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Posts posted by Gardenia

  1. Oh, wow. Gingerbread Poppet 2007 is amazing.


    I opened the imp and smelled freshly baked gingerbread.

    Wet on my skin, gingerbread.

    Dry, gingerbread!


    It isn't as long lasting as I would hope, but oh my, gingerbread all the way the whole time it is on me. Fresh warm wonderful gingerbread. Amazing!

  2. I normally do not order bottles of a floral scent without trying it first. I normally stay away from flowers totally.. they all just turn to baby powder, often sour. Still, there's gardenia in it.. and I was still looking for my gardenia scent, just something that didn't go awful on me.


    Swan maiden is that scent. :D

    It is all gardenia on me, nothing else.. maybe a wisp of sandalwood at times, a small hint of lily.. but mainly, it is gardenia.

    I'm in love. :P

  3. I can't really pull out any of the specific notes from the imp. Actually, it's like walking into a perfume store.. getting that generic perfume smack in the face.

    On my skin it is much better.. musk and sandalwood. Hints of something spicy.

    Ouch, it is dry and it is burning me.

    I had to wash it off, it was burning.. not in a super painful way, but it was itchy and unpleasent. Too bad, it smelled good, but I can't keep it on.

  4. In the imp it reminds me a little of Cairo, dulled down. Nothing really comes forward though.


    Wet on my skin it's a little like lemons, with a herby background. It's light and sweet.


    Aaannnddd.. now it's soap.


    About 15 minutes later it shifts out from the soap stage, and becomes like a light sweet incense, with a hint of lemon in the background. The hint of Cairo reminds in the background as well.

    It floats around between soap and incense for the entire time it is on me.

    It's not really for me.

  5. In the imp, and wet on my skin, I mostly smell flowers - they're not the hot moist flowers I last knew in New Orleans - no, they're dry.. a little bitter (perhaps the herbs). I can pull out the scent of recently moved earth from behind them. There is something sharp to this I can't quite figure out.


    Dry on my skin everything seems to blend nicely. The sharp scent fades, and I'm left with something soft. It is harder to pull out the individual notes. I think the sort of bitter-sweet scent in the very background is the wine.

    This is an awesome scent, and a lovely step away from my usual foody types.

    The only down to it was that it didn't last very long. A couple of hours, maybe.. Not a scent I'd complain about reapplying though.

  6. I got this because I'd heard from several people that it was pretty much a pomegranate single note. Doesn't come off that way at all for me, sadly. In the imp and on my skin, it just smells like various orange cleaners. I do like the smell of orange cleaners for cleaning.. but it isn't really something I want to smell like myself.

  7. Wow. This is delicious. I mainly smell vanilla.. very thick, like frosting. Super rich and buttery frosting. Mmmm.. definietly something like caramel toffees mixed with it. Yeah, it reminds me a lot of butter brickle ice cream.

    I would even say there is a hint of pineapple in there floting in the background... doesn't come forward much, but it's there. Easier to smell when it's in the imp, but it comes forward now and again on my skin too. Don't really get cherry from this, though. (Oh yes, and where is my turkey?!)


    At one point, it becomes sweet carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. That stage lasts about 20 minutes before it goes back to as it was at first. Awesome scent, very well done. This is my new favorite foody scent, I need more. :P

    (It even got a "that one smells good" from my fiance, which is rare. :D Bonus points!)

  8. Dana O'Shee is actually my second favorite scent (second to Eden), but the almond isn't really a stand out note in it on me. It's more of an oatmeal kinda thing. (Delicious, though.)

    Bastet turned to bug spray on me, I didn't even remember there was supose to be almonds in it. :P


    I had been looking at Port-au-Prince, since I do like clove as well. Little worried about the rum in it though, my skin really really likes to play up the rum. (Hellcat was one thing, solid rum, lol.) I think I'll have to give it a go just to see, though.


    I'm looking into the other suggestions now! Thanks everyone. :D

  9. Oh my.. I am so glad the lab threw this imp in with my last order!


    I opened up the imp and smelled patchouli.. there were other things floating around.. is that leather? What else is that..?

    I thought it was such a well done blend, but not something I could see myself wearing. A few nights later I was playing with my imps, and out came Casanova again. Only this time here's the fiance to play with..


    I put some on him before we got into bed. Definietly leather and patchouli. I don't smell anything else in this now. It was a delicious scent on him.


    It has amazing lasting power. Was still strong on him as he went off to school the next morning. Still a wonderful scent, the same as I was smelling as I was drifting off to sleep.

    In fact, his blanket and pillow smell faintly of Casanova now.. :P


    Definietly a keeper, for him. Probably a big bottle, too.

    He asked why don't I just wear it on myself, since I love the scent so much.. he doesn't get it, but that's okay. :D This is almost exactly what I love a man to smell like, the closest thing to my dream man scent out there.

  10. Veil


    In the imp it is green and sharp. Not at all the picture the discription painted for me.


    Wet the scent calms down a little. Now the flowers are really coming out. Strong on the gardenia, and there's the lilac. The sandalwood is very soothing..


    When it is dry, it certianly is a quiet scent. It turns powdery.. it reminds me of scented body powder I use to have. Quiet, hardly there, but every now and then you catch it's scent - it's wonderful.


    Definietly a keeper, and will probably become a big bottle.

  11. Eden


    In the imp I smell a lot of coconut. Coconut and I have a strange relationship, sometimes we love, sometimes we hate. This is love.


    When it's wet on my skin, there is the same coconut smell. Something else is there in the background.. perhaps the fig?


    Dry coconut is still the main thing I'm smelling, but I'm really starting to pick up on the almond scent as well.. There is that hint of sandalwood.. just a small hint, giving it a warm feeling. There isn't really any fig here now.

    It reminds me of a fresh, warm, coconut cookie.


    It's a very delicious scent. :P

  12. I got this imp free with my last order.


    The first time I opened up the imp I was hit hard with pepper and ginger. Strong enough to cause me to gag.

    I went back to it a week later, opened it.. and smelled neither of those things. The imp might as well have been filled with strong tea, as that was the only scent coming through.


    Wet it was the same, as if I'd spilled tea on myself.

    It dried down to the same tea scent, but with a touch of honey and milk. Mostly still the tea scent. I loved it. It was very relaxing and nice smelling.


    I didn't think I'd like this one at all, it's one I would never have thought to order on my own. I'm glad I got to try it, it's become one of my favorites.

  13. When I first smelled it from the imp, I couldn't really pick out anything. It was floral, but it was a really CLEAN floral. When I use to work for Yankee Candle, we divided our scents into different catagories - food, floral, and fresh. Even though there's a lot of flower scents here, I feel it would belong in that fresh catagory.


    That stayed pretty true when it dried on my skin. The jasmine and rose really came forward, but there was still just this clean scent there. Like fresh air.

    OH, it reminds me.. we have lilac bushes at home. You can smell the lilacs from across the yard on a day with a breeze. It's like that. These two flowers being carried on a very crisp light wind. Very elegant and nice.


    Sadly, after about an hour or two, it became nasty dry roses. Really very much like an old lady sort of smell. I don't think roses and I get along very well..

  14. This smelled like bubble gum with a small hint of red wine for a very long time. Over the last three hours, the bubble gum smell was being replaced by sweet incense. That wore off into a sort of generic "walked into an incense store" smell.


    I like it, though. Especially in its middle stages of "sweet incense".

    Nice enough to use the imp up, but I don't think I'd be getting anymore.

  15. When I opened up the imp the first thing I thought of was peaches. A few more sniffs and I relised it wasn't peaches, but more like that canned fruit peaches/pears mix.. in really sweet syrup.


    I put some on, and it was like putting on that syrup. Really sweet, fruity, and nice.


    It's dried.. there's something floral there now. I assume it's the plumeria.. Yeah, that's what it smells like - like the plumeria lotion from bath and body. I can still smell the fruit, too. It's a very nice mix. I'm not getting any of the champagne, though.


    I really like this one.

  16. In the imp this was so sweet and delicious smelling. Buttercream, and lots of it.


    On me, I was suprised at the change. Rum rum, and more rum. A little bit of honey mead, and some other notes blending in way in the background. Definietly spicy rum. Calms down after about 10 minutes, still that rum smell though.


    It's a good thing I like rum. :P

  17. In the imp this smelled wonderfully. A freshly opened pomegranate, rich, juicy. Big, fresh velvet roses. The pomegranate and the rose are sitting nicely side by side, neither trying to out do the other. There's a wonderful balance going on here.


    While it's wet it smells pretty much the same as in the imp. Lighter, but nice.


    When it dried, something bad happened though. The pomegranate was all gone. The roses dry up and become powdery. In fact, it reminds me of body powder that is scented like roses, exactly the same. Not horrible.. but not as nice as when it was wet.


    I'll give it another try later in the month. If it doesn't work out then, I think it'll be heading out. A lovely scent, but it just doesn't work on my skin. :P

  18. I really miss working at a YC, the discount was awesome. :P

    All I could ever smell out of the midsummer night was the patchouli, though. Loving this thread because that's my dad's favorite scent and I was looking into a few imps to get him.


    My all time favorite YC scent is autumn wreath. Dunno if that's a scent I could really wear though..
