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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Aztra

  1. Thank you MineralGirl! :biggrin: Okay, so that completely went through my head as if you were a superhero. I will give those a shot and see, I don't want anything that will take away from the crystal-y goodness of the R,D,aP but that may be worth looking into.


    I only thought about hair gloss for my Maid of Honor she is a S.O LOVER. Thank you again!

  2. My husband and I are renewing our vows in March, I want to use Roses, Diamonds, and Pearls as my ceremony scent. I am planning on introducing BPAL to my bridesmaids and getting them each a bottle.


    My question is this, are there any GC bath oils that go well with this scent? I was thinking maybe getting them the perfume oil and a bath oil for their gifts, any thoughts or recommendations?


