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Posts posted by Hikaru

  1. I got Sheol as an imp's ear freebie with my last order and I just love it.

    It's musky and spicy but not too intense. More of a nighttime feeling but not too heavy for daytime. Makes me think of bellydancing :P


    I would love to know what's in it but I can't find it anywhere though I searched both the Lab and the Forum.


    Can someone direct me if it has already been described elsewhere on these boards? Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place.



  2. I absolutely love the complexity of this scent!


    Fruity and floral, dark and light, happy and sad, and OH SO PURPLE!!!!

    My kids are running around smelling like it too since they insisted on having a dab as soon as I opened the bottle.

    A winner. You should add it to the permanent selection of scents. I keep sticking my nose down the front of my shirt to get another whiff....irresistable! :P

  3. On me Dormouse is citrusy and a bit floral.

    You'd never know it's tea....LOL but I know. I really love tea based scents and this one is much sweeter than Neo-Tokyo, which I tend to wear when I want mental clarity. This one wakes me up too, but with softer edges. I got the 5 ml. and I'm so glad I did...I know I'll be using this one up!!

  4. I got this as a freebie and while it may not be an absolute favorite, I definitely get a dark, strong, vibe from it. Slightly-rotten orange with patchouli and something musky. Warm and a little scary. I agree with the person earlier who said it is a "Don' t f***with me" scent. The citrus was quite strong at the beginning, now a few hours later all that remains is the warm residue. A hint of secret strength.

  5. Maybe I'm just weird.

    I am female and I like wearing this and other masculine scents.

    The violet has come through after 15-20 minutes but my first impression was lemon air-freshener covering up cigarettes. Like hiding a dark secret.

    I dont really get **angry** from this one but it certainly is assertive!

    Nothing wrong with that.

    I like it. Gonna wear it to my kid's soccer practice this afternoon and confuse all the other Soccer Moms, LOL.

  6. A lot of the reviews have not been so positive but I really like this one.

    It's sweet but naughty at the same time...sort of a slightly-burned chocolate chip cookie. I think the fruit notes add just enough darkness to balance the sweetness.

  7. I am a woman who enjoys more "masculine" scents. This one is right up my alley. Not pretty, just naughty enough to be fun. Deep, earthy and unexpected.

    Strong enough for a man but made for a woman, LOL.

  8. I got this as an extra imp in my last order.

    It's clean and sort of woodsy/musky at the same time. It definitely has a special, holy feel to it and would be a lovely anointing oil for a ritual.

    For some reason, I smell wood, not the florals, but there is just enough lightness in it to cheer my spirits. the word "uplifting" comes to mind.

  9. This was perfect for Imbolc...it evokes the goddess Brighid and all things Irish. Woodsy and fresh, earthy and strong, not fluffy but not too masculine. A nice, balanced daytime scent that's dark enough to carry over into the evening.

  10. The blackberries smell so good, I wanted to take a big bite out of my arm.


    I've never been to Glasgow..this is a bit brighter, happier, less sort of misty and magical than I imagine that city, but a very nice daytime scent.

    Like someone else mentioned, it didn't last too long on me and I had to add more mid-day.

  11. I don't know if I'll be ordering a big bottle of this one but I do like it. It's sweet and yet has a note of something naughty...I do like things that smell as if they're meant to be licked off!! :P

  12. Very nice and unique. It actually reminded me of High John the Conqueror, powerful and positive with that hint of spicy sweetness. I'd almost put it in the

    Voodoo Blends rather than Love Potions. It definitely feels magical.

  13. I totally agree about the apple, before I read the description I was trying to figure out what fruit was in it.

    The mint made my nose itch.


    It's very light, and the juniper gives it something really different and unexpected.

    I do like Undertow but I don't really associate this smell with water.

    Nice for daytime, because it's so light. But it's such an unusual smell that

    people around you might be sniffing and trying to figure out what it is!

  14. I got this as a freebie too, and just chanced to pull it out today, needing a scent to

    cheer me up because the day didn't start out very well. I felt that champagne tingle immediately. An instant pick-me-up.

    An hour later the strawberries still linger in my nostrils and you may now consider me officially cheered up. This is the right mix of full-bodied fruit and light happy bubbles. On a gray depressing day, it reminds me of sunlight and warmth.

  15. I'm in a non-flower phase right now but this one is very nice. If I'm going to wear flowers I want strong ones like rose, gardenia or jasmine. Nothing cutesy.

    Moon Rose is strong and clear without being overpowering. There is something about the smell of rose that is floral without being too...for want of a better word....girly. It doesn't smell gender neutral to me...it would have to be a VERY secure man who'd be willing to wear it. :P But it is feminine without being prissy.

    Thumbs up. Me like. Me wear, Me maybe buy a big one.

  16. Love it love it love it!!

    As most others on this thread have said, dark, unisex, and salty. I am not into flowery scents these days, I like incense/resins or stuff that smells like food.

    This is in the former category, and the salty note makes me wanna stand up and say "Arrrrrrrrgh" !!!

    Hoist the mainsail me hearties!! Anne Bonny rocks.

  17. waaaaaaah, my package hasn't come yet!! :P

    I placed the order June 11th.

    I got a very nice email from Beth saying it shipped June 23rd. I'm in Japan and

    Global Priority usually only takes a week or maybe two, rarely this long. I know it isn't the fault of anyone at the Lab but I am just venting here. Beth also said she'd reship it at her own expense if I don't get it by the end of July...she really shouldn't have to do that. I am not blaming the Lab folks, this is my first order but they just seem so darn nice but I WANT MY OILS!

    Come on customs people cough 'em up NOOOOOOW!!
