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Posts posted by Allumina

  1. The scent of industrious cooperation: glittering crystals, soft soil, and radish dust.


    I like this a lot! Wet, the topnote is sparkly radish underlaid with a soft version of bpal's dirt note. As it dries down, the radish gradually disappears, and the dirt note becomes stronger, slightly cologne-y and slightly powdery, but neither in a bad way- it's actually kind of elegant? I love the idea of dirt notes, but all of bpal's dirt-heavy blends don't really work on me, so I was glad to find this. The radish and dirt notes make it pretty unique, but the cologne-y underbelly keeps it from being too much of a novelty only scent.


    This had medium throw and good lasting power- I could still smell it on my wrists 10 hours after applying. I suspect my decant is a bit old, so I'm wondering if the lovely radish note hangs around longer when fresh.

  2. YUM. This is delicious! I agree with everyone about the dark and chewiness of this scent. The main note on me is dark tobacco, sweetened by vanilla. There is a hint of black pepper, especially at the beginning, and the veviter hides in the background warming everything up. This is dark and sweet and cozy and very slightly smoky.


    This would be lovely as a Atmo, I'd want my house to smell like this in the winter!

  3. This certainly fits the description. On me, this is a very dry, woody blend. It's dusty, but more in feel rather than an actual dust note (like, say OLLA Adam) The cinnamon starts everything up, but the main note ends up being the patch, with the frankincense (which usually goes off on me, but playing nicely here) adding some background support. It's similar to Mandrake, except more smooth wood and less pencil. I tend to amp sweet notes, so it's always nice to find blends that resist that. I don't get much almond or tonka. It's odd, because it ended up being pretty simple, and yet somehow it's giving off a vibe of being... elegant? I guess? I felt like I was wearing classy men's cologne despite it being gender neutral and not cologne-y at all. Maybe the hidden notes are contributing. Very nice.


    This would probably layer well with Grievous Swarm.

  4. Boo. I'm not getting any of the loveliness or notes everyone else is getting, though I suspected that a bit because Laughter of Loki was extremely flat on me yet smelled amazing on a friend. I guess green musk doesn't like me? This starts off as a fresh aquatic then melds into a blend of fresh, soapy aquatic melded with men's cologne. Low throw. It doesn't smell bad, it's just not very exciting. Oh well.

  5. This is weird and delightful, and has a lot of throw. At first I get the mints and something citrussy, but then the ambergris and moss come out, and come out big. (I probably didn't need to put on as much as I did) The mints fade away within the hour, and the ambergris goes a bit powdery, but in a nice, herbal way. The moss-ambergris blast phase lasted a good 12 hours before I showered it off. I'll put on less next time, but this is a keeper.

  6. I had to psych myself up to put this on being it had myrrh in it and from the review threads it wasn't kind to those with a myrrh-adverse chemistry. I guess I was hoping for a miracle, but alas it was not to be- if your chemistry destroys myrrh, this probably won't be an exception. I got a strong blast of a sharp floral wet (which I can see reading as hairspray), that proceeded to expand hugely in throw before warming up and getting slightly spicy. It could theoretically be pretty if I liked that kind of darker floral, but unfortunately for me, myrrh is along for the ride casting the scent of powdery dirty baby wipes over everything and giving me a headache, which I guess is slightly better than the whiff of diaper it had on application.

  7. This is alllll leather on me. I guess I should be happy, because I picked this wanting a leather heavy scent, but it's actually *too* much leather, specifically, a suede/rawhide/back of a unlined piece of leather note. It is a nice, warm, slightly spicy leather (which may be the moss and balsam, but I can't really pick them out?), but on me it's nothing else. I don't get any red musk at all, or woods. I would probably like this a lot more if there were a few other things in here, but on me it really is just too one note. If leather is what you're looking for though, this is definitely the right alley.

  8. I picked this up on Etsy and I'm glad I did because this is sooooo delicious. Primarily lovely black leather and cardamom, with bourbon supporting with a bit of booze and sweet. I don't notice the patch very much, if it's there. I've even sprayed my clothes down with this (like many the reviews above) because it's so great.


    I just wish my bottle wasn't so faint- it's far fainter than any of the other atmos I have. It takes a good 5 sprays, even directly on a pillow, to get this to take, and even then it vanishes within the hour. I might try storing it in the fridge to see if that makes a difference.

  9. Aging has really smoothed this out and made it delicious. On me this is mostly equally cloves, leather and tobacco, with a bit of cinnamon and a hint of sweetness that must be the rum. It's dark and assertive, but not overpowering- sexy, but in an understated way. Also fairly unisex. Yum.

  10. Loveeeee this. It's definitely got a strong lemongrass note as well as something minty and maybe some herbals, so if you don't like those notes you probably won't be down for this.


    I think this one is a mix of aromatherapy and intent, but it works very well for me to clear my brain fog and actually get things done. The only downside is that I sometimes keep on putting off putting it on (because procrastination) and then end up a little overly stimulated because I'm trying to get too much done in a short amount of time.


    It's not the longest lasting scent (about 1-2 hours, for me, until it's totally gone) but considering how I use it, that's fine. I think, like, 7 hours of intense concentration would be a bit much for me, and I just reapply when necessary. It grounds me when I start a task, and when I start losing focus I huff my hands and then get back to work. (I've also only been using it on my palms, per the instructions, so I don't know if it would last longer on pulse points.) It works especially well for the stuff I've been dragging my feet on, like responding to emails, and keeps me from wandering off too much.


    Definitely getting a bottle when I run out. <3

  11. Maybe Wanda? On me the florals aren't overt and ends up a wine and leather type scent.


    Or perhaps Marquis de Carabas? This scent has gotten mixed reviews but on my skin it hits just the right midpoint, leather wise. Not super strong but its still there.

    Hmmm. I'm going to put Wanda on my list! I just picked up a half-imp of the Marquis, and I'm crossing my fingers because the notes sound great.


    Anyone have any recs for anything similar to the beautiful leather note in Adam? I really love how it's a strong leather note, but melds well with the other notes to create a complex, gorgeous scent!


    I haven't tried Adam, but Prosperous Flowers of the Elegant Twelve Seasons from the Lupers is amazing. Very well-blended leather amid a bunch of sexy honey, vanilla and incense. One of the best "even-handed" leathers I've smelled, ever.


    Rogue smelled very perfume-y and generic to me, even though it had the leather in it. Maybe it will read differently on your skin, though.



    Oh man, reading the reviews of "Prosperous Flowers" is making we want to blind bottle it since Lupers are coming down on Monday! Is it more of a brown or black leather? From the other notes I'm guessing brown...

  13. This is super yummy! I am retesting all of my ancient keeper imps, and I was surprised I never reviewed this one. This is a woody patch with a bit of a vetiver backbone adding depth, overlaid with the sweet, smooth blood orange which takes it from being a straight up woody scent to something a bit more playful. The ylang-ylang is mostly support, mostly noticeable in the late drydown as a bit of floral that blends nicely.


    It's very warm and comforting and cheery (I was having a bad day and the whiffs of it on my collar totally were helping make me feel better) but I can also see how it could be a dark & strong thing in the evening with the right attitude. Clearly, though, as evidenced by some of the above reviews, if patch and/or veviter aren't your thing than this scent is most definitely not your thing either and isn't gonna change your mind.



    This is very similar to the Ira bath oil (which I love) but slightly more complex because of the ylang-ylang in the drydown.

  14. On me, Whip is all floral and no leather. I've never tried Rogue, so I'm sorry I can't help there. My favorite leather-dominant blends are Perversion and Haute Macabre (a little harder to find, but there are still some for sale in the sale/swaps threads). Jolly Roger has an awesome leather note on me, but it's equal players with salt and wood. Also, not sure if you're interested but I have a bottle of Spanked (the 2011 version) that is looking for a new home if you're interested in swapping (I can also include a decant of The Book from Paranorman, which is like a dusty leather).


    Aww, that was exactly I was hoping you wouldn't say about Whip. I don't hate rose, but florals are not really my favorite at the best of time. I have a feeling I tried Perversion a very long time ago, but I don't remember it at all so I will try again since the notes sound great.


    Jolly Roger sounds awesome, as does Haute Macabre, and I haven't tried either. (Though apparently The Marquis de Carabas is similar, so maybe I will see if that's easier to find). I have to dig out my Spanked imp and retest because I have a feeling I liked the leather note but the rest was a bit too much Christmas spices for me, but I will PM you if it works on me!

  15. I also have problems with amber and myrrh, and Black Rider was too powdery to work on me. While Rogue smelled like leather and pine in the vial it went amber-y on my skin, super sweet and powdery and no leather at all.



    Oh, I'm glad it isn't just me that Black Rider failed on, (Or that has trouble with amber or myrrh) since everyone keeps on recommending it but I got nothing from it.


    Boo about Rogue, though, it sounds so promising with the leather and pine...

  16. Anyone have any recs for anything similar to the beautiful leather note in Adam? I really love how it's a strong leather note, but melds well with the other notes to create a complex, gorgeous scent!

    Neither Black Rider or Kroenen really worked on me or smelled leathery (amber and myrrh are death notes though for my chemistry, so it's not a surprise) and although they weren't bad I didn't get any leather at all from Crowley or Funnel of Love. I recently tried Red Rider, but it was a bit too much leather- it was like a single note of flat, strong suede, like I was dressed head to toe in rawhide.

    Spanked and Hans Trapp are both great, but they're hard to find in more than imp form. I also love Le Pere Fouttard, but I don't actually get much leather from it.

    Is Rogue maybe a good bet? Is Whip super floral?

  17. I got this as a decant from the team bath oil circle too, and I am loving it. I haven't used it in the bath yet, only as an after shower moisturizer. The main note is a lovely, woody (but not pencil-y) patchouli, sweetened by a bit of orange and darkened a bit by the veviter. The patch and veviter keep it from being too foody and the orange gives it a bit of complexity. It lasted a good long time on me. I think I'll be getting a bottle. <3

  18. Nom nom. <3 At first this is all dark red musk, which is fine for me. Then it dries down to a nice mix of rough patchouli with a strong woody note under, which I'm guessing is the birch tar. I'm sad that the red musk has disappeared, but then after a bit I start getting some red musk wafting up...from my cleavage, which is apparently more red musk friendly than my wrists. Ok then! (I'm still not exactly sure what black musk smells like, so if it's present, it's melding with the other notes for me.)


    This is dark, sexy, and unisex, and still lingering on me the next day. Lovely.



    It's that gorgeous hay? sunlight? *something* note from Tattie Bogle, but mixed heavily with warm leather, and, on the drydown, wood. It's fairly masculine, a bit cologne-y, and very sexy. I already have a bottle of Tattie, but I'm seriously considering picking up a bottle of this because the leather just makes it that much better.


    Whenever I get decant batches there's always the one or two I throw in there because they sound interesting, but I don't expect much from them. This was one of them, and of course it turned out to be my surprise winner. <3


    (This is also delightful layered with Butter Rum Cookie)

  20. This is pretty. It starts out wet with a burst of tangerine and orange, but quickly settles into mostly what I'm assuming is mimosa, with a helping of fluffy musk. It's light and floral and elegant and feminine- a bit too feminine for me, but a friend who likes lady perfumes sniffed it on me and really liked it.

  21. KRAMPUS' CHAINS WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME. :( My chemistry destroyed this one. All the notes in this were so incredibly exciting, except myrrh, which is a death note on me, and which I someone ignored in my lust for licorice. Unfortunately, the minute this hits my skin the myrrh takes over and turns straight to baby powder, with a strength and intensity that's impressive. I catch the faint note of some delicious, fancy tobacco underneath it, but barely. I briefly wondered if maybe I just smell myrrh differently, so I dabbed a bit on a handkerchief. ...it's definitely my chemistry. The handkerchief smelled of lovely tobacco and musk, with a hint of powdery myrrh in the background.


    Super sad because I adore licorice scents. Stupid chemistry. If your skin doesn't destroy things, it's probably gorgeous though.

  22. Lovely and festive! Gingerbread is usually a fail on me, but here it plays nicely- maybe it's the frosting? Wet, the gingerbread with a hint of fruit is the main note, but on the drydown it's pretty much 50/50 gingerbread & leather. I think the fruitcake and tobacco are there, but they're supporting the other two notes. The gingerbread threatens to make this too sweet (I amp sweet), but the leather mostly holds it in check, thank goodness. If you like your leather mixed with unexpected notes, you will like this.

  23. Foodies are generally a miss on me, and this is sadly no exception, though it smelled lovely in the decant. Wet, there was a sharp note which I think was supposed to be the whiskey. I get a faint burst of apples which dries down to a perfumey, sorta cakey scent with a bit of booze, though it doesn't smell particularly like whiskey or sponge cake,


    Unlike everyone else, apparently, on me it's low throw, and not very sweet. Boo chemistry.
