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Posts posted by red_as_rue


    I'm a newbie here, but okay, here goes...


    I think the defining factor about me at this point in my life is the intellectual side of me. I'm a student in her final years of school, and I love learning (although currently hate it, as is shown by me writing this post instead of studying for exams). I have a strong leaning for chemistry, and higher pure maths. I do, however, also love language and literature, as well as the humanities and social sciences (oh, politics). I look to go into research in the private sector of chemistry, but I also am very interested in journalism (science journalism, no less! The world needs it.) Politics also interests me greatly, or even being a speech writer. I have always been a very high achiever, I could read and write very young, and was quite precocious mathematically. I was accepted into a very exclusive state-wide gifted children program in both primary and high school, and I came top in almost every course I took in it in high school. However, extreme anxiety and perfectionism comes with this.


    However, along with being downright, unabashedly nerdy, I am also unabashedly, very, very loud and in your face. Unless my (medium level) social anxiety prevents me. On the Myers-Briggs personality test, I score almost perfectly in the middle of the spectrum. On some others, I have gotten results that suggest INTJ. However, I don't think it's truly reflective. I have trouble defining my personality. I am somewhere between introverted and extroverted. I thrive on being the centre of attention in a crowd, but I systematically need to be alone, lest I collapse. I have some trouble in social situations, and I can seem very awkward or even autistic (as one of my old maths teachers ever-so-tactfully suggested). I seem to function best in either a crowd (especially if I have a few people I know there) or one-on-one. I have been described as really quite scary by some people I know, and as crazy by others. I am very headstrong, and also very argumentative. This is one of my favourite qualities about myself, but understandably, a lot of people don't like it.


    I am quite creative, and before school stopped me having time for any hobbies, I created a lot of art (drawing and water-colour painting, mostly), wrote a lot (poems, songs, stories and plays), sang and was very interested in drama. I also read very widely, and was a novel every few days kind of person, right from when I was four or five, up until I was about sixteen (when I just couldn't afford to spend so much time reading). The one hobby I still maintain is baking and cooking, and I love it. It probably helps that I can't avoid eating or put it off because of school. I am a big foody, which is also evident in my love of gourmand scents.


    I am also, in some ways, very spoilt. I come from an "old" family, with a considerable amount of money (and prestige), but have experienced an interesting social dynamic. My mother and father had quite a nasty divorce, which resulted in my mother, my sister and I homeless for a few months, and also having to really start from the bottom-up. We were quite poor for quite a few years. However, I tend to want the best of everything, and I am determined to be very wealthy, and work to get it. I want pretty clothes, lovely food, and a beautiful house.


    I also love clothes. My mother is an artist, and her insistence on aesthetic has stuck with me. I love elegance, and vintage clothing. However, I also have quite the gothic streak, while still being very girly and feminine. This results in a lot of lovely, tailored dresses with very subversive prints. I am quite conservative with my clothes, purely because I dislike showing a lot of skin (I get cold! I hate shaving!), not because I'm very prudish. I am also sometimes quite preppy in my style.


    I love sensory things - they take me out of my brain, which can be overwhelming at times. This is probably (definitely) why I love perfume so much. And food, and music, and...sex. My sexuality is a very big part of me, and I shall say I'm a bit of a "lady in the streets" persona (although I hate the sexist implications of that phrase). I have a long term partner (since I was a young teenager), but I sleep around a little, with his permission of course. We are both also moderately involved in the BDSM scene. I am putting this in there because I am interested in how this factors into people's recommendations. I really do apologise if that offends anyone.


    But all in all, this is me.


    You seem to be a person who is “very” many things. It reminds me of creating an RPG character and getting high rolls for every trait. Very intelligent, very creative, very outgoing, very in your head, very sexual, very aesthetically conservative, experience being very poor and very wealthy. For your recs I will try to stick with scents that are assertive and have some sort of duality to them.


    With the character creation in mind, I’d recommend an RPG combo of Elf (very intelligent and athletic), Chaotic (very everything, unpredictable!), and either Paladin or Druid, depending on which speaks to you more.



    Perversion (smoky, boozy, and sweet - A must for a sensual foodie)

    Golden Priapus (woodsy, golden, and vanilla’ed - Similar to O or Snake Oil, but with a masculine twist)

    Kubla Khan (sweet, zingy, and smoky - Complex, but in no way muted)

    Incubus (smoky, syrupy, and herbal - Unusual, unexpected, yummy!)

    No. 93 Engine (spicy, herbal, resinous, and bright - Should fit with your mathematical and vintage sides)

    Whip (rosel and leather - A no-brainer for your BDSM involvement)


    Thank you so much, BoneBone24! I especially love the idea of the RPG scents, it's brilliant. Thank you so much again!

  2. I'm a newbie here, but okay, here goes...


    I think the defining factor about me at this point in my life is the intellectual side of me. I'm a student in her final years of school, and I love learning (although currently hate it, as is shown by me writing this post instead of studying for exams). I have a strong leaning for chemistry, and higher pure maths. I do, however, also love language and literature, as well as the humanities and social sciences (oh, politics). I look to go into research in the private sector of chemistry, but I also am very interested in journalism (science journalism, no less! The world needs it.) Politics also interests me greatly, or even being a speech writer. I have always been a very high achiever, I could read and write very young, and was quite precocious mathematically. I was accepted into a very exclusive state-wide gifted children program in both primary and high school, and I came top in almost every course I took in it in high school. However, extreme anxiety and perfectionism comes with this.


    However, along with being downright, unabashedly nerdy, I am also unabashedly, very, very loud and in your face. Unless my (medium level) social anxiety prevents me. On the Myers-Briggs personality test, I score almost perfectly in the middle of the spectrum. On some others, I have gotten results that suggest INTJ. However, I don't think it's truly reflective. I have trouble defining my personality. I am somewhere between introverted and extroverted. I thrive on being the centre of attention in a crowd, but I systematically need to be alone, lest I collapse. I have some trouble in social situations, and I can seem very awkward or even autistic (as one of my old maths teachers ever-so-tactfully suggested). I seem to function best in either a crowd (especially if I have a few people I know there) or one-on-one. I have been described as really quite scary by some people I know, and as crazy by others. I am very headstrong, and also very argumentative. This is one of my favourite qualities about myself, but understandably, a lot of people don't like it.


    I am quite creative, and before school stopped me having time for any hobbies, I created a lot of art (drawing and water-colour painting, mostly), wrote a lot (poems, songs, stories and plays), sang and was very interested in drama. I also read very widely, and was a novel every few days kind of person, right from when I was four or five, up until I was about sixteen (when I just couldn't afford to spend so much time reading). The one hobby I still maintain is baking and cooking, and I love it. It probably helps that I can't avoid eating or put it off because of school. I am a big foody, which is also evident in my love of gourmand scents.


    I am also, in some ways, very spoilt. I come from an "old" family, with a considerable amount of money (and prestige), but have experienced an interesting social dynamic. My mother and father had quite a nasty divorce, which resulted in my mother, my sister and I homeless for a few months, and also having to really start from the bottom-up. We were quite poor for quite a few years. However, I tend to want the best of everything, and I am determined to be very wealthy, and work to get it. I want pretty clothes, lovely food, and a beautiful house.


    I also love clothes. My mother is an artist, and her insistence on aesthetic has stuck with me. I love elegance, and vintage clothing. However, I also have quite the gothic streak, while still being very girly and feminine. This results in a lot of lovely, tailored dresses with very subversive prints. I am quite conservative with my clothes, purely because I dislike showing a lot of skin (I get cold! I hate shaving!), not because I'm very prudish. I am also sometimes quite preppy in my style.


    I love sensory things - they take me out of my brain, which can be overwhelming at times. This is probably (definitely) why I love perfume so much. And food, and music, and...sex. My sexuality is a very big part of me, and I shall say I'm a bit of a "lady in the streets" persona (although I hate the sexist implications of that phrase). I have a long term partner (since I was a young teenager), but I sleep around a little, with his permission of course. We are both also moderately involved in the BDSM scene. I am putting this in there because I am interested in how this factors into people's recommendations. I really do apologise if that offends anyone.


    But all in all, this is me.

  3. I got Tweedledee as a frimp in my first order. To me, this is happiness in a vial, and I frequently use Tweedledee when I need perking up.


    In the vial, it is sweet citrus, the way that kumquat smells, but greener and sweeter. I think the white tea is what contributes to the 'green', and the orange blossom is what contributes to the sweeter notes.


    On my skin, however, the pepper comes out, and the oil becomes less green, more fruity and even sweeter. The pepper manages to stop it from become sickly, and I think that's kind of a shame. I love sickly, and I would like this scent a lot more if it didn't have the edge of spice. Without this spice, this perfume smells exactly like Allen's Strawberries and Cream gummies, without the cream (more Australian references).


    As it dries, Tweedledee becomes heavier and heavier on the pepper, and the very fruity strawberry note becomes more and more faded. It doesn't last very long, but has great throw while it does. However, I still really like this scent, and it still has the effect of cheering me up immensely, and will keep the imp for the sake of that.

  4. I got this as a frimp in my first BPAL order (over a year ago). I have worn it a handful of times, not giving it much thought other than viewing it as a pleasant aquatic scent.


    Today, however, I read the Lab's description and the reviews here, which prompted me to give the scent more thought.


    It is an extremely strong scent, which my slightly weak nose is not complaining about. On the bottle (not in, the scent really is that strong), it has a strange aroma, with a note that I can't place continuing to remind me of Irish Breakfast tea.


    In the imp, it is herbal and aquatic, with a sweetish citrus edge to it. However, it immediately morphs when it is on the skin, becoming far more aquatic and powdery. The citrus dies down, and the herbs morph to florals. I agree with an earlier reviewer, darkling, and their comparison to rosewater, but the florals are more complex to me. There is rose, yes (a similar rose to Alice, actually), but there are violet notes and perhaps even a little of lavender's astringency. But this is floral water, not flowers, and the blend is strongly aquatic. It is also a very cool scent, which further reinforces the aquatic notes.


    As the perfume dries down, it becomes sweeter, but doesn't morph much other than the huge change when it is first applied to skin.


    My skin has been downright eating scents lately (I have no idea why), and I sadly did not experience the huge staying power other reviews have mention. I also don't view the oil as particularly calming, and I wonder how much of this is because of a lack of preconceived notions from the Lab's description. Instead, I would describe Water of Notre Dame as 'refreshing'. I prefer my 'calming' scents to be more along the lines of comforting, with warmer notes. However, I do see how others could easily view this as such a relaxing scent.


    Overall, this was a very lovely floral/aquatic scent. At least for the half hour it lasted.

  5. Forgive me, but this is my first review.


    In the vial, Lolita smells sweet, yet sharp and green and, dare I say it, a little like the organics bin when it has had large amount of citrus peel and scraps in it. This isn't exactly in a bad way, it's more just that it is evocative of the whole lemon, pith and flesh and all, that has morphed slightly, becoming headier and sweeter and more pungent.


    Wet on the skin, the peel aspect of the lemon initially comes forth, but then the scent becomes something that is specifically more lemon verbena than the fruit. The aspects of this become initially more and more pronounced, until the perfume ends up smelling like lemon cough drops (exactly Strepsils, for any other stray Australian readers here).


    However, as the scent dries down, it becomes sweeter and more powdery. The honeysuckle becomes more dominant, and the blend becomes more floral. The powder does actually accentuate the perfume, in a very pleasant way. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is actually the orange blossom on my skin, which loves to turn almost everything I try to some form of powder. I don't know what heliotrope smells like, but there is a bright, almost glittering note in the scent that is barely discernable. I only pick up on it the instant I actually start to inhale.


    Sadly, this fades quickly and doesn't have much throw. However, pressing my nose to my wrist, I can smell a light, honeyed and very slightly citrus floral, clinging extremely close to my skin.


    This is a very summery perfume, evocative of delicate but bright summer dresses, and the Dolores Haze (not Humbert Humbert's idealised Lolita), in the more recent movie adaption, not the books.
