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Posts posted by Judyku

  1. Like a lot of folk, it depends on the scent. Voodoo Lily can be quite strong on me, so I use the little imp wand to swipe it across both wrists, once between the ladies, and one on my bottom! If it's a lighter scent, such as Pink Snowballs, which I loooooovvvvveeeee on warm summer nights, I go nuts. Behind my ears, wrists, inner elbows, behind my knee, on my foot and back of my neck.

  2. I don't have a very good 'sniff palette' so a lot of times, I can't name the ingredients, yet Florance on the wand jumped out at me and screamed juniper! My nose wrinkled while my taste sat on the fence. It was a very clean smell in the bottle, which doesn't often invite me to try it, however I did try it and I'm so happy I even made my cat have a sniff of it on my wrist LOL


    It's extremely subtle on me, as the juniper all but disappeared within a few seconds and the aroma went away. I thought my skin had inhaled it and then this sort of warmth began to arise. Like I said, I'm hopeless at placing smells, so this is so hard because I truly want to share with you how utterly gorgeous this is.


    The warmth immediately took my imagination straight to Florance, where visualised my friend and I walking along a river, the sun setting the sky ablaze with shades of orange, yellow, and red. The smell began to decrease in power and it stopped right before it complete went away. Left behind was this tiny hint of what I can only describe as a red berry wine that had been warmed by the early evening sun.


    Needless to say that Florence is a keeper for me and my next order will include a bottle. Damn, but I adore this :joy:


    Huggsies and kissies, Jude :wub2:

  3. This was a freebie and as I always try the freebies first, I eagerly dove into it.


    It smelled quite in the bottle, like a mix between red wine and an earthy scent which reminded me of leaves in spring. You know that aroma you get early on a morning and leaves, and flowers are still dewy from soft spring mist. That fragrance is one of my favourites :)


    I applied it and in less than a minute, it turned into something that made me recoil. That wonderful, green leafy fragrance turned into a smell that reminded me of those same leaves becoming foisty, and rotting, like the smell you get from damp wood in a forest. I'm truly sad that didn't suit my skin :(


    After a few moments went by, it began to get this weird scent that was chemical. I couldn't place what sort of chemical, but it rapidly increased in strength and I had to wash it off.


    Meh. You win some and you lose some.


    Happy sniffing!


    Much love and many hugs, Jude :wub2:

  4. I've tried this a few times and I always get different responses from different people. For the sake of this review, I'll go by my personal thoughts, then share some of the reactions I've had.


    Whip starts off on me smelling like a Victoria sponge cake. If you're not sure what that means, it's basically cream and strawberry jam, with the vanilla, flower and eggs etc etc. It changed within a few moments to something deeper, more tobacco, more cocoa. Ten minutes later, it changed again, and it became much more tobacco and very smoky, which I like as it makes me think of one of those jazz clubs hidden down a side street in a seedy part of town.


    I wear it when no-one else is around and I have Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, or Bessie Smith play low in the background. Since I rarely get a moment alone these days, I keep Whip for my own personal pleasure, and it gives me inspiration for when I'm writing.


    My mother says "It stinks!" on me while my cousin's spouse says "I want to eat you!" My grandfather says I "Remind him of his time as a miner." while my aunt says "Jude, I effing love that perfume!"


    With such a variety of responses, how could I not love it?!
