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Posts posted by sammieclaire

  1. Does anyone plan to run a 12 days of Christmas swap? I'm so excited with the 13 nights of Halloween and I'll definitely need something to cheer myself up around Christmas... And I don't really feel up to running one on my own, so I figured I'd ask.


    Seconding this! I'd LOVE to take part in a 12 Days of Christmas swap. If no one wants to run it solo, I'd be happy to co-organize.


    Also, for anyone who's interested, I'm happy to say that the swap keltiejean and I have been planning (Blind Date With a Book) has been approved and is ready for signups. :)


    Is anyone considering starting a new swap anytime soon? I've really been wanting to participate in one (I haven't since last Halloween!), and I'd definitely be willing to help brainstorm and organize something if someone has a particular idea already in motion!


    On that note--does anyone know if there will be a Switch Witch round for Christmas? I've never participated, and I'm kicking myself for missing the Halloween round!


    I sent out my 13 Nights of Halloween box 3 days ago, and I'm already itching to start another box for someone! I'd love a Chrsitmas Switchwitch/12 Days of Chrsitmas swap to distract me from sneeking into my 13 Nights box early!



    I am so up for either one of those.


    If you'd like to start something together to tide us over until SW/12 Days, I'd be up for co-organizing!

  3. Is anyone considering starting a new swap anytime soon? I've really been wanting to participate in one (I haven't since last Halloween!), and I'd definitely be willing to help brainstorm and organize something if someone has a particular idea already in motion!


    On that note--does anyone know if there will be a Switch Witch round for Christmas? I've never participated, and I'm kicking myself for missing the Halloween round!

  4. This sounds like so much fun!



    I'm 23 (24 in a few short weeks!), single, and until her passing in February, I was a full-time caregiver for my disabled mother. Outside of my faith, my family is the most important thing in the world to me, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for my dad, my sister, and her children.


    I was born in the year of the horse, and my birthday is April 23, making me a Taurus. If it helps any of the Potter-inclined, Pottermore sorted me into Slytherin, but prior to that I had always assumed I was a Ravenclaw. :umm:


    Intellect and studies have always been important to me, but truthfully, English was always my best subject. I'm a writer, having completed one (unpublished) novel so far, with many, many other novels in progress and story ideas floating around my mind. I love to write (and read!) sci-fi, primarily. Maybe it's because I grew up watching Star Trek reruns with my dad, but I've always loved space and the stars and stories of spaceships and alien races. I'm unabashedly nerdy. :D


    Adventure is in my bones, and I live for traveling with my friends. I love to see new places, and prefer not to plan things too much. I'd rather take in all the surprising sights and things you wouldn't normally see if you had boxed yourself in with a schedule. In June, I'll be traveling outside the country for the first time to see London with a friend, and I am ecstatic. The only thing that could make me happier would be a trip to the International Space Station. :lovestruck:


    I often feel like I was born in the wrong time. I get along best with people considerably older than me, I love vintage and bohemian styles, I collect vinyl records, I love writing letters, and I just really love history in general. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being an archaeologist... and a librarian... and an astronaut. I was ambitious. :)


    Miscellaneous little things I like include: rainy weather, tea, comic books, boy bands, board games, sundresses, the color orange, and playing the ukulele (or trying to, anyway).
