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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by stellans

  1. so true! RT @Venneh There is no ill in life that cannot be cured by holding a two week old puppy in your arms.

  2. Thanks for becoming a member of Coffee Party USA! | Coffee Party: http://t.co/JSv6SYo via @AddThis

  3. Support The Fifth Sacred Thing: add a #PicBadge to your image - http://picbadges.com/1947423

  4. Congress considering Internet Blacklist Bill. Email your reps to ask them to vote no. More here: http://t.co/LUcrLkI via @demandprogress

  5. I just got a $5 credit for instant movies and TV shows @amazonvideo. Click http://amzn.to/oXQePf to get yours. #get5

  6. Universal Orlando Surprises Harry Potter Fans | The Mary Sue: http://www.themarysue.com/universal-orlando-harry-potter-surprise/

  7. YES! RT @brubaker: I must be in the minority on this,but I'm always disappointed when I click a link for an interview and find it's a video.

  8. I've realized that spending so much time on social media cut into other fun stuff, so I'm putting Twitter on hiatus for a while. Bye, y'all.

  9. ! RT WHEN YOU SHOOT ONE MARINE, YOU SHOOT AT ALL OF US. OORAH. Do It Peacefully #OccupyWeStandInSolidarity #occupyoakland #occupywallstreet

  10. So cool: Ed Asner retweeted Beth!

  11. what's up with BPAL.org???

  12. This is so cute (& funny)! David Beckham Goes Undercover via the Ellen Show- YouTube - http://t.co/3tC4xXj

  13. I nominate Bernie Sanders in the #POLITICOprimary because he speaks for the real America. http://t.co/2S0TL14 #POLITICOprimary

  14. In the early 1980s, I kept stats for my son's Little League team, and it was so much easier once I got an Apple IIc. #thankyoustevejobs

  15. What. A. Douche: Eric Cantor explains why its ok for Congress members to support TeaParty but not #occupywallstreet http://t.co/7ZtqpU6

  16. Love this so much: Robin Hoods Take Back Chicago http://t.co/kUQXCmE via @NBLcampaign #occupywallstreet

  17. Once again (5th time), the Charter DVR box stopped recording my MSNBC night shows (Rachel, Ed, Lawrence). So, is it tinfoil hat time yet?

  18. Yesterday (Saturday, 10/29),Occupy Jackson TN was small, but enthusiastic! #occupy #occupyeverywhere #occupywallstreet #occupyjackson


    #BPAL, #bpaloftheday Batty - lovely, lovely, lovely scent!

  20. RT Via @ggreenwald: "The UC-Davis Chancellor responsible for the pepper-spraying of her students, Linda Katehi, (cont) http://t.co/4KxujlV

  21. LOL! RT @wickedgoddess Passed a bumper sticker that said, "Learn to drive people." It reminded me of the importance of punctuation.

  22. Stop marketers from being able to call your cellphone! http://t.co/AqtEFV3 @CREDOMobile #p2


    #KissMyTARDIS! I want Doctor Who The Complete Series on DVD @The_MarySue! http://t.co/HQhsYf9


  24. Telling you Happy Holidays will not make the baby Jesus cry, OK? Get over yourself AND your religion already!
