ladon- The hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of the Hesperides: dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth.

    Thalia- Plumeria, pear and white champagne.

    Dana O'Shee- In Irish folklore the Dana O’Shee are a fae, elven people that live in a realm of beauty, their nobility akin to our that own Age of Chivalry, eternally beautiful and eternally young. Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name.

    Venice- A complex, voluptuous scent that captures the robust beauty and of the Italian Renaissance: lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf.

    Florence- The pearl of the Italian Renaissance. Elegant iris, bright berries, gilded amber and velvety spices.

    The Apothecary- Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig.

    Doormouse- A dizzying eddy of four teas brushed with light herbs and a breath of peony.


    Hope I was of some help and may you find many scents to love (:

  5. I'm loving the rose-infused amber in The Little Wooden Doll, but sandalwood and I have a hate-hate relationship. Are there any other scents that use it as a note? Googling, I only found The Miller's Daughter (tried it, the straw was very sour on me), and On the Balcony (other notes don't seem like they'd work on me). Does anyone know of something I'm missing?

    Not necessarily rose infused amber but Black Rose has roses, amber and musk in it.


    Helena- Rose amber, calla lily, night-blooming jasmine, water lily. (Sadly it's out of stock for now but it should be back soon)

  6. I for sure get the "green olives" impression immediately on my skin and truth be told even after it completely dried I smelled nothing else but olives and a very faint hint of frankincense. Definitely not for me!

  7. This is exceptionally beautiful. Frankincense with wine and a tiny bit of a effervescent smell coming through which is from the elemi. Sadly though I cannot wear it because the cassia in it immediately gives me a huge burning and ever so red spot wherever I place the oil. This has never happened with any sort of cassia/cinnamon blend and I am really bummed out about it.


    I will send this off to a home where it can be lovingly worn.

  8. I get a ton of yuzu and ginger in the opening. It's really effervescent and bright. Doesn't make me think of Christmas at all actually.


    When it dries though more of the pine and dragon's blood comes forth but the yuzu is still very much present. This does make me think of Christmas but more so on the lines of if Christmas was during the Summertime. Not bad but not really for me.


    I fully without a doubt recommend Talvikuu :) It is probably my favorite winter scent of all time. Another one I recommend is Skadi if you don't mind the addition of a berry note in your snow scents. Go To Sleep, Darlings is exceptionally beautiful and at times I prefer it more than Snow White.

    The jotunheimr candle at the post smells completely and wonderfully like talvikuu. I also love that stuff!


    Are you serious? I may just have to think about getting it. I wasn't even planning on getting a candle at all! Look at what you have done! XD

  10. I definitely get grapefruit and iris in the opening and it's just really fruity and a little creamy. Not bad by any means just not what I expected with a "fear of extreme cold" type of smell. Not even before it begins drying the eucalyptus starts to make itself known and it becomes a little "tingly" to the senses. The grapefruit begins to disappear when the drying process starts and I am very glad about this because it wasn't smelling the way I was imagining. I truthfully have no idea what davana smells like so I don't know if it ever comes out or not on me but when it's fully dry it's just light frosted mint and strong eucalyptus with a little pop of creamy iris.


    It's not a bad scent but it just didn't grab my attention like I wanted it to and I have other minty fragrances that I like more. This will go off to a better home.

  11. Definitely Morocco, Dorian and Snake Oil. I also like Bewitched a ton and I think it's good for teenagers but still good for us adults. You may also want to look into Aeval, Fae, La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente. (:


    Aeval is gorgeous sweet pea and a teeny drop of sage. Fae smells like peach cobbler to my nose and La Bella Donna smells like pomegranate juice, rose and a bit of ocean but not salty. Oh and if you're fond of apple then try Poisoned Apple because it's soooo wonderful.

  12. Is there an evergreen scent left in the general catalog? Slobbering Pine and Yew Trees were both discontinued, and I was wondering, because I am on an evergreen kick. I love my LE bottles, but I treasure them too much to use them like I would like to slather them all over my home.

    Bayou has a little kick of Evergreen in it but it definitely isn't super strong. It mostly comes out when it's about to fully dry on my skin.

  13. Definitely a apple-rose. The apple is what jumps out in the decant and actually what dominates on my skin for a good while. When it begins to dry the rose from Rose Red emerges but less "florists fridge" not super cooling. Just bright and airy. When it's fully dry some mahogany wood comes out but not a whole bunch to where it changes the scent entirely. It's just feminine, delicate and very stunning. A nice Victorian lady could wear this scent with a beautiful red dress as she is going to a tea house.


    It's a really beautiful scent and different from straight rose which is what I usually have in my collection unless it has a incense note with it. I keep going back and forth debating on if I need a bottle or not. Until I fully decide I will greatly enjoy my decant. (:

  14. This is soooo good you guys!


    This blend is so herbal when it's wet. My nose is recognizing a little bit of sage, though it very well could be rosemary like another reviewer mentioned. It's not bad by any means and it has almost a soothing effect to the senses. The ashy quality starts coming out more the longer it sits and it reminds me of when the fire has been out for a few days and you walk into the room and inhale, almost a little dusty. I do get a bready, cake smell the more it dries but it's not super foody even in the least. When it's finally dry I swear this is the more sophisticated version of Dorian (if that is even possible) with a dusting of crumbs over top of it. This is brilliant and since Dorian is my baby I have got to get a bottle :thud:

  15. I'm fairly new to bpal. I've known about it for a while but not until recently did I purchase imps. I'm looking for some good smells so I figured I'd give this a shot. So here goes nothin'


    I'm 21, female and 5'7" with a thin to medium build. I'm super pale with wavy grey blonde hair and grey/blue eyes (lots of greys). I'm a Taurus and an ISFJ. My favorite band is Pink Floyd. My favorite movies are Pulp Fiction and Amelie. I'm an artist. I draw ladies and lions. Alphonse Mucha and Stevie Nicks are my idols. I went to school for painting and drawing but dropped out so I could support myself. I work full time as a baker (night shift). I'm slowly working on becoming a make-up artist. I like working with my hands a lot. I also enjoy singing and playing guitar in my spare time. I pick up on things quickly and easily. I'm a self-proclaimed renaissance man.


    I'm a fairly independent person. Pretty shy and introverted too. But I open up after knowing someone for a long period of time. I've been told I'm stubborn many times. I often like to think of my self as a large rock or tree. Fairly down-to-earth. Sort of steady and strong. Someone that offers stability. Often I feel like everybody's mother. I enjoy caring for other and making sure they are well-fed and loved. I'm a big homebody as well. My house is my castle and I like it clean and well-stocked with food.


    I like things that are simple and strong. People who are straight forward. Things that last for eternity.


    I have a sort of balance in my life between light and dark (My moon is in Libra). I enjoy a lot of dark or witty humor. Gore, thriller and horror films/shows are pretty sweet. Evil Dead, Silence of the Lambs, AHS etc. I dress sort of dark as well. Lots of blacks and neutrals, sort of grunge-esque. BUT I have a deep love of all things adorable. Any kitten or pug. Pastel pink is my absolute favorite colour. I watch a lot of bubbly comedy or romance anime and films that are based off of anything written by Jane Austen.


    As for notes I like. I tend to wear very earthy, wooden or floral scents. My favorite perfume was Nag Champa. It was made by a small perfume company that stopped selling that scent. So when I ran out I switched back to my usual florals: honeysuckle, gardenia, and rose. In my recent imp order I discovered Urd. Which was amazing. I also discovered that my skin amplifies leather scents but not in a good way.


    So I guess that's it. I'm open to and thankful for any suggestions :)

    Hello dear. Welcome to the magic :)


    Here are some of my suggestions!


    The Lion- The dry, glorious warmth of the Savannah. A golden, spiced amber, proud, regal and ferocious.

    Bewitched- Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk.

    The Witch Queen- Wild plum, red musk, tuberose, calla lily, heliotrope, pimento, ylang ylang and beeswax beneath a dark haze of sinister purple-hued incense smoke.

    Mari Lwyd- Welsh cakes and ale with a smattering of dried lavender.

    Le Serpent Qui Danse- A sinister, darkly seductive scent inspired by poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Violet entwined with vanilla and gardenia.

    The Little Wooden Doll- Gently carved wood warm with a maternal love that reaches beyond death: rose-infused amber and soft golden sandalwood.

    The Heirophant and the Empress- Red and white roses, everblooming gardenia, violet leaf, Oman frankincense, styrax, honey myrtle, mallow flower.


    Hope you find more things you enjoy.

  16. Strong floral blends are not my thing at all. But I love rose and lilac so I figured, what the hey! And when I first tested this I did not like it at all. So I gave it a better full test today and the results are much better.


    In the decant: Strong redwood and lilac. It makes my nose feel a little tingly.


    Wet on the skin: The rose takes over everything and that's all I smell for a good while. I love single rose and this smells very comforting.


    The more this dries down the rose calms itself and the woods begin to come back and the tea makes a appearance, almost giving the scent a wispy feeling. It's a little ethereal and really angelic smelling. I am liking this more than I did than the first time. Still don't think a bottle is needed seeing as I don't wear heavy florals often but this sure is nice!

  17. This does smell a little bit like Captain Cully in the wet stages actually.


    Dry down though it smells so nice and a little warm. A bit of cedar with a ton of leather and a big bundle of hay. It kind of has this same note that Tattie Bogle has in it and I can't quite place it. Maybe the "sun baked wood" note in that fragrance or just this really breezy quality about it. It doesn't smell Yule to me at all and instead it feels very much Autumn. I have no problem with that and will put my decant away until next season. (:

  18. From start to finish it was nothing but expensive powdery soap and overwhelming lily that made me feel sick. I don't mind powdery scents at all but my skin just apparently doesn't like lily being the dominant note in the least bit. Stupid chemistry ):

  19. Such beautiful fresh Lilac in the decant and in the opening on the skin. I love Lilac so this is no problem for me. Give it a few minutes later though and it immediately turns bad. The combo of the white tea and the wax just really does a number on my sinuses and it starts to almost burn my nose and it triggers a awful headache. I actually felt a little faint while smelling this on the dry down. I had high hopes for this but it's not for me.

  20. In the decant all I got was wine and nothing else and I wasn't put off by that seeing as I love Beth's wine blends.


    The moment it touched skin though WHOA LINDEN EVERYWHERE and I don't dislike it but it just enveloped my senses and I was so tempted to wash this off because it was really overpowering but I minded my manners and let it completely blossom on the skin and dry. So glad I did because dry it's so good. Foody but not obnoxious and a little, clean. The linden keeps this from smelling dark or heavy. The bread note comes forth once it's fully dry and it resembles the one in Bread-and-Butterfly. Truthfully when I smell this I think to myself "If Boober and Bread-and-Butterfly had a baby this would be it". A decant is enough for me but it's still a winner in my book. (:

  21. I have wanted to try this for so long so I jumped on the chance to get a decant.


    It's so creamy and delicious. A ton of nutmeg on me and a tiny tiny trace of brandy. I truthfully can't even smell the brandy until I press my nose right at my wrist. When it is fully dry though it smells just like egg custard pie or crème brulee. I thought Feeding The Dead was a dead ringer for crème brulee but it has some competition with this. Yum

  22. I'm new to BPAL, but I'll give this a shot (I'm really bad at describing myself):


    I'm 16 and I live in the American South in a small town, but I want to go to college in a big city. I love city living and traveling to new places; in fact, I'm taking a trip to Italy for my spring break! I love learning about history.


    I'm pretty quiet. I used to be really shy, but I've gotten over a lot of my shyness and become more outgoing.


    I have a deep fascination with the macabre. Maybe it's because my dad owns a funeral home, but I've always loved mythology, the supernatural and gothic horror, especially the Southern Gothic genre. I love to write my own stories, and I love doing research for the backgrounds of those stories, like researching poisons the murderer would use. Hannibal is my favorite tv show of all time.


    On a lighter note, I also love Marvel and DC Comics. I want to someday work as a screenwriter for superhero films.


    I hope this was enough info!

    Welcome to the magical world (:


    Aviatrix gave you wonderful recommendations. Specifically Jazz Funeral and New Orleans. I was going to say them actually :P

    But here are some of my few recommendations for you. I hope they are of some help.


    Venice- A complex, voluptuous scent that captures the robust beauty and of the Italian Renaissance: lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf.

    Dance of Death- A gloriously elegant representation of Lady Death. Dry, bone-white orris, black musk, serpentine patchouli and our murkiest myrrh.

    The Harlot's House- The dead are dancing with the dead, the dust is whirling with the dust: angel’s trumpet, violet, white sandalwood, oude, copaiba balsam, angelica, white tea, olibanum, and oakmoss.

    Poisoned Apple- A perfect, lovely, gleaming red apple whose sweetness masks a swirl of narcotic opium, oleander, and hemlock.

    Sara Pezzini- A hint of leather and an understated vintage musk layered over the scent of lightly perspiring, honey-dusted skin.

  23. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! DID I SAY GORGEOUS :P


    In all seriousness this blend is so lovely. A deepened wine with yes that trace of a "grape" quality. I will quote my Mother on this "Smells like you're drunk on grape juice". Well I don't mind that. I don't want to smell like I bathed in alcohol and this doesn't do that. It just smells sexy. Some blends just are supposed to be sexy I suppose. I love any wine blend that Beth makes so I knew I would need a bottle of this. Winner all around!
